/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <reggie@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2002-2006 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2005 Thomas Zander <zander@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "KWCanvas.h"
#include "KWTableFrameSet.h"
#include "KWPartFrameSet.h"
#include "KWFormulaFrameSet.h"
#include "KWDocument.h"
#include "KWView.h"
#include "KWViewMode.h"
#include "KWFrameDia.h"
#include "KWCommand.h"
#include "KWTableTemplate.h"
#include "KWTextDocument.h"
#include "KWFrameList.h"
#include "KWPageManager.h"
#include "KWPage.h"
#include "KWPictureFrameSet.h"
#include "KWFrameView.h"
#include "KWFrameViewManager.h"

#include <tqbuffer.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <tqprogressdialog.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>

#include <KoStore.h>
#include <KoStoreDrag.h>
#include <KoPictureCollection.h>

#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdemultipledrag.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>

#include <assert.h>

KWCanvas::KWCanvas(const TQString& viewMode, TQWidget *parent, KWDocument *d, KWGUI *lGui)
    : TQScrollView( parent, "canvas", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase ), m_doc( d )
    m_frameViewManager = new KWFrameViewManager(d);
    m_gui = lGui;
    m_currentFrameSetEdit = 0L;
    m_mouseMeaning = MEANING_NONE;
    m_mousePressed = false;
    m_imageDrag = false;
    m_frameInline = false;
    m_overwriteMode = false;

    //used by insert picture dialogbox
    m_picture.pictureInline = false;
    m_picture.keepRatio = true;

    m_frameInlineType = FT_TABLE;
    m_viewMode = KWViewMode::create( viewMode, m_doc, this );
    m_interactionPolicy = 0;

    // Default table parameters.
    m_table.rows = 3;
    m_table.cols = 2;
    m_table.width = KWTableFrameSet::TblAuto;
    m_table.height = KWTableFrameSet::TblAuto;
    m_table.floating = true;

    m_footEndNote.noteType = FootNote;
    m_footEndNote.numberingType = KWFootNoteVariable::Auto;

    m_currentTable = 0L;
    m_printing = false;
    m_deleteMovingRect = false;
    m_resizedFrameInitialMinHeight = 0;
    m_temporaryStatusBarTextShown = false;

    viewport()->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
    viewport()->setAcceptDrops( TRUE );

    setKeyCompression( TRUE );
    viewport()->setMouseTracking( TRUE );

    m_scrollTimer = new TQTimer( this );
    connect( m_scrollTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ),
             this, TQ_SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) );

    viewport()->setFocusProxy( this );
    viewport()->setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::WheelFocus );
    setInputMethodEnabled( true );
    viewport()->installEventFilter( this );
    installEventFilter( this );
    KCursor::setAutoHideCursor( this, true, true );

    connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL(contentsMoving( int, int )),
             this, TQ_SLOT(slotContentsMoving( int, int )) );

    connect( m_doc, TQ_SIGNAL( newContentsSize() ),
             this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewContentsSize() ) );

    connect( m_doc, TQ_SIGNAL( mainTextHeightChanged() ),
             this, TQ_SLOT( slotMainTextHeightChanged() ) );

    connect( m_doc, TQ_SIGNAL( sig_terminateEditing( KWFrameSet * ) ),
             this, TQ_SLOT( terminateEditing( KWFrameSet * ) ) );


    m_mouseMode = MM_EDIT; // avoid UMR in setMouseMode
    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );

    // Create the current frameset-edit last, to have everything ready for it
    KWFrameSet * fs = 0L;
    TQString fsName = m_doc->initialFrameSet();
    if ( !fsName.isEmpty() )
        fs = m_doc->frameSetByName( fsName );
    if ( !fs )
        fs = m_doc->frameSet( 0 );
    //Q_ASSERT( fs ); // empty page template -> no fs
    if ( fs && fs->isVisible( m_viewMode ) ) {
        checkCurrentEdit( fs );
        KWTextFrameSetEdit* textedit = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSetEdit *>(m_currentFrameSetEdit);
        if ( textedit ) {
            int paragId = m_doc->initialCursorParag();
            int index = m_doc->initialCursorIndex();
            if ( paragId != 0 || index != 0 ) {
                KoTextParag* parag = textedit->textDocument()->paragAt( paragId );
                if ( parag )
                    textedit->setCursor( parag, index );

    connect(frameViewManager(), TQ_SIGNAL(sigFrameResized(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)),
        m_doc, TQ_SLOT(framesChanged(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)));
    connect(frameViewManager(), TQ_SIGNAL(sigFrameMoved(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)),
        m_doc, TQ_SLOT(framesChanged(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)));

    delete m_interactionPolicy;
    delete m_currentFrameSetEdit;
    m_currentFrameSetEdit = 0;
    delete m_viewMode;
    m_viewMode = 0;
    disconnect(frameViewManager(), TQ_SIGNAL(sigFrameResized(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)),
        m_doc, TQ_SLOT(framesChanged(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)));
    disconnect(frameViewManager(), TQ_SIGNAL(sigFrameMoved(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)),
        m_doc, TQ_SLOT(framesChanged(const TQValueList<KWFrame*>&)));
    delete m_frameViewManager;
    m_frameViewManager = 0;

void KWCanvas::repaintChanged( KWFrameSet * fs, bool resetChanged )
    assert(fs); // the new code can't support fs being 0L here. Mail me if it happens (DF)
    //kdDebug(32002) << "KWCanvas::repaintChanged this=" << this << " fs=" << fs << endl;
    TQPainter p( viewport() );
    p.translate( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
    p.setBrushOrigin( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
    TQRect crect( contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight() );
    drawFrameSet( fs, &p, crect, true, resetChanged, m_viewMode );
    // ###### This repaints the whole grid every time. Ouch.
    // We should return a TQRegion from drawFrameSet.... Tricky.
    if ( m_doc->showGrid() )
      drawGrid( p, crect );

void KWCanvas::repaintAll( bool erase /* = false */ )
    //kdDebug(32002) << "KWCanvas::repaintAll erase=" << erase << endl;
    viewport()->repaint( erase );

void KWCanvas::viewportResizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * )

void KWCanvas::print( TQPainter *painter, KPrinter *printer )
    // Prevent cursor drawing and editing
    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
    m_printing = true;
    KWViewMode *viewMode = new KWViewModePrint( m_doc, this );
    // Use page list specified in tdeprint dialogbox
    TQValueList<int> pageList = printer->pageList();
    TQProgressDialog progress( i18n( "Printing..." ), i18n( "Cancel" ),
                              pageList.count() + 1, this );
    int j = 0;
    progress.setProgress( 0 );
    TQValueList<int>::Iterator it = pageList.begin();
    for ( ; it != pageList.end(); ++it )
        progress.setProgress( ++j );

        if ( progress.wasCancelled() )

        if ( it != pageList.begin() )

        int pgNum = (*it);
        int yOffset = m_doc->zoomItY( m_doc->pageManager()->topOfPage( pgNum ) );
        kdDebug(32001) << "printing page " << pgNum << " yOffset=" << yOffset << endl;
        TQRect pageRect = m_doc->pageManager()->page(pgNum)->zoomedRect(m_doc);
        painter->fillRect( pageRect, white );

        painter->translate( 0, -yOffset );
        painter->setBrushOrigin( 0, -yOffset );
        drawDocument( painter, pageRect, viewMode );
    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
    m_printing = false;
    delete viewMode;

void KWCanvas::drawContents( TQPainter *painter, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )
  if ( isUpdatesEnabled() )
    // Note: in drawContents, the painter is already translated to the contents coordinates
    painter->setBrushOrigin( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
    drawDocument( painter, TQRect( cx, cy, cw, ch ), m_viewMode );
    if ( m_doc->showGrid() )
      drawGrid( *painter, TQRect( cx, cy, cw, ch ) );
    else if ( m_doc->snapToGrid() && ( m_interactionPolicy && m_interactionPolicy->gotDragEvents()
                || m_mouseMode != MM_EDIT ) )
      drawGrid( *painter, TQRect(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight()) );

void KWCanvas::drawDocument( TQPainter *painter, const TQRect &crect, KWViewMode* viewMode )
    //kdDebug(32002) << "KWCanvas::drawDocument crect: " << crect << endl;

    // Draw the outside of the pages (shadow, gray area)
    // and the empty area first (in case of transparent frames)
    if ( painter->device()->devType() != TQInternal::Printer ) // except when printing
        TQRegion emptySpaceRegion( crect );
        m_doc->createEmptyRegion( crect, emptySpaceRegion, viewMode );
        viewMode->drawPageBorders( painter, crect, emptySpaceRegion );

    // Draw all framesets contents
    TQPtrListIterator<KWFrameSet> fit = m_doc->framesetsIterator();
    for ( ; fit.current() ; ++fit )
        KWFrameSet * frameset = fit.current();
        if(! frameset->isVisible()) continue;
        drawFrameSet( frameset, painter, crect, false, true, viewMode );


void KWCanvas::drawFrameSet( KWFrameSet * frameset, TQPainter * painter,
                             const TQRect & crect, bool onlyChanged, bool resetChanged, KWViewMode* viewMode )
    if ( !frameset->isVisible( viewMode ) )
    if ( !onlyChanged && frameset->isFloating() )

    bool focus = hasFocus() || viewport()->hasFocus();
    if ( painter->device()->devType() == TQInternal::Printer )
        focus = false;

    TQColorGroup gb = TQApplication::palette().active();
    if ( focus && m_currentFrameSetEdit && frameset == m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet() )
        // Currently edited frameset
        m_currentFrameSetEdit->drawContents( painter, crect, gb, onlyChanged, resetChanged, viewMode, m_frameViewManager );
        frameset->drawContents( painter, crect, gb, onlyChanged, resetChanged, 0L, viewMode, m_frameViewManager );

void KWCanvas::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
    if( !m_doc->isReadWrite()) {
        switch( e->key() ) {
        case TQt::Key_Down:
            setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsY() + 10 );
        case TQt::Key_Up:
            setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsY() - 10 );
        case TQt::Key_Left:
            setContentsPos( contentsX() - 10, contentsY() );
        case TQt::Key_Right:
            setContentsPos( contentsX() + 10, contentsY() );
        case TQt::Key_PageUp:
            setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsY() - visibleHeight() );
        case TQt::Key_PageDown:
            setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsY() + visibleHeight() );
        case TQt::Key_Home:
            setContentsPos( contentsX(), 0 );
        case TQt::Key_End:
            setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsHeight() - visibleHeight() );
    // The key events in read-write mode are handled by eventFilter(), otherwise
    // we don't get <Tab> key presses.

void KWCanvas::switchViewMode( const TQString& newViewMode )
    delete m_viewMode;
    m_viewMode = KWViewMode::create( newViewMode, m_doc, this );

void KWCanvas::mpCreate( const TQPoint& normalPoint, bool noGrid )
    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
    if ( m_doc->snapToGrid() && !noGrid )
        applyGrid( docPoint );
    m_insRect.setCoords( docPoint.x(), docPoint.y(), 0, 0 );
    m_deleteMovingRect = false;

void KWCanvas::mpCreatePixmap( const TQPoint& normalPoint, bool noGrid  )
    if ( !m_kopicture.isNull() )
        // Apply grid for the first corner only
        KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
        if ( m_doc->snapToGrid() && ! noGrid )
            applyGrid( docPoint );
        int pageNum = m_doc->pageManager()->pageNumber( docPoint );
        m_insRect.setRect( docPoint.x(), docPoint.y(), 0, 0 );
        m_deleteMovingRect = false;

        if ( !m_pixmapSize.isEmpty() )
            // This ensures 1-1 at 100% on screen, but allows zooming and printing with correct DPI values
            uint width = tqRound( (double)m_pixmapSize.width() * m_doc->zoomedResolutionX() / POINT_TO_INCH( KoGlobal::dpiX() ) );
            uint height = tqRound( (double)m_pixmapSize.height() * m_doc->zoomedResolutionY() / POINT_TO_INCH( KoGlobal::dpiY() ) );
            m_insRect.setWidth( m_doc->unzoomItX( width ) );
            m_insRect.setHeight( m_doc->unzoomItY( height ) );
            // Apply reasonable limits
            width = kMin( width, m_doc->paperWidth(pageNum) - normalPoint.x() - 5 );
            height = kMin( height, m_doc->paperHeight(pageNum) - normalPoint.y() - 5 );
            // And apply aspect-ratio if set
            if ( m_keepRatio )
                double ratio = ((double) m_pixmapSize.width()) / ((double) m_pixmapSize.height());
                applyAspectRatio( ratio, m_insRect );

            TQPoint nPoint( normalPoint.x() + m_doc->zoomItX( m_insRect.width() ),
                           normalPoint.y() + m_doc->zoomItY( m_insRect.height() ) );
            TQPoint vPoint = m_viewMode->normalToView( nPoint );
            vPoint = contentsToViewport( vPoint );
            TQRect viewportRect( contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight() );
            if ( viewportRect.contains( vPoint ) ) // Don't move the mouse out of the viewport
                TQCursor::setPos( viewport()->mapToGlobal( vPoint ) );
        emit docStructChanged(Pictures);
        if ( !m_doc->showGrid() && m_doc->snapToGrid() )
          repaintContents( FALSE ); //draw the grid over the whole canvas

void KWCanvas::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( e->pos() );
    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );

    if ( e->button() == TQt::LeftButton )
      m_mousePressed = true;

    // Only edit-mode (and only LMB) allowed on read-only documents (to select text)
    if ( !m_doc->isReadWrite() && ( m_mouseMode != MM_EDIT || e->button() != TQt::LeftButton ) )
    if ( m_printing )

    // This code here is common to all mouse buttons, so that RMB and MMB place the cursor (or select the frame) too
    switch ( m_mouseMode ) {
    case MM_EDIT:
        if(! viewMode()->hasFrames() ) { // for the text mode we just forward the click to the text
            // first, make clicks left of text be on the border;
            docPoint = KoPoint(TQMAX(0, docPoint.x()), TQMAX(0, docPoint.y()));
            if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
                m_currentFrameSetEdit->mousePressEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint );
        // See if we clicked on a frame's border
        m_mouseMeaning = m_frameViewManager->mouseMeaning( docPoint, e->state());

        //kdDebug(32001) << "contentsMousePressEvent meaning=" << m_mouseMeaning << endl;
        switch ( m_mouseMeaning )  {
            // LMB/MMB inside a frame always unselects all frames
            // RMB inside a frame unselects too, except when
            //     right-clicking on a selected frame
            KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view( docPoint, KWFrameViewManager::frameOnTop );
            if ( ! ( e->button() == TQt::RightButton && view && view->selected() ) )
                selectAllFrames( false );

            KWFrame * frame = view ? view->frame() : 0L;
            KWFrameSet * fs = frame ? frame->frameSet() : 0L;
            if ( fs && fs->groupmanager() )
                fs = fs->groupmanager();
            bool emitChanged = false;
            if ( fs )
                // Clicked inside a frame - start editing it
                emitChanged = checkCurrentEdit( fs );

            if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
                m_currentFrameSetEdit->mousePressEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint );

            if ( emitChanged ) { // emitted after mousePressEvent [for tables]
                emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();
                emit updateRuler();

            if ( m_frameInline )
                bool inlineCreated = true;
                if(m_frameInlineType == FT_TABLE)
                    inlineCreated = insertInlineTable();
                else if(m_frameInlineType == FT_PICTURE)
                    inlineCreated = insertInlinePicture();
                if (!inlineCreated)
                    KMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Read-only content cannot be changed. No modifications will be accepted."));
        case MEANING_RESIZE_ROW:

            // We know we're resizing a row or column, but we don't know which one yet...
            // We're between two rows (or columns) so frameUnderMouse is a bit unprecise...
            // We need it to find out which table we clicked on, though.
            KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view(docPoint, KWFrameViewManager::frameOnTop);
            if (view)
                KWTableFrameSet::Cell* cell = dynamic_cast<KWTableFrameSet::Cell *>(view->frame()->frameSet());
                if ( cell )
                    KWTableFrameSet* table = cell->groupmanager();
                    if ( m_mouseMeaning == MEANING_RESIZE_COLUMN )
                        m_rowColResized = table->columnEdgeAt( docPoint.x() );
                        m_previousTableSize = table->columnSize( m_rowColResized );
                        m_rowColResized = table->rowEdgeAt( docPoint.y() );
                        m_previousTableSize = table->rowSize( m_rowColResized );
                    m_currentTable = table;
                    kdDebug(32002) << "resizing row/col edge. m_rowColResized=" << m_rowColResized << endl;
            m_mousePressed = true;
            m_deleteMovingRect = false;

            delete m_interactionPolicy;
            m_interactionPolicy = InteractionPolicy::createPolicy(this, m_mouseMeaning, docPoint, e->button(), e->state());
            viewport()->setCursor( m_frameViewManager->mouseCursor( docPoint, e->state() ) );
        if ( e->button() == TQt::LeftButton )
            mpCreate( normalPoint, e->state() & TQt::ShiftButton);
    case MM_CREATE_PIX:
        if ( e->button() == TQt::LeftButton )
            mpCreatePixmap( normalPoint, e->state() & TQt::ShiftButton );
    default: break;
    m_scrollTimer->start( 50 );

    if ( e->button() == TQt::MidButton ) {
        if ( m_doc->isReadWrite() && m_currentFrameSetEdit && m_mouseMode == MM_EDIT )
            TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( true );
            TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( false );
    else if ( e->button() == TQt::RightButton ) {
        if(!m_doc->isReadWrite()) // The popups are not available in readonly mode, since the GUI isn't built...
        if ( m_deleteMovingRect )
        // rmb menu
        switch ( m_mouseMode )
        case MM_EDIT:
            if ( !viewMode()->hasFrames() ) { // text view mode
                KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view(m_doc->frameSet( 0 )->frame(0));
                view->showPopup(docPoint, m_gui->getView(), TQCursor::pos());
                m_frameViewManager->showPopup(docPoint, m_gui->getView(), e->state(), TQCursor::pos());
        case MM_CREATE_TEXT:
        case MM_CREATE_PART:
        case MM_CREATE_TABLE:
        case MM_CREATE_FORMULA:
        case MM_CREATE_PIX:
            setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
        default: break;
        m_mousePressed = false;

// Called by KWTableDia
void KWCanvas::createTable( unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols,
                            int wid, int hei,
                            bool isFloating,
                            KWTableTemplate *tt, int format )
    // Remember for next time in any case
    m_table.rows = rows;
    m_table.cols = cols;
    m_table.width = wid;
    m_table.height = hei;
    m_table.floating = isFloating;
    m_table.format = format;

    m_table.tableTemplateName = tt ? tt->displayName():TQString();
    m_table.tt = tt;

    if ( isFloating  )
        setMouseMode( MM_CREATE_TABLE );

bool KWCanvas::insertInlinePicture() // also called by DCOP
    bool inserted = m_gui->getView()->insertInlinePicture();
    if ( inserted )
        m_frameInline = false;
    return inserted;

bool KWCanvas::insertInlineTable()
    KWTextFrameSetEdit * edit = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSetEdit *>(m_currentFrameSetEdit);
        if ( edit->textFrameSet()->textObject()->protectContent() )
            return false;
        m_insRect = KoRect( 0, 0, edit->frameSet()->frame(0)->width(), 10 );

        KWTableFrameSet * table = createTable();
        m_doc->addFrameSet( table, false );
        edit->insertFloatingFrameSet( table, i18n("Insert Inline Table") );

        if (m_table.tt) {
            KWTableTemplateCommand *ttCmd=new KWTableTemplateCommand( "Apply template to inline table", table, m_table.tt );

    m_frameInline = false;
    return true;

void KWCanvas::applyGrid( KoPoint &p )
  if ( m_viewMode->type() != "ModeNormal" )
  // The 1e-10 here is a workaround for some weird division problem.
  // 360.00062366 / 2.83465058 gives 127 'exactly' when shown as a double,
  // but when casting into an int, we get 126. In fact it's 127 - 5.64e-15 !

  // This is a problem when calling applyGrid twice, we get 1 less than the time before.
  p.setX( static_cast<int>( p.x() / m_doc->gridX() + 1e-10 ) * m_doc->gridX() );
  p.setY( static_cast<int>( p.y() / m_doc->gridY() + 1e-10 ) * m_doc->gridY() );

  //FIXME It doesn't work in preview mode - apply viewmode

void KWCanvas::drawGrid( TQPainter &p, const TQRect& rect )
    // Grid-positioning makes no sense in text view mode
    if ( !m_viewMode->hasFrames() )
    TQPen pen = TQPen( TQt::black, 6, TQt::DotLine );
    TQPen oldPen = p.pen();
    p.setPen( pen );

    const double offsetX = m_doc->gridX();
    const double offsetY = m_doc->gridY();

    // per page, this is needed to paint correctly on preview mode as well as making sure
    // we start the grid from the topleft of each page.
    for ( int pgNum = m_doc->startPage() ; pgNum <= m_doc->lastPage() ; ++pgNum) {
        const TQRect pageRect = m_viewMode->viewPageRect( pgNum );
        const TQRect crect = pageRect & rect;
        if ( crect.isEmpty() )

        // To convert back to view coordinates later we can calculate the offset for each
        // point again, or we can do it one time for the page and re-use the answer.
        KoPoint pageTopLeft (0, m_doc->pageManager()->topOfPage(pgNum) + 2); // +2 to get around rounding problems..
        TQPoint pageTopLeftView = m_viewMode->normalToView( m_doc->zoomPoint(pageTopLeft) );

        // docRect is the part of the document that needs to be painted.. Coordinates in pt
        const KoRect docRect = m_doc->unzoomRect( m_viewMode->viewToNormal( crect ) );
        // kdDebug() << "drawGrid page " << pgNum << " pageRect=" << pageRect << " crect=" << crect << " docRect=" << docRect << endl;

        // the following is effectively a docRect.y() modulo offsetY
        const double firstOffsetY = pageTopLeft.y() - offsetY * static_cast<int>( docRect.y() / offsetY );
        const double bottom = docRect.bottom() - pageTopLeft.y();

        for ( double x = 0; x <= docRect.right(); x += offsetX ) {
            const int zoomedX = m_doc->zoomItX( x ) + pageTopLeftView.x();
            for ( double y = firstOffsetY; y <= bottom; y += offsetY ) {
                const int zoomedY = m_doc->zoomItY( y ) + pageTopLeftView.y();
                p.drawPoint( zoomedX, zoomedY );

    p.setPen( oldPen );

void KWCanvas::applyAspectRatio( double ratio, KoRect& insRect )
    double width = insRect.width();
    double height = insRect.height();
    if ( width < height ) // the biggest border is the one in control
        width = height * ratio;
        height = width / ratio;
    insRect.setRight( insRect.left() + width );
    insRect.setBottom( insRect.top() + height );
    //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::applyAspectRatio: width=" << width << " height=" << height << " insRect=" << DEBUGRECT(insRect) << endl;

void KWCanvas::mmCreate( const TQPoint& normalPoint, bool noGrid ) // Mouse move when creating a frame
    TQPainter p;
    p.begin( viewport() );
    p.translate( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
    p.setRasterOp( NotROP );
    p.setPen( black );
    p.setBrush( NoBrush );

    if ( m_deleteMovingRect )
        drawMovingRect( p );

    int page = m_doc->pageManager()->pageNumber( m_insRect );
    if( page == -1) {
    KoRect oldRect = m_insRect;

    // Resize the rectangle
    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
    if ( m_doc->snapToGrid() && m_mouseMode != MM_CREATE_PIX && !noGrid )
        applyGrid( docPoint );

    m_insRect.setRight( docPoint.x() );
    m_insRect.setBottom( docPoint.y() );

    // But not out of the page
    KoRect r = m_insRect.normalize();
    if ( !m_doc->pageManager()->page(page)->rect().contains(r) )
        // Even better would be to go to the limit of the page boundary, so that the result,
        // when moving the mouse of the page, doesn't depend on how fast we're moving it...
        m_insRect = oldRect;
        // #### TQCursor::setPos( viewport()->mapToGlobal( zoomPoint( m_insRect.bottomRight() ) ) );

    // Apply keep-aspect-ratio feature
    if ( m_mouseMode == MM_CREATE_PIX && m_keepRatio )
        double ratio = (double)m_pixmapSize.width() / (double)m_pixmapSize.height();
        applyAspectRatio( ratio, m_insRect );

    drawMovingRect( p );
    m_deleteMovingRect = true;

void KWCanvas::drawMovingRect( TQPainter & p )
    p.setPen( black );
    p.drawRect( m_viewMode->normalToView( m_doc->zoomRect( m_insRect ) ) );

void KWCanvas::deleteMovingRect()
    Q_ASSERT( m_deleteMovingRect );
    TQPainter p;
    p.begin( viewport() );
    p.translate( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
    p.setRasterOp( NotROP );
    p.setPen( black );
    p.setBrush( NoBrush );
    drawMovingRect( p );
    m_deleteMovingRect = false;

void KWCanvas::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    if ( m_printing )
    TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( e->pos() );
    if(normalPoint.x() == -1) // e->pos() is an exceptional state...
    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );

    if ( m_mousePressed ) {

        switch ( m_mouseMode ) {
            case MM_EDIT:
                if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
                    m_currentFrameSetEdit->mouseMoveEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint );
                if( ! m_doc->isReadWrite() )
                if ( m_mouseMeaning == MEANING_RESIZE_COLUMN || m_mouseMeaning == MEANING_RESIZE_ROW )
                    // TODO undo/redo support (esp. in mouse-release)
                    TQRect oldRect( m_viewMode->normalToView( m_doc->zoomRect( m_currentTable->boundingRect() ) ) );
                    if ( m_mouseMeaning == MEANING_RESIZE_ROW )
                        m_currentTable->resizeRow( m_rowColResized, docPoint.y() );
                        m_currentTable->resizeColumn( m_rowColResized, docPoint.x() );
                    // Repaint only the changed rects (oldRect U newRect)
                    TQRect newRect( m_viewMode->normalToView( m_doc->zoomRect( m_currentTable->boundingRect() ) ) );
                    repaintContents( TQRegion(oldRect).unite(newRect).boundingRect(), FALSE );
                else if (m_interactionPolicy) {
                            m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint ));
            } break;
            case MM_CREATE_TEXT: case MM_CREATE_PIX: case MM_CREATE_PART:
            case MM_CREATE_TABLE: case MM_CREATE_FORMULA:
                mmCreate( normalPoint, e->state() & ShiftButton );
    else {
        if ( m_mouseMode == MM_EDIT )
            MouseMeaning meaning = m_frameViewManager->mouseMeaning( docPoint, e->state() );
            switch ( meaning ) {
                 KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view(docPoint, KWFrameViewManager::frameOnTop);
                 KWFrame* frame = view ? view->frame() : 0;
                 KWFrameSet * fs = frame ? frame->frameSet() : 0;
                 if (fs && fs->type() == FT_TEXT)
                    KoVariable* var = static_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(fs)->variableUnderMouse(docPoint);
                    if ( var )
                        KWFootNoteVariable * footNoteVar = dynamic_cast<KWFootNoteVariable *>( var );
                        if ( footNoteVar )
                            // show the content of the footnote in the status bar
                            gui()->getView()->setTemporaryStatusBarText( footNoteVar->frameSet()->textDocument()->firstParag()->string()->toString() );
                            m_temporaryStatusBarTextShown = true;

            case MEANING_MOUSE_OVER_LINK:
                KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view(docPoint, KWFrameViewManager::frameOnTop);
                KWFrame* frame = view ? view->frame() : 0;
                KWFrameSet * fs = frame ? frame->frameSet() : 0L;
                if (fs && fs->type() == FT_TEXT)
                    KWTextFrameSet *frameset = static_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(fs);
                    //show the link target in the status bar
                    TQString link = frameset->linkVariableUnderMouse(docPoint)->url();
                    if ( link.startsWith("bkm://") )
                        link.replace( 0, 6, i18n("Bookmark target: ") );
                    gui()->getView()->setTemporaryStatusBarText( link );
                    m_temporaryStatusBarTextShown = true;
                viewport()->setCursor( m_frameViewManager->mouseCursor( docPoint, e->state() ) );
                viewport()->setCursor( TQt::ibeamCursor );

void KWCanvas::mrEditFrame() {
    //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::mrEditFrame" << endl;
    if(m_interactionPolicy) {
        KCommand *cmd = m_interactionPolicy->createCommand();
        m_interactionPolicy = 0;
        if ( !m_doc->showGrid() && m_doc->snapToGrid() )
    m_mousePressed = false;

KCommand *KWCanvas::createTextBox( const KoRect & rect )
    if ( !m_doc->snapToGrid() || ( rect.width() > m_doc->gridX() && rect.height() > m_doc->gridY() ) ) {
        KWFrame *frame = new KWFrame(0L, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
        frame->setZOrder( m_doc->maxZOrder( frame->pageNumber(m_doc) ) + 1 ); // make sure it's on top

        TQString name = m_doc->generateFramesetName( i18n( "Text Frameset %1" ) );
        KWTextFrameSet *_frameSet = new KWTextFrameSet(m_doc, name );
        _frameSet->addFrame( frame );
        m_doc->addFrameSet( _frameSet );
        KWCreateFrameCommand *cmd=new KWCreateFrameCommand( i18n("Create Text Frame"), frame );
        if ( checkCurrentEdit(frame->frameSet(), true) )
            emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();
        return cmd;
    return 0L;

void KWCanvas::mrCreateText()
    m_insRect = m_insRect.normalize();
    if ( !m_doc->snapToGrid() || ( m_insRect.width() > m_doc->gridX() && m_insRect.height() > m_doc->gridY() ) ) {
        KWFrame *frame = new KWFrame(0L, m_insRect.x(), m_insRect.y(), m_insRect.width(), m_insRect.height() );
        frame->setMinimumFrameHeight( frame->height() ); // so that AutoExtendFrame doesn't resize it down right away
        frame->setZOrder( m_doc->maxZOrder( frame->pageNumber(m_doc) ) + 1 ); // make sure it's on top
        KWFrameDia frameDia( this, frame, m_doc, FT_TEXT );
        frameDia.setCaption(i18n("Connect Frame"));
        if ( checkCurrentEdit(frame->frameSet(), true) )
            emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();
    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
    emit docStructChanged(TextFrames);
    emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();

void KWCanvas::mrCreatePixmap()
    // kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::mrCreatePixmap m_insRect=" << DEBUGRECT(m_insRect) << endl;
    Q_ASSERT(m_insRect.width() > 0 && m_insRect.height() > 0);
    // Make sure the pic is completely in document.
    double ratio = m_insRect.width() / m_insRect.height();
    KoRect picRect(m_doc->pageManager()->clipToDocument(m_insRect.topLeft()),
            m_doc->pageManager()->clipToDocument(m_insRect.bottomRight()) );
    picRect = picRect.normalize();

    // Make sure it's completely on page.
    KWPage *page = m_doc->pageManager()->page( picRect.bottom() );
    KoRect pageRect = page->rect();
    picRect = pageRect.intersect(picRect);

    // make sure we keep ratio!
    double height = picRect.width() / ratio ;
    if(picRect.height() > height)
        picRect.setBottom(picRect.top() + height);
    else // moving bottom would make it bigger, so alter width
        picRect.setRight(picRect.left() + ratio * picRect.height());

    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
    if ( !m_kopicture.isNull() ) {
        KWPictureFrameSet *fs = new KWPictureFrameSet( m_doc, TQString() /*automatic name*/ );
        fs->insertPicture( m_kopicture );
        fs->setKeepAspectRatio( m_keepRatio );
        KWFrame *frame = new KWFrame(fs, picRect.x(), picRect.y(), picRect.width(),
                picRect.height() );
        frame->setZOrder( m_doc->maxZOrder( page->pageNumber() ) +1 ); // make sure it's on top
        fs->addFrame( frame, false );
        m_doc->addFrameSet( fs );
        KWCreateFrameCommand *cmd=new KWCreateFrameCommand( i18n("Insert Picture"), frame );
        m_doc->frameChanged( frame );
    emit docStructChanged(Pictures);

void KWCanvas::mrCreatePart() // mouse release, when creating part
    m_insRect = m_insRect.normalize();
    if ( !m_doc->snapToGrid() || ( m_insRect.width() > m_doc->gridX() && m_insRect.height() > m_doc->gridY() ) ) {
        KWPartFrameSet *fs = m_doc->insertObject( m_insRect, m_partEntry, this );
            fs->updateChildGeometry(); // set initial coordinates of 'ch' correctly
    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
    emit docStructChanged(Embedded);

void KWCanvas::mrCreateFormula()
    m_insRect = m_insRect.normalize();
    if ( !m_doc->snapToGrid() || ( m_insRect.width() > m_doc->gridX() && m_insRect.height() > m_doc->gridY() ) ) {
        KWFormulaFrameSet *frameset = new KWFormulaFrameSet( m_doc, TQString() );
        KWFrame *frame = new KWFrame(frameset, m_insRect.x(), m_insRect.y(), m_insRect.width(), m_insRect.height() );
        frame->setZOrder( m_doc->maxZOrder( frame->pageNumber(m_doc) ) + 1 ); // make sure it's on top
        frameset->addFrame( frame, false );
        m_doc->addFrameSet( frameset );
        KWCreateFrameCommand *cmd=new KWCreateFrameCommand( i18n("Create Formula Frame"), frame );
        m_doc->frameChanged( frame );
    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
    emit docStructChanged(FormulaFrames);

void KWCanvas::mrCreateTable()
    m_insRect = m_insRect.normalize();
    if ( !m_doc->snapToGrid() || ( m_insRect.width() > m_doc->gridX() && m_insRect.height() > m_doc->gridY() ) ) {
        if ( m_table.cols * s_minFrameWidth + m_insRect.x() > m_doc->pageManager()->pageLayout(0).ptWidth )
            KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("KWord is unable to insert the table because there "
                                       "is not enough space available."));
        else {
            KWTableFrameSet * table = createTable();
            KMacroCommand *macroCmd = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Create Table") );

            KWCreateTableCommand *cmd=new KWCreateTableCommand( "Create table", table );
            if (m_table.tt) {
                KWTableTemplateCommand *ttCmd=new KWTableTemplateCommand( "Apply template to table", table, m_table.tt );

            emit docStructChanged(Tables);

    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );

KWTableFrameSet * KWCanvas::createTable() // uses m_insRect and m_table to create the table
    KWTableFrameSet *table = new KWTableFrameSet( m_doc, TQString() /*automatic name*/ );
    int pageNum = m_doc->pageManager()->pageNumber(m_insRect.topLeft());

    // Create a set of cells with random-size frames.
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_table.rows; i++ ) {
        for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_table.cols; j++ ) {
            KWTableFrameSet::Cell *cell = new KWTableFrameSet::Cell( table, i, j, TQString() /*automatic name*/ );
            KWFrame *frame = new KWFrame(cell, 0, 0, 0, 0, KWFrame::RA_BOUNDINGRECT ); // pos and size will be set in setBoundingRect
            frame->setZOrder( m_doc->maxZOrder( pageNum ) + 1 ); // make sure it's on top
            cell->addFrame( frame, false );
    KWTableFrameSet::CellSize w;
    w=static_cast<KWTableFrameSet::CellSize>( m_table.width );
    if(m_frameInline) w=KWTableFrameSet::TblManual;
    table->setBoundingRect( m_insRect , w, static_cast<KWTableFrameSet::CellSize>( m_table.height ));
    return table;

void KWCanvas::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * e )
    if ( m_printing )
    if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() )
    if ( m_mousePressed ) {
        if ( m_deleteMovingRect )

        TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( e->pos() );
        KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );

        if(m_insRect.bottom()==0 && m_insRect.right()==0) {
            // if the user did not drag, just click; make a 200x150 square for him.
            int page = m_doc->pageManager()->pageNumber(docPoint);
            if(page == -1)
            KoPageLayout pageLayout = m_doc->pageManager()->pageLayout(page);
            m_insRect.setLeft(TQMIN(m_insRect.left(), pageLayout.ptWidth - 200));
            m_insRect.setTop(TQMIN(m_insRect.top(), pageLayout.ptHeight - 150));
        MouseMode old_mouseMove = m_mouseMode;
        switch ( m_mouseMode ) {
            case MM_EDIT:
                if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
                    m_currentFrameSetEdit->mouseReleaseEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint );
                else {
                  if ( m_mouseMeaning == MEANING_RESIZE_COLUMN )
                    KWResizeColumnCommand *cmd = new KWResizeColumnCommand( m_currentTable, m_rowColResized, m_previousTableSize, docPoint.x() );
                  else if ( m_mouseMeaning == MEANING_RESIZE_ROW )
                    KWResizeRowCommand *cmd = new KWResizeRowCommand( m_currentTable, m_rowColResized, m_previousTableSize, docPoint.y() );
                  m_mouseMeaning = MEANING_NONE;
            case MM_CREATE_TEXT:
            case MM_CREATE_PIX:
            case MM_CREATE_PART:
            case MM_CREATE_TABLE:
            case MM_CREATE_FORMULA:

        if ( old_mouseMove != MM_EDIT && !m_doc->showGrid() && m_doc->snapToGrid() )
          repaintContents( FALSE ); //draw the grid over the whole canvas
        m_mousePressed = false;

void KWCanvas::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent * e )
    if ( m_printing )
    TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( e->pos() );
    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
    switch ( m_mouseMode ) {
        case MM_EDIT:
            if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
                m_mousePressed = true; // needed for the dbl-click + move feature.
                m_scrollTimer->start( 50 );
                m_currentFrameSetEdit->mouseDoubleClickEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint );
                // Double-click on an embedded object should edit it, not pop up the frame dialog
                // So we have to test for that.
                KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->selectedFrame();
                bool isPartFrameSet = view && dynamic_cast<KWPartFrameSet*>(view->frame()->frameSet());
                if ( !isPartFrameSet )
                // KWDocumentChild::hitTest and KWView::slotChildActivated take care of embedded objects
                m_mousePressed = false;

void KWCanvas::setFrameBackgroundColor( const TQBrush &_backColor )
    TQValueList<KWFrameView*> selectedFrames = m_frameViewManager->selectedFrames();
    if (selectedFrames.isEmpty())
    bool colorChanged=false;
    TQPtrList<FrameIndex> frameindexList;
    TQPtrList<TQBrush> oldColor;

    TQValueListIterator<KWFrameView*> framesIterator = selectedFrames.begin();
    while(framesIterator != selectedFrames.end()) {
        KWFrame *frame = KWFrameSet::settingsFrame( (*framesIterator)->frame() );
        FrameIndex *index=new FrameIndex( frame );

        TQBrush *_color=new TQBrush(frame->backgroundColor());

        if (frame->frameSet() && frame->frameSet()->type()!=FT_PICTURE && frame->frameSet()->type()!=FT_PART &&  _backColor!=frame->backgroundColor())
        KWFrameBackGroundColorCommand *cmd=new KWFrameBackGroundColorCommand(i18n("Change Frame Background Color"),frameindexList,oldColor,_backColor);

void KWCanvas::editFrameProperties( KWFrameSet * frameset )
    KWFrameDia *frameDia;
    KWFrame *frame = frameset->frame(0);
    frameDia = new KWFrameDia( this, frame );
    delete frameDia;

void KWCanvas::editFrameProperties()
    TQValueList<KWFrameView*> selectedFrames = m_frameViewManager->selectedFrames();
    if(selectedFrames.count()==0) return;

    KWFrameDia *frameDia;
        frameDia = new KWFrameDia( this, selectedFrames[0]->frame());
    else { // multi frame dia.
        TQPtrList<KWFrame> frames;
        TQValueListIterator<KWFrameView*> framesIterator = selectedFrames.begin();
        for(;framesIterator != selectedFrames.end(); ++framesIterator)
            frames.append( (*framesIterator)->frame() );
        frameDia = new KWFrameDia( this, frames );
    delete frameDia;

void KWCanvas::selectAllFrames( bool select ) {
    TQValueList<KWFrameView*> frameViews = m_frameViewManager->frameViewsIterator();
    TQValueList<KWFrameView*>::iterator frames = frameViews.begin();
    for(; frames != frameViews.end(); ++frames ) {
        KWFrameSet *fs = (*frames)->frame()->frameSet();
        if ( !fs->isVisible() ) continue;
        if ( select && fs->isMainFrameset() )
            continue; // "select all frames" shouldn't select the page

void KWCanvas::tableSelectCell(KWTableFrameSet *table, KWFrameSet *cell)
    m_currentTable = table;

void KWCanvas::editFrameSet( KWFrameSet * frameSet, bool onlyText /*=false*/ )
    selectAllFrames( false );
    bool emitChanged = checkCurrentEdit( frameSet, onlyText );

    if ( emitChanged ) // emitted after mousePressEvent [for tables]
        emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();
    emit updateRuler();

void KWCanvas::editTextFrameSet( KWFrameSet * fs, KoTextParag* parag, int index )
    selectAllFrames( false );

#if 0
    //active header/footer when it's possible
    // DF: what is this code doing here?
    if ( fs->isAHeader() && !m_doc->isHeaderVisible() && !(viewMode()->type()=="ModeText"))
        m_doc->setHeaderVisible( true );
    if ( fs->isAFooter() && !m_doc->isFooterVisible() && !(viewMode()->type()=="ModeText"))
        m_doc->setFooterVisible( true );

    if ( !fs->isVisible( viewMode() ) )
    setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
    bool emitChanged = checkCurrentEdit( fs );

    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit && m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet()->type()==FT_TEXT ) {
        if ( !parag )
            KWTextDocument *tmp = static_cast<KWTextFrameSet*>(m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet())->kwTextDocument();
            parag = tmp->firstParag();
        // The _new_ cursor position must be visible.
        KWTextFrameSetEdit *textedit = currentTextEdit();
        if ( textedit ) {
            textedit->setCursor( parag, index );
    if ( emitChanged )
        emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();
    emit updateRuler();

void KWCanvas::ensureCursorVisible()
    Q_ASSERT( m_currentFrameSetEdit );
    KWTextFrameSetEdit *textedit = currentTextEdit();
    if ( textedit )

bool KWCanvas::checkCurrentEdit( KWFrameSet * fs , bool onlyText )
    bool emitChanged = false;
    if ( fs && m_currentFrameSetEdit && m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet() != fs )
        KWTextFrameSet * tmp = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(fs );
        if ( tmp && tmp->protectContent() && !m_doc->cursorInProtectedArea() )
            return false;

        KWTextFrameSetEdit *edit = currentTextEdit();
        if(edit && onlyText)
            // Don't use terminateCurrentEdit here, we want to emit changed only once
            //don't remove selection in dnd
        delete m_currentFrameSetEdit;
        m_currentFrameSetEdit = 0L;
        emitChanged = true;


    // Edit the frameset "fs"
    if ( fs && !m_currentFrameSetEdit )
        KWTextFrameSet * tmp = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(fs );
        if ( tmp && tmp->protectContent() && !m_doc->cursorInProtectedArea() )
            return false;
        // test for "text frameset only" if requested
        if(fs->type()==FT_TABLE || fs->type()==FT_TEXT || !onlyText)
            if ( fs->type() == FT_TABLE )
                m_currentTable = static_cast<KWTableFrameSet *>(fs);
            else if ( fs->type() == FT_TEXT )
                m_currentTable = static_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(fs)->groupmanager();
                m_currentTable = 0L;
            if ( m_currentTable ) {
                m_currentFrameSetEdit = m_currentTable->createFrameSetEdit( this );
                static_cast<KWTableFrameSetEdit *>( m_currentFrameSetEdit )->setCurrentCell( fs );
                m_currentFrameSetEdit = fs->createFrameSetEdit( this );

            if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit ) {
                KWTextFrameSetEdit *edit = currentTextEdit();
                if ( edit )
                    edit->setOverwriteMode( m_overwriteMode );
        emitChanged = true;
    return emitChanged;

void KWCanvas::terminateCurrentEdit()
    if(m_currentFrameSetEdit == 0)
    m_lastCaretPos = caretPos();
    delete m_currentFrameSetEdit;
    m_currentFrameSetEdit = 0L;
    emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();

void KWCanvas::terminateEditing( KWFrameSet *fs )
    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit && m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet() == fs )
    // Also deselect the frames from this frameset
    TQPtrListIterator<KWFrame> frameIt = fs->frameIterator();
    for ( ; frameIt.current(); ++frameIt ) {
        KWFrameView* view = m_frameViewManager->view(frameIt.current());
        if(view) view->setSelected(false);

KWTextFrameSetEdit* KWCanvas::currentTextEdit() const
    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
        return dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSetEdit *>(m_currentFrameSetEdit->currentTextEdit());
    return 0;

void KWCanvas::setMouseMode( MouseMode newMouseMode )
    if ( m_mouseMode != newMouseMode )
        selectAllFrames( false );

        if ( newMouseMode != MM_EDIT )

        m_mouseMode = newMouseMode;
        if ( !m_doc->showGrid() && m_doc->snapToGrid() )
          repaintContents( FALSE ); //draw the grid over the whole canvas
        m_mouseMode = newMouseMode;
    emit currentMouseModeChanged(m_mouseMode);

    switch ( m_mouseMode ) {
    case MM_EDIT: {
        TQPoint mousep = mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()) + TQPoint( contentsX(), contentsY() );
        TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( mousep );
        KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
        viewport()->setCursor( m_frameViewManager->mouseCursor( docPoint, 0 ) );
        m_frameInline = false;
    } break;
    case MM_CREATE_TEXT:
    case MM_CREATE_PIX:
    case MM_CREATE_PART:
        viewport()->setCursor( crossCursor );

void KWCanvas::insertPicture( const KoPicture& newPicture, TQSize pixmapSize, bool _keepRatio )
    setMouseMode( MM_CREATE_PIX );
    m_kopicture = newPicture;
    m_pixmapSize = pixmapSize;
    if ( pixmapSize.isEmpty() )
        m_pixmapSize = newPicture.getOriginalSize();
    m_keepRatio = _keepRatio;

void KWCanvas::insertPictureDirect( const KoPicture& picture, const KoPoint& pos, const TQSize& sz )
    // Prepare things for mrCreatePixmap
    m_pixmapSize = sz.isEmpty() ? picture.getOriginalSize() : sz;
    m_kopicture = picture;
    m_insRect = KoRect( pos.x(), pos.y(), m_doc->unzoomItX( m_pixmapSize.width() ), m_doc->unzoomItY( m_pixmapSize.height() ) );
    m_keepRatio = true;

void KWCanvas::insertPart( const KoDocumentEntry &entry )
    m_partEntry = entry;
    if ( m_partEntry.isEmpty() )
        setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
    setMouseMode( MM_CREATE_PART );

void KWCanvas::contentsDragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e )
    int provides = KWView::checkClipboard( e );
    if ( ( provides & KWView::ProvidesImage ) || KURLDrag::canDecode( e ) )
        m_imageDrag = true;
        m_imageDrag = false;
        if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
            m_currentFrameSetEdit->dragEnterEvent( e );

void KWCanvas::contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e )
    if ( !m_imageDrag /*&& m_currentFrameSetEdit*/ )
        TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( e->pos() );
        KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
        KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view(docPoint, KWFrameViewManager::frameOnTop);
        KWFrame *frame = view ? view->frame() : 0;
        KWFrameSet * fs = frame ? frame->frameSet() : 0L;
        bool emitChanged = false;
        if ( fs )
            //kdDebug()<<"table :"<<table<<endl;
            emitChanged = checkCurrentEdit( fs, true );
        if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
            m_currentFrameSetEdit->dragMoveEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint );

            if ( emitChanged ) // emitted after mousePressEvent [for tables]
                emit currentFrameSetEditChanged();

void KWCanvas::contentsDragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent *e )
    if ( !m_imageDrag && m_currentFrameSetEdit )
        m_currentFrameSetEdit->dragLeaveEvent( e );

void KWCanvas::contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent *e )
    TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( e->pos() );
    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );

    if ( TQImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {
        pasteImage( e, docPoint );
    } else if ( KURLDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {

        // TODO ask (with a popupmenu) between inserting a link and inserting the contents
        // TODO fix tdehtml to export images when dragging an image+link (as it does when using "Copy")

        KURL::List lst;
        KURLDrag::decode( e, lst );

        KURL::List::ConstIterator it = lst.begin();
        for ( ; it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
            const KURL &url( *it );

            TQString filename;
            if ( !TDEIO::NetAccess::download( url, filename, this ) )

            KMimeType::Ptr res = KMimeType::findByFileContent( filename );

            if ( res && res->isValid() ) {
                TQString mimetype = res->name();
                if ( mimetype.contains( "image" ) ) {
                    KoPictureKey key;
                    key.setKeyFromFile( filename );
                    KoPicture newKoPicture;
                    newKoPicture.setKey( key );
                    newKoPicture.loadFromFile( filename );
                    insertPictureDirect( newKoPicture, docPoint );
            TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( filename );
        if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
            m_currentFrameSetEdit->dropEvent( e, normalPoint, docPoint, m_gui->getView() );
            m_gui->getView()->pasteData( e, true );
    m_mousePressed = false;
    m_imageDrag = false;

void KWCanvas::pasteImage( TQMimeSource *e, const KoPoint &docPoint )
    TQImage i;
    if ( !TQImageDrag::decode(e, i) ) {
        kdWarning() << "Couldn't decode image" << endl;
    KTempFile tmpFile( TQString(), ".png");
    tmpFile.setAutoDelete( true );
    if ( !i.save(tmpFile.name(), "PNG") ) {
        kdWarning() << "Couldn't save image to " << tmpFile.name() << endl;
    m_pixmapSize = i.size();
    // Prepare things for mrCreatePixmap
    KoPictureKey key;
    key.setKeyFromFile( tmpFile.name() );
    KoPicture newKoPicture;
    newKoPicture.setKey( key );
    newKoPicture.loadFromFile( tmpFile.name() );
    m_kopicture = newKoPicture;
    m_insRect = KoRect( docPoint.x(), docPoint.y(), m_doc->unzoomItX( i.width() ), m_doc->unzoomItY( i.height() ) );
    m_keepRatio = true;

void KWCanvas::doAutoScroll()
    if ( !m_mousePressed )

    // This code comes from tdehtml
    TQPoint pos( mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() ) );

    pos = TQPoint(pos.x() - viewport()->x(), pos.y() - viewport()->y());
    if ( (pos.y() < 0) || (pos.y() > visibleHeight()) ||
         (pos.x() < 0) || (pos.x() > visibleWidth()) )
        int xm, ym;
        viewportToContents(pos.x(), pos.y(), xm, ym);
        if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
            m_currentFrameSetEdit->focusOutEvent(); // Hide cursor
        if ( m_deleteMovingRect )
        ensureVisible( xm, ym, 0, 5 );
        if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit )
            m_currentFrameSetEdit->focusInEvent(); // Show cursor

void KWCanvas::slotContentsMoving( int cx, int cy )
    //TQPoint nPointTop = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( TQPoint( cx, cy ) );
    TQPoint nPointBottom = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( TQPoint( cx + visibleWidth(), cy + visibleHeight() ) );
    //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::slotContentsMoving cx=" << cx << " cy=" << cy << endl;
    //kdDebug() << " visibleWidth()=" << visibleWidth() << " visibleHeight()=" << visibleHeight() << endl;
    // Update our "formatted paragraphs needs" in all the text framesets
    TQPtrList<KWTextFrameSet> textFrameSets = m_doc->allTextFramesets( false );
    TQPtrListIterator<KWTextFrameSet> fit( textFrameSets );
    for ( ; fit.current() ; ++fit )
        if(! fit.current()->isVisible()) continue;
        fit.current()->updateViewArea( this, m_viewMode, nPointBottom );
    // cx and cy contain the future values for contentsx and contentsy, so we need to
    // pass them to updateRulerOffsets.
    updateRulerOffsets( cx, cy );

    // Tell KoView that the view transformations have changed (e.g. the centering of the page, or the scrolling offsets)
    // so that it will reposition any active embedded object.
    // This needs to be delayed since contents moving is emitted -before- moving,
    // and from resizeEvent it's too early too.
    TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQ_SIGNAL( viewTransformationsChanged() ) );

void KWCanvas::slotMainTextHeightChanged()
    // Check that the viewmode is a KWViewModeText, and that the rulers have been built already
    if ( dynamic_cast<KWViewModeText *>(m_viewMode) && m_gui->getHorzRuler() )
        m_viewMode->setPageLayout( m_gui->getHorzRuler(), m_gui->getVertRuler(), KoPageLayout() /*unused*/ );
        emit updateRuler();

void KWCanvas::slotNewContentsSize()
    TQSize size = m_viewMode->contentsSize();
    if ( size != TQSize( contentsWidth(), contentsHeight() ) )
        //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::slotNewContentsSize " << size.width() << "x" << size.height() << endl;
        resizeContents( size.width(), size.height() );

void KWCanvas::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e )
    slotContentsMoving( contentsX(), contentsY() );
    TQScrollView::resizeEvent( e );

void KWCanvas::scrollToOffset( const KoPoint & d )
    kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::scrollToOffset " << d.x() << "," << d.y() << endl;
#if 0
    bool blinking = blinkTimer.isActive();
    if ( blinking )
    TQPoint nPoint = m_doc->zoomPoint( d );
    TQPoint cPoint = m_viewMode->normalToView( nPoint );
    setContentsPos( cPoint.x(), cPoint.y() );

#if 0
    if ( blinking )

void KWCanvas::updateRulerOffsets( int cx, int cy )
    if ( cx == -1 && cy == -1 )
        cx = contentsX();
        cy = contentsY();
    // The offset is usually just the scrollview offset
    // But we also need to offset to the current page, for the graduations
    TQPoint pc = m_viewMode->pageCorner();
    //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::updateRulerOffsets contentsX=" << cx << ", contentsY=" << cy << endl;
    if (m_gui->getHorzRuler())
        m_gui->getHorzRuler()->setOffset( cx - pc.x(), 0 );
    if (m_gui->getVertRuler())
        m_gui->getVertRuler()->setOffset( 0, cy - pc.y() );


bool KWCanvas::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
    if ( o == this || o == viewport() ) {

        if(m_currentFrameSetEdit && o == this )
            // Pass event to auto-hide-cursor code (see kcursor.h for details)
            KCursor::autoHideEventFilter( o, e );

        switch ( e->type() ) {
            case TQEvent::FocusIn:
                //  kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::eventFilter TQEvent::FocusIn" << endl;
                if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit && !m_printing )
            case TQEvent::FocusOut:
                //  kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::eventFilter TQEvent::FocusOut" << endl;
                if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit && !m_printing )
                if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() )
                m_mousePressed = false;
            case TQEvent::AccelOverride: // was part of KeyPress - changed due to tdelibs BUG!
                //  kdDebug() << " KeyPress m_currentFrameSetEdit=" << m_currentFrameSetEdit << " isRW="<<m_doc->isReadWrite() << endl;
                //  kdDebug() << " m_printing=" << m_printing << " mousemode=" << m_mouseMode << " (MM_EDIT=" << MM_EDIT<<")"<<endl;
                TQKeyEvent * keyev = static_cast<TQKeyEvent*>(e);
#ifndef NDEBUG
                // Debug keys
                if ( ( keyev->state() & ControlButton ) && ( keyev->state() & ShiftButton ) )
                    switch ( keyev->key() ) {
                        case TQt::Key_P: // 'P' -> paragraph debug
                            printRTDebug( 0 );
                        case TQt::Key_V: // 'V' -> verbose parag debug
                            printRTDebug( 1 );
                        case TQt::Key_F: // 'F' -> frames debug
                            kdDebug(32002) << "Current framesetedit: " << m_currentFrameSetEdit << " " <<
                                ( m_currentFrameSetEdit ? m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet()->className() : "" ) << endl;
                        case TQt::Key_S: // 'S' -> styles debug
                        case TQt::Key_M: // 'M' -> mark debug output
                                const TQDateTime dtMark ( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() );
                                kdDebug(32002) << "Developer mark: " << dtMark.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss,zzz") << endl;
                    // For some reason 'T' doesn't work (maybe kxkb)
            case TQEvent::KeyPress:
                //  kdDebug() << " KeyPress m_currentFrameSetEdit=" << m_currentFrameSetEdit << " isRW="<<m_doc->isReadWrite() << endl;
                //  kdDebug() << " m_printing=" << m_printing << " mousemode=" << m_mouseMode << " (MM_EDIT=" << MM_EDIT<<")"<<endl;
                TQKeyEvent * keyev = static_cast<TQKeyEvent*>(e);
                // By default PgUp and PgDown move the scrollbars and not the caret anymore - this is done here
                if ( !m_doc->pgUpDownMovesCaret() && ( (keyev->state() & ShiftButton) == 0 )
                     && ( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_PageUp || keyev->key() == Key_PageDown ) )
                    viewportScroll( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_PageUp );
                // Activate this code (and in focusNextPreviousChild() to allow Shift+Tab
                // out of document window.  Disabled because it conflicts with Shift+Tab inside a table.
                // else if ( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_BackTab )
                //    return FALSE;
                else if ( keyev->key() == TDEGlobalSettings::contextMenuKey() ) {
                    // The popups are not available in readonly mode, since the GUI isn't built...
                    if(!m_doc->isReadWrite()) return TRUE;
                    if (m_mouseMode != MM_EDIT) return TRUE;
                    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( TQCursor::pos() );

                    if ( viewMode()->type()=="ModeText") {
                        KWFrameView *view = m_frameViewManager->view(m_doc->frameSet( 0 )->frame(0));
                        view->showPopup(docPoint, m_gui->getView(), TQCursor::pos());
                    else {
                        m_frameViewManager->showPopup( docPoint, m_gui->getView(), keyev->state(), pos());
                    return true;
                else if ( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_Return && keyev->state() == 0
                    && (m_mouseMode != MM_EDIT || m_frameInline )) {
                    // When inserting an inline or non-line frame,
                    // simulate mouse press and release at caret position.
                    // In the case of a regular frame, the caret position was saved when
                    // they left edit mode.  In the case of an inline frame,
                    // get current caret position, since user can type and move caret
                    // around before they click or hit Enter.
                    if (m_frameInline)
                        m_lastCaretPos = caretPos();
                    if (m_lastCaretPos.isNull()) return TRUE;
                    int page = m_doc->pageManager()->pageNumber(m_lastCaretPos);
                    if(page == -1) return TRUE;
                    TQPoint normalPoint = m_doc->zoomPoint(m_lastCaretPos);
                    // Coordinate is at the very top of the caret.  In the case of an
                    // inline frame, adjust slightly down and to the right in order
                    // to avoid "clicking" the frame border.
                    if (m_frameInline)
                        normalPoint += TQPoint(2,2);
                    TQPoint vP = m_viewMode->normalToView(normalPoint);
                    TQPoint gP = mapToGlobal(vP);
                    TQMouseEvent mevPress(TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, vP,
                        gP, TQt::LeftButton, 0);
                    TQMouseEvent mevRelease(TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease, vP,
                        gP, TQt::LeftButton, 0);
                else if ( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_Escape  ) {
                    if ( m_mouseMode != MM_EDIT ) // Abort frame creation
                        setMouseMode( MM_EDIT );
                    else if(m_interactionPolicy) {
                        m_interactionPolicy = 0;
                        m_mousePressed = false;

                        // reset cursor
                        TQPoint mousep = mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()) + TQPoint( contentsX(), contentsY() );
                        TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( mousep );
                        KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
                        viewport()->setCursor( m_frameViewManager->mouseCursor( docPoint, keyev->stateAfter() ) );
                        if ( !m_doc->showGrid() && m_doc->snapToGrid() )
                else if ( keyev->key() == Key_Insert && keyev->state() == 0 ) {
                    m_overwriteMode = !m_overwriteMode;
                    KWTextFrameSetEdit *edit = currentTextEdit();
                    if ( edit ) {
                        edit->setOverwriteMode( m_overwriteMode );
                        emit overwriteModeChanged( m_overwriteMode );
                    kdDebug()<<"Insert is pressed, overwrite mode: "<< m_overwriteMode << endl;
                else // normal key processing
                    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit && m_mouseMode == MM_EDIT && m_doc->isReadWrite() && !m_printing )
                    KWTextFrameSetEdit *edit = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSetEdit *>(m_currentFrameSetEdit );
                    if ( edit )
                        if ( !edit->textFrameSet()->textObject()->protectContent() || (keyev->text().length() == 0))
                            m_currentFrameSetEdit->keyPressEvent( keyev );
                        else if(keyev->text().length() > 0)
                            KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Read-only content cannot be changed. No modifications will be accepted."));
                        m_currentFrameSetEdit->keyPressEvent( keyev );
                    return TRUE;

                // Because of the dependency on the control key, we need to update the mouse cursor here
                if ( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_Control )
                    TQPoint mousep = mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()) + TQPoint( contentsX(), contentsY() );
                    TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( mousep );
                    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
                    viewport()->setCursor( m_frameViewManager->mouseCursor( docPoint, keyev->stateAfter() ) );
                else if ( (keyev->key() == TQt::Key_Delete || keyev->key() ==Key_Backspace )
                          && m_frameViewManager->selectedFrame() && !m_printing )
            } break;
            case TQEvent::KeyRelease:
                TQKeyEvent * keyev = static_cast<TQKeyEvent*>(e);
                if ( keyev->key() == TQt::Key_Control )
                    TQPoint mousep = mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()) + TQPoint( contentsX(), contentsY() );
                    TQPoint normalPoint = m_viewMode->viewToNormal( mousep );
                    KoPoint docPoint = m_doc->unzoomPoint( normalPoint );
                    viewport()->setCursor( m_frameViewManager->mouseCursor( docPoint, keyev->stateAfter() ) );

                if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit && m_mouseMode == MM_EDIT && m_doc->isReadWrite() && !m_printing )
                    m_currentFrameSetEdit->keyReleaseEvent( keyev );
                    return TRUE;
            case TQEvent::IMStart:
                TQIMEvent * imev = static_cast<TQIMEvent *>(e);
                m_currentFrameSetEdit->imStartEvent( imev );
            case TQEvent::IMCompose:
                TQIMEvent * imev = static_cast<TQIMEvent *>(e);
                m_currentFrameSetEdit->imComposeEvent( imev );
            case TQEvent::IMEnd:
                TQIMEvent * imev = static_cast<TQIMEvent *>(e);
                m_currentFrameSetEdit->imEndEvent( imev );
    return TQScrollView::eventFilter( o, e );

bool KWCanvas::focusNextPrevChild( bool next)
    return TRUE; // Don't allow to go out of the canvas widget by pressing "Tab"
    // Don't allow to go out of the canvas widget by pressing Tab, but do allow Shift+Tab.
    // if (next) return TRUE;
    // return TQWidget::focusNextPrevChild( next );

void KWCanvas::updateCurrentFormat()
    KWTextFrameSetEdit * edit = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSetEdit *>(m_currentFrameSetEdit);
    if ( edit )
        edit->updateUI( true, true );

#ifndef NDEBUG
void KWCanvas::printRTDebug( int info )
    KWTextFrameSet * textfs = 0L;
    if ( m_currentFrameSetEdit ) {
        KWTextFrameSetEdit* edit = currentTextEdit();
        if ( edit ) {
            textfs = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>( edit->frameSet() );
            Q_ASSERT( textfs );
    if ( !textfs )
        textfs = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(m_doc->frameSet( 0 ));
    if ( textfs )
        textfs->textObject()->printRTDebug( info );

void KWCanvas::setXimPosition( int x, int y, int w, int h )
    /* Check for hasFocus() to avoid crashes in TQXIMInputContext as in bug #123941.
       This is only a workaround, the real problem might be in TQt. See also
       http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=115770546313922&w=2 .
    if (hasFocus())
      TQWidget::setMicroFocusHint( x - contentsX(), y - contentsY(), w, h );

void KWCanvas::inlinePictureStarted()

int KWCanvas::currentTableRow() const
    if ( !m_currentFrameSetEdit )
        return -1;
    KWTextFrameSetEdit *edit = currentTextEdit();
    if ( !edit )
        return -1;
    KWTextFrameSet* textfs = edit->textFrameSet();
    if ( textfs && textfs->groupmanager() )
        return static_cast<KWTableFrameSet::Cell *>(textfs)->firstRow();
    return -1;

int KWCanvas::currentTableCol() const
    if ( !m_currentFrameSetEdit )
        return -1;
    KWTextFrameSetEdit *edit = currentTextEdit();
    if ( !edit )
        return -1;
    KWTextFrameSet* textfs = edit->textFrameSet();
    if ( textfs && textfs->groupmanager() )
        return static_cast<KWTableFrameSet::Cell *>(textfs)->firstColumn();
    return -1;

void KWCanvas::viewportScroll( bool up )
    if ( up )
        setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsY() - visibleHeight() );
        setContentsPos( contentsX(), contentsY() + visibleHeight() );

void KWCanvas::resetStatusBarText()
    if ( m_temporaryStatusBarTextShown )
        m_temporaryStatusBarTextShown = false;

/* Returns the caret position in document coordinates.
   The current frame must be editable, i.e., a caret is possible. */
KoPoint KWCanvas::caretPos()
    if (!m_currentFrameSetEdit) return KoPoint();
    KWTextFrameSetEdit* textEdit = currentTextEdit();
    if (!textEdit) return KoPoint();
    KoTextCursor* cursor = textEdit->cursor();
    if (!cursor) return KoPoint();
    KWTextFrameSet* textFrameset =
        dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>(m_currentFrameSetEdit->frameSet());
    if (!textFrameset) return KoPoint();
    KWFrame* currentFrame = m_currentFrameSetEdit->currentFrame();
    if (!currentFrame) return KoPoint();

    TQPoint viewP = textFrameset->cursorPos(cursor, this, currentFrame);
    viewP.rx() += contentsX();
    viewP.ry() += contentsY();
    TQPoint normalP = m_viewMode->viewToNormal(viewP);
    KoPoint docP = m_doc->unzoomPoint(normalP);
    return docP;

// ************** InteractionPolicy ***********************
InteractionPolicy::InteractionPolicy(KWCanvas *parent, bool doInit, bool includeInlineFrames) {
    m_gotDragEvents = false;
    m_parent = parent;
    if(doInit) {
        TQValueList<KWFrameView*> selectedFrames = m_parent->frameViewManager()->selectedFrames();
        TQValueListIterator<KWFrameView*> framesIterator = selectedFrames.begin();
        for(;framesIterator != selectedFrames.end(); ++framesIterator) {
            KWFrame *frame = (*framesIterator)->frame();
            KWFrameSet *fs = frame->frameSet();
            if(! fs) continue;
            if(!fs->isVisible()) continue;
            if(fs->isMainFrameset() ) continue;
            if(fs->isFloating() && !includeInlineFrames) continue;
            if(fs->isProtectSize() ) continue;
            if(fs->type() == FT_TABLE ) continue;
            if(fs->type() == FT_TEXT && fs->frameSetInfo() != KWFrameSet::FI_BODY ) continue;
            m_frames.append( frame );
            m_indexFrame.append( FrameIndex( frame ) );

InteractionPolicy* InteractionPolicy::createPolicy(KWCanvas *parent, MouseMeaning meaning, KoPoint &point, TQt::ButtonState buttonState, TQt::ButtonState keyState) {
    if(buttonState & TQt::LeftButton || buttonState & TQt::RightButton) {
        // little inner class to make sure we don't duplicate code
        class Selector {
            Selector(KWCanvas *canvas, KoPoint &point, TQt::ButtonState buttonState, TQt::ButtonState keyState) :
                m_canvas(canvas), m_point(point), m_state(keyState) {
                m_leftClick = buttonState & TQt::LeftButton;
                KWFrameView *view = canvas->frameViewManager()->view(point,
                m_doSomething = (view && !view->selected());

            void doSelect() {
                if(! m_doSomething) return;
                m_canvas->frameViewManager()->selectFrames(m_point, m_state, m_leftClick);
            KWCanvas *m_canvas;
            KoPoint m_point;
            TQt::ButtonState m_state;
            bool m_leftClick, m_doSomething;

        Selector selector(parent, point, buttonState, keyState);
        switch(meaning) {
            case MEANING_MOUSE_MOVE:
                return new FrameMovePolicy(parent, point);
            case MEANING_TOPLEFT:
            case MEANING_TOP:
            case MEANING_TOPRIGHT:
            case MEANING_RIGHT:
            case MEANING_BOTTOMRIGHT:
            case MEANING_BOTTOM:
            case MEANING_BOTTOMLEFT:
            case MEANING_LEFT:
                return new FrameResizePolicy(parent, meaning, point);
                FrameSelectPolicy *fsp = new FrameSelectPolicy(parent, meaning, point, buttonState, keyState);
                    return fsp;
                delete fsp;
    return 0; // no interaction policy found

void InteractionPolicy::cancelInteraction() {
    KCommand *cmd = createCommand();
    if(cmd) {
        delete cmd;

// ************** FrameResizePolicy ***********************
FrameResizePolicy::FrameResizePolicy(KWCanvas *parent, MouseMeaning meaning, KoPoint &point) :
    InteractionPolicy (parent, true, true), m_boundingRect() {

    if( meaning == MEANING_TOPLEFT) {
        m_top = true; m_bottom = false; m_left = true; m_right = false;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_TOP) {
        m_top = true; m_bottom = false; m_left = false; m_right = false;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_TOPRIGHT) {
        m_top = true; m_bottom = false; m_left = false; m_right = true;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_RIGHT) {
        m_top = false; m_bottom = false; m_left = false; m_right = true;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_BOTTOMRIGHT) {
        m_top = false; m_bottom = true; m_left = false; m_right = true;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_BOTTOM) {
        m_top = false; m_bottom = true; m_left = false; m_right = false;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_BOTTOMLEFT) {
        m_top = false; m_bottom = true; m_left = true; m_right = false;
    else if( meaning == MEANING_LEFT) {
        m_top = false; m_bottom = false; m_left = true; m_right = false;

    TQValueListConstIterator<KWFrame*> framesIterator = m_frames.begin();
    for(;framesIterator != m_frames.end(); ++framesIterator) {
        KWFrame *frame = *framesIterator;
        FrameResizeStruct frs(*frame, frame->minimumFrameHeight(), *frame);
        m_boundingRect |= frame->outerKoRect();
    m_hotSpot = point - m_boundingRect.topLeft();

void FrameResizePolicy::handleMouseMove(TQt::ButtonState keyState, const KoPoint &point) {
    //kdDebug() << "handleMouseMove " << (m_top?"top ":"") << (m_bottom?"bottom ":"") << (m_left?"left ":"") << (m_right?"right":"") << endl;
    //kdDebug() << " + point: " << point
    //          << "  boundingrect: " << m_boundingRect << endl;

    bool keepAspect = keyState & TQt::AltButton;
    for(unsigned int i=0; !keepAspect && i < m_frames.count(); i++) {
        KWPictureFrameSet *picFs = dynamic_cast<KWPictureFrameSet*>(m_frames[i]->frameSet());
            keepAspect = picFs->keepAspectRatio();

    bool noGrid = keyState & TQt::ShiftButton;
    bool scaleFromCenter = keyState & TQt::ControlButton;

    KoPoint p( point.x() - (m_hotSpot.x() + m_boundingRect.x()),
            point.y() - (m_hotSpot.y() + m_boundingRect.y()) );

    if ( m_parent->kWordDocument()->snapToGrid() && !noGrid )
        m_parent->applyGrid( p );

    KoRect sizeRect = m_boundingRect;
        sizeRect.setY(sizeRect.y() + p.y());
        sizeRect.setBottom(sizeRect.bottom() + p.y());
        sizeRect.setX(sizeRect.left() + p.x());
        sizeRect.setRight(sizeRect.right() + p.x());
    if(keepAspect) {
        double ratio = m_boundingRect.width() / m_boundingRect.height();
        double width = sizeRect.width();
        double height = sizeRect.height();
        int toLargestEdge = (m_bottom?1:0) + (m_top?1:0) + // should be false when only one
            (m_left?1:0) + (m_right?1:0);                  // of the direction bools is set
        bool horizontal = m_left || m_right;

        if(toLargestEdge != 1) { // one of the corners.
            if (width < height) // the biggest border is the one in control
                width = height * ratio;
                height = width / ratio;
        } else {
            if (horizontal)
                height = width / ratio;
                width = height * ratio;
            sizeRect.setBottom(sizeRect.top() + height);
            sizeRect.setTop(sizeRect.bottom() - height);

            sizeRect.setLeft(sizeRect.right() - width);
            sizeRect.setRight(sizeRect.left() + width);
    if(scaleFromCenter) {
        KoPoint origCenter(m_boundingRect.x() + m_boundingRect.width() / 2,
                m_boundingRect.y() + m_boundingRect.height() / 2);
        KoPoint newCenter(sizeRect.x() + sizeRect.width() / 2,
                sizeRect.y() + sizeRect.height() / 2);
        sizeRect.moveTopLeft(sizeRect.topLeft() + (origCenter - newCenter));
    if(m_parent) {
        KWPageManager *pageManager = m_parent->kWordDocument()->pageManager();
        sizeRect.setX( TQMAX(0, sizeRect.x()) ); // otherwise it would get wider than the page

    // each frame in m_frames should be reshaped from the original size stored in the
    // m_frameResize data to a size that equals the reshaping of m_boundingrect to sizeRect
    class Converter {
        Converter(KoRect &from, KoRect &to, KWViewMode *viewMode) {
            m_from = from.topLeft();
            m_to = to.topLeft();
            m_viewMode = viewMode;
            m_diffX = to.width() / from.width();
            m_diffY = to.height() / from.height();
            //kdDebug() << "Converter " << from << ", " << to << " x: " << m_diffX << ", y: " << m_diffY << endl;
        void update(KWFrame *frame, KoRect &orig) {
            TQRect oldRect( m_viewMode->normalToView( frame->outerRect(m_viewMode) ) );
            if(! frame->frameSet()->isFloating())
                frame->moveTopLeft( convert( orig.topLeft() ) );
            KoPoint bottomRight( convert( orig.bottomRight() ) );
            frame->setBottom( bottomRight.y() );
            frame->setRight( bottomRight.x() );

            TQRect newRect( frame->outerRect(m_viewMode) );
            TQRect frameRect( m_viewMode->normalToView( newRect ) );
            // Repaint only the changed rects (oldRect U newRect)
            m_repaintRegion += TQRegion(oldRect).unite(frameRect).boundingRect();

        TQRegion repaintRegion() {
            return m_repaintRegion;

        KoPoint convert(KoPoint point) {
            double offsetX = point.x() - m_from.x();
            double offsetY = point.y() - m_from.y();
            KoPoint answer(m_to.x() + offsetX * m_diffX, m_to.y() + offsetY * m_diffY);
            return answer;
      private: // vars
        KoPoint m_from, m_to;
        KWViewMode *m_viewMode;
        TQRegion m_repaintRegion;
        double m_diffX, m_diffY;

    Converter converter(m_boundingRect, sizeRect, m_parent->viewMode());
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_frames.count(); i++)
        converter.update(m_frames[i], m_frameResize[i].oldRect);

    if ( !m_parent->kWordDocument()->showGrid() && m_parent->kWordDocument()->snapToGrid() )
      m_parent->repaintContents( false ); //draw the grid over the whole canvas
      m_parent->repaintContents( converter.repaintRegion().boundingRect(), false );

KCommand *FrameResizePolicy::createCommand() {
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_frames.count(); i++) {
        KWFrame *frame = m_frames[i];
        FrameResizeStruct frs = m_frameResize[i];
        frs.newRect = frame->rect();
        frs.newMinHeight = frame->height();
        m_frameResize[i] = frs;
    return new KWFrameResizeCommand(i18n("Resize Frame"), m_indexFrame, m_frameResize);

void FrameResizePolicy::finishInteraction() {
    KWFrameViewManager *frameViewManager = m_parent->frameViewManager();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_frames.count(); i++) {
        KWFrame *frame = m_frames[i];

// *************** FrameMovePolicy ************************
FrameMovePolicy::FrameMovePolicy(KWCanvas *parent, KoPoint &point) :
    InteractionPolicy (parent), m_boundingRect() {

    TQValueListConstIterator<KWFrame*> framesIterator = m_frames.begin();
    for(;framesIterator != m_frames.end(); ++framesIterator) {
        KWFrame *frame = *framesIterator;
        m_boundingRect |= frame->outerKoRect();
        FrameMoveStruct fms(frame->topLeft(), KoPoint(0,0));

    m_hotSpot = point - m_boundingRect.topLeft();
    m_startPoint = m_boundingRect.topLeft();

void FrameMovePolicy::handleMouseMove(TQt::ButtonState keyState, const KoPoint &point) {
    bool noGrid = keyState & TQt::ShiftButton;
    bool linearMove = (keyState & TQt::AltButton) || (keyState & TQt::ControlButton);

    KWPageManager *pageManager = m_parent->kWordDocument()->pageManager();

    KoRect oldBoundingRect = m_boundingRect;
    //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::mmEditFrameMove point: " << point
    //          << "  boundingrect: " << m_boundingRect << endl;

    KoPoint p( point.x() - m_hotSpot.x(), point.y() - m_hotSpot.y() );
    if(linearMove) {
        if(TQABS(p.x() - m_startPoint.x()) < TQABS(p.y() - m_startPoint.y()))
    if ( m_parent->kWordDocument()->snapToGrid() && !noGrid )
        m_parent->applyGrid( p );

    p = pageManager->clipToDocument(p);
    m_boundingRect.moveTopLeft( p );
    m_boundingRect.moveBottomRight( pageManager->clipToDocument(m_boundingRect.bottomRight()) );

    // Another annoying case is if the top and bottom points are not in the same page....
    int topPage = pageManager->pageNumber( m_boundingRect.topLeft() );
    int bottomPage = pageManager->pageNumber( m_boundingRect.bottomRight() );
    //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::mmEditFrameMove topPage=" << topPage << " bottomPage=" << bottomPage << endl;
    if ( topPage != bottomPage ) {
        // Choose the closest page...
        Q_ASSERT( bottomPage == -1 || topPage + 1 == bottomPage ); // Not too sure what to do otherwise
        double topPart = m_boundingRect.bottom() - pageManager->bottomOfPage(topPage);
        if ( topPart < m_boundingRect.height() / 2 ) // Most of the rect is in the top page
            p.setY( pageManager->bottomOfPage(topPage) - m_boundingRect.height() - 1 );
        else // Most of the rect is in the bottom page
            p.setY( pageManager->topOfPage(bottomPage) );
        m_boundingRect.moveTopLeft( p );
        m_boundingRect.moveBottomRight( pageManager->clipToDocument(m_boundingRect.bottomRight()) );

    if( m_boundingRect.topLeft() == oldBoundingRect.topLeft() )
        return; // nothing happened (probably due to the grid)

    /*kdDebug() << "boundingRect moved by " << m_boundingRect.left() - oldBoundingRect.left() << ","
      << m_boundingRect.top() - oldBoundingRect.top() << endl;
      kdDebug() << " boundingX+hotspotX=" << m_boundingRect.left() + m_hotSpot.x() << endl;
      kdDebug() << " point.x()=" << point.x() << endl; */

    TQPtrList<KWTableFrameSet> tablesMoved;
    tablesMoved.setAutoDelete( FALSE );
    TQRegion repaintRegion;
    KoPoint _move=m_boundingRect.topLeft() - oldBoundingRect.topLeft();

    TQValueListIterator<KWFrame*> framesIterator = m_frames.begin();
    for(; framesIterator != m_frames.end(); ++framesIterator) {
        KWFrame *frame = *framesIterator;
        KWFrameSet *fs = frame->frameSet();

        if ( fs->type() == FT_TABLE ) {
            if ( tablesMoved.findRef( static_cast<KWTableFrameSet *> (fs) ) == -1 )
                tablesMoved.append( static_cast<KWTableFrameSet *> (fs));
        else {
            TQRect oldRect( m_parent->viewMode()->normalToView( frame->outerRect(m_parent->viewMode()) ) );
            // Move the frame
            frame->moveTopLeft( frame->topLeft() + _move );
            // Calculate new rectangle for this frame
            TQRect newRect( frame->outerRect(m_parent->viewMode()) );

            TQRect frameRect( m_parent->viewMode()->normalToView( newRect ) );
            // Repaint only the changed rects (oldRect U newRect)
            repaintRegion += TQRegion(oldRect).unite(frameRect).boundingRect();

    if ( !tablesMoved.isEmpty() ) {
        //kdDebug() << "KWCanvas::mmEditFrameMove TABLESMOVED" << endl;
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < tablesMoved.count(); i++ ) {
            KWTableFrameSet *table = tablesMoved.at( i );
            for ( KWTableFrameSet::TableIter k(table) ; k ; ++k ) {
                KWFrame * frame = k->frame( 0 );
                TQRect oldRect( m_parent->viewMode()->normalToView( frame->outerRect(m_parent->viewMode()) ) );
                frame->moveTopLeft( frame->topLeft() + _move );
                // Calculate new rectangle for this frame
                TQRect newRect( frame->outerRect(m_parent->viewMode()) );
                TQRect frameRect( m_parent->viewMode()->normalToView( newRect ) );
                // Repaing only the changed rects (oldRect U newRect)
                repaintRegion += TQRegion(oldRect).unite(frameRect).boundingRect();

    if ( !m_parent->kWordDocument()->showGrid() && m_parent->kWordDocument()->snapToGrid() )
      m_parent->repaintContents( false ); //draw the grid over the whole canvas
      m_parent->repaintContents( repaintRegion.boundingRect(), false );

KCommand *FrameMovePolicy::createCommand() {
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_frames.count(); i++) {
        KWFrame *frame = m_frames[i];
        FrameMoveStruct fms = m_frameMove[i];
        fms.newPos = frame->topLeft();
        m_frameMove[i] = fms;
    return new KWFrameMoveCommand( i18n("Move Frame"), m_indexFrame, m_frameMove );

void FrameMovePolicy::finishInteraction() {
    KWFrameViewManager *frameViewManager = m_parent->frameViewManager();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_frames.count(); i++) {
        KWFrame *frame = m_frames[i];
        frameViewManager->slotFrameMoved(frame, m_frameMove[i].oldPos.y());

// ************** FrameSelectPolicy ***********************
FrameSelectPolicy::FrameSelectPolicy(KWCanvas *parent, MouseMeaning meaning, KoPoint &point, TQt::ButtonState buttonState, TQt::ButtonState keyState)
    : InteractionPolicy(parent, false) {

    bool leftButton = buttonState & TQt::LeftButton;
    // this is a special case; if a frame that is curently being edited is 'selected' on the border
    // we redirect that click to the text part of the frame.
    // this means we give the user a lot more space to click on the left side of the frame to
    // select the first characters.
    KWFrameSetEdit *fse = parent->currentFrameSetEdit();
    if(leftButton && fse) {
        KWFrameView *view = m_parent->frameViewManager()->view(point,
                KWFrameViewManager::unselected, true);
        if(view && view->frame()->frameSet() == fse->frameSet()) {
            // make sure 'point' is inside the frame
            point.setX(TQMAX(point.x(), view->frame()->left()));
            point.setY(TQMAX(point.y(), view->frame()->top()));
            point.setX(TQMIN(point.x(), view->frame()->right()));
            point.setY(TQMIN(point.y(), view->frame()->bottom()));

            // convert point to the view coordinate system.
            TQPoint normalPoint = parent->kWordDocument()->zoomPoint(point);
            TQPoint mousePos = parent->viewMode()->normalToView(normalPoint);
            TQMouseEvent *me = new TQMouseEvent(TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, mousePos,
                    buttonState, keyState);
            fse->mousePressEvent(me, normalPoint, point );
            delete me;

            m_validSelection = false;

    m_validSelection = meaning != MEANING_NONE;
    m_parent->frameViewManager()->selectFrames(point, keyState, leftButton );

void FrameSelectPolicy::handleMouseMove(TQt::ButtonState keyState, const KoPoint &point) {

KCommand *FrameSelectPolicy::createCommand() {
    return 0;

void FrameSelectPolicy::finishInteraction() {

#include "KWCanvas.moc"