/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 David Faure <faure@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KWOasisLoader.h" #include "KWDocument.h" #include "KWTextDocument.h" #include "KWTextFrameSet.h" #include "KWFrameSet.h" #include "KWPictureFrameSet.h" #include "KWLoadingInfo.h" #include "KWTableFrameSet.h" #include "KWPartFrameSet.h" #include "KWPageManager.h" #include "KWFormulaFrameSet.h" #include <KoStore.h> #include <KoOasisContext.h> #include <KoOasisStyles.h> #include <KoOasisStore.h> #include <KoOasisSettings.h> #include <KoXmlNS.h> #include <KoDom.h> #include <KoXmlNS.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqdom.h> KWOasisLoader::KWOasisLoader( KWDocument* doc ) : m_doc( doc ) { } // Warning, this method has no undo/redo support, it is *called* by the undo/redo commands. // cursor is set when pasting into a textframesetedit (kwcommand), 0 otherwise. TQValueList<KWFrame *> KWOasisLoader::insertOasisData( KoStore* store, KoTextCursor* cursor ) { TQValueList<KWFrame *> frames; if ( store->bad() || !store->hasFile( "content.xml" ) ) { kdError(32001) << "Invalid ZIP store in memory" << endl; if ( !store->hasFile( "content.xml" ) ) kdError(32001) << "No content.xml file" << endl; return frames; } store->disallowNameExpansion(); KoOasisStore oasisStore( store ); TQDomDocument contentDoc; TQString errorMessage; bool ok = oasisStore.loadAndParse( "content.xml", contentDoc, errorMessage ); if ( !ok ) { kdError(32001) << "Error parsing content.xml: " << errorMessage << endl; return frames; } KoOasisStyles oasisStyles; TQDomDocument stylesDoc; (void)oasisStore.loadAndParse( "styles.xml", stylesDoc, errorMessage ); // Load styles from style.xml oasisStyles.createStyleMap( stylesDoc, true ); // Also load styles from content.xml oasisStyles.createStyleMap( contentDoc, false ); m_doc->createLoadingInfo(); TQDomElement content = contentDoc.documentElement(); TQDomElement body( KoDom::namedItemNS( content, KoXmlNS::office, "body" ) ); if ( body.isNull() ) { kdError(32001) << "No office:body found!" << endl; return frames; } // We then want to use whichever element is the child of <office:body>, // whether that's <office:text> or <office:presentation> or whatever. TQDomElement iter, realBody; forEachElement( iter, body ) { realBody = iter; } if ( realBody.isNull() ) { kdError(32001) << "No element found inside office:body!" << endl; return frames; } KoOasisContext context( m_doc, *m_doc->variableCollection(), oasisStyles, store ); if ( cursor ) { KWTextDocument * textdoc = static_cast<KWTextDocument *>(cursor->parag()->document()); KWTextFrameSet * textFs = textdoc->textFrameSet(); *cursor = textFs->textObject()->pasteOasisText( realBody, context, *cursor, m_doc->styleCollection() ); textFs->textObject()->setNeedSpellCheck( true ); } else // No cursor available, load only the frames { // The main loop from KoTextDocument::loadOasisText but for frames only // (can't paste text if there is no text-frameset being edited, where would it go?) TQDomElement tag; forEachElement( tag, realBody ) { context.styleStack().save(); const TQString bodyTagLocalName = tag.localName(); kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << bodyTagLocalName << endl; if ( bodyTagLocalName == "frame" && tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::draw ) { KWFrame * frame = loadFrame( tag, context, KoPoint( 10, 10 ) /*offset pasted object*/ ); if ( frame ) { frames.append( frame ); } } #if 0 // TODO OASIS table:table else if ( bodyTagLocalName == "table" && tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table ) ; #endif } } //kdDebug() << "KWOasisLoader::execute calling doc->completePasting" << endl; m_doc->completeOasisPasting(); m_doc->deleteLoadingInfo(); return frames; } void KWOasisLoader::loadOasisSettings( const TQDomDocument& settingsDoc ) { KoOasisSettings settings( settingsDoc ); KoOasisSettings::Items viewSettings = settings.itemSet( "view-settings" ); if ( !viewSettings.isNull() ) { m_doc->setUnit( KoUnit::unit(viewSettings.parseConfigItemString("unit")) ); } loadOasisIgnoreList( settings ); m_doc->variableCollection()->variableSetting()->loadOasis( settings ); } static TQString headerTypeToFramesetName( const TQString& localName, bool hasEvenOdd ) { if ( localName == "header" ) return hasEvenOdd ? i18n("Odd Pages Header") : i18n( "Header" ); if ( localName == "header-left" ) return i18n("Even Pages Header"); if ( localName == "footer" ) return hasEvenOdd ? i18n("Odd Pages Footer") : i18n( "Footer" ); if ( localName == "footer-left" ) return i18n("Even Pages Footer"); if ( localName == "header-first" ) // NOT OASIS COMPLIANT return i18n("First Page Header"); if ( localName == "footer-first" ) // NOT OASIS COMPLIANT return i18n("First Page Footer"); kdWarning(32001) << "Unknown tag in headerTypeToFramesetName: " << localName << endl; return TQString(); } static KWFrameSet::Info headerTypeToFrameInfo( const TQString& localName, bool /*hasEvenOdd*/ ) { if ( localName == "header" ) return KWFrameSet::FI_ODD_HEADER; if ( localName == "header-left" ) return KWFrameSet::FI_EVEN_HEADER; if ( localName == "footer" ) return KWFrameSet::FI_ODD_FOOTER; if ( localName == "footer-left" ) return KWFrameSet::FI_EVEN_FOOTER; // ######## KWord extension, because I'm too lazy. // TODO: the real solution is a separate page layout for the first page. if ( localName == "header-first" ) // NOT OASIS COMPLIANT return KWFrameSet::FI_FIRST_HEADER; if ( localName == "footer-first" ) // NOT OASIS COMPLIANT return KWFrameSet::FI_FIRST_FOOTER; return KWFrameSet::FI_BODY; } void KWOasisLoader::loadOasisHeaderFooter( const TQDomElement& headerFooter, bool hasEvenOdd, TQDomElement& style, KoOasisContext& context ) { const TQString localName = headerFooter.localName(); bool isHeader = localName.startsWith( "header" ); KWTextFrameSet *fs = new KWTextFrameSet( m_doc, headerTypeToFramesetName( localName, hasEvenOdd ) ); fs->setFrameSetInfo( headerTypeToFrameInfo( localName, hasEvenOdd ) ); m_doc->addFrameSet( fs, false ); if ( !style.isNull() ) context.styleStack().push( style ); KWFrame* frame = new KWFrame( fs, 29, isHeader?0:567, 798-29, 41 ); frame->loadCommonOasisProperties( context, fs, "header-footer" ); const TQString minHeight = context.styleStack().attributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "min-height" ); if ( !minHeight.isEmpty() ) frame->setMinimumFrameHeight( KoUnit::parseValue( minHeight ) ); frame->setFrameBehavior( KWFrame::AutoExtendFrame ); frame->setNewFrameBehavior( KWFrame::Copy ); fs->addFrame( frame ); if ( !style.isNull() ) context.styleStack().pop(); // don't let it be active when parsing the text context.setUseStylesAutoStyles( true ); // use auto-styles from styles.xml, not those from content.xml fs->loadOasisContent( headerFooter, context ); context.setUseStylesAutoStyles( false ); if ( isHeader ) m_doc->m_headerVisible = true; else m_doc->m_footerVisible = true; } void KWOasisLoader::loadOasisIgnoreList( const KoOasisSettings& settings ) { KoOasisSettings::Items configurationSettings = settings.itemSet( "configuration-settings" ); if ( !configurationSettings.isNull() ) { const TQString ignorelist = configurationSettings.parseConfigItemString( "SpellCheckerIgnoreList" ); kdDebug()<<" ignorelist :"<<ignorelist<<endl; m_doc->setSpellCheckIgnoreList( TQStringList::split( ',', ignorelist ) ); } } KWFrame* KWOasisLoader::loadFrame( const TQDomElement& frameTag, KoOasisContext& context, const KoPoint& offset ) { KWFrame* frame = 0; TQDomElement elem; forEachElement( elem, frameTag ) { if ( elem.namespaceURI() != KoXmlNS::draw ) continue; const TQString localName = elem.localName(); if ( localName == "text-box" ) { //kdDebug()<<" append text-box\n"; frame = loadOasisTextBox( frameTag, elem, context ); break; } else if ( localName == "image" ) { KWFrameSet* fs = new KWPictureFrameSet( m_doc, frameTag, elem, context ); m_doc->addFrameSet( fs, false ); frame = fs->frame(0); break; } else if ( localName == "object" ) { TQDomElement mathElem; // will be set if we find <math:math> TQDomElement childElem; forEachElement( childElem, elem ) { if ( childElem.localName() == "math" && childElem.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::math ) { mathElem = childElem; } } if ( !mathElem.isNull() ) { KWFormulaFrameSet* fs = new KWFormulaFrameSet( m_doc, frameTag, mathElem, context ); m_doc->addFrameSet( fs, false ); frame = fs->frame(0); } else { KWPartFrameSet* fs = new KWPartFrameSet( m_doc, frameTag, elem, context ); m_doc->addFrameSet( fs, false ); frame = fs->frame(0); } break; } } if ( frame ) { const TQString anchorType = frameTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "anchor-type", TQString() ); if ( anchorType == "page" ) { double x = KoUnit::parseValue( frameTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "x", TQString() ) ); double y = KoUnit::parseValue( frameTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "y", TQString() ) ); int pageNum = frameTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "anchor-page-number", TQString() ).toInt(); // Ensure that we have enough pages KWPageManager* pageManager = m_doc->pageManager(); while ( pageNum > pageManager->lastPageNumber() ) pageManager->appendPage(); frame->moveTopLeft( KoPoint( x, y + pageManager->topOfPage(pageNum) ) ); } frame->moveBy( offset.x(), offset.y() ); } return frame; } KWFrame* KWOasisLoader::loadOasisTextBox( const TQDomElement& frameTag, const TQDomElement& tag, KoOasisContext& context ) { // Text frame chains. When seeing frame 'B' is chained to this frame A when loading, // we store 'B' -> A, so that when loading B we can add it to A's frameset. // If we load B first, no problem: when loading A we can chain. // This is all made simpler by the fact that we don't have manually configurable order in KWord... // But it's made more complex by the fact that frames don't have names in KWord (framesets do). // Hence the framename temporary storage in KWLoadingInfo KWLoadingInfo* loadingInfo = m_doc->loadingInfo(); KWTextFrameSet* fs = 0; TQString frameName = frameTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name", TQString() ); TQString chainNextName = tag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "chain-next-name", TQString() ); if ( !chainNextName.isEmpty() && loadingInfo ) { // 'B' in the above example kdDebug(32001) << "Loading " << frameName << " : next-in-chain=" << chainNextName << endl; // Check if we already loaded that frame (then we need to go 'before' it) KWFrame* nextFrame = loadingInfo->frameByName( chainNextName ); if ( nextFrame ) { fs = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>( nextFrame->frameSet() ); chainNextName = TQString(); // already found, no need to store it kdDebug(32001) << " found " << nextFrame << " -> frameset " << ( fs ? fs->name() : TQString() ) << endl; } } KWFrame* prevFrame = loadingInfo->chainPrevFrame( frameName ); //kdDebug(32001) << "Loading " << frameName << " : chainPrevFrame=" << prevFrame << endl; if ( prevFrame ) { if ( fs ) // we are between prevFrame and nextFrame. They'd better be for the same fs!! Q_ASSERT( fs == prevFrame->frameSet() ); fs = dynamic_cast<KWTextFrameSet *>( prevFrame->frameSet() ); //kdDebug(32001) << " found " << prevFrame << " -> frameset " << fs->name() << endl; } KWFrame* frame = 0; if ( !fs ) { fs = new KWTextFrameSet( m_doc, frameTag, context ); m_doc->addFrameSet( fs, false ); frame = fs->loadOasis( frameTag, tag, context ); } else { // Adding frame to existing frameset context.styleStack().save(); context.fillStyleStack( frameTag, KoXmlNS::draw, "style-name", "graphic" ); // get the style for the graphics element frame = fs->loadOasisTextFrame( frameTag, tag, context ); context.styleStack().restore(); } loadingInfo->storeFrameName( frame, frameName ); if ( !chainNextName.isEmpty() ) { loadingInfo->storeNextFrame( frame, chainNextName ); } return frame; } KWTableFrameSet* KWOasisLoader::loadOasisTable( const TQDomElement& tag, KoOasisContext& context ) { const TQString name = tag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::table, "name", i18n( "Unnamed Table" ) ); // ### check for unicity? KWTableFrameSet* table = new KWTableFrameSet( m_doc, name ); table->loadOasis( tag, context ); m_doc->addFrameSet(table, false); return table; }