/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright 2005 Ariya Hidayat This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "inspector.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kspread_cell.h" #include "kspread_style.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" #include "dependencies.h" namespace KSpread { class Inspector::Private { public: Cell* cell; Format* format; Sheet* sheet; QListView *cellView; QListView *formatView; QListView *sheetView; QListView *styleView; QListView* depView; void handleCell(); void handleFormat(); void handleSheet(); void handleStyle(); void handleDep(); }; } using namespace KSpread; static QString boolAsString( bool b ) { if( b ) return QString( "True" ); else return QString( "False" ); } static QString longAsHexstring( long l ) { return QString("%1").arg(l, 8, 16); } static QString dirAsString( Sheet::LayoutDirection dir ) { QString str; switch( dir ) { case Sheet::LeftToRight: str = "Left to Right"; break; case Sheet::RightToLeft: str = "Right to Left"; break; default: str = "Unknown"; break; } return str; } void Inspector::Private::handleCell() { QString str; cellView->clear(); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Column", QString::number( cell->column() ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Row", QString::number( cell->row() ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Name", cell->name() ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Full Name", cell->fullName() ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Default", boolAsString( cell->isDefault() ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Empty", boolAsString( cell->isEmpty() ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Formula", boolAsString( cell->isFormula() ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Format Properties", longAsHexstring( static_cast( cell->format()->propertiesMask() ) ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Style Properties", longAsHexstring( static_cast( cell->format()->style()->features() ) ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Text", cell->text() ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Text (Displayed)", cell->strOutText().replace( QChar('\n'), "\\n" ) ); QTextStream ts( &str, IO_WriteOnly ); ts << cell->value(); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Value", str ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Link", cell->link() ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Width", QString::number( cell->dblWidth() ) ); new QListViewItem( cellView, "Height", QString::number( cell->dblHeight() ) ); } void Inspector::Private::handleFormat() { formatView->clear(); int col = cell->column(); int row = cell->row(); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Angle", QString::number( format->getAngle(col, row) ) ); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Multirow", boolAsString( format->multiRow(col, row) ) ); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Protected", format->hasProperty( Format::PVerticalText ) ? "Not specified" : boolAsString( format->isProtected(col, row) ) ); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Vertical Text", boolAsString( format->verticalText(col, row ) ) ); Format::Currency currrency; bool valid = format->currencyInfo(currrency); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Currency symbol", valid ? currrency.symbol : "Invalid" ); bool ok = false; QString currencyType; if (valid) currencyType = Currency::getChooseString(currrency.type, ok); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Currency type", valid && ok ? currencyType : "Invalid" ); QListViewItem* flags = new QListViewItem( formatView, "Flags" ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (left)", boolAsString( format->hasProperty(Format::PLeftBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (right)", boolAsString( format->hasProperty(Format::PRightBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (top)", boolAsString( format->hasProperty(Format::PTopBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (bottom)", boolAsString( format->hasProperty(Format::PBottomBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( formatView, "Border pen width (bottom)", QString::number( format->bottomBorderPen(col,row).width() ) ); } void Inspector::Private::handleStyle() // direct style access { styleView->clear(); const Style* style = cell->format()->style(); QListViewItem* flags = new QListViewItem( styleView, "Flags" ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (left)", boolAsString( style->hasFeature(Style::SLeftBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (right)", boolAsString( style->hasFeature(Style::SRightBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (top)", boolAsString( style->hasFeature(Style::STopBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( flags, "Border (bottom)", boolAsString( style->hasFeature(Style::SBottomBorder, true) ) ); new QListViewItem( styleView, "Border pen width (bottom)", QString::number( style->bottomBorderPen().width() ) ); } void Inspector::Private::handleSheet() { sheetView->clear(); new QListViewItem( sheetView, "Name", sheet->sheetName() ) ; new QListViewItem( sheetView, "Layout Direction", dirAsString( sheet->layoutDirection() ) ); } void Inspector::Private::handleDep() { Point cellPoint; cellPoint.setSheet(sheet); cellPoint.setRow( cell->row() ); cellPoint.setColumn( cell->column() ); DependencyManager* manager = sheet->dependencies(); QValueList deps = manager->getDependants( cellPoint ); depView->clear(); for( unsigned i = 0; i < deps.count(); i++ ) { QString k1, k2; Point point = deps[i]; int row = point.row(); int column = point.column(); k1 = Cell::fullName( point.sheet(), column, row ); new QListViewItem( depView, k1, k2 ); } } Inspector::Inspector( Cell* cell ): KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Tabbed, "Inspector", KDialogBase::Close, KDialogBase::Close ) { d = new Private; d->cell = cell; d->format = cell->format(); d->sheet = cell->sheet(); QFrame* cellPage = addPage( QString("Cell") ); QVBoxLayout* cellLayout = new QVBoxLayout( cellPage, 0 ); d->cellView = new QListView( cellPage ); cellLayout->addWidget( d->cellView ); d->cellView->addColumn( "Key", 150 ); d->cellView->addColumn( "Value" ); QFrame* formatPage = addPage( QString("Format") ); QVBoxLayout* formatLayout = new QVBoxLayout( formatPage, 0 ); d->formatView = new QListView( formatPage ); formatLayout->addWidget( d->formatView ); d->formatView->addColumn( "Key", 150 ); d->formatView->addColumn( "Value" ); QFrame* stylePage = addPage( QString("Style") ); QVBoxLayout* styleLayout = new QVBoxLayout( stylePage, 0 ); d->styleView = new QListView( stylePage ); styleLayout->addWidget( d->styleView ); d->styleView->addColumn( "Key", 150 ); d->styleView->addColumn( "Value" ); QFrame* sheetPage = addPage( QString("Sheet") ); QVBoxLayout* sheetLayout = new QVBoxLayout( sheetPage, 0 ); d->sheetView = new QListView( sheetPage ); sheetLayout->addWidget( d->sheetView ); d->sheetView->addColumn( "Key", 150 ); d->sheetView->addColumn( "Value" ); QFrame* depPage = addPage( QString("Dependencies") ); QVBoxLayout* depLayout = new QVBoxLayout( depPage, 0 ); d->depView = new QListView( depPage ); depLayout->addWidget( d->depView ); d->depView->addColumn( "Cell", 150 ); d->depView->addColumn( "Content" ); d->handleCell(); d->handleFormat(); d->handleSheet(); d->handleStyle(); d->handleDep(); resize( 350, 400 ); } Inspector::~Inspector() { delete d; } #include "inspector.moc"