/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Thorsten Zachmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KPrDocument.h" #include "KPrView.h" #include "KPrCanvas.h" #include "KPrPage.h" #include "KPrObject.h" #include "KPrLineObject.h" #include "KPrRectObject.h" #include "KPrEllipseObject.h" #include "KPrAutoformObject.h" #include "KPrTextObject.h" #include "KPrTextDocument.h" #include "KPrPixmapObject.h" #include "KPrPieObject.h" #include "KPrPartObject.h" #include "KPrGroupObject.h" #include "KPrCommand.h" #include "insertpagedia.h" #include "KPrFreehandObject.h" #include "KPrPolylineObject.h" #include "KPrBezierCurveObject.h" #include "KPrPolygonObject.h" #include "KPrClosedLineObject.h" #include "KPrSVGPathParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KPrDocumentIface.h" #include #include #include #include #include "KPrVariableCollection.h" #include "KPrBackground.h" #include "KPrNoteBar.h" #include "KPrBgSpellCheck.h" #include #include #include "KoApplication.h" #include #include #include "KPrLoadingInfo.h" using namespace std; static const int CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION = 2; // Make sure an appropriate DTD is available in www/koffice/DTD if changing this value static const char * CURRENT_DTD_VERSION = "1.2"; KPrChild::KPrChild( KPrDocument *_kpr, KoDocument* _doc, const TQRect& _rect ) : KoDocumentChild( _kpr, _doc, _rect ) { m_parent = _kpr; } KPrChild::KPrChild( KPrDocument *_kpr ) : KoDocumentChild( _kpr ) { m_parent = _kpr; } KPrChild::~KPrChild() { } KoDocument *KPrChild::hitTest( const TQPoint &, const TQWMatrix & ) { // hitTest functionality is disabled because kpresenter handles activation // of embedded parts by itself. See KPrPartObject::activate(). return 0; } KPrDocument::KPrDocument( TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject* tqparent, const char* name, bool singleViewMode ) : KoDocument( parentWidget,widgetName, tqparent, name, singleViewMode ), _gradientCollection(), m_customListTest( 0L ), m_childCountBeforeInsert( 0 ) { setInstance( KPrFactory::global() ); setTemplateType( "kpresenter_template" ); //Necessary to define page where we load object otherwise copy-duplicate page doesn't work. m_pageWhereLoadObject=0L; m_loadingInfo=0L; m_tabStop = MM_TO_POINT( 15.0 ); m_styleColl=new KoStyleCollection(); m_insertFilePage = 0; m_picturePath= KGlobalSettings::documentPath(); m_globalLanguage = KGlobal::locale()->language(); m_bGlobalHyphenation = false; _duplicatePage=false; KoParagStyle* m_standardStyle = new KoParagStyle( "Standard" ); m_styleColl->addStyle( m_standardStyle ); KConfig *config = KPrFactory::global()->config(); config->setGroup("Document defaults" ); TQString defaultFontname=config->readEntry("DefaultFont"); if ( !defaultFontname.isEmpty() ) m_defaultFont.fromString( defaultFontname ); // If not found, we automatically fallback to the application font (the one from KControl's font module) // Try to force a scalable font. m_defaultFont.setStyleStrategy( TQFont::ForceOutline ); //kdDebug(33001) << "Default font: requested family: " << m_defaultFont.family() << endl; //kdDebug(33001) << "Default font: real family: " << TQFontInfo(m_defaultFont).family() << endl; int ptSize = m_defaultFont.pointSize(); if ( ptSize == -1 ) // specified with a pixel size ? ptSize = TQFontInfo(m_defaultFont).pointSize(); //kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::KPrDocument[2] ptSize=" << ptSize << endl; // Ok, this is KPresenter. A default font of 10 makes no sense. Let's go for 20. ptSize = TQMAX( 20, ptSize ); m_standardStyle->format().setFont( m_defaultFont ); /// KPresenter isn't color-scheme aware, it defaults to black on white. m_standardStyle->format().setColor( TQt::black ); if( config->hasGroup("Interface") ) { config->setGroup( "Interface" ); m_globalLanguage=config->readEntry("language", KGlobal::locale()->language()); m_bGlobalHyphenation=config->readBoolEntry("hyphenation", false); } m_standardStyle->format().setLanguage( m_globalLanguage); m_zoomHandler = new KoTextZoomHandler; m_varFormatCollection = new KoVariableFormatCollection; m_varColl = new KPrVariableCollection( new KoVariableSettings(), m_varFormatCollection ); m_bgSpellCheck = new KPrBgSpellCheck(this); dcop = 0; m_initialActivePage=0; m_bShowStatusBar = true; m_autoFormat = new KoAutoFormat(this,m_varColl,m_varFormatCollection); _clean = true; _spInfiniteLoop = false; _spShowEndOfPresentationSlide = true; _spManualSwitch = true; _showPresentationDuration = false; tmpSoundFileList = TQPtrList(); _xRnd = 20; _yRnd = 20; _txtBackCol = lightGray; _otxtBackCol = lightGray; m_bShowRuler=true; m_bAllowAutoFormat = true; m_bViewFormattingChars = false; m_bShowGuideLines = true; m_bShowGrid = true; m_bSnapToGrid = true; m_cursorInProtectectedArea=true; usedSoundFile = TQStringList(); haveNotOwnDiskSoundFile = TQStringList(); m_zoomHandler->setZoomAndResolution( 100, KoGlobal::dpiX(), KoGlobal::dpiY() ); newZoomAndResolution(false,false); // _pageLayout.format = PG_SCREEN; // _pageLayout.orientation = PG_PORTRAIT; // _pageLayout.width = PG_SCREEN_WIDTH; // _pageLayout.height = PG_SCREEN_HEIGHT; // _pageLayout.left = 0; // _pageLayout.right = 0; // _pageLayout.top = 0; // _pageLayout.bottom = 0; // _pageLayout.ptWidth = cMM_TO_POINT( PG_SCREEN_WIDTH ); // _pageLayout.ptHeight = cMM_TO_POINT( PG_SCREEN_HEIGHT ); // _pageLayout.ptLeft = 0; // _pageLayout.ptRight = 0; // _pageLayout.ptTop = 0; // _pageLayout.ptBottom = 0; m_indent = MM_TO_POINT( 10.0 ); m_gridX = MM_TO_POINT( 5.0 ); m_gridY = MM_TO_POINT( 5.0 ); oldGridX = m_gridX; oldGridY = m_gridY; m_masterPage=new KPrPage(this); KPrPage *newpage = new KPrPage( this, m_masterPage ); m_pageList.insert( 0,newpage); m_bInsertDirectCursor = false; objStartY = 0; _presPen = TQPen( red, 3, SolidLine ); ignoreSticky = TRUE; m_gridColor=TQt::black; _header = new KPrTextObject( this ); _header->setDrawEditRect( false ); _header->setDrawEmpty( false ); _footer = new KPrTextObject( this ); _footer->setDrawEditRect( false ); _footer->setDrawEmpty( false ); saveOnlyPage = -1; m_maxRecentFiles = 10; connect( TQApplication::tqclipboard(), TQT_SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( clipboardDataChanged() ) ); m_commandHistory = new KoCommandHistory( actionCollection(), true ) ; initConfig(); connect( m_commandHistory, TQT_SIGNAL( documentRestored() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDocumentRestored() ) ); connect( m_commandHistory, TQT_SIGNAL( commandExecuted() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotCommandExecuted() ) ); dcopObject(); } void KPrDocument::refreshMenuCustomVariable() { emit sig_refreshMenuCustomVariable(); } void KPrDocument::slotDocumentRestored() { setModified( false ); } void KPrDocument::slotCommandExecuted() { setModified( true ); } void KPrDocument::saveConfig() { if ( !isReadWrite()) return; KConfigGroup group( KoGlobal::kofficeConfig(), "Spelling" ); group.writeEntry( "PersonalDict", m_spellCheckPersonalDict ); if ( !isEmbedded() ) { KConfig *config = KPrFactory::global()->config(); config->setGroup( "Interface" ); config->writeEntry( "Zoom", m_zoomHandler->zoom() ); config->writeEntry( "AllowAutoFormat" , m_bAllowAutoFormat ); config->writeEntry( "ViewFormattingChars", m_bViewFormattingChars ); config->writeEntry( "ShowGrid" , m_bShowGrid ); config->writeEntry( "SnapToGrid" , m_bSnapToGrid ); config->writeEntry( "ResolutionX", m_gridX ); config->writeEntry( "ResolutionY", m_gridY ); } } void KPrDocument::initConfig() { int zoom; KConfig* config = KPrFactory::global()->config(); if( config->hasGroup("Interface") ) { config->setGroup( "Interface" ); setAutoSave( config->readNumEntry( "AutoSave", defaultAutoSave()/60 ) * 60 ); setBackupFile( config->readBoolEntry("BackupFile", true)); setCursorInProtectedArea( config->readBoolEntry( "cursorInProtectArea", true )); // Config-file value in mm, default 10 pt double indent = config->readDoubleNumEntry("Indent", MM_TO_POINT(10.0) ) ; setIndentValue(indent); m_maxRecentFiles = config->readNumEntry( "NbRecentFile", 10 ); setShowRuler(config->readBoolEntry("Rulers",true)); zoom = config->readNumEntry( "Zoom", 100 ); setShowStatusBar( config->readBoolEntry( "ShowStatusBar" , true )); setAllowAutoFormat( config->readBoolEntry( "AllowAutoFormat" , true )); setViewFormattingChars( config->readBoolEntry( "ViewFormattingChars", false ) ); setShowGrid( config->readBoolEntry( "ShowGrid" , true )); setSnapToGrid( config->readBoolEntry( "SnapToGrid", true )); setGridX( config->readDoubleNumEntry( "ResolutionX", MM_TO_POINT( 5.0 ) )); setGridY( config->readDoubleNumEntry( "ResolutionY", MM_TO_POINT( 5.0 ) )); m_bInsertDirectCursor= config->readBoolEntry( "InsertDirectCursor", false ); m_globalLanguage=config->readEntry("language", KGlobal::locale()->language()); } else zoom=100; TQColor oldBgColor = TQt::white; TQColor oldGridColor = TQt::black; if ( config->hasGroup( "KPresenter Color" ) ) { config->setGroup( "KPresenter Color" ); setTxtBackCol(config->readColorEntry( "BackgroundColor", &oldBgColor )); setGridColor(config->readColorEntry( "GridColor", &oldGridColor )); } if( config->hasGroup("KSpell kpresenter" ) ) { config->setGroup( "KSpell kpresenter" ); // Default is false for spellcheck, but the spell-check config dialog // should write out "true" when the user configures spell checking. if ( isReadWrite() ) m_bgSpellCheck->setEnabled(config->readBoolEntry( "SpellCheck", false )); else m_bgSpellCheck->setEnabled( false ); } int undo=30; if(config->hasGroup("Misc" ) ) { config->setGroup( "Misc" ); undo=config->readNumEntry("UndoRedo",-1); } if(undo!=-1) setUndoRedoLimit(undo); if(config->hasGroup("Kpresenter Path" ) ) { config->setGroup( "Kpresenter Path" ); m_picturePath=config->readPathEntry( "picture path",KGlobalSettings::documentPath()); setBackupPath(config->readPathEntry( "backup path" )); } // Load personal dict KConfigGroup group( KoGlobal::kofficeConfig(), "Spelling" ); m_spellCheckPersonalDict = group.readListEntry( "PersonalDict" ); // Apply configuration, without creating an undo/redo command replaceObjs( false ); zoomHandler()->setZoom( zoom ); newZoomAndResolution(false,false); } DCOPObject* KPrDocument::dcopObject() { if ( !dcop ) dcop = new KPrDocumentIface( this ); return dcop; } KPrDocument::~KPrDocument() { if(isReadWrite()) saveConfig(); clearTestCustomSlideShow(); //Be carefull !!!!!! don't delete this pointer delete in stickypage #if 0 delete _header; delete _footer; #endif delete m_commandHistory; delete m_zoomHandler; delete m_autoFormat; delete m_varColl; delete m_varFormatCollection; delete dcop; delete m_masterPage; delete m_bgSpellCheck; delete m_styleColl; m_pageList.setAutoDelete( true ); m_pageList.clear(); m_deletedPageList.setAutoDelete( true ); m_deletedPageList.clear(); tmpSoundFileList.setAutoDelete( true ); tmpSoundFileList.clear(); } void KPrDocument::addCommand( KCommand * cmd ) { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::addCommand " << cmd->name() << endl; m_commandHistory->addCommand( cmd, false ); setModified( true ); } bool KPrDocument::saveChildren( KoStore* _store ) { int i = 0; TQPtrListIterator it( tqchildren() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { // Don't save tqchildren that are only in the undo/redo history // but not anymore in the presentation TQPtrListIterator pageIt( m_pageList ); for ( int pagePos = 0; pageIt.current(); ++pageIt, ++pagePos ) { if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 || pagePos == saveOnlyPage ) { TQPtrListIterator oIt(pageIt.current()->objectList()); for (; oIt.current(); ++oIt ) { if ( oIt.current()->getType() == OT_PART && dynamic_cast( oIt.current() )->getChild() == it.current() ) { if (((KoDocumentChild*)(it.current()))->document()!=0) if ( !((KoDocumentChild*)(it.current()))->document()->saveToStore( _store, TQString::number( i++ ) ) ) return false; } } } } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { TQPtrListIterator oIt(m_masterPage->objectList()); for (; oIt.current(); ++oIt ) { if ( oIt.current()->getType() == OT_PART && dynamic_cast( oIt.current() )->getChild() == it.current() ) { if (((KoDocumentChild*)(it.current()))->document()!=0) if ( !((KoDocumentChild*)(it.current()))->document()->saveToStore( _store, TQString::number( i++ ) ) ) return false; } } } } return true; } TQDomDocument KPrDocument::saveXML() { if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { emit sigProgress( 0 ); } m_varColl->variableSetting()->setModificationDate(TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime()); recalcVariables( VT_DATE ); recalcVariables( VT_TIME ); recalcVariables( VT_STATISTIC ); TQDomDocument doc = createDomDocument( "DOC", CURRENT_DTD_VERSION ); TQDomElement presenter=doc.documentElement(); presenter.setAttribute("editor", "KPresenter"); presenter.setAttribute("mime", "application/x-kpresenter"); presenter.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION); TQDomElement paper=doc.createElement("PAPER"); paper.setAttribute("format", static_cast( m_pageLayout.format )); paper.setAttribute("ptWidth", TQString::number( m_pageLayout.ptWidth, 'g', 10 )); paper.setAttribute("ptHeight", TQString::number( m_pageLayout.ptHeight, 'g', 10 )); paper.setAttribute("orientation", static_cast( m_pageLayout.orientation )); paper.setAttribute("unit", unit() ); paper.setAttribute("tabStopValue", m_tabStop ); TQDomElement paperBorders=doc.createElement("PAPERBORDERS"); paperBorders.setAttribute("ptLeft", m_pageLayout.ptLeft); paperBorders.setAttribute("ptTop", m_pageLayout.ptTop); paperBorders.setAttribute("ptRight", m_pageLayout.ptRight); paperBorders.setAttribute("ptBottom", m_pageLayout.ptBottom); paper.appendChild(paperBorders); presenter.appendChild(paper); m_varColl->variableSetting()->save(presenter ); presenter.appendChild(saveAttribute( doc )); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 5 ); TQDomElement element=doc.createElement("BACKGROUND"); element.appendChild(saveBackground( doc )); presenter.appendChild(element); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 10 ); //TODO save correct page info for header/footer element=doc.createElement("HEADER"); element.setAttribute("show", static_cast( m_pageList.at(0)->hasHeader() )); element.appendChild(_header->save( doc,0 )); presenter.appendChild(element); element=doc.createElement("FOOTER"); element.setAttribute("show", static_cast( m_pageList.at(0)->hasFooter() )); element.appendChild(_footer->save( doc,0 )); presenter.appendChild(element); element = doc.createElement( "HEADERFOOTERBYPAGE" ); element.setAttribute( "value", "true" ); presenter.appendChild( element ); element=doc.createElement("HELPLINES"); element.setAttribute("show", static_cast( showGuideLines() )); saveGuideLines( doc, element ); presenter.appendChild(element); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { if( !m_spellCheckIgnoreList.isEmpty() ) { TQDomElement spellCheckIgnore = doc.createElement( "SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST" ); presenter.appendChild( spellCheckIgnore ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = m_spellCheckIgnoreList.begin(); it != m_spellCheckIgnoreList.end(); ++it ) { TQDomElement spellElem = doc.createElement( "SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD" ); spellCheckIgnore.appendChild( spellElem ); spellElem.setAttribute( "word", *it ); } } } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 20 ); presenter.appendChild(saveTitle( doc )); presenter.appendChild(saveNote( doc )); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 30 ); presenter.appendChild(saveObjects(doc)); // ### If we will create a new version of the file format, fix that spelling error element=doc.createElement("INFINITLOOP"); element.setAttribute("value", _spInfiniteLoop); element=doc.createElement("SHOWENDOFPRESENTATIONSLIDE"); element.setAttribute("value", _spShowEndOfPresentationSlide); presenter.appendChild(element); element=doc.createElement("MANUALSWITCH"); element.setAttribute("value", _spManualSwitch); presenter.appendChild(element); element=doc.createElement("PRESSPEED"); //TODO FIXME !!!!!!!!!! //element.setAttribute("value", static_cast( presSpeed )); presenter.appendChild(element); element=doc.createElement("SHOWPRESENTATIONDURATION"); element.setAttribute("value", _showPresentationDuration); presenter.appendChild(element); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { if ( !m_customListSlideShow.isEmpty() ) { TQMap page2name; int pos = 1; for ( TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); it.current(); ++it ) { page2name.insert( it.current(), "page" + TQString::number( pos++ ) ) ; } element = doc.createElement( "CUSTOMSLIDESHOWCONFIG" ); CustomSlideShowMap::Iterator it; for ( it = m_customListSlideShow.begin(); it != m_customListSlideShow.end(); ++it ) { TQDomElement slide=doc.createElement("CUSTOMSLIDESHOW"); slide.setAttribute("name", it.key() ); TQString tmp; TQValueListIterator itPage ; for( itPage = ( *it ).begin(); itPage != ( *it ).end(); ++itPage ) { int posPage = m_pageList.tqfind( *itPage ); if ( posPage != -1 ) { if ( itPage != ( *it ).begin() ) tmp += ","; tmp += page2name[*itPage]; } } slide.setAttribute( "pages", tmp ); element.appendChild(slide); } presenter.appendChild(element); } if ( !m_presentationName.isEmpty() ) { element = doc.createElement( "DEFAULTCUSTOMSLIDESHOWNAME" ); element.setAttribute( "name", m_presentationName ); presenter.appendChild(element); } } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 40 ); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { element=doc.createElement("SELSLIDES"); for ( uint i = 0; i < m_pageList.count(); i++ ) { TQDomElement slide=doc.createElement("SLIDE"); slide.setAttribute("nr", i); slide.setAttribute("show", m_pageList.at(i)->isSlideSelected()); element.appendChild(slide); } presenter.appendChild(element); emit sigProgress( 50 ); } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { TQDomElement styles = doc.createElement( "STYLES" ); presenter.appendChild( styles ); TQValueList styleList(m_styleColl->styleList()); for ( TQValueList::const_iterator it = styleList.begin(), end = styleList.end(); it != end ; ++it ) saveStyle( static_cast( *it ), styles ); emit sigProgress( 60 ); } // Write "OBJECT" tag for every child TQPtrListIterator chl( tqchildren() ); for( ; chl.current(); ++chl ) { // Don't save tqchildren that are only in the undo/redo history // but not anymore in the presentation for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 && i != saveOnlyPage ) continue; double offset=0; if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { offset = i * m_pageList.at(i)->getPageRect().height(); } saveEmbeddedObject(m_pageList.at(i), chl.current(),doc,presenter,offset ); } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { saveEmbeddedObject(m_masterPage, chl.current(),doc,presenter,0.0 ); } } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 70 ); makeUsedPixmapList(); TQDomElement pictures = m_pictureCollection.saveXML( KoPictureCollection::CollectionPicture, doc, usedPictures ); presenter.appendChild( pictures ); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 90 ); // Save sound file list. makeUsedSoundFileList(); TQDomElement soundFiles = saveUsedSoundFileToXML( doc, usedSoundFile ); presenter.appendChild( soundFiles ); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) setModified( false ); return doc; } void KPrDocument::saveEmbeddedObject(KPrPage *page, const TQPtrList& childList, TQDomDocument &doc,TQDomElement &presenter ) { TQPtrListIterator chl( childList ); double offset = 0.0; // we need no offset for objects on the master page and when we copy a page if ( m_pageList.tqfindRef( page ) ) { offset=m_pageList.tqfindRef(page)*page->getPageRect().height(); } for( ; chl.current(); ++chl ) saveEmbeddedObject(page, chl.current(),doc,presenter, offset ); } void KPrDocument::saveEmbeddedObject(KPrPage *page, KoDocumentChild *chl, TQDomDocument &doc, TQDomElement &presenter, double offset ) { TQPtrListIterator oIt(page->objectList()); for ( int pos = 0; oIt.current(); ++oIt, ++pos ) { if ( oIt.current()->getType() == OT_PART && static_cast( oIt.current() )->getChild() == chl ) { TQDomElement embedded=doc.createElement("EMBEDDED"); KPrChild* curr = (KPrChild*)chl; // tqgeometry is no zoom value ! TQRect _rect = curr->tqgeometry(); int tmpX = (int)zoomHandler()->unzoomItX( _rect.x() ); int tmpY = (int)zoomHandler()->unzoomItY( _rect.y() ); int tmpWidth = (int)zoomHandler()->unzoomItX( _rect.width() ); int tmpHeight = (int)zoomHandler()->unzoomItY( _rect.height() ); curr->setGeometry( TQRect( tmpX, tmpY, tmpWidth, tmpHeight ) ); embedded.appendChild(curr->save(doc, true)); curr->setGeometry( _rect ); // replace zoom value TQDomElement settings=doc.createElement("SETTINGS"); settings.setAttribute( "z-index", pos ); if ( page == m_masterPage ) settings.setAttribute("sticky", 1 ); TQPtrListIterator setOIt(page->objectList()); for (; setOIt.current(); ++setOIt ) { if ( setOIt.current()->getType() == OT_PART && dynamic_cast( setOIt.current() )->getChild() == curr ) settings.appendChild(setOIt.current()->save( doc,offset )); } embedded.appendChild(settings); presenter.appendChild(embedded); } } } //TODO with changes with new file format header/footer can't be change void KPrDocument::compatibilityFromOldFileFormat() { //function to keep compatibility with old file format //for example for presSpeed if ( m_loadingInfo && m_loadingInfo->oldFormat() ) { EffectSpeed newValue = ES_MEDIUM; bool presSpeedChanged = ( m_loadingInfo->presSpeed != -1 ); if ( presSpeedChanged ) { if ( m_loadingInfo->presSpeed < 3 ) newValue = ES_SLOW; else if ( m_loadingInfo->presSpeed > 7 ) newValue = ES_FAST; } if ( !m_loadingInfo->m_headerFooterByPage ) { for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { if ( presSpeedChanged ) m_pageList.at(i)->setPageEffectSpeed( newValue ); m_pageList.at( i )->setHeader( m_loadingInfo->m_header ); m_pageList.at( i )->setFooter( m_loadingInfo->m_footer ); } } } delete m_loadingInfo; m_loadingInfo = 0L; } void KPrDocument::enableEmbeddedParts( bool f ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->enableEmbeddedParts(f); } TQDomDocumentFragment KPrDocument::saveBackground( TQDomDocument &doc ) { TQDomDocumentFragment fragment=doc.createDocumentFragment(); for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 && i != saveOnlyPage ) continue; fragment.appendChild( m_pageList.at(i)->save( doc ) ); } // save backgound of masterpage only when the complete doc is saved if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { fragment.appendChild( m_masterPage->save( doc ) ); } return fragment; } TQDomElement KPrDocument::saveObjects( TQDomDocument &doc ) { TQDomElement objects=doc.createElement("OBJECTS"); double yoffset=0.0; for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 && saveOnlyPage!=i) continue; yoffset=i*m_pageList.at(i)->getPageRect().height(); // yoffset is not zoom value !! objects=m_pageList.at(i)->saveObjects( doc, objects, yoffset, saveOnlyPage ); } if ( !_duplicatePage ) //don't copy objects on master slide when we duplicate page { objects = m_masterPage->saveObjects( doc, objects, 0.0, saveOnlyPage ); } return objects; } TQDomElement KPrDocument::saveTitle( TQDomDocument &doc ) { TQDomElement titles=doc.createElement("PAGETITLES"); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { // All page titles. for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { TQDomElement title=doc.createElement("Title"); title.setAttribute("title", m_pageList.at(i)->manualTitle()); titles.appendChild(title); } } else { // Only current page title. TQDomElement title=doc.createElement("Title"); title.setAttribute("title", m_pageList.at(saveOnlyPage)->manualTitle()); titles.appendChild(title); } return titles; } TQDomElement KPrDocument::saveNote( TQDomDocument &doc ) { TQDomElement notes=doc.createElement("PAGENOTES"); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { // All page notes. for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { TQDomElement note=doc.createElement("Note"); note.setAttribute("note", m_pageList.at(i)->noteText( )); notes.appendChild(note); } } else { // Only current page note. TQDomElement note=doc.createElement("Note"); note.setAttribute("note", m_pageList.at(saveOnlyPage)->noteText( )); notes.appendChild(note); } return notes; } TQDomElement KPrDocument::saveAttribute( TQDomDocument &doc ) { TQDomElement attributes=doc.createElement("ATTRIBUTES"); //store first view parameter. int activePage=0; if ( m_initialActivePage ) activePage=m_pageList.tqfindRef(m_initialActivePage); activePage = TQMAX( activePage, 0); attributes.setAttribute("activePage",activePage ); attributes.setAttribute("gridx", m_gridX ); attributes.setAttribute("gridy", m_gridY ); attributes.setAttribute("snaptogrid", (int)m_bSnapToGrid ); return attributes; } TQDomElement KPrDocument::saveUsedSoundFileToXML( TQDomDocument &_doc, TQStringList _list ) { TQDomElement soundFiles = _doc.createElement( "SOUNDS" ); unsigned int i = 0; TQStringList::Iterator it = _list.begin(); for ( ; it != _list.end(); ++it ) { TQString soundFileName = *it; int position = soundFileName.tqfindRev( '.' ); TQString format = soundFileName.right( soundFileName.length() - position - 1 ); TQString _name = TQString( "sounds/sound%1.%2" ).tqarg( ++i ).tqarg( format.lower() ); TQDomElement fileElem = _doc.createElement( "FILE" ); soundFiles.appendChild( fileElem ); fileElem.setAttribute( "filename", soundFileName ); fileElem.setAttribute( "name", _name ); } return soundFiles; } bool KPrDocument::completeSaving( KoStore* _store ) { if ( !_store ) { if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { emit sigProgress( 100 ); emit sigProgress( -1 ); } return true; } m_pictureCollection.saveToStore( KoPictureCollection::CollectionPicture, _store, usedPictures ); saveUsedSoundFileToStore( _store, usedSoundFile ); if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { emit sigProgress( 100 ); emit sigProgress( -1 ); } return true; } int KPrDocument::supportedSpecialFormats() const { return KoDocument::supportedSpecialFormats(); } void KPrDocument::saveUsedSoundFileToStore( KoStore *_store, TQStringList _list ) { unsigned int i = 0; TQStringList::Iterator it = _list.begin(); for ( ; it != _list.end(); ++it ) { TQString soundFileName = *it; int position = soundFileName.tqfindRev( '.' ); TQString format = soundFileName.right( soundFileName.length() - position - 1 ); TQString _storeURL = TQString( "sounds/sound%1.%2" ).tqarg( ++i ).tqarg( format.lower() ); if ( _store->open( _storeURL ) ) { KoStoreDevice dev( _store ); TQFile _file( soundFileName ); if ( _file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { dev.writeBlock( ( _file.readAll() ).data(), _file.size() ); _file.close(); } _store->close(); } } } bool KPrDocument::loadChildren( KoStore* _store ) { if ( objStartY == 0 && _clean) // Don't do this when inserting a template or a page... { TQPtrListIterator it( tqchildren() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( !((KoDocumentChild*)it.current())->loadDocument( _store ) ) return false; } } else // instead load form the correct child on, m_childCountBeforeInsert has the be set { TQPtrListIterator it( tqchildren() ); for( int i = 0; it.current(); ++it, ++i ) { if ( i < m_childCountBeforeInsert ) continue; if ( !((KoDocumentChild*)it.current())->loadDocument( _store ) ) return false; } } return true; } bool KPrDocument::saveOasis( KoStore* store, KoXmlWriter* manifestWriter ) { //todo necessary for new format ? if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { emit sigProgress( 0 ); } if ( !store->open( "content.xml" ) ) return false; m_pictureCollection.assignUniqueIds(); KoStoreDevice contentDev( store ); KoXmlWriter* contentWriter = createOasisXmlWriter( &contentDev, "office:document-content" ); m_varColl->variableSetting()->setModificationDate(TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime()); recalcVariables( VT_DATE ); recalcVariables( VT_TIME ); recalcVariables( VT_STATISTIC ); KoGenStyles mainStyles; KoSavingContext savingContext( mainStyles, 0, false, KoSavingContext::Store ); // Save user styles as KoGenStyle objects m_styleColl->saveOasis( mainStyles, KoGenStyle::STYLE_USER, savingContext ); KTempFile contentTmpFile; contentTmpFile.setAutoDelete( true ); TQFile* tmpFile = contentTmpFile.file(); KoXmlWriter contentTmpWriter( TQT_TQIODEVICE(tmpFile), 1 ); //For sticky objects KTempFile stickyTmpFile; stickyTmpFile.setAutoDelete( true ); TQFile* masterStyles = stickyTmpFile.file(); KoXmlWriter stickyTmpWriter( TQT_TQIODEVICE(masterStyles), 1 ); contentTmpWriter.startElement( "office:body" ); contentTmpWriter.startElement( "office:presentation" ); saveOasisCustomFied( contentTmpWriter ); int indexObj = 1; int partIndexObj = 0; //save page TQMap pageNames; if ( !_duplicatePage ) { m_masterPage->saveOasisPage( store, stickyTmpWriter, 0, savingContext, indexObj, partIndexObj, manifestWriter, pageNames ); // Now mark all autostyles as "for styles.xml" since headers/footers need them TQValueList autoStyles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO ); for ( TQValueList::const_iterator it = autoStyles.begin(); it != autoStyles.end(); ++it ) { kdDebug() << "marking for styles.xml:" << ( *it ).name << endl; mainStyles.markStyleForStylesXml( ( *it ).name ); } } if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 ) { m_pageList.at( saveOnlyPage )->saveOasisPage( store, contentTmpWriter, ( saveOnlyPage+1 ), savingContext, indexObj, partIndexObj , manifestWriter, pageNames ); } else { for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { m_pageList.at( i )->saveOasisPage( store, contentTmpWriter, ( i+1 ), savingContext, indexObj, partIndexObj , manifestWriter, pageNames ); } } if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) //don't save setting when we save on page { TQMap page2name; TQMap::ConstIterator it( pageNames.begin() ); for ( ; it != pageNames.end(); ++it ) { page2name.insert( it.data(), it.key() ); } saveOasisPresentationSettings( contentTmpWriter, page2name ); } contentTmpWriter.endElement(); //office:presentation contentTmpWriter.endElement(); //office:body writeAutomaticStyles( *contentWriter, mainStyles, savingContext, false ); // And now we can copy over the contents from the tempfile to the real one tmpFile->close(); contentWriter->addCompleteElement( TQT_TQIODEVICE(tmpFile) ); contentTmpFile.close(); contentWriter->endElement(); // root element contentWriter->endDocument(); delete contentWriter; if ( !store->close() ) // done with content.xml return false; //add manifest line for content.xml manifestWriter->addManifestEntry( "content.xml", "text/xml" ); if ( !store->open( "styles.xml" ) ) return false; manifestWriter->addManifestEntry( "styles.xml", "text/xml" ); //todo fixme???? masterStyles->close(); saveOasisDocumentStyles( store, mainStyles, masterStyles, savingContext ); stickyTmpFile.close(); if ( !store->close() ) // done with styles.xml return false; if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) emit sigProgress( 90 ); // Save sound file list. //todo ???? makeUsedPixmapList(); m_pictureCollection.saveOasisToStore( store, usedPictures, manifestWriter); if(!store->open("settings.xml")) return false; KoXmlWriter& settingsWriter = *createOasisXmlWriter(&contentDev, "office:document-settings"); settingsWriter.startElement("office:settings"); settingsWriter.startElement("config:config-item-set"); settingsWriter.addAttribute("config:name", "view-settings"); KoUnit::saveOasis(&settingsWriter, unit()); saveOasisSettings( settingsWriter ); settingsWriter.endElement(); // config:config-item-set settingsWriter.startElement("config:config-item-set"); settingsWriter.addAttribute("config:name", "configuration-settings"); settingsWriter.addConfigItem("SpellCheckerIgnoreList", m_spellCheckIgnoreList.join( "," ) ); settingsWriter.addConfigItem("ShowPresentationDuration", _showPresentationDuration ); settingsWriter.endElement(); // config:config-item-set m_varColl->variableSetting()->saveOasis( settingsWriter ); settingsWriter.endElement(); // office:settings settingsWriter.endElement(); // Root:Element settingsWriter.endDocument(); delete &settingsWriter; if(!store->close()) return false; manifestWriter->addManifestEntry("settings.xml", "text/xml"); //reset progressbar emit sigProgress( 100 ); emit sigProgress( -1 ); setModified( false ); return true; } void KPrDocument::saveOasisCustomFied( KoXmlWriter &writer )const { bool customVariableFound = false; TQPtrListIterator it( m_varColl->getVariables() ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->type() == VT_CUSTOM ) { if ( !customVariableFound ) { writer.startElement( "text:user-field-decls" ); customVariableFound = true; } // writer.startElement( "text:user-field-decl" ); writer.addAttribute( "office:value-type", "string" ); writer.addAttribute( "office:string-value", static_cast( it.current() )->value() ); writer.addAttribute( "text:name", static_cast( it.current() )->name() ); writer.endElement(); } } if ( customVariableFound ) writer.endElement(); } void KPrDocument::loadOasisIgnoreList( const KoOasisSettings& settings ) { KoOasisSettings::Items configurationSettings = settings.itemSet( "configuration-settings" ); if ( !configurationSettings.isNull() ) { _showPresentationDuration = configurationSettings.parseConfigItemBool( "ShowPresentationDuration", false ); const TQString ignorelist = configurationSettings.parseConfigItemString( "SpellCheckerIgnoreList" ); m_spellCheckIgnoreList = TQStringList::split( ',', ignorelist ); } } void KPrDocument::writeAutomaticStyles( KoXmlWriter& contentWriter, KoGenStyles& mainStyles, KoSavingContext& context, bool stylesDotXml ) { if ( !stylesDotXml ) { context.writeFontFaces( contentWriter ); contentWriter.startElement( "office:automatic-styles" ); } TQValueList styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO, stylesDotXml ); TQValueList::const_iterator it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( &contentWriter, mainStyles, "style:style", (*it).name, "style:paragraph-properties" ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_AUTO_LIST, stylesDotXml ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { ( *it ).style->writeStyle( &contentWriter, mainStyles, "text:list-style", (*it).name, 0 ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_BACKGROUNDPAGEAUTO, stylesDotXml ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( &contentWriter, mainStyles, "style:style", (*it).name, "style:drawing-page-properties" ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_GRAPHICAUTO, stylesDotXml ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( &contentWriter, mainStyles, "style:style", (*it).name , "style:graphic-properties" ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_NUMERIC_DATE, stylesDotXml ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( &contentWriter, mainStyles, "number:date-style", (*it).name, 0 /*TODO ????*/ ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_NUMERIC_TIME, stylesDotXml ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( &contentWriter, mainStyles, "number:time-style", (*it).name, 0 /*TODO ????*/ ); } if ( !stylesDotXml ) { contentWriter.endElement(); // office:automatic-styles } } void KPrDocument::loadOasisHeaderFooter(TQDomNode & drawPage, KoOasisContext & context) { TQDomNode tmp = KoDom::namedItemNS( drawPage, KoXmlNS::style, "header" ); if ( !tmp.isNull() ) { //kdDebug()<<" there is a header \n"; _header->textObject()->loadOasisContent( tmp.toElement(), context, styleCollection() ); } tmp = KoDom::namedItemNS( drawPage, KoXmlNS::style, "footer" ); if ( !tmp.isNull() ) { //kdDebug()<<" there is a footer \n"; _footer->textObject()->loadOasisContent( tmp.toElement(), context, styleCollection() ); } } void KPrDocument::saveOasisSettings( KoXmlWriter &settingsWriter ) { settingsWriter.startElement("config:config-item-map-indexed"); settingsWriter.addAttribute("config:name", "Views"); settingsWriter.startElement( "config:config-item-map-entry" ); //ooimpress save it as this line. //H2260V14397H7693H12415H15345H1424 TQString guideLinesOasis; //save in mm as in oo for( TQValueList::Iterator it = m_vGuideLines.begin(); it != m_vGuideLines.end(); ++it ) { int tmpX = ( int ) ( KoUnit::toMM( *it )*100 ); guideLinesOasis += "V" + TQString::number( tmpX ); } for( TQValueList::Iterator it = m_hGuideLines.begin(); it != m_hGuideLines.end(); ++it ) { int tmpY = ( int ) ( KoUnit::toMM( *it )*100 ); guideLinesOasis += "H" + TQString::number( tmpY ); } if ( !guideLinesOasis.isEmpty() ) { settingsWriter.addConfigItem( "SnapLinesDrawing", guideLinesOasis ); } //false settingsWriter.addConfigItem( "IsSnapToGrid", m_bSnapToGrid ); //500 settingsWriter.addConfigItem( "GridFineWidth", ( ( int ) ( KoUnit::toMM( ( m_gridX ) )*100 ) ) ); //500 settingsWriter.addConfigItem( "GridFineHeight", ( ( int ) ( KoUnit::toMM( ( m_gridY ) )*100 ) ) ); //3 //store first view parameter. int activePage=0; if ( m_initialActivePage ) activePage=m_pageList.tqfindRef(m_initialActivePage); activePage = TQMAX( activePage, 0); settingsWriter.addConfigItem( "SelectedPage", activePage ); //not define into oo spec settingsWriter.addConfigItem( "SnapLineIsVisible", showGuideLines() ); settingsWriter.endElement(); settingsWriter.endElement(); } void KPrDocument::loadOasisSettings(const TQDomDocument&settingsDoc) { kdDebug(33001)<<"void KPrDocument::loadOasisSettings(const TQDomDocument&settingsDoc)**********\n"; KoOasisSettings settings( settingsDoc ); KoOasisSettings::Items viewSettings = settings.itemSet( "view-settings" ); setUnit(KoUnit::unit(viewSettings.parseConfigItemString("unit"))); KoOasisSettings::IndexedMap viewMap = viewSettings.indexedMap( "Views" ); KoOasisSettings::Items firstView = viewMap.entry( 0 ); if ( !firstView.isNull() ) { parseOasisGuideLines( firstView.parseConfigItemString( "SnapLinesDrawing" ) ); setShowGuideLines( firstView.parseConfigItemBool( "SnapLineIsVisible" ) ); int valx = firstView.parseConfigItemInt( "GridFineWidth" ); m_gridX = MM_TO_POINT( valx / 100.0 ); int valy = firstView.parseConfigItemInt( "GridFineHeight" ); m_gridY = MM_TO_POINT( valy / 100.0 ); m_bSnapToGrid = firstView.parseConfigItemBool( "IsSnapToGrid" ); int activePage = firstView.parseConfigItemInt( "SelectedPage" ); kdDebug(33001)<<" activePage :"<variableSetting()->loadOasis( settings ); } void KPrDocument::parseOasisGuideLines( const TQString &text ) { TQString str; int newPos = text.length()-1; //start to element = 1 for ( int pos = text.length()-1; pos >=0;--pos ) { if ( text[pos]=='V' ) { //vertical element str = text.mid( pos+1, ( newPos-pos ) ); //kdDebug()<<" vertical :"<< str < pageList; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it ) { if ( m_loadingInfo->m_name2page.tqcontains( *it ) ) { kdDebug(33001) << "slide show " << name << " page = " << *it << endl; pageList.push_back( m_loadingInfo->m_name2page[*it] ); } } if ( ! pageList.empty() ) { m_customListSlideShow.insert( name, pageList ); } } } } void KPrDocument::saveOasisPresentationSettings( KoXmlWriter &contentTmpWriter, TQMap &page2name ) { //todo don't save when is not value by default (check with oo) //FIXME contentTmpWriter.startElement( "presentation:settings" ); contentTmpWriter.addAttribute( "presentation:endless", ( _spInfiniteLoop ? "true" : "false" ) ); contentTmpWriter.addAttribute( "presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide", ( _spShowEndOfPresentationSlide ? "true" : "false" ) ); contentTmpWriter.addAttribute( "presentation:force-manual", ( _spManualSwitch ? "true" : "false" ) ); //add for default presentation if ( !m_presentationName.isEmpty() ) contentTmpWriter.addAttribute( "presentation:show", m_presentationName ); saveOasisPresentationCustomSlideShow( contentTmpWriter, page2name ); contentTmpWriter.endElement(); } void KPrDocument::saveOasisPresentationCustomSlideShow( KoXmlWriter &contentTmpWriter, TQMap &page2name ) { if ( m_customListSlideShow.isEmpty() ) return; CustomSlideShowMap::Iterator it; for ( it = m_customListSlideShow.begin(); it != m_customListSlideShow.end(); ++it ) { contentTmpWriter.startElement( "presentation:show" ); contentTmpWriter.addAttribute( "presentation:name", it.key() ); TQString tmp; TQValueListIterator itPage ; for( itPage = ( *it ).begin(); itPage != ( *it ).end(); ++itPage ) { int posPage = m_pageList.tqfind(*itPage ); if ( posPage != -1 ) { if ( itPage != ( *it ).begin() ) tmp += ","; //tmp+=( *itPage )->oasisNamePage(posPage+1)+","; tmp += page2name[posPage + 1]; } } contentTmpWriter.addAttribute( "presentation:pages", tmp ); contentTmpWriter.endElement(); } // } void KPrDocument::saveOasisDocumentStyles( KoStore* store, KoGenStyles& mainStyles, TQFile* masterStyles, KoSavingContext & savingContext, SaveFlag saveFlag ) const { KoStoreDevice stylesDev( store ); KoXmlWriter* stylesWriter = createOasisXmlWriter( &stylesDev, "office:document-styles" ); // Yeah we need to save the same font faces in both content.xml and styles.xml... savingContext.writeFontFaces( *stylesWriter ); stylesWriter->startElement( "office:styles" ); TQValueList styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_USER ); TQValueList::const_iterator it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "style:style", (*it).name, "style:paragraph-properties" ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_LIST ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "text:list-style", (*it).name, 0 ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_HATCH ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "draw:hatch", (*it).name, "style:graphic-properties" , true, true /*add draw:name*/); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_GRADIENT ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "draw:gradient", (*it).name, "style:graphic-properties" , true, true /*add draw:name*/); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_STROKE ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "draw:stroke-dash", (*it).name, "style:graphic-properties" , true, true /*add draw:name*/); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_MARKER ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "draw:marker", (*it).name, "style:graphic-properties" , true, true /*add draw:name*/); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_PICTURE ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "draw:fill-image", (*it).name, "style:image-properties" , true, true /*add draw:name*/); } stylesWriter->endElement(); // office:styles if ( saveFlag == SaveAll ) { stylesWriter->startElement( "office:automatic-styles" ); // this has to be the first if ( masterStyles ) { writeAutomaticStyles( *stylesWriter, mainStyles, savingContext, true ); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_BACKGROUNDPAGE ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "style:style", (*it).name , "style:drawing-page-properties" ); } // if there's more than one pagemaster we need to rethink all this styles = mainStyles.styles( KoGenStyle::STYLE_PAGELAYOUT ); Q_ASSERT( styles.count() == 1 ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "style:page-tqlayout", (*it).name, "style:page-tqlayout-properties", false /*don't close*/ ); stylesWriter->endElement(); } styles = mainStyles.styles( STYLE_PRESENTATIONSTICKYOBJECT ); it = styles.begin(); for ( ; it != styles.end() ; ++it ) { //TODO fix me graphic-properties ??? (*it).style->writeStyle( stylesWriter, mainStyles, "style:style", (*it).name , "style:graphic-properties" ); } stylesWriter->endElement(); // office:automatic-styles if ( masterStyles ) { stylesWriter->startElement( "office:master-styles" ); stylesWriter->addCompleteElement( TQT_TQIODEVICE(masterStyles) ); stylesWriter->endElement(); } } stylesWriter->endElement(); // root element (office:document-styles) stylesWriter->endDocument(); delete stylesWriter; } bool KPrDocument::loadOasis( const TQDomDocument& doc, KoOasisStyles&oasisStyles, const TQDomDocument&settingsDoc, KoStore*store ) { TQTime dt; dt.start(); m_loadingInfo = new KPrLoadingInfo; ignoreSticky = FALSE; emit sigProgress( 0 ); lastObj = -1; // clean if ( _clean ) { m_styleColl->clear(); // Some simple import filters don't define any style, // so let's have a Standard style at least KoParagStyle * standardStyle = new KoParagStyle( "Standard" ); // This gets translated later on //kdDebug() << "KWDocument::KWDocument creating standardStyle " << standardStyle << endl; standardStyle->format().setFont( m_defaultFont ); m_styleColl->addStyle( standardStyle ); __pgLayout = KoPageLayout::standardLayout(); _spInfiniteLoop = false; _spShowEndOfPresentationSlide = true; _spManualSwitch = true; _showPresentationDuration = false; _xRnd = 20; _yRnd = 20; urlIntern = url().path(); } else m_spellCheckIgnoreList.clear(); emit sigProgress( 5 ); TQDomElement content = doc.documentElement(); TQDomElement realBody (KoDom::namedItemNS( content, KoXmlNS::office, "body" ) ); if ( realBody.isNull() ) { kdError(33001) << "No office:body found!" << endl; setErrorMessage( i18n( "Invalid OASIS OpenDocument file. No office:body tag found." ) ); return false; } TQDomElement body = KoDom::namedItemNS( realBody, KoXmlNS::office, "presentation" ); if ( body.isNull() ) { kdError(33001) << "No office:presentation found!" << endl; TQDomElement childElem; TQString localName; forEachElement( childElem, realBody ) { localName = childElem.localName(); } if ( localName.isEmpty() ) setErrorMessage( i18n( "Invalid OASIS OpenDocument file. No tag found inside office:body." ) ); else setErrorMessage( i18n( "This document is not a presentation, but a %1. Please try opening it with the appropriate application." ).tqarg( KoDocument::tagNameToDocumentType( localName ) ) ); return false; } // it seems that ooimpress has different paper-settings for every slide. // we take the settings of the first slide for the whole document. TQDomNode drawPage = KoDom::namedItemNS( body, KoXmlNS::draw, "page" ); if ( drawPage.isNull() ) // no slides? give up. return false; TQDomElement dp = drawPage.toElement(); //code from kword // TODO variable settings // By default display real variable value if ( !isReadWrite()) getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setDisplayFieldCode(false); KoOasisContext context( this, *m_varColl, oasisStyles, store ); Q_ASSERT( !oasisStyles.officeStyle().isNull() ); // Load all styles before the corresponding paragraphs try to use them! m_styleColl->loadOasisStyles( context ); // if we only copy a page we have no master // also don't copy master when you insert file as long as we don't have multiple masters if ( !m_pageWhereLoadObject && _clean ) { TQString masterPageName = drawPage.toElement().attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "master-page-name", TQString() ); TQDomElement *master = oasisStyles.masterPages()[ masterPageName]; kdDebug()<<" master :"<loadOasis( context ); createPresentationAnimation( KoDom::namedItemNS( node, KoXmlNS::presentation, "animations")); loadOasisObject( m_masterPage, node , context); m_loadingInfo->clearAnimationShowDict(); // clear all show animations style m_loadingInfo->clearAnimationHideDict(); // clear all hide animations style loadOasisHeaderFooter( node,context ); context.setUseStylesAutoStyles( false ); kdDebug()<<" end load oasis master style \n"; Q_ASSERT( master ); const TQDomElement *style = master ? oasisStyles.findStyle(master->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "page-tqlayout-name", TQString() )) : 0; const TQDomElement *backgroundStyle = oasisStyles.findStyle( "Standard-background", "presentation" ); kdDebug()<<"Standard background "<" as page { context.styleStack().clear(); // remove all styles fillStyleStack( dp, context, "drawing-page" ); context.styleStack().save(); kdDebug ()<<"insert new page "<m_name2page.insert( str, newpage ); TQString idPage = dp.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "id", TQString() ); if ( dp.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::koffice, "name" ) ) { str = dp.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::koffice, "name", TQString() ); newpage->insertManualTitle(str); } else { // OO uses /page[0-9]+$/ as default for no name set TQRegExp rx( "^page[0-9]+$" ); if ( rx.search( str ) == -1 ) newpage->insertManualTitle(str); } context.styleStack().setTypeProperties( "drawing-page" ); newpage->loadOasis( context ); //All animation object for current page is store into this element createPresentationAnimation(KoDom::namedItemNS( drawPage, KoXmlNS::presentation, "animations")); // parse all objects loadOasisObject( newpage, drawPage, context ); context.styleStack().restore(); m_loadingInfo->clearAnimationShowDict(); // clear all show animations style m_loadingInfo->clearAnimationHideDict(); // clear all hide animations style ++pos; } } //load settings at the end as we need to know what the draw:name of a page is TQDomNode settings = KoDom::namedItemNS( body, KoXmlNS::presentation, "settings" ); kdDebug()<<"settings :"<loadOasis(o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kptextobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kptextobject); break; } else if ( localName == "image" ) { KPrPixmapObject *kppixmapobject = new KPrPixmapObject( pictureCollection() ); kppixmapobject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kppixmapobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kppixmapobject); break; } else if ( localName == "object" ) { KPrChild *ch = new KPrChild( this ); TQRect r; KPrPartObject *kppartobject = new KPrPartObject( ch ); kppartobject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); r = ch->tqgeometry(); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kppartobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kppartobject); insertChild( ch ); kppartobject->setOrig( r.x(), r.y() ); kppartobject->setSize( r.width(), r.height() ); break; } } } else if ( name == "rect" && isDrawNS) // rectangle { fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); KPrRectObject *kprectobject = new KPrRectObject(); kprectobject->loadOasis(o, context , m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kprectobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kprectobject); } else if ( ( name == "circle" || name == "ellipse" )&& isDrawNS) { fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); if ( o.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "kind" ) ) // pie, chord or arc { KPrPieObject *kppieobject = new KPrPieObject(); kppieobject->loadOasis(o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kppieobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kppieobject); } else // circle or ellipse { KPrEllipseObject *kpellipseobject = new KPrEllipseObject(); kpellipseobject->loadOasis(o,context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpellipseobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kpellipseobject); } } else if ( name == "line" && isDrawNS) // line { fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); KPrLineObject *kplineobject = new KPrLineObject(); kplineobject->loadOasis(o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kplineobject ); else newpage->appendObject( kplineobject ); } else if (name=="polyline" && isDrawNS) { // polyline fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); KPrPolylineObject *kppolylineobject = new KPrPolylineObject(); kppolylineobject->loadOasis(o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kppolylineobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kppolylineobject); } else if (name=="polygon" && isDrawNS) { // plcloseobject fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); KPrClosedLineObject *kpClosedObject = new KPrClosedLineObject(); kpClosedObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpClosedObject ); else newpage->appendObject(kpClosedObject); } else if (name=="regular-polygon"&& isDrawNS) { // kppolygone object fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); KPrPolygonObject *kpPolygoneObject = new KPrPolygonObject(); kpPolygoneObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpPolygoneObject ); else newpage->appendObject(kpPolygoneObject); } else if ( name == "path" && isDrawNS) { fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); TQString d = o.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "d", TQString()); KPrSVGPathParser parser; ObjType objType = parser.getType( d ); switch ( objType ) { case OT_CUBICBEZIERCURVE: { kdDebug(33001) << "Cubicbeziercurve" << endl; KPrCubicBezierCurveObject *kpCurveObject = new KPrCubicBezierCurveObject(); kpCurveObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpCurveObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpCurveObject ); } break; case OT_TQUADRICBEZIERCURVE: { kdDebug(33001) << "Quadricbeziercurve" << endl; KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject *kpQuadricObject = new KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject(); kpQuadricObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpQuadricObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpQuadricObject ); } break; case OT_FREEHAND: { kdDebug(33001) << "Freehand" << endl; KPrFreehandObject *kpFreeHandObject = new KPrFreehandObject(); kpFreeHandObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpFreeHandObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpFreeHandObject ); } break; case OT_CLOSED_LINE: { kdDebug(33001) << "Closed Line" << endl; KPrClosedLineObject *kpClosedObject = new KPrClosedLineObject(); kpClosedObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpClosedObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpClosedObject ); } break; default: kdDebug(33001) << "draw:path found unsupported object type " << objType << " in svg:d " << d << endl; break; } } else if ( name == "custom-tqshape" && isDrawNS ) { fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); TQDomElement enhancedGeometry = KoDom::namedItemNS( o, KoXmlNS::draw, "enhanced-tqgeometry" ); if ( !enhancedGeometry.isNull() ) { TQString d = enhancedGeometry.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "enhanced-path", TQString() ); TQRegExp rx( "^([0-9 ML]+Z) N$" ); if ( rx.search( d ) != -1 ) { d = rx.cap( 1 ); KPrSVGPathParser parser; ObjType objType = parser.getType( d ); switch ( objType ) { #if 0 // not yet supported case OT_CUBICBEZIERCURVE: { kdDebug(33001) << "Cubicbeziercurve" << endl; KPrCubicBezierCurveObject *kpCurveObject = new KPrCubicBezierCurveObject(); kpCurveObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpCurveObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpCurveObject ); } break; case OT_TQUADRICBEZIERCURVE: { kdDebug(33001) << "Quadricbeziercurve" << endl; KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject *kpQuadricObject = new KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject(); kpQuadricObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpQuadricObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpQuadricObject ); } break; case OT_FREEHAND: { kdDebug(33001) << "Freehand" << endl; KPrFreehandObject *kpFreeHandObject = new KPrFreehandObject(); kpFreeHandObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpFreeHandObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpFreeHandObject ); } break; #endif case OT_CLOSED_LINE: { kdDebug(33001) << "Closed Line" << endl; KPrClosedLineObject *kpClosedObject = new KPrClosedLineObject(); kpClosedObject->loadOasis( o, context, m_loadingInfo ); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpClosedObject ); else newpage->appendObject( kpClosedObject ); } break; default: kdDebug(33001) << "draw:custom-tqshape found unsupported object type " << objType << " in draw:enhanced-path " << d << endl; break; } } else { kdDebug(33001) << "draw:custom-tqshape not supported" << endl; } } } else if ( name == "g" && isDrawNS) { fillStyleStack( o, context, "graphic" ); KPrGroupObject *kpgroupobject = new KPrGroupObject(); TQDomNode nodegroup = object.firstChild(); kpgroupobject->loadOasisGroupObject( this, newpage, object, context, m_loadingInfo); if ( groupObject ) groupObject->addObjects( kpgroupobject ); else newpage->appendObject(kpgroupobject); } else if ( name == "notes" && o.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::presentation ) // notes { //we must extend note attribute //kdDebug()<<"presentation:notes----------------------------------\n"; TQDomNode frameBox = KoDom::namedItemNS( o, KoXmlNS::draw, "frame" ); TQString note; while ( !frameBox.isNull() ) { //add an empty line between the different frames if ( !note.isEmpty() ) note += "\n"; //todo load tqlayout for note. TQDomNode textBox = KoDom::namedItemNS( frameBox, KoXmlNS::draw, "text-box" ); if ( !textBox.isNull() ) { for ( TQDomNode text = textBox.firstChild(); !text.isNull(); text = text.nextSibling() ) { // We don't care about styles as they are not supported in kpresenter. // Only add a linebreak for every child. TQDomElement t = text.toElement(); if ( t.tagName() == "p" ) { note += t.text() + "\n"; } } } frameBox = frameBox.nextSibling(); } newpage->setNoteText( note ); } else if ( ( name == "header" || name == "footer" ) && o.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::style || ( name == "animations" && o.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::presentation) ) { //nothing } else { kdDebug() << "Unsupported object '" << name << "'" << endl; } context.styleStack().restore(); } } } int KPrDocument::createPresentationAnimation(const TQDomElement& element, int order, bool increaseOrder) { kdDebug()<<"void KPrDocument::createPresentationAnimation(const TQDomElement& element)\n"; int orderAnimation = increaseOrder ? 0 : order; for ( TQDomNode n = element.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) { TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); TQCString tagName = e.tagName().latin1(); if ( ! tagName.isEmpty() ) // only tags that open { const bool isPresentationNS = e.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::presentation; if ( isPresentationNS && ( tagName == "show-tqshape" || tagName == "hide-tqshape" ) ) { Q_ASSERT( e.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "tqshape-id" ) ); TQString name = e.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "tqshape-id", TQString() ); kdDebug()<<" insert animation " << tagName << " name :" << name << endl; if ( e.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::koffice, "order-id" ) ) { orderAnimation = e.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::koffice, "order-id", TQString() ).toInt(); } lstAnimation *tmp = new lstAnimation; tmp->element = new TQDomElement( e ); tmp->order = orderAnimation; if ( tagName == "show-tqshape" ) { m_loadingInfo->storePresentationShowAnimation( tmp, name ); } else { m_loadingInfo->storePresentationHideAnimation( tmp, name ); } if ( increaseOrder ) ++orderAnimation; } else if ( tagName == "animation-group" && isPresentationNS ) { orderAnimation = createPresentationAnimation( e, orderAnimation, false ); } } } //increase when we finish it necessary for group object ++orderAnimation; return orderAnimation; } void KPrDocument::fillStyleStack( const TQDomElement& object, KoOasisContext & context, const char* family ) { // See OpenDoc 9.2.15 Common Drawing Shape Attributes // presentation:style-name is allways family presentation if ( object.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "style-name" )) { context.fillStyleStack( object, KoXmlNS::presentation, "style-name", "presentation" ); } if ( object.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "style-name" ) ) { context.fillStyleStack( object, KoXmlNS::draw, "style-name", family ); } // draw:tex-style-name is allways family paragraph if ( object.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "text-style-name" ) ) { context.fillStyleStack( object, KoXmlNS::draw, "text-style-name", "paragraph" ); } if ( object.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "style-name" ) ) { context.fillStyleStack( object, KoXmlNS::text, "style-name", family ); } } bool KPrDocument::loadXML( TQIODevice * dev, const TQDomDocument& doc ) { TQTime dt; dt.start(); m_loadingInfo = new KPrLoadingInfo( true ); ignoreSticky = FALSE; bool b=false; TQDomElement docelem = doc.documentElement(); const int syntaxVersion = docelem.attribute( "syntaxVersion" ).toInt(); if ( syntaxVersion < 2 ) { // This is an old style document, before the current TextObject // We have kprconverter.pl for it kdWarning(33001) << "KPresenter document version 1. Launching perl script to convert it." << endl; // Read the full XML and write it to a temp file KTempFile tmpFileIn; tmpFileIn.setAutoDelete( true ); dev->reset(); tmpFileIn.file()->writeBlock( dev->readAll() ); // copy stresm to temp file tmpFileIn.close(); // Launch the perl script on it KTempFile tmpFileOut; tmpFileOut.setAutoDelete( true ); TQString cmd = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe("perl"); if (cmd.isEmpty()) { setErrorMessage( i18n("You don't appear to have PERL installed.\nIt is needed to convert this document.\nPlease install PERL and try again.")); return false; } cmd += " "; cmd += locate( "exe", "kprconverter.pl" ); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote( tmpFileIn.name() ); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote( tmpFileOut.name() ); system( TQFile::encodeName(cmd) ); // Build a new TQDomDocument from the result TQString errorMsg; int errorLine; int errorColumn; TQDomDocument newdoc; if ( ! newdoc.setContent( tmpFileOut.file(), &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { kdError (33001) << "Parsing Error! Aborting! (in KPrDocument::loadXML)" << endl << " Line: " << errorLine << " Column: " << errorColumn << endl << " Message: " << errorMsg << endl; setErrorMessage( i18n( "parsing error in the main document (converted from an old KPresenter format) at line %1, column %2\nError message: %3" ) .tqarg( errorLine ).tqarg( errorColumn ).tqarg( i18n ( errorMsg.utf8() ) ) ); return false; } b = loadXML( newdoc ); } else b = loadXML( doc ); ignoreSticky = TRUE; if(_clean) { startBackgroundSpellCheck(); } if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject == 0 && m_insertFilePage == 0 ) setModified( false ); kdDebug(33001) << "Loading took " << (float)(dt.elapsed()) / 1000.0 << " seconds" << endl; return b; } void KPrDocument::createHeaderFooter() { //add header/footer to sticky page KoRect pageRect=m_masterPage->getPageRect(); _header->setOrig(pageRect.topLeft()); _header->setSize(pageRect.width(),20); _footer->setOrig(pageRect.left(),pageRect.bottom()-20); _footer->setSize(pageRect.width(),20); m_masterPage->appendObject(_header); m_masterPage->appendObject(_footer); } void KPrDocument::insertEmbedded( KoStore *store, TQDomElement topElem, KMacroCommand * macroCmd, KPrPage *page, int pos ) { TQDomElement elem = topElem.firstChild().toElement(); for ( ; !elem.isNull() ; elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement() ) { kdDebug(33001) << "Element name: " << elem.tagName() << endl; if(elem.tagName()=="EMBEDDED") { KPrChild *ch = new KPrChild( this ); KPrPartObject *kppartobject = 0L; TQRect r; TQDomElement object=elem.namedItem("OBJECT").toElement(); if(!object.isNull()) { ch->load(object, true); // true == uppercase r = ch->tqgeometry(); ch->loadDocument( store ); insertChild( ch ); kppartobject = new KPrPartObject( ch ); } TQDomElement settings=elem.namedItem("SETTINGS").toElement(); int zIndex = 0; if ( settings.hasAttribute( "z-index" ) ) { zIndex = settings.attribute( "z-index" ).toInt(); } double offset = 0.0; if(!settings.isNull() && kppartobject!=0) offset=kppartobject->load(settings); else if ( settings.isNull() ) // all embedded obj must have SETTING tags { delete kppartobject; kppartobject = 0L; return; } int index = m_pageList.tqfindRef(page); int pageIndex = (int)(offset/__pgLayout.ptHeight)+index; int newPos=(int)((offset+index*__pgLayout.ptHeight)-pageIndex*__pgLayout.ptHeight); kppartobject->setOrig(kppartobject->getOrig().x(),newPos); KPrInsertCmd *insertCmd = new KPrInsertCmd( i18n( "Insert Part Object" ), kppartobject, this,page ); insertCmd->execute(); if ( !macroCmd ) macroCmd = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Insert Part Object")); macroCmd->addCommand( insertCmd ); if ( pos != 0 ) { const TQPtrList& oldList( page->objectList() ); // tz TODO this is not 100% correct if ( static_cast( oldList.count() ) > pos + zIndex ) { page->takeObject( kppartobject ); page->insertObject( kppartobject, pos + zIndex ); KPrLowerRaiseCmd *lrCmd = new KPrLowerRaiseCmd( i18n("Insert Part Object"), oldList, page->objectList(), this, page ); macroCmd->addCommand( lrCmd ); } } } } } bool KPrDocument::loadXML( const TQDomDocument &doc ) { emit sigProgress( 0 ); int activePage=0; lastObj = -1; bool allSlides = false; // clean if ( _clean ) { __pgLayout = KoPageLayout::standardLayout(); _spInfiniteLoop = false; _spShowEndOfPresentationSlide = true; _spManualSwitch = true; _showPresentationDuration = false; _xRnd = 20; _yRnd = 20; //_txtBackCol = white; urlIntern = url().path(); } else m_spellCheckIgnoreList.clear(); emit sigProgress( 5 ); TQDomElement document=doc.documentElement(); // DOC if(document.tagName()!="DOC") { kdWarning(33001) << "Missing DOC" << endl; setErrorMessage( i18n("Invalid document, DOC tag missing.") ); return false; } if(!document.hasAttribute("mime") || ( document.attribute("mime")!="application/x-kpresenter" && document.attribute("mime")!="application/vnd.kde.kpresenter" ) ) { kdError(33001) << "Unknown mime type " << document.attribute("mime") << endl; setErrorMessage( i18n("Invalid document, expected mimetype application/x-kpresenter or application/vnd.kde.kpresenter, got %1").tqarg(document.attribute("mime")) ); return false; } if(document.hasAttribute("url")) urlIntern=KURL(document.attribute("url")).path(); emit sigProgress( 10 ); TQDomElement elem=document.firstChild().toElement(); uint childTotalCount=document.childNodes().count(); uint childCount = 0; loadTextStyle( document ); while(!elem.isNull()) { kdDebug(33001) << "Element name: " << elem.tagName() << endl; if(elem.tagName()=="EMBEDDED") { KPrChild *ch = new KPrChild( this ); KPrPartObject *kppartobject = 0L; TQRect r; TQDomElement object=elem.namedItem("OBJECT").toElement(); if(!object.isNull()) { ch->load(object, true); // true == uppercase r = ch->tqgeometry(); insertChild( ch ); kppartobject = new KPrPartObject( ch ); //emit sig_insertObject( ch, kppartobject ); } TQDomElement settings=elem.namedItem("SETTINGS").toElement(); int tmp=0; int pos = -1; if ( settings.hasAttribute( "z-index" ) ) { pos = settings.attribute( "z-index" ).toInt(); } if(settings.hasAttribute("sticky")) tmp=settings.attribute("sticky").toInt(); bool sticky=static_cast(tmp); double offset = 0.0; if(!settings.isNull() && kppartobject!=0) { offset=kppartobject->load(settings); } else if ( settings.isNull() ) // all embedded obj must have SETTING tags { delete kppartobject; kppartobject = 0L; } //hack for some old file, they don't have ORIG tag ! if ( offset == -1.0 ) offset = r.y(); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky && kppartobject ) { if ( pos == -1 ) { m_masterPage->appendObject( kppartobject ); } else { m_masterPage->insertObject( kppartobject, pos ); } kppartobject->setOrig(kppartobject->getOrig().x(), offset); } else if ( kppartobject ) { if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject ) { kppartobject->setOrig(kppartobject->getOrig().x(), offset); m_pageWhereLoadObject->insertObject( kppartobject, pos ); } else { insertObjectInPage( offset, kppartobject, pos ); } } } else if(elem.tagName()=="PAPER" && _clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("format")) __pgLayout.format=static_cast(elem.attribute("format").toInt()); if(elem.hasAttribute("orientation")) __pgLayout.orientation=static_cast(elem.attribute("orientation").toInt()); if(elem.hasAttribute("ptWidth")) __pgLayout.ptWidth = elem.attribute("ptWidth").toDouble(); else if(elem.hasAttribute("inchWidth")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptWidth = INCH_TO_POINT( elem.attribute("inchWidth").toDouble() ); else if(elem.hasAttribute("mmWidth")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptWidth = MM_TO_POINT( elem.attribute("mmWidth").toDouble() ); if(elem.hasAttribute("ptHeight")) __pgLayout.ptHeight = elem.attribute("ptHeight").toDouble(); else if(elem.hasAttribute("inchHeight")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptHeight = INCH_TO_POINT( elem.attribute("inchHeight").toDouble() ); else if(elem.hasAttribute("mmHeight")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptHeight = MM_TO_POINT( elem.attribute("mmHeight").toDouble() ); if(elem.hasAttribute("unit")) setUnit( static_cast(elem.attribute("unit").toInt()) ); if ( elem.hasAttribute("tabStopValue")) m_tabStop = elem.attribute("tabStopValue").toDouble(); if(elem.hasAttribute("width")) __pgLayout.ptWidth = MM_TO_POINT( elem.attribute("width").toDouble() ); if(elem.hasAttribute("height")) __pgLayout.ptHeight = MM_TO_POINT( elem.attribute("height").toDouble() ); TQDomElement borders=elem.namedItem("PAPERBORDERS").toElement(); if(!borders.isNull()) { if(borders.hasAttribute("left")) __pgLayout.ptLeft = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("left").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("top")) __pgLayout.ptTop = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("top").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("right")) __pgLayout.ptRight = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("right").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("bottom")) __pgLayout.ptBottom = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("bottom").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("ptLeft")) __pgLayout.ptLeft = borders.attribute("ptLeft").toDouble(); else if(borders.hasAttribute("inchLeft")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptLeft = INCH_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("inchLeft").toDouble() ); else if(borders.hasAttribute("mmLeft")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptLeft = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("mmLeft").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("ptRight")) __pgLayout.ptRight = borders.attribute("ptRight").toDouble(); else if(borders.hasAttribute("inchRight")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptRight = INCH_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("inchRight").toDouble() ); else if(borders.hasAttribute("mmRight")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptRight = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("mmRight").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("ptTop")) __pgLayout.ptTop = borders.attribute("ptTop").toDouble(); else if(borders.hasAttribute("inchTop")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptTop = INCH_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("inchTop").toDouble() ); else if(borders.hasAttribute("mmTop")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptTop = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("mmTop").toDouble() ); if(borders.hasAttribute("ptBottom")) __pgLayout.ptBottom = borders.attribute("ptBottom").toDouble(); else if(borders.hasAttribute("inchBottom")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptBottom = INCH_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("inchBottom").toDouble() ); else if(borders.hasAttribute("mmBottom")) //compatibility __pgLayout.ptBottom = MM_TO_POINT( borders.attribute("inchBottom").toDouble() ); } // PAPER found and parsed -> apply page tqlayout // e.g. the text objects need it if ( _clean ) setPageLayout( __pgLayout ); } else if(elem.tagName()=="VARIABLESETTINGS" && _clean){ getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->load(document); //by default display real variable value if ( !isReadWrite()) getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setDisplayFieldCode(false); } else if(elem.tagName()=="BACKGROUND") { int red=0, green=0, blue=0; if(elem.hasAttribute("xRnd")) _xRnd = elem.attribute("xRnd").toInt(); if(elem.hasAttribute("yRnd")) _yRnd = elem.attribute("yRnd").toInt(); if(elem.hasAttribute("bred")) red = elem.attribute("bred").toInt(); if(elem.hasAttribute("bgreen")) green = elem.attribute("bgreen").toInt(); if(elem.hasAttribute("bblue")) blue = elem.attribute("bblue").toInt(); loadBackground(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="HEADER") { if ( _clean /*don't reload header footer, header/footer was created at the beginning || !hasHeader()*/ ) { if(elem.hasAttribute("show")) { setHeader(static_cast(elem.attribute("show").toInt())); } _header->load(elem); } } else if ( elem.tagName()=="HEADERFOOTERBYPAGE" ) { if ( elem.hasAttribute( "value" ) ) { m_loadingInfo->m_headerFooterByPage = true; } } else if(elem.tagName()=="FOOTER") { if ( _clean /*|| !hasFooter()*/ ) { if(elem.hasAttribute("show")) { setFooter( static_cast(elem.attribute("show").toInt() ) ); } _footer->load(elem); } }else if( elem.tagName()=="HELPLINES"){ if ( _clean ) { if(elem.hasAttribute("show")) { setShowGuideLines( static_cast(elem.attribute("show").toInt() ) ); } loadGuideLines( elem ); } }else if( elem.tagName()=="SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST"){ TQDomElement spellWord=elem.toElement(); spellWord=spellWord.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !spellWord.isNull() ) { if ( spellWord.tagName()=="SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD" ) { m_spellCheckIgnoreList.append(spellWord.attribute("word")); } spellWord=spellWord.nextSibling().toElement(); } }else if(elem.tagName()=="ATTRIBUTES" && _clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("activePage")) activePage=elem.attribute("activePage").toInt(); if(elem.hasAttribute("gridx")) m_gridX = elem.attribute("gridx").toDouble(); if(elem.hasAttribute("gridy")) m_gridY = elem.attribute("gridy").toDouble(); if(elem.hasAttribute("snaptogrid")) m_bSnapToGrid = (bool)elem.attribute("snaptogrid").toInt(); } else if(elem.tagName()=="PAGETITLES") { loadTitle(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="PAGENOTES") { loadNote(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="OBJECTS") { //FIXME********************** #if 0 lastObj = _objectList->count() - 1; #endif //don't add command we don't paste object KCommand * cmd =loadObjects(elem); if ( cmd ) delete cmd; } else if(elem.tagName()=="INFINITLOOP") { if(_clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("value")) _spInfiniteLoop = static_cast(elem.attribute("value").toInt()); } } else if(elem.tagName()=="SHOWENDOFPRESENTATIONSLIDE") { if(_clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("value")) _spShowEndOfPresentationSlide = static_cast(elem.attribute("value").toInt()); } } else if(elem.tagName()=="PRESSPEED") { if(_clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("value")) m_loadingInfo->presSpeed = elem.attribute("value").toInt(); } } else if(elem.tagName()=="MANUALSWITCH") { if(_clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("value")) _spManualSwitch = static_cast(elem.attribute("value").toInt()); } } else if(elem.tagName()=="SHOWPRESENTATIONDURATION") { if(_clean) { if(elem.hasAttribute("value")) _showPresentationDuration = static_cast(elem.attribute("value").toInt()); } } else if(elem.tagName()=="PRESSLIDES") { if(elem.hasAttribute("value") && elem.attribute("value").toInt()==0) allSlides = TRUE; } else if ( elem.tagName()=="DEFAULTCUSTOMSLIDESHOWNAME" ) { if(elem.hasAttribute("name") ) m_presentationName=elem.attribute( "name" ); } else if ( elem.tagName()=="CUSTOMSLIDESHOWCONFIG" ) { if ( _clean ) { TQMap name2page; int pos = 1; for ( TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); it.current(); ++it ) { name2page.insert( "page" + TQString::number( pos++ ), it.current() ) ; } TQDomElement slide=elem.firstChild().toElement(); while(!slide.isNull()) { if(slide.tagName()=="CUSTOMSLIDESHOW") { TQStringList tmp = TQStringList::split( ",", slide.attribute( "pages" ) ); TQValueList pageList; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it ) { if ( name2page.tqcontains( *it ) ) { kdDebug(33001) << "slide show " << slide.attribute( "name" ) << " page = " << *it << endl; pageList.push_back( name2page[*it] ); } } if ( ! pageList.empty() ) { m_customListSlideShow.insert( slide.attribute( "name" ), pageList ); } } slide=slide.nextSibling().toElement(); } } } else if(elem.tagName()=="SELSLIDES") { if( _clean ) { // Skip this when loading a single page TQDomElement slide=elem.firstChild().toElement(); while(!slide.isNull()) { if(slide.tagName()=="SLIDE") { int nr = -1; bool show = false; if(slide.hasAttribute("nr")) nr=slide.attribute("nr").toInt(); if(slide.hasAttribute("show")) show=static_cast(slide.attribute("show").toInt()); if ( nr >= 0 ) { //kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::loadXML m_selectedSlides nr=" << nr << " show=" << show << endl; if ( nr > ( (int)m_pageList.count() - 1 ) ) { for (int i=(m_pageList.count()-1); islideSelected(show); } else kdWarning(33001) << "Parse error. No nr in !" << endl; } slide=slide.nextSibling().toElement(); } } } else if ( elem.tagName() == "SOUNDS" ) { loadUsedSoundFileFromXML( elem ); } elem=elem.nextSibling().toElement(); emit sigProgress( childCount * ( 70/childTotalCount ) + 15 ); childCount += 1; } loadPictureMap( document ); if(activePage!=-1) m_initialActivePage=m_pageList.at(activePage); if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject == 0 && m_insertFilePage == 0 ) setModified(false); return true; } void KPrDocument::loadTextStyle( const TQDomElement& domElement ) { TQDomElement style = domElement.namedItem( "STYLES" ).toElement(); if ( _clean && ! style.isNull() ) loadStyleTemplates( style ); } void KPrDocument::loadPictureMap ( const TQDomElement& domElement ) { m_pictureMap.clear(); // TQDomElement picturesElem = domElement.namedItem( "PICTURES" ).toElement(); if ( !picturesElem.isNull() ) m_pictureCollection.readXML( picturesElem, m_pictureMap ); // TQDomElement pixmapsElem = domElement.namedItem( "PIXMAPS" ).toElement(); if ( !pixmapsElem.isNull() ) m_pictureCollection.readXML( pixmapsElem, m_pictureMap ); // TQDomElement clipartsElem = domElement.namedItem( "CLIPARTS" ).toElement(); if ( !clipartsElem.isNull() ) m_pictureCollection.readXML( pixmapsElem, m_pictureMap ); } void KPrDocument::loadBackground( const TQDomElement &element ) { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::loadBackground" << endl; TQDomElement page=element.firstChild().toElement(); int i=m_insertFilePage; while(!page.isNull()) { if(m_pageWhereLoadObject) { kdDebug(33001) << "m_pageWhereLoadObject->load(...)" << m_pageWhereLoadObject << endl; m_pageWhereLoadObject->load(page); break; } else { if ( page.tagName() == "MASTERPAGE" ) { m_masterPage->load( page ); } else { //test if there is a page at this index //=> don't add new page if there is again a page if ( i > ( (int)m_pageList.count() - 1 ) ) m_pageList.append( new KPrPage( this, m_masterPage ) ); m_pageList.at(i)->load(page); i++; } } page=page.nextSibling().toElement(); } } KCommand *KPrDocument::loadObjects( const TQDomElement &element, bool paste ) { ObjType t = OT_LINE; TQDomElement obj=element.firstChild().toElement(); TQValueList pasteObjects; while(!obj.isNull()) { if(obj.tagName()=="OBJECT" ) { bool sticky=false; int tmp=0; if(obj.hasAttribute("type")) tmp=obj.attribute("type").toInt(); t=static_cast(tmp); tmp=0; if(obj.hasAttribute("sticky")) tmp=obj.attribute("sticky").toInt(); sticky=static_cast(tmp); double offset=0; switch ( t ) { case OT_LINE: { KPrLineObject *kplineobject = new KPrLineObject(); offset=kplineobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kplineobject); kplineobject->setOrig(kplineobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if (m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kplineobject->setOrig(kplineobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kplineobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kplineobject); kplineobject->setOrig(kplineobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kplineobject); } break; case OT_RECT: { KPrRectObject *kprectobject = new KPrRectObject(); offset=kprectobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kprectobject); kprectobject->setOrig(kprectobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if (m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kprectobject->setOrig(kprectobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kprectobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kprectobject); kprectobject->setOrig(kprectobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kprectobject); } break; case OT_ELLIPSE: { KPrEllipseObject *kpellipseobject = new KPrEllipseObject(); offset=kpellipseobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpellipseobject); kpellipseobject->setOrig(kpellipseobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kpellipseobject->setOrig(kpellipseobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpellipseobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpellipseobject); kpellipseobject->setOrig(kpellipseobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kpellipseobject); } break; case OT_PIE: { KPrPieObject *kppieobject = new KPrPieObject(); offset=kppieobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kppieobject); kppieobject->setOrig(kppieobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kppieobject->setOrig(kppieobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kppieobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kppieobject); kppieobject->setOrig(kppieobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kppieobject); } break; case OT_AUTOFORM: { KPrAutoformObject *kpautoformobject = new KPrAutoformObject(); offset=kpautoformobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpautoformobject); kpautoformobject->setOrig(kpautoformobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject&& paste) { kpautoformobject->setOrig(kpautoformobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpautoformobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpautoformobject); kpautoformobject->setOrig(kpautoformobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kpautoformobject); } break; case OT_TEXT: { KPrTextObject *kptextobject = new KPrTextObject( this ); offset=kptextobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kptextobject); kptextobject->setOrig(kptextobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kptextobject->setOrig(kptextobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kptextobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kptextobject); kptextobject->setOrig(kptextobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kptextobject); } break; case OT_CLIPART: case OT_PICTURE: { KPrPixmapObject *kppixmapobject = new KPrPixmapObject( pictureCollection() ); offset=kppixmapobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kppixmapobject); kppixmapobject->setOrig(kppixmapobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kppixmapobject->setOrig(kppixmapobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kppixmapobject ); kppixmapobject->reload(); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kppixmapobject); kppixmapobject->setOrig(kppixmapobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kppixmapobject); } break; case OT_FREEHAND: { KPrFreehandObject *kpfreehandobject = new KPrFreehandObject(); offset=kpfreehandobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpfreehandobject); kpfreehandobject->setOrig(kpfreehandobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kpfreehandobject->setOrig(kpfreehandobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpfreehandobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpfreehandobject); kpfreehandobject->setOrig(kpfreehandobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset,kpfreehandobject); } break; case OT_POLYLINE: { KPrPolylineObject *kppolylineobject = new KPrPolylineObject(); offset=kppolylineobject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kppolylineobject); kppolylineobject->setOrig(kppolylineobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if (m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kppolylineobject->setOrig(kppolylineobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kppolylineobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kppolylineobject); kppolylineobject->setOrig(kppolylineobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kppolylineobject); } break; case OT_TQUADRICBEZIERCURVE: { KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject *kpQuadricBezierCurveObject = new KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject(); offset=kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpQuadricBezierCurveObject); kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->setOrig(kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->setOrig(kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpQuadricBezierCurveObject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpQuadricBezierCurveObject); kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->setOrig(kpQuadricBezierCurveObject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kpQuadricBezierCurveObject); } break; case OT_CUBICBEZIERCURVE: { KPrCubicBezierCurveObject *kpCubicBezierCurveObject = new KPrCubicBezierCurveObject(); offset=kpCubicBezierCurveObject->load(obj); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpCubicBezierCurveObject); kpCubicBezierCurveObject->setOrig(kpCubicBezierCurveObject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kpCubicBezierCurveObject->setOrig(kpCubicBezierCurveObject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpCubicBezierCurveObject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpCubicBezierCurveObject); kpCubicBezierCurveObject->setOrig(kpCubicBezierCurveObject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kpCubicBezierCurveObject); } break; case OT_POLYGON: { KPrPolygonObject *kpPolygonObject = new KPrPolygonObject(); offset=kpPolygonObject->load( obj ); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpPolygonObject); kpPolygonObject->setOrig(kpPolygonObject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kpPolygonObject->setOrig(kpPolygonObject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpPolygonObject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpPolygonObject); kpPolygonObject->setOrig(kpPolygonObject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kpPolygonObject); } break; case OT_CLOSED_LINE: { KPrClosedLineObject *kpClosedLinneObject = new KPrClosedLineObject(); offset = kpClosedLinneObject->load( obj ); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject( kpClosedLinneObject ); kpClosedLinneObject->setOrig( kpClosedLinneObject->getOrig().x(), offset ); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste ) { kpClosedLinneObject->setOrig( kpClosedLinneObject->getOrig().x(), offset ); pasteObjects.append( kpClosedLinneObject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject( kpClosedLinneObject ); kpClosedLinneObject->setOrig( kpClosedLinneObject->getOrig().x(), offset ); } else insertObjectInPage( offset, kpClosedLinneObject ); } break; case OT_GROUP: { KPrGroupObject *kpgroupobject = new KPrGroupObject(); offset=kpgroupobject->load(obj, this); if ( sticky && !ignoreSticky) { m_masterPage->appendObject(kpgroupobject); kpgroupobject->setOrig(kpgroupobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else if ( m_pageWhereLoadObject && paste) { kpgroupobject->setOrig(kpgroupobject->getOrig().x(),offset); pasteObjects.append( kpgroupobject ); } else if( m_pageWhereLoadObject &&!paste) { m_pageWhereLoadObject->appendObject(kpgroupobject); kpgroupobject->setOrig(kpgroupobject->getOrig().x(),offset); } else insertObjectInPage(offset, kpgroupobject); } break; default: break; } } obj=obj.nextSibling().toElement(); } KPrInsertCmd *insertCmd = 0; if ( ! pasteObjects.empty() ) { insertCmd = new KPrInsertCmd( i18n( "Paste Objects" ), pasteObjects, this , m_pageWhereLoadObject ); insertCmd->execute(); } return insertCmd; } void KPrDocument::loadTitle( const TQDomElement &element ) { TQDomElement title=element.firstChild().toElement(); int i=m_insertFilePage; while ( !title.isNull() ) { if ( title.tagName()=="Title" ) { //test if there is a page at this index //=> don't add new page if there is again a page if(!m_pageWhereLoadObject) { if ( i > ( (int)m_pageList.count() - 1 ) ) m_pageList.append( new KPrPage( this, m_masterPage ) ); m_pageList.at(i)->insertManualTitle(title.attribute("title")); i++; } else m_pageWhereLoadObject->insertManualTitle(title.attribute("title")); } title=title.nextSibling().toElement(); } } void KPrDocument::loadNote( const TQDomElement &element ) { TQDomElement note=element.firstChild().toElement(); int i=m_insertFilePage; while ( !note.isNull() ) { if ( note.tagName()=="Note" ) { //test if there is a page at this index //=> don't add new page if there is again a page if(!m_pageWhereLoadObject) { if ( i > ( (int)m_pageList.count() - 1 ) ) m_pageList.append( new KPrPage( this, m_masterPage ) ); m_pageList.at(i)->setNoteText(note.attribute("note")); i++; } else m_pageWhereLoadObject->setNoteText(note.attribute("note")); } note=note.nextSibling().toElement(); } } void KPrDocument::loadUsedSoundFileFromXML( const TQDomElement &element ) { usedSoundFile = TQStringList(); haveNotOwnDiskSoundFile = TQStringList(); TQDomElement fileElement = element.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !fileElement.isNull() ) { if ( fileElement.tagName() == "FILE" ) { TQString fileName; if ( fileElement.hasAttribute( "name" ) ) fileName = fileElement.attribute( "name" ); if ( fileElement.hasAttribute( "filename" ) ) { TQString name = fileElement.attribute( "filename" ); TQFile _file( name ); if ( _file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { fileName = name; _file.close(); } else haveNotOwnDiskSoundFile.append( name ); } usedSoundFile.append( fileName ); fileElement = fileElement.nextSibling().toElement(); } } } void KPrDocument::loadImagesFromStore( KoStore *_store ) { if ( _store ) { m_pictureCollection.readFromStore( _store, m_pictureMap ); m_pictureMap.clear(); // Release memory } } bool KPrDocument::completeLoading( KoStore* _store ) { kdDebug()<<"bool KPrDocument::completeLoading( KoStore* _store )*************************\n"; emit sigProgress( 80 ); if ( _store ) { loadImagesFromStore( _store ); emit sigProgress( 90 ); if ( !usedSoundFile.isEmpty() ) loadUsedSoundFileFromStore( _store, usedSoundFile ); if ( _clean ) createHeaderFooter(); //else { //m_pageList.last()->updateBackgroundSize(); //} if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) { // ### following call independant of saveOnlyPage's value? m_masterPage->completeLoading( _clean, lastObj ); TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->completeLoading( _clean, lastObj ); } } else { if ( _clean ) { /// ### this has already been done, no? setPageLayout( __pgLayout ); } else setPageLayout( m_pageLayout ); } compatibilityFromOldFileFormat(); emit sigProgress( 100 ); recalcVariables( VT_FIELD ); emit sigProgress( -1 ); connect( documentInfo(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigDocumentInfoModifed()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotDocumentInfoModifed() ) ); //desactivate bgspellchecking //attributes isReadWrite is not placed at the beginning ! if ( !isReadWrite()) enableBackgroundSpellCheck( false ); return true; } void KPrDocument::loadUsedSoundFileFromStore( KoStore *_store, TQStringList _list ) { int i = m_insertFilePage; TQStringList::Iterator it = _list.begin(); for ( ; it != _list.end(); ++it ) { TQString soundFile = *it; if ( _store->open( soundFile ) ) { kdDebug( 33001 ) << "Not found file on disk. Use this( " << soundFile << " ) file." << endl; KoStoreDevice dev( _store ); int size = _store->size(); char *data = new char[size]; dev.readBlock( data, size ); int position = soundFile.tqfindRev( '.' ); TQString format = soundFile.right( soundFile.length() - position ); KTempFile *tmpFile = new KTempFile( TQString(), format ); tmpFile->setAutoDelete( true ); tmpFile->file()->writeBlock( data, size ); tmpFile->close(); TQString tmpFileName = tmpFile->name(); tmpSoundFileList.append( tmpFile ); TQString _fileName = *haveNotOwnDiskSoundFile.at( i ); ++i; TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { TQString _file = it.current()->getPageSoundFileName(); if ( !_file.isEmpty() && _file == _fileName ) it.current()->setPageSoundFileName( tmpFileName ); TQPtrListIterator oIt( it.current()->objectList() ); for ( ; oIt.current(); ++oIt ) { _file = oIt.current()->getAppearSoundEffectFileName(); if ( !_file.isEmpty() && _file == _fileName ) oIt.current()->setAppearSoundEffectFileName( tmpFileName ); _file = oIt.current()->getDisappearSoundEffectFileName(); if ( !_file.isEmpty() && _file == _fileName ) oIt.current()->setDisappearSoundEffectFileName( tmpFileName ); } } _store->close(); delete[] data; } else { kdDebug( 33001 ) << "Found this( " << soundFile << " ) file on disk" << endl; } } } void KPrDocument::setPageLayout( const KoPageLayout &pgLayout ) { // if ( _pageLayout == pgLayout ) // return; m_pageLayout = pgLayout; //for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) // m_pageList.at( i )->updateBackgroundSize(); tqrepaint( false ); tqlayout(); // don't setModified(true) here, since this is called on startup } //when we change pagetqlayout we must re-position header/footer void KPrDocument::updateHeaderFooterPosition( ) { KoRect pageRect=m_masterPage->getPageRect(); TQRect oldBoundingRect = zoomHandler()->zoomRect( _header->getRepaintRect() ); _header->setOrig(pageRect.topLeft ()); _header->setSize(pageRect.width(),_header->getSize().height()); tqrepaint( oldBoundingRect ); tqrepaint(_header); oldBoundingRect = zoomHandler()->zoomRect( _footer->getRepaintRect() ); _footer->setOrig(pageRect.left(),pageRect.bottom()-_footer->getSize().height()); _footer->setSize(pageRect.width(),_footer->getSize().height()); tqrepaint(oldBoundingRect); tqrepaint(_footer); } bool KPrDocument::initDoc(InitDocFlags flags, TQWidget* parentWidget) { if (flags==KoDocument::InitDocEmpty) { TQString fileName( locate("kpresenter_template", "Screenpresentations/.source/Plain.kpt", KPrFactory::global() ) ); objStartY = 0; _clean = true; bool ok = loadNativeFormat( fileName ); if ( !ok ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); resetURL(); setEmpty(); return ok; } TQString file; KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType ret; KoTemplateChooseDia::DialogType dlgtype; if (flags != InitDocFileNew) dlgtype = KoTemplateChooseDia::Everything; else dlgtype = KoTemplateChooseDia::OnlyTemplates; ret = KoTemplateChooseDia::choose( KPrFactory::global(), file, dlgtype, "kpresenter_template", parentWidget ); if ( ret == KoTemplateChooseDia::Template ) { _clean = true; //was a parameter called "clean", but unused bool ok = loadNativeFormat( file ); if ( !ok ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); objStartY = 0; _clean = true; resetURL(); setEmpty(); return ok; } else if ( ret == KoTemplateChooseDia::File ) { objStartY = 0; _clean = true; KURL url( file ); bool ok = openURL( url ); return ok; } else if ( ret == KoTemplateChooseDia::Empty ) { TQString fileName( locate("kpresenter_template", "Screenpresentations/.source/Plain.kpt", KPrFactory::global() ) ); objStartY = 0; _clean = true; bool ok = loadNativeFormat( fileName ); if ( !ok ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); resetURL(); setEmpty(); return ok; } else return false; } void KPrDocument::openExistingFile( const TQString& file ) { objStartY = 0; _clean = true; KoDocument::openExistingFile( file ); } void KPrDocument::openTemplate( const TQString& file ) { KoDocument::openTemplate( file ); objStartY = 0; _clean = true; } void KPrDocument::initEmpty() { TQString fileName( locate("kpresenter_template", "Screenpresentations/.source/Plain.kpt", KPrFactory::global() ) ); objStartY = 0; _clean = true; setModified(true); bool ok = loadNativeFormat( fileName ); if ( !ok ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); resetURL(); } void KPrDocument::setEmpty() { KoDocument::setEmpty(); // Whether loaded from template or from empty doc: this is a new one -> set creation date m_varColl->variableSetting()->setCreationDate(TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime()); recalcVariables( VT_DATE ); // , VST_CREATION_DATE ... // If we then load a document, it will override that date. } void KPrDocument::setGridValue( double _x, double _y, bool _tqreplace ) { oldGridX = m_gridX; oldGridY = m_gridY; m_gridX=_x; m_gridY=_y; if ( _tqreplace ) replaceObjs(); } void KPrDocument::tqrepaint( bool erase ) { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrCanvas* canvas = ((KPrView*)it.current())->getCanvas(); canvas->tqrepaint( erase ); } } void KPrDocument::tqrepaint( const TQRect& rect ) { TQRect r; TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { r = rect; KPrCanvas* canvas = ((KPrView*)it.current())->getCanvas(); r.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( r.x() - canvas->diffx(), r.y() - canvas->diffy() ) ); canvas->update( r ); } } void KPrDocument::tqlayout(KPrObject *kpobject) { KPrTextObject * obj = dynamic_cast( kpobject ); if (obj) obj->tqlayout(); } void KPrDocument::tqlayout() { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrCanvas* canvas = ((KPrView*)it.current())->getCanvas(); canvas->tqlayout(); } } void KPrDocument::tqrepaint( KPrObject *kpobject ) { tqrepaint( m_zoomHandler->zoomRect( kpobject->getRepaintRect() ) ); } TQValueList KPrDocument::getPageEffectSteps( unsigned int num ) { return m_pageList.at(num)->getEffectSteps(); } TQRect KPrDocument::getPageRect( bool decBorders ) const { int pw, ph, bl = static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptLeft); int br = static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptRight); int bt = static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptTop); int bb = static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptBottom); int wid = static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptWidth); int hei = static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptHeight); if ( !decBorders ) { br = 0; bt = 0; bl = 0; bb = 0; } pw = wid - ( bl + br ); ph = hei - ( bt + bb ); return TQRect( bl, bt, pw, ph ); } int KPrDocument::getLeftBorder() const { return static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptLeft); } int KPrDocument::getTopBorder() const { return static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptTop); } int KPrDocument::getBottomBorder() const { return static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptBottom); } int KPrDocument::getRightBorder() const { return static_cast(m_pageLayout.ptRight); } void KPrDocument::deletePage( int _page ) { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::deletePage " << _page << endl; //m_pageList.at(_page)->deletePage(); if ( m_pageList.count()==1 ) return; KPrDeletePageCmd *cmd = new KPrDeletePageCmd( i18n("Delete Slide"), _page, this ); cmd->execute(); addCommand(cmd); } void KPrDocument::insertPage( KPrPage *page, int currentPageNum, int insertPageNum ) { // check if page was allready deleted int pos = m_deletedPageList.tqfindRef( page ); if ( pos != -1 ) m_deletedPageList.take( pos ); m_pageList.insert( insertPageNum, page ); pageOrderChanged(); //activate this page in all views which on slide currentPageNum TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrView *view = static_cast( it.current() ); view->addSideBarItem( insertPageNum ); // change to the new page if the view was on the current page. if ( (int)view->getCurrPgNum() - 1 == currentPageNum ) { view->skipToPage( insertPageNum ); } else // recalc the page number as it might have been changed { view->recalcCurrentPageNum(); } } } void KPrDocument::takePage( KPrPage *page, int pageNum ) { int pos = m_pageList.tqfindRef( page ); m_pageList.take( pos ); m_deletedPageList.append( page ); pageOrderChanged(); TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrView *view = static_cast( it.current() ); view->removeSideBarItem( pos ); // change to the new page if the view was on the current page. if ( (int)view->getCurrPgNum() - 1 == pos ) { view->skipToPage( pageNum ); } else // recalc the page number as it might have been changed { view->recalcCurrentPageNum(); } } tqrepaint( false ); } void KPrDocument::pageOrderChanged() { recalcVariables( VT_PGNUM ); //update statusbar emit pageNumChanged(); emit sig_updateMenuBar(); } void KPrDocument::movePageTo( int oldPos, int newPos ) { kdDebug(33001) << "movePage oldPos = " << oldPos << ", neuPos = " << newPos << endl; KPrPage * page = m_pageList.take( oldPos ); m_pageList.insert( newPos, page ); pageOrderChanged(); // Update the sidebars TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrView *view = static_cast( it.current() ); view->moveSideBarItem( oldPos, newPos ); // change to the new page if the view was on the old pos. if ( (int)view->getCurrPgNum() - 1 == oldPos ) { view->skipToPage( newPos ); } else // recalc the page number as it might have been changed { view->recalcCurrentPageNum(); } } } TQString KPrDocument::templateFileName( bool chooseTemplate, const TQString &theFile ) { TQString fileName; if ( !chooseTemplate ) { if ( theFile.isEmpty() ) fileName = locateLocal( "appdata", "default.kpr" ); else fileName = theFile; } else { // TODO: pass parentWidget as parameter to this method TQWidget* parentWidget = 0; TQString _template; if ( KoTemplateChooseDia::choose( KPrFactory::global(), _template, KoTemplateChooseDia::OnlyTemplates, "kpresenter_template", parentWidget ) == KoTemplateChooseDia::Cancel ) return TQString(); TQFileInfo fileInfo( _template ); fileName = fileInfo.dirPath( true ) + "/" + fileInfo.baseName() + ".kpt"; KURL src, dest; src.setPath( fileName ); dest.setPath( locateLocal( "appdata", "default.kpr" ) ); kdDebug(33001) << "Copying template (in KPrDocument::templateFileName)" << endl << " from: " << src.prettyURL() << endl << " to: " << dest.prettyURL() << endl; KIO::NetAccess::file_copy( src, dest, -1, /* default permissions */ true /* overwrite */ ); } return fileName; } int KPrDocument::insertNewPage( const TQString &cmdName, int _page, InsertPos _insPos, bool chooseTemplate, const TQString &theFile ) { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::insertNewPage " << _page << endl; TQString fileName=templateFileName(chooseTemplate, theFile); if(fileName.isEmpty()) return -1; _clean = false; objStartY=-1; //insert page. KPrPage *newpage = new KPrPage( this, m_masterPage ); m_pageWhereLoadObject=newpage; m_childCountBeforeInsert = tqchildren().count(); bool ok = loadNativeFormat( fileName ); if ( !ok ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); objStartY = 0; KPrInsertPageCmd *cmd = new KPrInsertPageCmd( cmdName, _page, _insPos, newpage, this ); cmd->execute(); addCommand(cmd); _clean = true; m_pageWhereLoadObject=0L; m_childCountBeforeInsert = 0; return _page; } void KPrDocument::savePage( const TQString &file, int pgnum, bool ignore ) { saveOnlyPage = pgnum; _duplicatePage=ignore; saveNativeFormat( file ); _duplicatePage=false; saveOnlyPage = -1; } void KPrDocument::replaceObjs( bool createUndoRedo ) { KMacroCommand * macroCmd = 0L; TQPtrListIterator oIt(m_pageList); for (; oIt.current(); ++oIt ) { KCommand *cmd=oIt.current()->replaceObjs( createUndoRedo, oldGridX,oldGridY,_txtBackCol, _otxtBackCol); if(cmd && createUndoRedo) { if ( !macroCmd) macroCmd = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Set New Options") ); macroCmd->addCommand(cmd); } else delete cmd; } if(macroCmd) { macroCmd->execute(); addCommand(macroCmd); } } void KPrDocument::restoreBackground( KPrPage *page ) { page->background()->reload(); } KCommand * KPrDocument::loadPastedObjs( const TQString &in, KPrPage* _page ) { TQDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( in ); TQDomElement document=doc.documentElement(); // DOC if (document.tagName()!="DOC") { kdError(33001) << "Missing DOC" << endl; return 0L; } bool ok = false; if(document.hasAttribute("mime") && document.attribute("mime")=="application/x-kpresenter") ok=true; if ( !ok ) return 0L; m_pageWhereLoadObject=_page; KCommand *cmd = loadObjects(document,true); m_pageWhereLoadObject=0L; tqrepaint( false ); setModified( true ); return cmd; } void KPrDocument::deSelectAllObj() { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) ((KPrView*)it.current())->getCanvas()->deSelectAllObj(); } void KPrDocument::deSelectObj(KPrObject *obj) { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) ((KPrView*)it.current())->getCanvas()->deSelectObj( obj ); } void KPrDocument::setDisplayObjectMasterPage( bool b ) { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) ((KPrView*)it.current())->updateDisplayObjectMasterPageButton(); tqrepaint(b); } void KPrDocument::setDisplayBackground( bool b ) { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) ((KPrView*)it.current())->updateDisplayBackgroundButton(); tqrepaint(b); } void KPrDocument::setHeader( bool b ) { _header->setDrawEditRect( b ); _header->setDrawEmpty( b ); if(!b) { terminateEditing(_header); deSelectObj(_header); } m_masterPage->setHeader( b, false ); updateHeaderFooterButton(); tqrepaint(b); } void KPrDocument::setFooter( bool b ) { _footer->setDrawEditRect( b ); _footer->setDrawEmpty( b ); if(!b) { terminateEditing(_footer); deSelectObj(_footer); } m_masterPage->setFooter( b, false ); updateHeaderFooterButton(); tqrepaint(b); } void KPrDocument::updateHeaderFooterButton() { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) ((KPrView*)it.current())->updateHeaderFooterButton(); } void KPrDocument::makeUsedPixmapList() { usedPictures.clear(); for ( uint i = 0; i < m_pageList.count(); i++ ) { if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 && static_cast(i) != saveOnlyPage ) continue; m_pageList.at(i)->makeUsedPixmapList(); } // ### following call independant of saveOnlyPage's value? if ( saveOnlyPage == -1 ) m_masterPage->makeUsedPixmapList(); } void KPrDocument::makeUsedSoundFileList() { if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 ) return; usedSoundFile.clear(); TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { TQString _file = it.current()->getPageSoundFileName(); if ( !_file.isEmpty() && usedSoundFile.tqfindIndex( _file ) == -1 ) usedSoundFile.append( _file ); TQPtrListIterator oIt( it.current()->objectList() ); for ( ; oIt.current(); ++oIt ) { _file = oIt.current()->getAppearSoundEffectFileName(); if ( !_file.isEmpty() && usedSoundFile.tqfindIndex( _file ) == -1 ) usedSoundFile.append( _file ); _file = oIt.current()->getDisappearSoundEffectFileName(); if ( !_file.isEmpty() && usedSoundFile.tqfindIndex( _file ) == -1 ) usedSoundFile.append( _file ); } } } KoView* KPrDocument::createViewInstance( TQWidget* tqparent, const char* name ) { //the page numbers have to be recalced for the sticky objects //as it could not be done during the constructor of KPrView recalcPageNum(); return new KPrView( this, tqparent, name ); } void KPrDocument::paintContent( TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& rect, bool /*transparent*/, double zoomX, double zoomY ) { m_zoomHandler->setZoom( 100 ); if ( zoomHandler()->zoomedResolutionX() != zoomX || zoomHandler()->zoomedResolutionY() != zoomY ) { int zoomLevel = tqRound( 100 * zoomY / zoomHandler()->zoomedResolutionY() ); // ## ignores the case where the x and y scaling differs zoomHandler()->setZoom( zoomLevel ); bool forPrint = painter.device() && painter.device()->devType() == TQInternal::Printer; newZoomAndResolution( false, forPrint ); } //for the moment draw first page. KPrPage *page=m_pageList.first(); if( m_initialActivePage ) page = m_initialActivePage; int pageNum = m_pageList.tqfindRef( page ); if ( page->displayBackground() ) page->background()->drawBackground( &painter, zoomHandler(), rect, false ); if ( page->displayObjectFromMasterPage() ) { KPrPage *masterPage = page->masterPage(); if ( masterPage ) { TQPtrListIterator it( masterPage->objectList() ); //draw objects on master slide for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if( (it.current()==_header && !page->hasHeader())||(it.current()==_footer && !page->hasFooter())) continue; it.current()->draw( &painter, zoomHandler(), pageNum, SM_NONE ); } } } TQPtrListIterator it( page->objectList() ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) it.current()->draw( &painter, zoomHandler(), pageNum, SM_NONE ); } TQPixmap KPrDocument::generatePreview( const TQSize& size ) { int oldZoom = zoomHandler()->zoom(); double oldResolutionX = zoomHandler()->resolutionX(); double oldResolutionY = zoomHandler()->resolutionY(); TQPixmap pix = KoDocument::generatePreview(size); zoomHandler()->setResolution( oldResolutionX, oldResolutionY ); zoomHandler()->setZoom(oldZoom); newZoomAndResolution( false, false ); return pix; } void KPrDocument::addShell( KoMainWindow *shell ) { connect( shell, TQT_SIGNAL( documentSaved() ), m_commandHistory, TQT_SLOT( documentSaved() ) ); KoDocument::addShell( shell ); } void KPrDocument::movePage( int from, int to ) { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::movePage from=" << from << " to=" << to << endl; KPrMovePageCmd *cmd = new KPrMovePageCmd( i18n("Move Slide"), from, to, this ); cmd->execute(); addCommand(cmd); } void KPrDocument::copyPage( int from ) { _clean = false; m_childCountBeforeInsert = tqchildren().count(); _duplicatePage=true; // ### now also set via savePage() parameter below kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::copyPage from=" << from << " to=" << from + 1 << endl; kdDebug(33001) << "mimeType = " << mimeType() << ", outputMimeType = " << outputMimeType() << endl; bool wasSelected = isSlideSelected( from ); KTempFile tempFile( TQString(), mimeType() == nativeOasisMimeType() ? ".oop": ".kpr" ); tempFile.setAutoDelete( true ); savePage( tempFile.name(), from, true ); //insert page. KPrPage *newpage = new KPrPage( this, m_masterPage ); m_pageWhereLoadObject = newpage; bool ok = loadNativeFormat( tempFile.name() ); if ( !ok ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); KPrInsertPageCmd *cmd = new KPrInsertPageCmd( i18n("Duplicate Slide"), from, IP_AFTER, newpage, this ); cmd->execute(); addCommand(cmd); _duplicatePage=false; _clean = true; m_pageWhereLoadObject=0L; m_childCountBeforeInsert = 0; selectPage( from + 1, wasSelected ); } void KPrDocument::copyPageToClipboard( int pgnum ) { // We save the page to a temp file and set the URL of the file in the clipboard // Yes it's a hack but at least we don't hit the clipboard size limit :) // (and we don't have to implement copy-tar-structure-to-clipboard) // In fact it even allows copying a [1-page] kpr in konq and pasting it in kpresenter :)) kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::copyPageToClipboard pgnum=" << pgnum << endl; kdDebug(33001) << "mimeType = " << mimeType() << ", outputMimeType = " << outputMimeType() << endl; KTempFile tempFile( TQString(), mimeType() == nativeOasisMimeType() ? ".oop": ".kpr" ); savePage( tempFile.name(), pgnum, true ); KURL url; url.setPath( tempFile.name() ); KURL::List lst; lst.append( url ); TQApplication::tqclipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag( lst ) ); m_tempFileInClipboard = tempFile.name(); // do this last, the above calls clipboardDataChanged } void KPrDocument::pastePage( const TQMimeSource * data, int pgnum ) { KURL::List lst; if ( KURLDrag::decode( data, lst ) && !lst.isEmpty() ) { insertNewPage(i18n("Paste Slide"), pgnum, IP_BEFORE, FALSE, lst.first().path() ); //selectPage( pgnum, true /* should be part of the file ? */ ); } } void KPrDocument::clipboardDataChanged() { if ( !m_tempFileInClipboard.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::clipboardDataChanged, deleting temp file " << m_tempFileInClipboard << endl; unlink( TQFile::encodeName( m_tempFileInClipboard ) ); m_tempFileInClipboard = TQString(); } // TODO enable paste as well, when a txtobject is activated // and there is plain text in the clipboard. Then enable this code. //TQMimeSource *data = TQApplication::tqclipboard()->data(); //bool canPaste = data->provides( "text/uri-list" ) || data->provides( "application/x-kpresenter-selection" ); // emit enablePaste( canPaste ); } void KPrDocument::selectPage( int pgNum /* 0-based */, bool select ) { Q_ASSERT( pgNum >= 0 ); KPrPage *page = m_pageList.at( pgNum ); page->slideSelected(select); kdDebug(33001) << "KPrDocument::selectPage pgNum=" << pgNum << " select=" << select << endl; setModified(true); updateSideBarItem( page ); updatePresentationButton(); //update statusbar emit pageNumChanged(); } KPrPage * KPrDocument::findPage(KPrObject *object) { TQPtrList masterObjects( m_masterPage->objectList() ); if ( masterObjects.tqfindRef( object ) != -1 ) { //kdDebug(33001) << "Object is on the master page" << endl; return m_masterPage; } TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { TQPtrList list( it.current()->objectList() ); if ( list.tqfindRef( object ) != -1 ) { //kdDebug(33001) << "Object is on page " << m_pageList.tqfindRef(it.current()) + 1 << endl; return it.current(); } } kdDebug(33001) << "Object not found on a page" << endl; return 0L; } KPrPage * KPrDocument::findPage(TQPtrList &objects) { KPrObject *object; for ( object = objects.first(); object; object=objects.next() ) { TQPtrList list( m_masterPage->objectList() ); if ( list.tqfindRef( object ) != -1 ) { //kdDebug(33001) << "Object is on the master page" << endl; return m_masterPage; } } object = objects.first(); for ( KPrPage *page=m_pageList.first(); page; page=m_pageList.next() ) { TQPtrList list( page->objectList() ); if ( list.tqfindRef( object ) != -1 ) { //kdDebug(33001) << "The Objects are on page " << m_pageList.tqfindRef(page) + 1 << endl; return page; } } kdDebug(33001) << "Objects not found on a page" << endl; return 0L; } void KPrDocument::updateSideBarItem( KPrPage * page ) { // Update the views TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) static_cast( it.current() )->updateSideBarItem( page ); } bool KPrDocument::isSlideSelected( int pgNum /* 0-based */ ) { Q_ASSERT( pgNum >= 0 ); return m_pageList.at(pgNum)->isSlideSelected(); } TQValueList KPrDocument::listOfDisplaySelectedSlides( const TQValueList & lst) /* returned list is 0-based */ { TQValueList result; TQValueListConstIterator itPage; TQValueListConstIterator itPageEnd = lst.end(); for( itPage = lst.begin() ; itPage != itPageEnd; ++itPage ) { int pageNum = m_pageList.tqfind(*itPage ); if ( pageNum != -1 ) { kdDebug()<<" KPrDocument::displaySelectedSlide : add slide number :"< KPrDocument::displaySelectedSlides() /* returned list is 0-based */ { TQValueList result; if ( m_customListTest ) return *m_customListTest; if ( m_presentationName.isEmpty() ) return selectedSlides(); else { kdDebug()<<" KPrDocument::displaySelectedSlide m_presentationName : "< KPrDocument::selectedSlides() /* returned list is 0-based */ { TQValueList result; for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { if(m_pageList.at(i)->isSlideSelected()) result <( m_pageList.count() ); i++ ) { if(m_pageList.at(i)->isSlideSelected()) { if(continuous) ++end; else { start=i; end=i; continuous=true; } } else { if(continuous) { if(start==end) ret+=TQString::number(start+1)+","; else ret+=TQString::number(start+1)+"-"+TQString::number(end+1)+","; continuous=false; } } } if(continuous) { if(start==end) ret+=TQString::number(start+1); else ret+=TQString::number(start+1)+"-"+TQString::number(end+1); } if(','==ret[ret.length()-1]) ret.truncate(ret.length()-1); return ret; } void KPrDocument::slotRepaintChanged( KPrTextObject *kptextobj ) { //todo //use this function for the moment tqrepaint( kptextobj ); } void KPrDocument::recalcVariables( int type ) { recalcPageNum(); TQValueList modifiedVariables = m_varColl->recalcVariables(type); if ( modifiedVariables.isEmpty() ) return; // TODO use the return value from recalcVariables to only tqrepaint what has changed. TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->slotRepaintVariable(); m_masterPage->slotRepaintVariable(); } void KPrDocument::slotGuideLinesChanged( KoView *view ) { ( (KPrView*)view )->getCanvas()->guideLines().getGuideLines( m_hGuideLines, m_vGuideLines ); TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current() != view ) { ( (KPrView*)it.current() )->getCanvas()->guideLines().setGuideLines( m_hGuideLines, m_vGuideLines ); } } } void KPrDocument::slotDocumentInfoModifed() { if (!getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->displayFieldCode()) recalcVariables( VT_FIELD ); } void KPrDocument::reorganizeGUI() { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) ((KPrView*)it.current())->reorganize(); } int KPrDocument::undoRedoLimit() const { return m_commandHistory->undoLimit(); } void KPrDocument::setUndoRedoLimit(int val) { m_commandHistory->setUndoLimit(val); m_commandHistory->setRedoLimit(val); } void KPrDocument::updateRuler() { emit sig_updateRuler(); } void KPrDocument::recalcPageNum() { TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->recalcPageNum(); m_masterPage->recalcPageNum(); } KPrPage * KPrDocument::activePage()const { return m_initialActivePage; } void KPrDocument::insertObjectInPage(double offset, KPrObject *_obj, int pos) { /// Why does this use __pgLayout instead of m_pageLayout ? int page = (int)(offset/__pgLayout.ptHeight)+m_insertFilePage; if ( page < 0 ) { kdDebug(33001) << "insertObjectInPage object cound not be inserted page = " << page << endl; return; } double newPos = offset - ( page - m_insertFilePage ) * __pgLayout.ptHeight; // due to a very small caluculating error which gives us the wrong page // for objects placed on top of the page we have to move them to the right page. if ( __pgLayout.ptHeight - newPos < 1e-6 ) { page++; newPos = 0.0; } if ( page > ( (int)m_pageList.count()-1 ) ) { for (int i=(m_pageList.count()-1); isetOrig(_obj->getOrig().x(),newPos); if ( pos == -1 ) { m_pageList.at(page)->appendObject(_obj); } else { m_pageList.at( page )->insertObject( _obj, pos ); } } void KPrDocument::insertPixmapKey( KoPictureKey key ) { if ( !usedPictures.tqcontains( key ) ) usedPictures.append( key ); } KPrPage * KPrDocument::initialActivePage() const { return m_initialActivePage; } void KPrDocument::displayActivePage(KPrPage * _page) { m_initialActivePage = _page; } void KPrDocument::updateZoomRuler() { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { ((KPrView*)it.current())->getHRuler()->setZoom( m_zoomHandler->zoomedResolutionX() ); ((KPrView*)it.current())->getVRuler()->setZoom( m_zoomHandler->zoomedResolutionY() ); ((KPrView*)it.current())->slotUpdateRuler(); } } void KPrDocument::newZoomAndResolution( bool updateViews, bool /*forPrint*/ ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_pageList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { TQPtrListIterator oit(it.current()->objectList()); for ( ; oit.current(); ++oit ) { if ( oit.current()->getType() == OT_TEXT ) static_cast( oit.current() )->textDocument()->formatCollection()->zoomChanged(); } } if ( updateViews ) { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { static_cast( it.current() )->getCanvas()->update(); static_cast( it.current() )->getCanvas()->tqlayout(); } } } bool KPrDocument::isHeader(const KPrObject *obj) const { return (obj==_header); } bool KPrDocument::isFooter(const KPrObject *obj) const { return (obj==_footer); } bool KPrDocument::isHeaderFooter(const KPrObject *obj) const { return (obj==_header)||(obj==_footer); } void KPrDocument::updateRulerPageLayout() { TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { ((KPrView*)it.current())->getHRuler()->setPageLayout(m_pageLayout ); ((KPrView*)it.current())->getVRuler()->setPageLayout(m_pageLayout ); } } void KPrDocument::refreshAllNoteBarMasterPage(const TQString &text, KPrView *exceptView) { m_masterPage->setNoteText(text ); TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrView* view=(KPrView*)it.current(); if ( view->getNoteBar() && view != exceptView && view->editMaster() ) view->getNoteBar()->setCurrentNoteText(text ); } } void KPrDocument::refreshAllNoteBar(int page, const TQString &text, KPrView *exceptView) { m_pageList.at(page)->setNoteText(text ); TQPtrListIterator it( views() ); for (; it.current(); ++it ) { KPrView* view=(KPrView*)it.current(); if ( view->getNoteBar() && view != exceptView && ((int)(view->getCurrPgNum())-1 == page)) view->getNoteBar()->setCurrentNoteText(text ); } } void KPrDocument::loadStyleTemplates( const TQDomElement &stylesElem ) { TQValueList followingStyles; TQDomNodeList listStyles = stylesElem.elementsByTagName( "STYLE" ); if( listStyles.count() > 0) { // we are going to import at least one style. KoParagStyle *s = m_styleColl->findStyle("Standard"); kdDebug(32001) << "KPrDocument::loadStyleTemplates looking for Standard, to delete it. Found " << s << endl; if(s) // delete the standard style. m_styleColl->removeStyle(s); } for (unsigned int item = 0; item < listStyles.count(); item++) { TQDomElement styleElem = listStyles.item( item ).toElement(); KoParagStyle *sty = new KoParagStyle( TQString() ); // Load the style from the