// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*- /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Ariya Hidayat <ariya@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Slide Transition Effect dialog box #ifndef __TRANSEFFECTDIA_H #define __TRANSEFFECTDIA_H #include <kdialogbase.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include "global.h" class KPrDocument; class KPrView; class TQCheckBox; class TQSplitter; class TQLabel; class TQPushButton; class TQCheckBox; class TQSlider; class TQString; class TQComboBox; class KPrBackGround; class KPrObject; class KPPresStructObjectItem; class KURLRequester; class KIntNumInput; class KPrSoundPlayer; class KPrPageEffects; class KPrEffectPreview : public TQLabel { Q_OBJECT public: KPrEffectPreview( TQWidget *parent, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrView *_view ); public slots: void setPixmap( const TQPixmap& pixmap ); void run( PageEffect effect, EffectSpeed speed ); protected: KPrDocument *doc; KPrView *view; TQPixmap m_pixmap; TQPixmap m_target; TQTimer m_pageEffectTimer; KPrPageEffects *m_pageEffect; protected slots: void slotDoPageEffect(); }; class KPrTransEffectDia: public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: KPrTransEffectDia( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrView *_view ); PageEffect getPageEffect() const { return pageEffect; } EffectSpeed getPageEffectSpeed() const { return speed; } bool getSoundEffect() const { return soundEffect; } TQString getSoundFileName() const { return soundFileName; } bool getAutoAdvance() const { return false; } // FIXME ! int getSlideTime() const { return slideTime; } signals: void apply( bool global ); protected: virtual void slotOk(); virtual void slotUser1(); KPrDocument *doc; KPrView *view; PageEffect pageEffect; EffectSpeed speed; bool soundEffect; TQString soundFileName; KPrEffectPreview *effectPreview; TQListBox *effectList; TQComboBox *speedCombo; TQCheckBox *automaticPreview; TQPushButton *previewButton; TQCheckBox *checkSoundEffect; TQLabel *lSoundEffect; KURLRequester *requester; TQPushButton *buttonTestPlaySoundEffect, *buttonTestStopSoundEffect; KIntNumInput* timeSlider; int slideTime; KPrSoundPlayer *soundPlayer; protected slots: void preview(); void effectChanged( int ); void effectChanged(); void speedChanged( int ); void timeChanged( int ); void soundEffectChanged(); void slotRequesterClicked( KURLRequester * ); void slotSoundFileChanged( const TQString& ); void playSound(); void stopSound(); }; #endif // __TRANSEFFECTDIA_H