/* * kis_tool_curve.cc -- part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2006 Emanuele Tamponi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_doc.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_point.h" #include "kis_canvas_subject.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_button_press_event.h" #include "kis_button_release_event.h" #include "kis_move_event.h" #include "kis_canvas.h" #include "kis_canvas_painter.h" #include "kis_cursor.h" #include "kis_tool_controller.h" #include "kis_vec.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_selection_options.h" #include "kis_selected_transaction.h" #include "kis_paintop_registry.h" #include "kis_curve_framework.h" #include "kis_tool_curve.h" QRect KisToolCurve::pivotRect (const QPoint& pos) { return QRect (pos-QPoint(4,4),pos+QPoint(4,4)); } QRect KisToolCurve::selectedPivotRect (const QPoint& pos) { return QRect (pos-QPoint(5,5),pos+QPoint(5,5)); } KisToolCurve::KisToolCurve(const QString& UIName) : super(UIName) { m_UIName = UIName; m_currentImage = 0; m_optWidget = 0; m_curve = 0; m_dragging = false; m_draggingCursor = false; m_drawPivots = true; m_drawingPen = QPen(Qt::white, 0, Qt::SolidLine); m_pivotPen = QPen(Qt::gray, 0, Qt::SolidLine); m_selectedPivotPen = QPen(Qt::yellow, 0, Qt::SolidLine); m_pivotRounding = m_selectedPivotRounding = 55; m_actionOptions = NOOPTIONS; m_supportMinimalDraw = true; m_selectAction = SELECTION_ADD; } KisToolCurve::~KisToolCurve() { } void KisToolCurve::update (KisCanvasSubject *subject) { super::update(subject); if (m_subject) m_currentImage = m_subject->currentImg(); } void KisToolCurve::deactivate() { draw(false); if (m_curve) { m_curve->clear(); m_curve->endActionOptions(); } m_actionOptions = NOOPTIONS; m_dragging = false; m_drawPivots = true; } void KisToolCurve::buttonPress(KisButtonPressEvent *event) { updateOptions(event->state()); if (!m_currentImage) return; if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { m_dragging = true; m_currentPoint = event->pos(); PointPair temp = pointUnderMouse (m_subject->canvasController()->windowToView(event->pos().toQPoint())); if (temp.first == m_curve->end() && !(m_actionOptions)) { draw(true, true); m_curve->selectAll(false); draw(true, true); draw(m_curve->end()); m_previous = m_curve->find(m_curve->last()); m_current = m_curve->pushPivot(event->pos()); if (m_curve->pivots().count() > 1) m_curve->calculateCurve(m_previous,m_current,m_current); draw(m_current); } else { draw(true, true); if (temp.second) m_current = m_curve->selectPivot(temp.first); else m_current = selectByMouse(temp.first); if (!(*m_current).isSelected()) m_dragging = false; draw(true, true); } } } void KisToolCurve::keyPress(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { m_dragging = false; commitCurve(); } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { m_dragging = false; draw(false); m_curve->clear(); } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) { draw(false); m_dragging = false; m_curve->deleteSelected(); m_current = m_curve->find(m_curve->last()); m_previous = m_curve->selectPivot(m_current); draw(false); } } void KisToolCurve::keyRelease(QKeyEvent *) { } void KisToolCurve::buttonRelease(KisButtonReleaseEvent *event) { updateOptions(event->state()); m_dragging = false; } void KisToolCurve::doubleClick(KisDoubleClickEvent *) { commitCurve(); } void KisToolCurve::move(KisMoveEvent *event) { updateOptions(event->state()); PointPair temp = pointUnderMouse(m_subject->canvasController()->windowToView(event->pos().toQPoint())); if (temp.first == m_curve->end() && !m_dragging) { if (m_draggingCursor) { setCursor(KisCursor::load(m_cursor, 6, 6)); m_draggingCursor = false; } } else { setCursor(KisCursor::load("tool_curve_dragging.png", 6, 6)); m_draggingCursor = true; } if (m_dragging) { draw(); KisPoint trans = event->pos() - m_currentPoint; m_curve->moveSelected(trans); m_currentPoint = event->pos(); draw(); } } double pointToSegmentDistance(const KisPoint& p, const KisPoint& l0, const KisPoint& l1) { double lineLength = sqrt((l1.x() - l0.x()) * (l1.x() - l0.x()) + (l1.y() - l0.y()) * (l1.y() - l0.y())); double distance = 0; KisVector2D v0(l0), v1(l1), v(p), seg(v0-v1), dist0(v0-p), dist1(v1-p); if (seg.length() < dist0.length() || seg.length() < dist1.length()) // the point doesn't perpendicolarly intersecate the segment (or it's too far from the segment) return (double)INT_MAX; if (lineLength > DBL_EPSILON) { distance = ((l0.y() - l1.y()) * p.x() + (l1.x() - l0.x()) * p.y() + l0.x() * l1.y() - l1.x() * l0.y()) / lineLength; distance = fabs(distance); } return distance; } PointPair KisToolCurve::pointUnderMouse(const QPoint& pos) { KisCurve::iterator it, next; QPoint pos1, pos2; it = handleUnderMouse(pos); if (it != m_curve->end()) return PointPair(it,true); for (it = m_curve->begin(); it != m_curve->end(); it++) { next = it.next(); if (next == m_curve->end() || it == m_curve->end()) return PointPair(m_curve->end(),false); if ((*it).hint() > LINEHINT || (*next).hint() > LINEHINT) continue; pos1 = m_subject->canvasController()->windowToView((*it).point().toQPoint()); pos2 = m_subject->canvasController()->windowToView((*next).point().toQPoint()); if (pos1 == pos2) continue; if (pointToSegmentDistance(pos,pos1,pos2) <= MAXDISTANCE) break; } return PointPair(it,false); } KisCurve::iterator KisToolCurve::handleUnderMouse(const QPoint& pos) { KisCurve pivs = m_curve->pivots(), inHandle; KisCurve::iterator it; for (it = pivs.begin(); it != pivs.end(); it++) { if (pivotRect(m_subject->canvasController()->windowToView((*it).point().toQPoint())).contains(pos)) inHandle.pushPoint((*it)); } if (inHandle.isEmpty()) return m_curve->end(); return m_curve->find(inHandle.last()); } KisCurve::iterator KisToolCurve::selectByMouse(KisCurve::iterator it) { KisCurve::iterator prevPivot, nextPivot; if ((*it).isPivot()) prevPivot = it; else prevPivot = it.previousPivot(); nextPivot = it.nextPivot(); m_curve->selectPivot(prevPivot); (*nextPivot).setSelected(true); return prevPivot; } int KisToolCurve::updateOptions(int key) { int options = 0x0000; if (key & Qt::ControlButton) options |= CONTROLOPTION; if (key & Qt::ShiftButton) options |= SHIFTOPTION; if (key & Qt::AltButton) options |= ALTOPTION; if (options != m_actionOptions) { draw(false); m_actionOptions = options; m_curve->setActionOptions(m_actionOptions); draw(false); } return m_actionOptions; } void KisToolCurve::draw(bool m, bool o) { draw(KisCurve::iterator(), o, m); } void KisToolCurve::draw(KisCurve::iterator inf, bool pivotonly, bool minimal) { if (m_curve->isEmpty()) return; KisCanvasPainter *gc; KisCanvasController *controller; KisCanvas *canvas; if (m_subject && m_currentImage) { controller = m_subject->canvasController(); canvas = controller->kiscanvas(); gc = new KisCanvasPainter(canvas); } else return; gc->setPen(m_drawingPen); gc->setRasterOp(Qt::XorROP); KisCurve::iterator it, finish; if (minimal && m_supportMinimalDraw) { if (pivotonly) { KisCurve p = m_curve->pivots(); for (KisCurve::iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); i++) drawPivotHandle (*gc, i); delete gc; return; } if (inf.target() != 0) { if (inf != m_curve->end()) { it = inf.previousPivot(); finish = inf.nextPivot(); } else { it = --m_curve->end(); finish = m_curve->end(); } } else { KisCurve sel = m_curve->selectedPivots(); if (sel.isEmpty()) { delete gc; return; } for (KisCurve::iterator i = sel.begin(); i != sel.end(); i++) { it = m_curve->find(*i).previousPivot(); finish = m_curve->find(*i).nextPivot(); if ((*finish).isSelected()) finish = finish.previousPivot(); while (it != finish) { if ((*it).isPivot()) drawPivotHandle (*gc, it); it = drawPoint (*gc, it); } } delete gc; return; } } else { it = m_curve->begin(); finish = m_curve->end(); } while (it != finish) { if ((*it).isPivot()) drawPivotHandle (*gc, it); it = drawPoint (*gc, it); } delete gc; } KisCurve::iterator KisToolCurve::drawPoint(KisCanvasPainter& gc, KisCurve::iterator point) { KisCanvasController *controller = m_subject->canvasController(); QPoint pos1, pos2; pos1 = controller->windowToView((*point).point().toQPoint()); switch ((*point).hint()) { case POINTHINT: gc.drawPoint(pos1); point += 1; break; case LINEHINT: gc.drawPoint(pos1); if (++point != m_curve->end() && (*point).hint() <= LINEHINT) { pos2 = controller->windowToView((*point).point().toQPoint()); gc.drawLine(pos1,pos2); } break; default: point += 1; } return point; } void KisToolCurve::drawPivotHandle(KisCanvasPainter& gc, KisCurve::iterator point) { KisCanvasController *controller = m_subject->canvasController(); if (m_drawPivots) { QPoint pos = controller->windowToView((*point).point().toQPoint()); if ((*point).isSelected()) { gc.setPen(m_selectedPivotPen); gc.drawRoundRect(selectedPivotRect(pos),m_selectedPivotRounding,m_selectedPivotRounding); } else { gc.setPen(m_pivotPen); gc.drawRoundRect(pivotRect(pos),m_pivotRounding,m_pivotRounding); } gc.setPen(m_drawingPen); } } void KisToolCurve::paint(KisCanvasPainter&) { draw(false); } void KisToolCurve::paint(KisCanvasPainter&, const QRect&) { draw(false); } void KisToolCurve::commitCurve() { if (toolType() == TOOL_SHAPE || toolType() == TOOL_FREEHAND) paintCurve(); else if (toolType() == TOOL_SELECT) selectCurve(); else kdDebug(0) << "NO SUPPORT FOR THIS TYPE OF TOOL" << endl; m_curve->clear(); m_curve->endActionOptions(); } void KisToolCurve::paintCurve() { KisPaintDeviceSP device = m_currentImage->activeDevice (); if (!device) return; KisPainter painter (device); if (m_currentImage->undo()) painter.beginTransaction (m_transactionMessage); painter.setPaintColor(m_subject->fgColor()); painter.setBrush(m_subject->currentBrush()); painter.setOpacity(m_opacity); painter.setCompositeOp(m_compositeOp); KisPaintOp * op = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->paintOp(m_subject->currentPaintop(), m_subject->currentPaintopSettings(), &painter); painter.setPaintOp(op); // Painter takes ownership // Call paintPoint KisCurve::iterator it = m_curve->begin(); while (it != m_curve->end()) it = paintPoint(painter,it); // Finish device->setDirty( painter.dirtyRect() ); notifyModified(); if (m_currentImage->undo()) { m_currentImage->undoAdapter()->addCommand(painter.endTransaction()); } draw(false); } KisCurve::iterator KisToolCurve::paintPoint (KisPainter& painter, KisCurve::iterator point) { KisCurve::iterator next = point; next+=1; switch ((*point).hint()) { case POINTHINT: painter.paintAt((*point++).point(), PRESSURE_DEFAULT, 0, 0); break; case LINEHINT: if (next != m_curve->end() && (*next).hint() <= LINEHINT) painter.paintLine((*point++).point(), PRESSURE_DEFAULT, 0, 0, (*next).point(), PRESSURE_DEFAULT, 0, 0); else painter.paintAt((*point++).point(), PRESSURE_DEFAULT, 0, 0); break; default: point += 1; } return point; } QValueVector KisToolCurve::convertCurve() { QValueVector points; for (KisCurve::iterator i = m_curve->begin(); i != m_curve->end(); i++) if ((*i).hint() != NOHINTS) points.append((*i).point()); return points; } void KisToolCurve::selectCurve() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(KisCursor::waitCursor()); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = m_currentImage->activeDevice(); bool hasSelection = dev->hasSelection(); KisSelectedTransaction *t = 0; if (m_currentImage->undo()) t = new KisSelectedTransaction(m_transactionMessage, dev); KisSelectionSP selection = dev->selection(); if (!hasSelection) { selection->clear(); } KisPainter painter(selection.data()); painter.setPaintColor(KisColor(Qt::black, selection->colorSpace())); painter.setFillStyle(KisPainter::FillStyleForegroundColor); painter.setStrokeStyle(KisPainter::StrokeStyleNone); painter.setBrush(m_subject->currentBrush()); painter.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE); KisPaintOp * op = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->paintOp("paintbrush", 0, &painter); painter.setPaintOp(op); // And now the painter owns the op and will destroy it. switch (m_selectAction) { case SELECTION_ADD: painter.setCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_OVER); break; case SELECTION_SUBTRACT: painter.setCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_SUBTRACT); break; default: break; } painter.paintPolygon(convertCurve()); if(hasSelection) { QRect dirty(painter.dirtyRect()); dev->setDirty(dirty); dev->emitSelectionChanged(dirty); } else { dev->setDirty(); dev->emitSelectionChanged(); } if (m_currentImage->undo()) m_currentImage->undoAdapter()->addCommand(t); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); draw(false); } QWidget* KisToolCurve::createOptionWidget(QWidget* parent) { if (toolType() == TOOL_SHAPE || toolType() == TOOL_FREEHAND) return super::createOptionWidget(parent); else if (toolType() == TOOL_SELECT) return createSelectionOptionWidget(parent); else kdDebug(0) << "NO SUPPORT FOR THIS TOOL TYPE" << endl; return 0; } void KisToolCurve::slotSetAction(int action) { if (action >= SELECTION_ADD && action <= SELECTION_SUBTRACT) m_selectAction =(enumSelectionMode)action; } QWidget* KisToolCurve::createSelectionOptionWidget(QWidget* parent) { m_optWidget = new KisSelectionOptions(parent, m_subject); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_optWidget); m_optWidget->setCaption(m_UIName); connect (m_optWidget, SIGNAL(actionChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetAction(int))); QVBoxLayout * l = dynamic_cast(m_optWidget->layout()); l->addItem(new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); return m_optWidget; } QWidget* KisToolCurve::optionWidget() { if (toolType() == TOOL_SELECT) return m_optWidget; else return super::optionWidget(); } #include "kis_tool_curve.moc"