/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Thorsten Zachmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KPrObjectIface.h" #include "KPrObject.h" #include "KPrDocument.h" #include "KPrUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoOasisStyles.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const TQString &KPrObject::tagORIG=TDEGlobal::staticQString("ORIG"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrX=TDEGlobal::staticQString("x"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrY=TDEGlobal::staticQString("y"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagSIZE=TDEGlobal::staticQString("SIZE"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrWidth=TDEGlobal::staticQString("width"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrHeight=TDEGlobal::staticQString("height"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagSHADOW=TDEGlobal::staticQString("SHADOW"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrDistance=TDEGlobal::staticQString("distance"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrDirection=TDEGlobal::staticQString("direction"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrColor=TDEGlobal::staticQString("color"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagEFFECTS=TDEGlobal::staticQString("EFFECTS"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrEffect=TDEGlobal::staticQString("effect"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrEffect2=TDEGlobal::staticQString("effect2"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagPRESNUM=TDEGlobal::staticQString("PRESNUM"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagANGLE=TDEGlobal::staticQString("ANGLE"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagDISAPPEAR=TDEGlobal::staticQString("DISAPPEAR"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrDoit=TDEGlobal::staticQString("doit"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrNum=TDEGlobal::staticQString("num"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagFILLTYPE=TDEGlobal::staticQString("FILLTYPE"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagGRADIENT=TDEGlobal::staticQString("GRADIENT"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagPEN=TDEGlobal::staticQString("PEN"); const TQString &KPrObject::tagBRUSH=TDEGlobal::staticQString("BRUSH"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrValue=TDEGlobal::staticQString("value"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrC1=TDEGlobal::staticQString("color1"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrC2=TDEGlobal::staticQString("color2"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrType=TDEGlobal::staticQString("type"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrUnbalanced=TDEGlobal::staticQString("unbalanced"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrXFactor=TDEGlobal::staticQString("xfactor"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrYFactor=TDEGlobal::staticQString("yfactor"); const TQString &KPrObject::attrStyle=TDEGlobal::staticQString("style"); KPrStartEndLine::KPrStartEndLine( LineEnd _start, LineEnd _end ) : lineBegin( _start ), lineEnd( _end ) { } void KPrStartEndLine::save( TQDomDocumentFragment &fragment, TQDomDocument& doc ) { if (lineBegin!=L_NORMAL) fragment.appendChild(KPrStartEndLine::createValueElement("LINEBEGIN", static_cast(lineBegin), doc)); if (lineEnd!=L_NORMAL) fragment.appendChild(KPrStartEndLine::createValueElement("LINEEND", static_cast(lineEnd), doc)); } TQDomElement KPrStartEndLine::createValueElement(const TQString &tag, int value, TQDomDocument &doc) { TQDomElement elem=doc.createElement(tag); elem.setAttribute("value", value); return elem; } void KPrStartEndLine::load( const TQDomElement &element ) { TQDomElement e=element.namedItem("LINEBEGIN").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { int tmp=0; if(e.hasAttribute("value")) tmp=e.attribute("value").toInt(); lineBegin=static_cast(tmp); } e=element.namedItem("LINEEND").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { int tmp=0; if(e.hasAttribute("value")) tmp=e.attribute("value").toInt(); lineEnd=static_cast(tmp); } } void KPrStartEndLine::loadOasisMarkerElement( KoOasisContext & context, const TQString & attr, LineEnd &_element ) { //kdDebug()<<"void KPrStartEndLine::loadOasisMarkerElement( KoOasisContext & context, const TQString & attr, LineEnd &_element ) :"<hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "d" )) { TQString str = draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "d", TQString() ); kdDebug()<<" svg type = "<( shadowDirection )); elem.setAttribute(attrColor, shadowColor.name()); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(effect!=EF_NONE || effect2!=EF2_NONE) { elem=doc.createElement(tagEFFECTS); elem.setAttribute(attrEffect, static_cast( effect )); elem.setAttribute(attrEffect2, static_cast( effect2 )); elem.setAttribute( "speed", static_cast(m_appearSpeed) ); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(appearStep!=0) fragment.appendChild(KPrObject::createValueElement(tagPRESNUM, appearStep, doc)); if(angle!=0.0) { elem=doc.createElement(tagANGLE); elem.setAttribute(attrValue, angle); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(effect3!=EF3_NONE || disappear) { elem=doc.createElement(tagDISAPPEAR); elem.setAttribute(attrEffect, static_cast( effect3 )); elem.setAttribute(attrDoit, static_cast( disappear )); elem.setAttribute( "speed", static_cast(m_disappearSpeed) ); elem.setAttribute(attrNum, disappearStep); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(appearTimer!=1 || disappearTimer!=1) { elem=doc.createElement("TIMER"); elem.setAttribute("appearTimer", appearTimer); elem.setAttribute("disappearTimer", disappearTimer); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(appearSoundEffect || !a_fileName.isEmpty()) { elem=doc.createElement("APPEARSOUNDEFFECT"); elem.setAttribute("appearSoundEffect", static_cast(appearSoundEffect)); elem.setAttribute("appearSoundFileName", a_fileName); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(disappearSoundEffect || !d_fileName.isEmpty()) { elem=doc.createElement("DISAPPEARSOUNDEFFECT"); elem.setAttribute("disappearSoundEffect", static_cast(disappearSoundEffect)); elem.setAttribute("disappearSoundFileName", d_fileName); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if( !objectName.isEmpty() ) { elem=doc.createElement("OBJECTNAME"); elem.setAttribute("objectName", objectName); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(protect) { elem=doc.createElement("PROTECT"); elem.setAttribute("state" , protect); fragment.appendChild(elem); } if(keepRatio) { elem=doc.createElement("RATIO"); elem.setAttribute("ratio" , keepRatio); fragment.appendChild(elem); } return fragment; } void KPrObject::saveOasisPosObject( KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter, int indexObj ) const { xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:id", "object" + TQString::number( indexObj ) ); //save all into pt xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:width", ext.width() ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:height", ext.height() ); if ( kAbs( angle ) > 1E-6 ) { double angInRad = -angle * M_PI / 180.0; TQWMatrix m( cos( angInRad ), -sin( angInRad ), sin( angInRad ), cos( angInRad ), 0, 0 ); KoPoint center( ext.width() / 2, ext.height() / 2 ); double rotX = 0.0; double rotY = 0.0; m.map( center.x(), center.y(), &rotX, &rotY ); KoPoint rot( rotX, rotY ); KoPoint trans( center - rot + orig ); TQCString transX; transX.setNum( trans.x(), 'g', DBL_DIG ); TQCString transY; transY.setNum( trans.y(), 'g', DBL_DIG ); TQString str = TQString( "rotate(%1) translate(%2pt %3pt)" ).arg( angInRad ).arg( transX.data() ).arg( transY.data() ); xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:transform", str ); } else { xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:x", orig.x() ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:y", orig.y() ); } } void KPrObject::saveOasisObjectProtectStyle( KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const { if ( protect ) { styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:move-protect", "true" ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:size-protect", "true" ); } } TQString KPrObject::getStyle( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrObject::getStyle" << endl; KoGenStyle styleObjectAuto; KoGenStyles &mainStyles( sc.context.mainStyles() ); if ( sc.onMaster ) { styleObjectAuto = KoGenStyle( KPrDocument::STYLE_PRESENTATIONSTICKYOBJECT, "presentation" ); } else { styleObjectAuto = KoGenStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_GRAPHICAUTO, "graphic" ); } fillStyle( styleObjectAuto, mainStyles ); if ( sc.onMaster ) { return mainStyles.lookup( styleObjectAuto, "pr" ); } return mainStyles.lookup( styleObjectAuto, "gr" ); } void KPrObject::fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& /* mainStyles */ ) const { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrObject::fillStyle" << endl; saveOasisObjectProtectStyle( styleObjectAuto ); saveOasisShadowElement( styleObjectAuto ); } bool KPrObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KPOasisSaveContext &/* sc */ ) const { kdDebug()<<"bool saveOasisObjectAttributes not implemented"; return true; } bool KPrObject::hasAnimation() const { return effect != EF_NONE || appearTimer != 0 || effect3 != EF3_NONE || disappear || !a_fileName.isEmpty() || ! d_fileName.isEmpty() || appearTimer != 1; } bool KPrObject::saveOasisObjectStyleShowAnimation( KoXmlWriter &animation, int objectId ) { if ( effect != EF_NONE || appearStep != 0 || !a_fileName.isEmpty() ) { animation.startElement( "presentation:show-shape" ); animation.addAttribute( "draw:shape-id", "object" + TQString::number( objectId ) ); animation.addAttribute( "koffice:order-id", appearStep ); switch( effect ) { case EF_NONE: // use appear instead none as oo understands this animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "appear" ); break; case EF_COME_RIGHT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-right" ); break; case EF_COME_LEFT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-left" ); break; case EF_COME_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-top" ); break; case EF_COME_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-bottom" ); break; case EF_COME_RIGHT_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-upper-right" ); break; case EF_COME_RIGHT_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-lower-right" ); break; case EF_COME_LEFT_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-upper-left" ); break; case EF_COME_LEFT_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-lower-left" ); break; case EF_WIPE_LEFT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-left" ); break; case EF_WIPE_RIGHT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-right" ); break; case EF_WIPE_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-top" ); break; case EF_WIPE_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-bottom" ); break; } if ( effect2 != EF2_NONE ) { animation.addAttribute( "koffice:by-paragraph", "true" ); } if ( m_appearSpeed == ES_SLOW ) { animation.addAttribute( "presentation:speed", "slow" ); } else if ( m_appearSpeed == ES_FAST ) { animation.addAttribute( "presentation:speed", "fast" ); } if ( appearTimer!=1 ) { animation.addAttribute( "presentation:animation-delay", saveOasisTimer( appearTimer ) ); } if( !a_fileName.isEmpty() ) { //store sound into file ? // animation.startElement( "presentation:sound" ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:href", a_fileName ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:show", "new" ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:actuate", "onRequest" ); animation.endElement(); } animation.endElement(); } return true; } bool KPrObject::saveOasisObjectStyleHideAnimation( KoXmlWriter &animation, int objectId ) { //FIXME oo doesn't support hide animation object if ( effect3 != EF3_NONE || disappearStep != 0 || !d_fileName.isEmpty()) { animation.startElement( "presentation:hide-shape" ); animation.addAttribute( "draw:shape-id", "object" + TQString::number( objectId ) ); animation.addAttribute( "koffice:order-id", disappearStep ); switch( effect3 ) { case EF3_NONE: // use hide instead none as oo understands this animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "hide" ); break; case EF3_GO_RIGHT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-right" ); break; case EF3_GO_LEFT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-left" ); break; case EF3_GO_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-top" ); break; case EF3_GO_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-bottom" ); break; case EF3_GO_RIGHT_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-upper-right" ); break; case EF3_GO_RIGHT_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-lower-right" ); break; case EF3_GO_LEFT_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-upper-left" ); break; case EF3_GO_LEFT_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "move" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-lower-left" ); break; case EF3_WIPE_LEFT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-left" ); break; case EF3_WIPE_RIGHT: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-right" ); break; case EF3_WIPE_TOP: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-top" ); break; case EF3_WIPE_BOTTOM: animation.addAttribute( "presentation:effect", "fade" ); animation.addAttribute( "presentation:direction", "from-bottom" ); break; } if ( m_disappearSpeed == ES_SLOW ) { animation.addAttribute( "presentation:speed", "slow" ); } else if ( m_disappearSpeed == ES_FAST ) { animation.addAttribute( "presentation:speed", "fast" ); } if ( disappearTimer!=1 ) { animation.addAttribute( "presentation:animation-delay", saveOasisTimer( disappearTimer ) ); } if( !d_fileName.isEmpty() ) { //store sound into file ? // animation.startElement( "presentation:sound" ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:href", a_fileName ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:show", "new" ); animation.addAttribute( "xlink:actuate", "onRequest" ); animation.endElement(); } animation.endElement(); } return true; } void KPrObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info) { if(element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name" )) objectName = element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name", TQString()); orig.setX( KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "x", TQString() ) ) ); orig.setY( KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "y", TQString() ) ) ); ext.setWidth(KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "width", TQString() )) ); ext.setHeight(KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "height", TQString() ) ) ); //kdDebug()<<" orig.x() :"<animationShowById(element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "id", TQString()) ); if ( tmp ) animation = tmp->element; } if( animation) { TQString effectStr = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "effect", TQString()); TQString dir = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "direction", TQString()); TQString speed = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "speed", TQString() ); appearStep = tmp->order; kdDebug()<<" appear direction : "<hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "animation-delay" ) ) { appearTimer = loadOasisTimer(animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "animation-delay", TQString() ) ); } if (effectStr=="fade") { if (dir=="from-right") effect = EF_WIPE_RIGHT; else if (dir=="from-left") effect = EF_WIPE_LEFT; else if (dir=="from-top") effect= EF_WIPE_TOP; else if (dir=="from-bottom") effect = EF_WIPE_BOTTOM; else kdDebug(33001)<<" dir not supported: " << dir << endl; } else if (effectStr=="move") { if (dir=="from-right") effect = EF_COME_RIGHT; else if (dir=="from-left") effect = EF_COME_LEFT; else if (dir=="from-top") effect = EF_COME_TOP; else if (dir=="from-bottom") effect = EF_COME_BOTTOM; else if (dir=="from-upper-right") effect = EF_COME_RIGHT_TOP; else if (dir=="from-lower-right") effect = EF_COME_RIGHT_BOTTOM; else if (dir=="from-upper-left") effect = EF_COME_LEFT_TOP; else if (dir=="from-lower-left") effect = EF_COME_LEFT_BOTTOM; else kdDebug(33001) << " dir not supported:" << dir << endl; } else if ( effectStr == "appear" ) { effect = EF_NONE; } else { kdDebug(33001) << " appear effect not supported: " << effectStr << endl; effect = EF_NONE; } TQString byParagaph = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::koffice, "by-paragraph", TQString() ); if ( byParagaph == "true" ) { effect2 = EF2T_PARA; } TQDomElement sound = KoDom::namedItemNS( *animation, KoXmlNS::presentation, "sound" ); if ( !sound.isNull() ) { kdDebug()<<" object has sound effect \n"; if ( sound.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::xlink, "href" ) ) { a_fileName =sound.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::xlink, "href", TQString() ); appearSoundEffect = true; } } } animation = 0L; tmp = 0L; if( element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "id")) { tmp = info->animationHideById(element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "id", TQString()) ); if ( tmp ) animation = tmp->element; } if( animation) { TQString effectStr = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "effect", TQString()); TQString dir = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "direction", TQString()); TQString speed = animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "speed", TQString() ); kdDebug()<<" disappear direction : "<order; if ( speed =="medium" ) { m_disappearSpeed = ES_MEDIUM; } else if ( speed=="slow" ) { m_disappearSpeed = ES_SLOW; } else if ( speed=="fast" ) { m_disappearSpeed = ES_FAST; } else kdDebug()<<" speed argument is not defined :"<hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "animation-delay" ) ) { disappearTimer = loadOasisTimer(animation->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "animation-delay", TQString() ) ); } if (effectStr=="fade") { if (dir=="from-right") effect3 = EF3_WIPE_RIGHT; else if (dir=="from-left") effect3 = EF3_WIPE_LEFT; else if (dir=="from-top") effect3 = EF3_WIPE_TOP; else if (dir=="from-bottom") effect3 = EF3_WIPE_BOTTOM; else kdDebug(33001) << " dir not supported: " << dir << endl; } else if (effectStr=="move") { if (dir=="from-right") effect3 = EF3_GO_RIGHT; else if (dir=="from-left") effect3 = EF3_GO_LEFT; else if (dir=="from-top") effect3 = EF3_GO_TOP; else if (dir=="from-bottom") effect3 = EF3_GO_BOTTOM; else if (dir=="from-upper-right") effect3 = EF3_GO_RIGHT_TOP; else if (dir=="from-lower-right") effect3 = EF3_GO_RIGHT_BOTTOM; else if (dir=="from-upper-left") effect3 = EF3_GO_LEFT_TOP; else if (dir=="from-lower-left") effect3 = EF3_GO_LEFT_BOTTOM; else kdDebug(33001) << " dir not supported: " << dir << endl; } else if ( effectStr == "hide" ) { effect3 = EF3_NONE; } else { kdDebug(33001) << " hide effect not supported: " << effectStr << endl; effect3 = EF3_NONE; } disappear = true; TQDomElement sound = KoDom::namedItemNS( *animation, KoXmlNS::presentation, "sound" ); if ( !sound.isNull() ) { kdDebug()<<" object has sound effect \n"; if ( sound.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::xlink, "href" ) ) { d_fileName =sound.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::xlink, "href", TQString() ); disappearSoundEffect = true; } } } //shadow #if 0 //move it to kptextobject if ( !element.hasAttribute( "type" ) || ( element.hasAttribute( "type" ) && element.attribute( "type" ) == "4" ) ) { kdDebug()<<" text document !!!!!\n"; if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "text-shadow" ) && styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "text-shadow" ) != "none" ) { TQString distance = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "text-shadow" ); distance.truncate( distance.find( ' ' ) ); shadowDistance = (int)KoUnit::parseValue( distance ); shadowDirection = SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM; shadowColor= TQColor("#a0a0a0" ); } } #endif // draw:textarea-horizontal-align="center" draw:textarea-vertical-align="middle" draw:shadow="visible" draw:move-protect="true" draw:size-protect="true" //kpresenter doesn't have two attribute for protect move and protect size perhaps create two argument for 1.4 styleStack.setTypeProperties( "graphic" ); if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "move-protect" ) ) { kdDebug()<<" styleStack.attribute(draw:move-protect ) :"< 0 && y < 0 ) { shadowDirection = SD_RIGHT_UP; shadowDistance = (int) fabs ( x ); } else if ( x > 0 && y == 0 ) { shadowDirection = SD_RIGHT; shadowDistance = (int) fabs ( x ); } else if ( x > 0 && y > 0 ) { shadowDirection = SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM; shadowDistance = (int) fabs ( x ); } else if ( x == 0 && y > 0 ) { shadowDirection = SD_BOTTOM; shadowDistance = (int) fabs ( y ); } else if ( x < 0 && y > 0 ) { shadowDirection = SD_LEFT_BOTTOM; shadowDistance = (int) fabs ( x ); } else if ( x < 0 && y == 0 ) { shadowDirection = SD_LEFT; shadowDistance = (int) fabs ( x ); } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "shadow-color" ) ) shadowColor= TQColor(styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "shadow-color" ) ); kdDebug()<<" shadow color : "<(e.attribute(attrDirection).toInt()); shadowColor=retrieveColor(e); } else { shadowDistance=0; shadowDirection=SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM; shadowColor=TQt::gray; } e=element.namedItem(tagEFFECTS).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute(attrEffect)) effect=static_cast(e.attribute(attrEffect).toInt()); if(e.hasAttribute(attrEffect2)) effect2=static_cast(e.attribute(attrEffect2).toInt()); if(e.hasAttribute("speed")) { m_appearSpeed=static_cast(e.attribute("speed").toInt()); // this is a safty net as we had once speeds up to ten m_appearSpeed = m_appearSpeed > ES_FAST ? ES_FAST : m_appearSpeed; } } else { effect=EF_NONE; effect2=EF2_NONE; } e=element.namedItem(tagANGLE).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute(attrValue)) angle=e.attribute(attrValue).toFloat(); } else angle=0.0; e=element.namedItem(tagPRESNUM).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute(attrValue)) appearStep=e.attribute(attrValue).toInt(); } else appearStep=0; e=element.namedItem(tagDISAPPEAR).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute(attrEffect)) effect3=static_cast(e.attribute(attrEffect).toInt()); if(e.hasAttribute(attrDoit)) disappear=static_cast(e.attribute(attrDoit).toInt()); if(e.hasAttribute(attrNum)) disappearStep=e.attribute(attrNum).toInt(); if(e.hasAttribute("speed")) { m_disappearSpeed=static_cast(e.attribute("speed").toInt()); // this is a safty net as we had once speeds up to ten m_disappearSpeed = m_appearSpeed > ES_FAST ? ES_FAST : m_appearSpeed; } } else { effect3=EF3_NONE; disappear=false; disappearStep=1; } e=element.namedItem("TIMER").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("appearTimer")) appearTimer = e.attribute("appearTimer").toInt(); if(e.hasAttribute("disappearTimer")) disappearTimer = e.attribute("disappearTimer").toInt(); } else { appearTimer = 1; disappearTimer = 1; } e=element.namedItem("APPEARSOUNDEFFECT").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("appearSoundEffect")) appearSoundEffect = static_cast(e.attribute("appearSoundEffect").toInt()); if(e.hasAttribute("appearSoundFileName")) a_fileName = e.attribute("appearSoundFileName"); } else { appearSoundEffect = false; a_fileName = TQString(); } e=element.namedItem("DISAPPEARSOUNDEFFECT").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("disappearSoundEffect")) disappearSoundEffect = static_cast(e.attribute("disappearSoundEffect").toInt()); if(e.hasAttribute("disappearSoundFileName")) d_fileName = e.attribute("disappearSoundFileName"); } else { disappearSoundEffect = false; d_fileName = TQString(); } e=element.namedItem("OBJECTNAME").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("objectName")) objectName = e.attribute("objectName"); } else { objectName = TQString(); } e=element.namedItem("PROTECT").toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("state")) protect=static_cast(e.attribute("state").toInt()); } e=element.namedItem("RATIO").toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("ratio")) keepRatio=static_cast(e.attribute("ratio").toInt()); } return offset; } KoSize KPrObject::getRealSize() const { KoSize size = ext; if ( angle != 0.0 ) { float angInRad = angle * M_PI / 180; size.setWidth( ext.width() * fabs( cos( angInRad ) ) + ext.height() * fabs( sin( angInRad ) ) ); size.setHeight( ext.width() * fabs( sin( angInRad ) ) + ext.height() * fabs( cos( angInRad ) ) ); } return size; } KoPoint KPrObject::getRealOrig() const { KoPoint origin = orig; if ( angle != 0.0 ) { KoSize dist( ( getRealSize() - ext ) / 2 ); origin.setX( orig.x() - dist.width() ); origin.setY( orig.y() - dist.height() ); } return origin; } KoRect KPrObject::getRealRect() const { return KoRect( getRealOrig(), getRealSize() ); } KoRect KPrObject::getRepaintRect() const { KoRect rect( getRealOrig(), getRealSize() ); if ( shadowDirection == SD_LEFT || shadowDirection == SD_LEFT_UP || shadowDirection == SD_LEFT_BOTTOM ) { rect.setLeft( rect.left() - shadowDistance ); } if ( shadowDirection == SD_UP || shadowDirection == SD_LEFT_UP || shadowDirection == SD_RIGHT_UP ) { rect.setTop( rect.top() - shadowDistance ); } if ( shadowDirection == SD_RIGHT || shadowDirection == SD_RIGHT_UP || shadowDirection == SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM ) { rect.setRight( rect.right() + shadowDistance ); } if ( shadowDirection == SD_BOTTOM || shadowDirection == SD_LEFT_BOTTOM || shadowDirection == SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM ) { rect.setBottom( rect.bottom() + shadowDistance ); } if ( angle != 0.0 ) { double _dx = rect.x() - 1.0; double _dy = rect.y() - 1.0; double _dw = rect.width() + 2.0; double _dh = rect.height() + 2.0; rect.setRect( _dx, _dy, _dw, _dh ); } return rect; } void KPrObject::flip( bool /*horizontal*/ ) { // flip the angle if ( angle ) { angle = 360.0 - angle; } } KoRect KPrObject::rotateRectObject() const { KoRect br = KoRect( 0,0, ext.width(), ext.height() ); double pw = br.width(); double ph = br.height(); KoRect rr = br; double yPos = -rr.y(); double xPos = -rr.x(); rr.moveTopLeft( KoPoint( -rr.width() / 2.0, -rr.height() / 2.0 ) ); TQWMatrix m; m.translate( pw / 2.0, ph / 2.0 ); m.rotate( angle ); m.translate( rr.left() + xPos, rr.top() + yPos ); KoRect r = KoRect::fromTQRect(m.mapRect( br.toTQRect() )); // see above TODO r.moveBy( orig.x() , orig.y() ); return r; } void KPrObject::rotateObject(TQPainter *paint,KoTextZoomHandler *_zoomHandler) { KoRect rr = KoRect( 0, 0, ext.width(), ext.height() ); rr.moveTopLeft( KoPoint( -ext.width() / 2.0, -ext.height() / 2.0 ) ); TQWMatrix m; m.translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX(ext.width() / 2.0), _zoomHandler->zoomItY(ext.height() / 2.0 )); m.rotate( angle ); m.translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX(rr.left()), _zoomHandler->zoomItY(rr.top()) ); paint->setWorldMatrix( m, true ); } bool KPrObject::contains( const KoPoint &point ) const { return getRealRect().contains( point ); } bool KPrObject::intersects( const KoRect &rect ) const { return getRealRect().intersects( rect ); } TQCursor KPrObject::getCursor( const KoPoint &_point, ModifyType &_modType, KPrDocument *doc ) const { KoTextZoomHandler * zh = doc->zoomHandler(); int px = zh->zoomItX(_point.x()); int py = zh->zoomItY(_point.y()); TQRect rect = zh->zoomRect( getRealRect() ); int ox = rect.left(); int oy = rect.top(); int ow = rect.width(); int oh = rect.height(); bool headerFooter=doc->isHeaderFooter(this); int sz = 4; if ( px >= ox && py >= oy && px <= ox + TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py <= oy + TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_LU; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeFDiagCursor; } if ( px >= ox && py >= oy + oh / 2 - TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2 ) && px <= ox + TQMIN( ow / 3, sz) && py <= oy + oh / 2 + TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2 ) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_LF; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeHorCursor; } if ( px >= ox && py >= oy + oh - TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) && px <= ox + TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py <= oy + oh ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_LD; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeBDiagCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow / 2 - TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py >= oy && px <= ox + ow / 2 + TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py <= oy + TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_UP; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeVerCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow / 2 - TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py >= oy + oh - TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) && px <= ox + ow / 2 + TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py <= oy + oh ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_DN; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeVerCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow - TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py >= oy && px <= ox + ow && py <= oy + TQMIN( oh / 3, sz) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_RU; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeBDiagCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow - TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py >= oy + oh / 2 - TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2 ) && px <= ox + ow && py <= oy + oh / 2 + TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_RT; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeHorCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow - TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py >= oy + oh - TQMIN( oh / 3, sz) && px <= ox + ow && py <= oy + oh ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_RD; if ( protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeFDiagCursor; } //header footer can't move if(!headerFooter) _modType = MT_MOVE; if ( protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; else return TQt::sizeAllCursor; } void KPrObject::getShadowCoords( double& _x, double& _y ) const { double sx = 0, sy = 0; switch ( shadowDirection ) { case SD_LEFT_UP: { sx = _x - shadowDistance; sy = _y - shadowDistance; } break; case SD_UP: { sx = _x; sy = _y - shadowDistance; } break; case SD_RIGHT_UP: { sx = _x + shadowDistance; sy = _y - shadowDistance; } break; case SD_RIGHT: { sx = _x + shadowDistance; sy = _y; } break; case SD_RIGHT_BOTTOM: { sx = _x + shadowDistance; sy = _y + shadowDistance; } break; case SD_BOTTOM: { sx = _x; sy = _y + shadowDistance; } break; case SD_LEFT_BOTTOM: { sx = _x - shadowDistance; sy = _y + shadowDistance; } break; case SD_LEFT: { sx = _x - shadowDistance; sy = _y; } break; } _x = sx; _y = sy; } void KPrObject::paintSelection( TQPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler *_zoomHandler, SelectionMode mode ) { if ( !selected || mode == SM_NONE ) return; _painter->save(); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX(orig.x()), _zoomHandler->zoomItY(orig.y()) ); _painter->setPen( TQPen( TQt::black, 1, TQPen::SolidLine ) ); _painter->setBrush( tdeApp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Highlight ) ); KoRect r = getRealRect(); int x = _zoomHandler->zoomItX( r.left() - orig.x()); int y = _zoomHandler->zoomItY( r.top() - orig.y()); int zX6 = /*_zoomHandler->zoomItX(*/ 6 ; int zY6 = /*_zoomHandler->zoomItY(*/ 6 ; int w = _zoomHandler->zoomItX(r.width()) - 6; int h = _zoomHandler->zoomItY(r.height()) - 6; if ( mode == SM_MOVERESIZE ) { _painter->drawRect( x, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y,zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); } else if ( mode == SM_PROTECT) { _painter->drawRect( x, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y,zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); x= x + 1; y= y + 1; zX6=zX6-2; zY6=zY6-2; TQBrush brush=tdeApp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active,TQColorGroup::Base ); _painter->fillRect( x, y, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6, brush); _painter->fillRect( x, y + h, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w, y, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w , y + h , zX6 , zY6 , brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w / 2 , y ,zX6 , zY6 , brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w / 2, y + h , zX6 , zY6 , brush ); } else if ( mode == SM_ROTATE ) { _painter->drawEllipse( x, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawEllipse( x, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawEllipse( x + w, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawEllipse( x + w, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); } _painter->restore(); } void KPrObject::doDelete() { if ( cmds == 0 && !inObjList ) delete this; } DCOPObject* KPrObject::dcopObject() { if ( !dcop ) dcop = new KPrObjectIface( this ); return dcop; } void KPrObject::setupClipRegion( TQPainter *painter, const TQRegion &clipRegion ) { TQRegion region = painter->clipRegion( TQPainter::CoordPainter ); if ( region.isEmpty() ) region = clipRegion; else region.unite( clipRegion ); painter->setClipRegion( region, TQPainter::CoordPainter ); } TQDomElement KPrObject::createValueElement(const TQString &tag, int value, TQDomDocument &doc) { TQDomElement elem=doc.createElement(tag); elem.setAttribute(attrValue, value); return elem; } TQDomElement KPrObject::createGradientElement(const TQString &tag, const TQColor &c1, const TQColor &c2, int type, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor, TQDomDocument &doc) { TQDomElement elem=doc.createElement(tag); elem.setAttribute(attrC1, c1.name()); elem.setAttribute(attrC2, c2.name()); elem.setAttribute(attrType, type); elem.setAttribute(attrUnbalanced, (uint)unbalanced); elem.setAttribute(attrXFactor, xfactor); elem.setAttribute(attrYFactor, yfactor); return elem; } TQDomElement KPrObject::createPenElement(const TQString &tag, const KoPen &pen, TQDomDocument &doc) { TQDomElement elem=doc.createElement(tag); elem.setAttribute(attrColor, pen.color().name()); elem.setAttribute(attrWidth, pen.pointWidth()); elem.setAttribute(attrStyle, static_cast(pen.style())); return elem; } KoPen KPrObject::toPen(const TQDomElement &element) const { KoPen pen; pen.setColor(retrieveColor(element)); if(element.hasAttribute(attrStyle)) pen.setStyle(static_cast(element.attribute(attrStyle).toInt())); if(element.hasAttribute(attrWidth)) pen.setPointWidth(element.attribute(attrWidth).toDouble()); return pen; } TQDomElement KPrObject::createBrushElement(const TQString &tag, const TQBrush &brush, TQDomDocument &doc) { TQDomElement elem=doc.createElement(tag); elem.setAttribute(attrColor, brush.color().name()); elem.setAttribute(attrStyle, static_cast(brush.style())); return elem; } TQBrush KPrObject::toBrush(const TQDomElement &element) const { TQBrush brush; brush.setColor(retrieveColor(element)); if(element.hasAttribute(attrStyle)) brush.setStyle(static_cast(element.attribute(attrStyle).toInt())); return brush; } TQColor KPrObject::retrieveColor(const TQDomElement &element, const TQString &cattr, const TQString &rattr, const TQString &gattr, const TQString &battr) const { TQColor ret; if(element.hasAttribute(cattr)) ret.setNamedColor(element.attribute(cattr)); else { int red=0, green=0, blue=0; if(element.hasAttribute(rattr)) red=element.attribute(rattr).toInt(); if(element.hasAttribute(gattr)) green=element.attribute(gattr).toInt(); if(element.hasAttribute(battr)) blue=element.attribute(battr).toInt(); ret.setRgb(red, green, blue); } return ret; } void KPrObject::draw( TQPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler, int /*pageNum*/, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour ) { if ( selectionMode != SM_NONE && !drawContour ) paintSelection( _painter, _zoomHandler, selectionMode ); } KoPen KPrObject::getPen() const { // Return the default pen return KoPen(); } void KPrObject::getRealSizeAndOrigFromPoints( KoPointArray &points, float angle, KoSize &size, KoPoint &orig ) { if ( angle == 0 ) return; float angInRad = angle * M_PI / 180; float sinus = sin( angInRad ); float cosinus = cos( angInRad ); float mid_x = size.width() / 2; float mid_y = size.height() / 2; float min_x = 0; float max_x = 0; float min_y = 0; float max_y = 0; KoPointArray::ConstIterator it; for ( it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it ) { KoPoint cord( mid_x - (*it).x(), (*it).y() - mid_y ); float tmp_x = cord.x() * cosinus + cord.y() * sinus; float tmp_y = - cord.x() * sinus + cord.y() * cosinus; if ( tmp_x < min_x ) { min_x = tmp_x; } else if ( tmp_x > max_x ) { max_x = tmp_x; } if ( tmp_y < min_y ) { min_y = tmp_y; } else if ( tmp_y > max_y ) { max_y = tmp_y; } } size.setWidth( max_x - min_x ); size.setHeight( max_y - min_y ); orig.setX( orig.x() + mid_x - max_x ); orig.setY( orig.y() + mid_y + min_y ); } void KPrObject::addSelfToGuides(TQValueList &horizontalPos, TQValueList &verticalPos ) { KoRect bounds = getRealRect(); horizontalPos.append( bounds.top() ); verticalPos.append( bounds.left() ); horizontalPos.append( bounds.bottom() ); verticalPos.append( bounds.right() ); } KPrShadowObject::KPrShadowObject() : KPrObject() { } KPrShadowObject::KPrShadowObject( const KoPen &_pen ) : KPrObject(), pen( _pen ) { } KPrShadowObject &KPrShadowObject::operator=( const KPrShadowObject & ) { return *this; } TQDomDocumentFragment KPrShadowObject::save( TQDomDocument& doc,double offset ) { TQDomDocumentFragment fragment=KPrObject::save(doc, offset); if(pen!=defaultPen()) fragment.appendChild(KPrObject::createPenElement(tagPEN, pen, doc)); return fragment; } void KPrShadowObject::saveOasisStrokeElement( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const { switch( pen.style() ) { case TQt::NoPen: styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:stroke" , "none" ); break; case TQt::SolidLine: styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:stroke" , "solid" ); break; case TQt::DashLine: case TQt::DotLine: case TQt::DashDotLine: case TQt::DashDotDotLine: styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:stroke" , "dash" ); //TODO FIXME styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:stroke-dash", saveOasisStrokeStyle( mainStyles ) ); break; default: break; } if ( pen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) { styleobjectauto.addProperty( "svg:stroke-color", pen.color().name() ); styleobjectauto.addPropertyPt( "svg:stroke-width", pen.pointWidth() ); } } TQString KPrShadowObject::saveOasisStrokeStyle( KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const { KoGenStyle stroke( KPrDocument::STYLE_STROKE /*, "graphic"*/ /*no name*/ ); switch( pen.style() ) { case TQt::NoPen: //nothing break; case TQt::SolidLine: //nothing break; case TQt::DashLine: //value from ooimpress filter stroke.addAttribute( "draw:style", "rect" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots1", "1" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots2", "1" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots1-length", "0.508cm" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots2-length", "0.508cm" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:distance", "0.508cm" ); break; case TQt::DotLine: stroke.addAttribute( "draw:style", "rect" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots1", "1" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:distance", "0.257cm" ); break; case TQt::DashDotLine: stroke.addAttribute( "draw:style", "rect" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots1", "1" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots2", "1" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots1-length", "0.051cm" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots2-length", "0.254cm" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:distance", "0.127cm" ); break; case TQt::DashDotDotLine: stroke.addAttribute( "draw:style", "rect" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots1", "2" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots2", "1" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:dots2-length", "0.203cm" ); stroke.addAttribute( "draw:distance", "0.203cm" ); break; default: break; } return mainStyles.lookup( stroke, "stroke" ); // } bool KPrShadowObject::saveOasisDrawPoints( const KoPointArray &points, KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) { TQString listOfPoint; int maxX=0; int maxY=0; KoPointArray::ConstIterator it( points.begin() ); KoPointArray::ConstIterator end( points.end() ); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { int tmpX = int( ( *it ).x() * 10000 ); int tmpY = int( ( *it ).y() * 10000 ); // no space allows before first element if ( !listOfPoint.isEmpty() ) listOfPoint += TQString( " %1,%2" ).arg( tmpX ).arg( tmpY ); else listOfPoint = TQString( "%1,%2" ).arg( tmpX ).arg( tmpY ); maxX = TQMAX( maxX, tmpX ); maxY = TQMAX( maxY, tmpY ); } sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute("draw:points", listOfPoint ); sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute("svg:viewBox", TQString( "0 0 %1 %2" ).arg( maxX ).arg( maxY ) ); return true; } bool KPrShadowObject::loadOasisDrawPoints( KoPointArray &points, const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info ) { Q_UNUSED( context ); Q_UNUSED( info ); TQStringList ptList = TQStringList::split(' ', element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "points", TQString())); unsigned int index = 0; for (TQStringList::Iterator it = ptList.begin(); it != ptList.end(); ++it) { points.putPoints( index++, 1, ( *it ).section( ',', 0, 0 ).toInt(), ( *it ).section( ',', 1, 1 ).toInt() ); } loadOasisApplyViewBox( element, points ); return true; } bool KPrShadowObject::loadOasisApplyViewBox( const TQDomElement &element, KoPointArray &points ) { kdDebug(33001) << "loadOasisApplayViewBox svg:viewBox = " << element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "viewBox", TQString() ) << endl; TQStringList viewBoxPoints = TQStringList::split( ' ', element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "viewBox", TQString() ) ); KoRect viewBox; if ( viewBoxPoints.size() == 4 ) { TQStringList::Iterator it = viewBoxPoints.begin(); //viewBox.setCoords( ( *it++ ).toInt(), ( *it++ ).toInt(), ( *it++ ).toInt(), ( *it ).toInt() ); viewBox.setLeft( ( *it++ ).toInt() ); viewBox.setTop( ( *it++ ).toInt() ); viewBox.setRight( ( *it++ ).toInt() ); viewBox.setBottom( ( *it ).toInt() ); kdDebug(33001) << "viewBox supplied = " << viewBox << endl; } else { //if no viewBox is found KoPointArray::ConstIterator it( points.begin() ); bool first = true; for ( ; it != points.end(); ++it ) { KoPoint p = (*it); if ( first ) { viewBox.setCoords( p.x(), p.y(), p.x(), p.y() ); first = false; } else { viewBox.setLeft( TQMIN( viewBox.left(), p.x() ) ); viewBox.setRight( TQMAX( viewBox.right(), p.x() ) ); viewBox.setTop( TQMIN( viewBox.top(), p.y() ) ); viewBox.setBottom( TQMAX( viewBox.bottom(), p.y() ) ); } } kdDebug(33001) << "viewBox calculated = " << viewBox << endl; } if ( viewBox.width() != 0 && viewBox.height() != 0 ) { KoPointArray::Iterator it( points.begin() ); for ( ; it != points.end(); ++it ) { KoPoint *p = it; p->setX( ( p->x() - viewBox.left() ) / viewBox.width() * ext.width() ); p->setY( ( p->y() - viewBox.top() ) / viewBox.height() * ext.height() ); } } else { kdDebug(33001) << "problem in viewBox: " << viewBox << endl; } return true; } void KPrShadowObject::fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrShadowObject::fillStyle" << endl; KPrObject::fillStyle( styleObjectAuto, mainStyles ); saveOasisStrokeElement( mainStyles, styleObjectAuto ); } void KPrShadowObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info) { //kdDebug()<<"void KPrShadowObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element)**********************\n"; KPrObject::loadOasis(element, context, info); KoStyleStack &styleStack = context.styleStack(); styleStack.setTypeProperties( "graphic" ); if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "stroke" )) { if ( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "stroke" ) == "none" ) pen.setStyle(TQt::NoPen ); else if ( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "stroke" ) == "solid" ) pen.setStyle(TQt::SolidLine ); else if ( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "stroke" ) == "dash" ) { TQString style = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "stroke-dash" ); kdDebug()<<" stroke style is : "<attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "style", TQString() )=="rect" ) { if ( draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots1", TQString() )=="1" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots2", TQString() )=="1" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots1-length", TQString() )=="0.508cm" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots2-length", TQString() )=="0.508cm" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "distance", TQString() )=="0.508cm" ) pen.setStyle(TQt::DashLine ); else if ( draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots1", TQString() )=="1" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "distance", TQString() )=="0.257cm" ) pen.setStyle(TQt::DotLine ); else if ( draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots1", TQString() )=="1" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots2", TQString() )=="1" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots1-length", TQString() )=="0.051cm" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots2-length", TQString() )=="0.254cm" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "distance", TQString() )=="0.127cm" ) pen.setStyle(TQt::DashDotLine ); else if ( draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots1", TQString() )=="2" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots2", TQString() )=="1" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "dots2-length", TQString() )=="0.203cm" && draw->attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "distance", TQString() )=="0.203cm" ) pen.setStyle(TQt::DashDotDotLine ); else { kdDebug()<<" stroke style undefined \n"; pen.setStyle(TQt::SolidLine ); } } } } //FIXME witdh pen style is not good :( if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "stroke-width" ) ) pen.setPointWidth( KoUnit::parseValue( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "stroke-width" ) ) ); if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "stroke-color" ) ) pen.setColor( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "stroke-color" ) ); } else pen = defaultPen(); kdDebug()<<"pen style :"<save(); // Draw the shadow if any if ( shadowDistance > 0 && !drawContour ) { _painter->save(); // tz TODO fix tmpPen usage KoPen tmpPen( pen ); pen.setColor( shadowColor ); TQBrush brush; brush.setColor( shadowColor ); double sx = ox; double sy = oy; getShadowCoords( sx, sy ); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( sx ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( sy ) ); if ( angle != 0 ) { rotateObject( _painter, _zoomHandler ); } paint( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, true, drawContour ); pen = tmpPen; _painter->restore(); } _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX(ox), _zoomHandler->zoomItY(oy) ); if ( angle != 0 ) rotateObject(_painter,_zoomHandler); paint( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, false, drawContour ); _painter->restore(); KPrObject::draw( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, selectionMode, drawContour ); } KoPen KPrShadowObject::defaultPen() const { return KoPen(); } void KPrShadowObject::paint(TQPainter* painter, KoTextZoomHandler* zoomHandler, int pageNum, bool drawingShadow, bool drawContour) { Q_UNUSED(painter); Q_UNUSED(zoomHandler); Q_UNUSED(pageNum); Q_UNUSED(drawingShadow); Q_UNUSED(drawContour); } KPr2DObject::KPr2DObject() : KPrShadowObject() , gradient( 0 ) , m_redrawGradientPix( false ) { } KPr2DObject::KPr2DObject( const KoPen &_pen, const TQBrush &_brush, FillType _fillType, const TQColor &_gColor1, const TQColor &_gColor2, BCType _gType, bool _unbalanced, int _xfactor, int _yfactor ) : KPrShadowObject( _pen ) , m_brush( _brush, _gColor1, _gColor2, _gType, _fillType, _unbalanced, _xfactor, _yfactor ) , gradient( 0 ) , m_redrawGradientPix( false ) { if ( getFillType() == FT_GRADIENT ) { gradient = new KPrGradient( getGColor1(), getGColor2(), getGType(), getGUnbalanced(), getGXFactor(), getGYFactor() ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; } } void KPr2DObject::setFillType( FillType _fillType ) { m_brush.setFillType( _fillType ); if ( _fillType == FT_BRUSH && gradient ) { delete gradient; gradient = 0; } if ( _fillType == FT_GRADIENT && !gradient ) { gradient = new KPrGradient( getGColor1(), getGColor2(), getGType(), getGUnbalanced(), getGXFactor(), getGYFactor() ); m_redrawGradientPix = true; } } TQDomDocumentFragment KPr2DObject::save( TQDomDocument& doc,double offset ) { TQDomDocumentFragment fragment=KPrShadowObject::save(doc, offset); TQBrush brush = getBrush(); if ( brush != TQBrush() ) fragment.appendChild( KPrObject::createBrushElement( tagBRUSH, brush, doc ) ); FillType fillType = getFillType(); if ( fillType != FT_BRUSH ) fragment.appendChild( KPrObject::createValueElement( tagFILLTYPE, static_cast(fillType), doc ) ); TQColor gColor1 = getGColor1(); TQColor gColor2 = getGColor2(); BCType gType = getGType(); bool unbalanced = getGUnbalanced(); int xfactor = getGXFactor(); int yfactor = getGYFactor(); if ( gColor1!=TQt::red || gColor2!=TQt::green || gType!=BCT_GHORZ || unbalanced || xfactor != 100 || yfactor != 100 ) fragment.appendChild( KPrObject::createGradientElement( tagGRADIENT, gColor1, gColor2, static_cast(gType), unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor, doc)); return fragment; } void KPr2DObject::fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const { kdDebug(33001) << "KPr2DObject::fillStyle" << endl; KPrShadowObject::fillStyle( styleObjectAuto, mainStyles ); m_brush.saveOasisFillStyle( styleObjectAuto, mainStyles ); } void KPr2DObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info) { kdDebug()<<"void KPr2DObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element)\n"; TQBrush tmpBrush; KPrShadowObject::loadOasis(element, context, info); m_brush.loadOasisFillStyle( context, "graphic" ); setFillType( m_brush.getFillType() ); } double KPr2DObject::load(const TQDomElement &element) { double offset=KPrShadowObject::load(element); TQDomElement e=element.namedItem(tagFILLTYPE).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute(attrValue)) setFillType(static_cast(e.attribute(attrValue).toInt())); } else setFillType(FT_BRUSH); e=element.namedItem(tagBRUSH).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) setBrush(KPrObject::toBrush(e)); else setBrush( TQBrush() ); e=element.namedItem(tagGRADIENT).toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { setGColor1( retrieveColor( e, attrC1, "red1", "green1", "blue1" ) ); setGColor2( retrieveColor( e, attrC2, "red2", "green2", "blue2" ) ); if( e.hasAttribute( attrType ) ) setGType( static_cast( e.attribute( attrType ).toInt() ) ); if( e.hasAttribute( attrUnbalanced ) ) setGUnbalanced( static_cast( e.attribute( attrUnbalanced ).toInt() ) ); if( e.hasAttribute( attrXFactor ) ) setGXFactor( e.attribute( attrXFactor ).toInt() ); if( e.hasAttribute( attrYFactor ) ) setGYFactor( e.attribute( attrYFactor ).toInt() ); if(gradient) gradient->setParameters(getGColor1(), getGColor2(), getGType(), getGUnbalanced(), getGXFactor(), getGYFactor() ); } else { setGColor1( TQt::red ); setGColor2( TQt::green ); setGType( BCT_GHORZ ); setGUnbalanced( false ); setGXFactor( 100 ); setGYFactor( 100 ); } return offset; } void KPr2DObject::draw( TQPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler, int pageNum, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour ) { double ox = orig.x(); double oy = orig.y(); _painter->save(); // Draw the shadow if any if ( shadowDistance > 0 && !drawContour ) { _painter->save(); KoPen tmpPen( pen ); pen.setColor( shadowColor ); TQBrush tmpBrush( m_brush.getBrush() ); TQBrush shadowBrush( tmpBrush ); shadowBrush.setColor( shadowColor ); m_brush.setBrush( shadowBrush ); double sx = ox; double sy = oy; getShadowCoords( sx, sy ); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( sx ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( sy ) ); if ( angle != 0 ) { rotateObject( _painter, _zoomHandler ); } paint( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, true, drawContour ); pen = tmpPen; m_brush.setBrush( tmpBrush ); _painter->restore(); } _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX(ox), _zoomHandler->zoomItY(oy) ); if ( angle != 0 ) rotateObject(_painter,_zoomHandler); paint( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, false, drawContour ); _painter->restore(); KPrObject::draw( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, selectionMode, drawContour ); } void KPr2DObject::flip( bool horizontal ) { KPrObject::flip( horizontal ); // flip the gradient if ( getFillType() == FT_GRADIENT ) { BCType gType = getGType(); if ( gType == BCT_GDIAGONAL1 ) { setGType( BCT_GDIAGONAL2 ); } else if ( gType == BCT_GDIAGONAL2 ) { setGType( BCT_GDIAGONAL1 ); } if ( ( ! horizontal && gType == BCT_GDIAGONAL1 ) || ( ! horizontal && gType == BCT_GDIAGONAL2 ) || ( ! horizontal && gType == BCT_GHORZ ) || ( horizontal && gType == BCT_GVERT ) ) { TQColor gColorTemp; gColorTemp = getGColor1(); setGColor1( getGColor2() ); setGColor2( gColorTemp ); } delete gradient; gradient = new KPrGradient( getGColor1(), getGColor2(), gType, getGUnbalanced(), getGXFactor(), getGYFactor() ); } }