BUGS : ====== - Placing of objects is not precise TO FINISH: =========== - Presentation structure editor/viewer - Group objects (resizing is messed up, set properties doesn't work) MISSING FEATURES / TODO: ============================== - Current "align objects" aligns in relation with the page, is there a way to align the h or v centers of several objects ? - use libkformula (or better, make a KPart out of it) - seperate the general configuration and page/slide specific config dialog and make 2 out of them (currently it's one, which is confusing) - use GM in all dialogs - Rewrite autoforms (using XML) - Possibility to print 1, 2 or 4 slides / page - Menu item for copy page (to do it without copy+paste) - Extend Contents to Height => Fit contents to height (also shrink spacings!) Maybe don�t only change spacings but also fontsizes - Make option for txt obj to be abe to set a few colors and automatically use them in this order for the paragraphs (like always one in black and one in blue and again and again) - Synchronize object background and page background => object can't load picture and page can't use different brush type. KOffice in general: ======================= - koTemplateChooseDia: - Restart with last presentation (suggesting it in initial "open" dialog) (using kapp->getConfig) KPresenter after koffice 1.3 ============================ Todo: - Create compatibility for saving in old format for page effect speed. - Put in zip format copy/paste object to dnd between OO and koffice In Progress: -> copy/paste element as oasis format -> copy object (In Progress) Done: -> copy/paste element as oasis format -> duplicate page -> copy page -> create template -> Hide/show header/footer by page (allow by oasis format) -> implement custom slide show KPresenter Oasis Format: ======================== Done: ->save/load object: -> rectangle -> pie -> text object -> ellipse -> group objet -> polygone object -> polyline object (all attributes) -> save/load page background -> save/load object background -> save/load page effect (hide/show effect) -> save/load page sound effect -> save/load object effect -> save/load notes -> save/load stroke line -> save/load shadow object -> save/load page layout -> save/load sound page effect -> save/load picture object -> save/load page background image -> save/load animation group -> save/load sticky object -> save/load closed element (defined as polygone into oo spec draw:polygone) -> save/load picture effect -> bright -> contrast -> intensity channel (green/blue/red) -> grayscal -> save/load general config (GridIsVisible etc.) -> save/load object transparency -> save/load header/footer object -> save/load display header/footer -> save/load regular polygon -> save/load variable settings -> Save/load masterpage -> save/load in old format master page attribute Todo: -> save/load cubic/quadric/freehand object (define as svg object) -> save/load picture effect -> picture effect (extend oasis format) -> depth -> mirror type (we must use rotate and draw:mirror element) Bugs: -> fix default value -> fix some arrow style In Progress: -> save/load backgroud of master page (save works not perfect) -> save/load picture effect -> save/load protect object -> save/load embedded object After koffice-1.4 -> allow to move object outside page (ask by boiko) -> allow to put all transparent picture with a specific color (ask by boiko) Reginald Stadlbauer <reggie@kde.org> Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org>