/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Stefan Nikolaus <stefan.nikolaus@kdemail.net> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSPREAD_MANIPULATOR #define KSPREAD_MANIPULATOR #include <tqrect.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <kcommand.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <koffice_export.h> #include "kspread_format.h" #include "kspread_undo.h" #include "region.h" namespace KSpread { class Cell; class ColumnFormat; class RowFormat; class Sheet; // struct layoutCell { // int row; // int col; // Format *l; // }; // // struct layoutColumn { // int col; // ColumnFormat *l; // }; // // struct layoutRow { // int row; // RowFormat *l; // }; /** * Manipulator */ class Manipulator : public Region, public KCommand { public: Manipulator(); virtual ~Manipulator(); Sheet* sheet() const { return m_sheet; } void setSheet(Sheet* sheet) { m_sheet = sheet; } bool creation() { return m_creation; } void setCreation(bool creation) { m_creation = creation; } /** Is this a formatting manipulator ? If so, execute will call process(Format*) for each complete row/column, instead of going cell-by-cell. True by default. */ bool format() { return m_format; }; void setFormat (bool f) { m_format = f; }; virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual void setArgument(const TQString& /*arg*/, const TQString& /*val*/) {}; virtual void setReverse(bool reverse) { m_reverse = reverse; } void setRegisterUndo(bool registerUndo) { m_register = registerUndo; } virtual void setName (const TQString &n) { m_name = n; } virtual TQString name() const { return m_name; }; protected: virtual bool process(Element*); virtual bool process(Cell*) { return true; } virtual bool process(Format*) { return true; } virtual bool preProcessing() { return true; } virtual bool postProcessing() { return true; } Sheet* m_sheet; TQString m_name; bool m_creation : 1; bool m_reverse : 1; bool m_firstrun : 1; bool m_format : 1; bool m_register : 1; private: }; /** * FormatManipulator */ class FormatManipulator : public Manipulator { public: FormatManipulator(); virtual ~FormatManipulator(); void setProperty(Format::Properties property) { m_properties |= property; } bool isEmpty() { return m_properties == 0; } // SetSelectionFontWorker // SetSelectionSizeWorker void setFontFamily(const TQString& font) { m_properties |= Format::PFont; m_font = font; } void setFontSize(int size) { m_properties |= Format::PFont; m_size = size; } void setFontBold(uint bold) { m_properties |= Format::PFont; m_bold = bold; } void setFontItalic(uint italic) { m_properties |= Format::PFont; m_italic = italic; } void setFontStrike(uint strike) { m_properties |= Format::PFont; m_strike = strike; } void setFontUnderline(uint underline) { m_properties |= Format::PFont; m_underline = underline; } // SetSelectionAngleWorker void setAngle(int angle) { m_properties |= Format::PAngle; m_angle = angle; } // SetSelectionTextColorWorker void setTextColor(const TQColor& textColor) { m_properties |= Format::PTextPen; m_textColor = textColor; } // SetSelectionBgColorWorker void setBackgroundColor(const TQColor& bgColor) { m_properties |= Format::PBackgroundColor; m_backgroundColor = bgColor; } // SetSelectionBorderAllWorker void setTopBorderPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PTopBorder; m_topBorderPen = pen; } void setBottomBorderPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PBottomBorder; m_bottomBorderPen = pen; } void setLeftBorderPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PLeftBorder; m_leftBorderPen = pen; } void setRightBorderPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PRightBorder; m_rightBorderPen = pen; } void setHorizontalPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PTopBorder | Format::PBottomBorder; m_horizontalPen = pen; } void setVerticalPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PLeftBorder | Format::PRightBorder; m_verticalPen = pen; } void setFallDiagonalPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PFallDiagonal; m_fallDiagonalPen = pen; } void setGoUpDiagonalPen(const TQPen& pen) { m_properties |= Format::PGoUpDiagonal; m_goUpDiagonalPen = pen; } // SetSelectionAlignWorker void setHorizontalAlignment(Format::Align align) { m_properties |= Format::PAlign; m_horAlign = align; } // SetSelectionAlignWorker void setVerticalAlignment(Format::AlignY align) { m_properties |= Format::PAlignY; m_verAlign = align; } void setBackgroundBrush(const TQBrush& brush) { m_properties |= Format::PBackgroundBrush; m_backgroundBrush = brush; } void setIndent(double indent) { m_properties |= Format::PIndent; m_indent = indent; } void setMultiRow(bool multiRow) { m_properties |= Format::PMultiRow; m_multiRow = multiRow; } void setVerticalText(bool verticalText) { m_properties |= Format::PVerticalText; m_verticalText = verticalText; } void setDontPrintText(bool dontPrintText) { m_properties |= Format::PDontPrintText; m_dontPrintText = dontPrintText; } void setNotProtected(bool notProtected) { m_properties |= Format::PNotProtected; m_notProtected = notProtected; } void setHideAll(bool hideAll) { m_properties |= Format::PHideAll; m_hideAll = hideAll; } void setHideFormula(bool hideFormula) { m_properties |= Format::PHideFormula; m_hideFormula = hideFormula; } void setComment(const TQString& comment) { m_properties |= Format::PComment; m_comment = comment; } void setPrefix(const TQString& prefix) { m_properties |= Format::PPrefix; m_prefix = prefix; } void setPostfix(const TQString& postfix) { m_properties |= Format::PPostfix; m_postfix = postfix; } void setPrecision(int precision) { m_properties |= Format::PPrecision; m_precision = precision; } void setFloatFormat(Format::FloatFormat floatFormat) { m_properties |= Format::PFloatFormat; m_floatFormat = floatFormat; } void setFloatColor(Format::FloatColor floatColor) { m_properties |= Format::PFloatColor; m_floatColor = floatColor; } void setFormatType(FormatType formatType) { m_properties |= Format::PFormatType; m_formatType = formatType; } void setCurrency(int type, const TQString& symbol) { m_currencyType = type; m_currencySymbol = symbol; } protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Format Change"); } virtual bool preProcessing(); virtual bool process(Element*); void copyFormat(TQValueList<layoutCell> &list, TQValueList<layoutColumn> &listCol, TQValueList<layoutRow> &listRow); bool testCondition(RowFormat*); void doWork(Format*, bool isTop, bool isBottom, bool isLeft, bool isRight); void prepareCell(Cell*); private: TQ_UINT32 m_properties; // TODO Stefan: find a more elegant way to store the format TQValueList<layoutCell> m_lstFormats; TQValueList<layoutCell> m_lstRedoFormats; TQValueList<layoutColumn> m_lstColFormats; TQValueList<layoutColumn> m_lstRedoColFormats; TQValueList<layoutRow> m_lstRowFormats; TQValueList<layoutRow> m_lstRedoRowFormats; // SetSelectionFontWorker // SetSelectionSizeWorker TQString m_font; int m_size; signed char m_bold; signed char m_italic; signed char m_strike; signed char m_underline; // SetSelectionAngleWorker int m_angle; int m_precision; int m_currencyType; double m_indent; bool m_multiRow; bool m_verticalText; bool m_dontPrintText; bool m_notProtected; bool m_hideAll; bool m_hideFormula; // SetSelectionTextColorWorker TQColor m_textColor; // SetSelectionBgColorWorker TQColor m_backgroundColor; // SetSelectionBorderAllWorker TQPen m_topBorderPen; TQPen m_bottomBorderPen; TQPen m_leftBorderPen; TQPen m_rightBorderPen; TQPen m_horizontalPen; TQPen m_verticalPen; TQPen m_fallDiagonalPen; TQPen m_goUpDiagonalPen; TQBrush m_backgroundBrush; TQString m_comment; TQString m_prefix; TQString m_postfix; TQString m_currencySymbol; // SetSelectionAlignWorker Format::Align m_horAlign; // SetSelectionAlignWorker Format::AlignY m_verAlign; Format::FloatFormat m_floatFormat; Format::FloatColor m_floatColor; FormatType m_formatType; }; /** * ResizeColumnManipulator */ class ResizeColumnManipulator : public Manipulator { public: ResizeColumnManipulator(); ~ResizeColumnManipulator(); void setSize(double size) { m_newSize = size; } void setOldSize(double size) { m_oldSize = size; } protected: virtual bool process(Element*); virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Resize Column"); } private: double m_newSize; double m_oldSize; }; /** * ResizeRowManipulator */ class ResizeRowManipulator : public Manipulator { public: ResizeRowManipulator(); ~ResizeRowManipulator(); void setSize(double size) { m_newSize = size; } void setOldSize(double size) { m_oldSize = size; } protected: virtual bool process(Element*); virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Resize Row"); } private: double m_newSize; double m_oldSize; }; /** * BorderManipulator */ class BorderManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: BorderManipulator() {} ~BorderManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Border"); } private: }; /** * class BackgroundColorManipulator */ class BackgroundColorManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: BackgroundColorManipulator() {} ~BackgroundColorManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Background Color"); } private: }; /** * class FontColorManipulator */ class FontColorManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: FontColorManipulator() {} ~FontColorManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Text Color"); } private: }; /** * class FontManipulator */ class FontManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: FontManipulator() {} ~FontManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Font"); } private: }; /** * class AngleManipulator */ class AngleManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: AngleManipulator() {} ~AngleManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Angle"); } private: }; /** * class HorAlignManipulator */ class HorAlignManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: HorAlignManipulator() {} ~HorAlignManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Horizontal Alignment"); } private: }; /** * class VerAlignManipulator */ class VerAlignManipulator : public FormatManipulator { public: VerAlignManipulator() {} ~VerAlignManipulator() {} protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Change Vertical Alignment"); } private: }; /** * MergeManipulator */ class MergeManipulator : public Manipulator { public: MergeManipulator(); virtual ~MergeManipulator(); virtual bool preProcessing(); virtual void setReverse(bool reverse) { m_merge = !reverse; } void setHorizontalMerge(bool state) { m_mergeHorizontal = state; } void setVerticalMerge(bool state) { m_mergeVertical = state; } protected: virtual bool process(Element*); virtual bool postProcessing(); virtual TQString name() const; bool m_merge; private: bool m_mergeHorizontal : 1; bool m_mergeVertical : 1; Manipulator* m_unmerger; // to restore old merging }; /** * DilationManipulator */ class DilationManipulator : public Manipulator { public: DilationManipulator(); virtual ~DilationManipulator(); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); protected: virtual TQString name() const { return i18n("Dilate Region"); } private: }; /** * AdjustColumnRowManipulator */ class AdjustColumnRowManipulator : public Manipulator { public: AdjustColumnRowManipulator(); virtual ~AdjustColumnRowManipulator(); virtual bool process(Element*); virtual bool preProcessing(); void setAdjustColumn(bool state) { m_adjustColumn = state; } void setAdjustRow(bool state) { m_adjustRow = state; } protected: virtual TQString name() const; double adjustColumnHelper( Cell * c, int _col, int _row ); double adjustRowHelper( Cell * c, int _col, int _row ); private: bool m_adjustColumn : 1; bool m_adjustRow : 1; TQMap<int, double> m_newWidths; TQMap<int, double> m_oldWidths; TQMap<int, double> m_newHeights; TQMap<int, double> m_oldHeights; }; /** * HideShowManipulator */ class HideShowManipulator : public Manipulator { public: HideShowManipulator(); virtual ~HideShowManipulator(); virtual bool process(Element*); virtual bool preProcessing(); virtual bool postProcessing(); void setManipulateColumns(bool state) { m_manipulateColumns = state; } void setManipulateRows(bool state) { m_manipulateRows = state; } protected: virtual TQString name() const; private: bool m_manipulateColumns : 1; bool m_manipulateRows : 1; }; /** * InsertDeleteManipulator */ class InsertDeleteManipulator : public Manipulator { public: InsertDeleteManipulator(); ~InsertDeleteManipulator(); protected: private: bool m_manipulateColumns : 1; bool m_manipulateRows : 1; }; /** * ManipulatorManager */ class ManipulatorManager { public: static ManipulatorManager* self(); ~ManipulatorManager(); Manipulator* create(const TQString&); private: ManipulatorManager(); static ManipulatorManager* m_self; }; } // namespace KSpread #endif // KSPREAD_MANIPULATOR