<!-- $Id: kword.dtd 466158 2005-10-01 19:30:05Z dfaure $ This is an XML document type definition (DTD) for the KWord document format. Written by Kalle Dalheimer <kalle at kde dot org> with (obviously) input from KWord's author Reginald Stadlbauer <reggie at kde dot org>. Kword DTD version 2 has been created by Thomas Zander, but only small adjustments from the original version were made. (In case of questions about this file, please ask one of the KOffice mailing lists!) About the version ================= This is the DTD version 3, for KWord 1.3 The DTD version 1 was used by KWord-0.8 (KOffice-1.0, the one included in KDE-2.0) The DTD version 2 was used by KWord-1.1 and KWord-1.2 KWord will read the previous versions of its own file format but this is considered the most complete format, we highly encourage you to use this format. Version 3 specifics that have another meaning when read by earlier versions of KWord: * counter: depth and display-levels have been separated, older versions assume display-levels=depth+1 * TOC: outline and numberingtype=1 have been separated, older versions assume outline if nt=1 KWord overview ============== The main structure of each KWord document is a header and a body. The header contains things like the paper size, the margins and so on. The body is organised around the concept of frames. You might have noticed that you can do nearly everything with the frames in your KWord document (e.g. move them around, interlock them, let your text "flow" through them, etc.). To achieve this flexibility, the body actually has to store the data in a hierarchy including framesets, frames, paragraphs, and so on. Framesets hold the actual text. Frames represent the rectangles in which this text is "flowed". Encoding (for advanced users) ============================= KWord's document are encoded as UTF-8 by definition. Please use this encoding whenever possible. (Remember: ASCII is UTF-8 too and you could use numerical character references like ῤ to keep your document ASCII-clean.) If you find that writing in UTF-8 is too difficult on the system that you plan to use, then please use ISO-10646-UCS2 (also known as UTF-16.) Please write publicly available KWord documents only in one of these two encodings! Of course, if you do not use UTF-8, replace any occurrence of UTF-8 in the text below by the encoding that you have chosen. And please be sure to correctly define the XML declaration <?xml (Sorry, ISO-10646-UCS4 (also known as UTF-32) is not available, as QT cannot handle it.) Some basic notes on XML ======================= - All kinds of numbers are stored like this: foo="1" (between " and " :) - A rational number looks like this: width="1.03" (note: the '.' separates integer and fractional parts). - <XYZ foo="100" bar="0"/> equals <XYZ foo="100" bar="0"></XYZ> - Unicode-letters (UTF-8 coded) are used to store the text - Some special characters ('<', '>', '&', '"', ''') are or can be "escaped" ('<', '>', '&', '"', ''') Only these characters can be "escaped". XML cannot handle other "escapes", for example those of HTML are not valid (e.g. é .) - Please launch KWord and save an empty file - it is much easier to follow this documentation if you wade through an (almost empty) example document. - The XML begins with a special tag like this (it is called the XML declaration): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Each file starts with this tag. Note: You must not "close" this tag (i.e. don't put a </?xml...> at the end of the file!). --> <!-- A KWord document consists of a paper description, a number of attributes and the framesets which contain the actual data. It can also define a number of styles. Attributes: editor: The program this file was written with. mime: The MIME type (must always have the value application/x-kword). syntaxVersion: Integer version of the syntax in the remainder of this file: 1...as for KWord 0.8 (KOffice-1.0) 2...as for KWord 1.1 or 1.2 3...as for KWord 1.3 KWord can read all previous versions, but always saves in the latest. --> <!ELEMENT DOC (PAPER, ATTRIBUTES, VARIABLESETTINGS, FOOTNOTESETTING, ENDNOTESETTING, FRAMESETS, STYLES, PICTURES, PIXMAPS, CLIPARTS, SERIALL, (EMBEDDED*), SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST, BOOKMARKS)> <!ATTLIST DOC editor CDATA #IMPLIED mime CDATA #FIXED "application/x-kword" syntaxVersion CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Describes the page format. Can have no or one PAPERBORDERS child that describes the margins. Normally this is the first tag in the "header". Attributes: format: integer value for the page format: 0...DIN A3 1...DIN A4 2...DIN A5 3...US LETTER 4...US LEGAL 5...SCREEN (screen sized) 6...CUSTOM (just enter your preferred size) 7...DIN B5 8...US EXECUTIVE etc. See the enum in koffice/lib/kofficeui/koGlobal.h width: width in pt. height: height in pt. orientation: page orientation: 0...Portrait 1...Landscape columns: the number of columns (only in wordprocessing mode). pages: the number of pages. This is saved for information purposes, but not required nor used by KWord. columnspacing: the gap (in pt) between the columns (only in wordprocessing mode). hType: header style: 0...same on all pages 1...different on first, even and odd pages (2&3) 2...different on first and other pages 3...different on even and odd pages fType: footer style: 0...same on all pages 1...different on first, even and odd pages (2&3) 2...different on first and other pages 3...different on even and odd pages spHeadBody: distance (in pt) between headers and the text body (only in wordprocessing mode). spFootBody: distance (in pt) between footers and the text body (only in wordprocessing mode). spFootNoteBody: distance ( in pt ) betwwen footnote and text body slFootNotePosition: position of footnote separator line centered, right, left slFootNoteLength: percentage of page width default is 20 slFootNoteWidth: width of line seperator default = 2pt slFootNoteType: type of line seperator solid, dot, dash etc... --> <!ELEMENT PAPER (PAPERBORDERS?)> <!ATTLIST PAPER format CDATA #REQUIRED width CDATA #REQUIRED height CDATA #REQUIRED orientation CDATA #REQUIRED columns CDATA #REQUIRED columnspacing CDATA #REQUIRED pages CDATA #IMPLIED hType CDATA #IMPLIED fType CDATA #IMPLIED spHeadBody CDATA #IMPLIED spFootBody CDATA #IMPLIED spFootNoteBody CDATA #IMPLIED slFootNotePosition CDATA #IMPLIED slFootNoteLength CDATA #IMPLIED slFootNoteWidth CDATA #IMPLIED slFootNoteType CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Describes the margins of the page. Attributes: left: left margin in pt. right: right margin in pt. top: top margin in pt. bottom: bottom margin in pt. --> <!ELEMENT PAPERBORDERS EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PAPERBORDERS left CDATA #REQUIRED right CDATA #REQUIRED top CDATA #REQUIRED bottom CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Contains general attributes of the document. Has no children. Attributes: processing: 0..."Normal" document (Wordprocessing) 1...DTP-document (DTPing) standardpage: currently ignored. hasHeader: 0...the document has no headers 1...the document has headers hasFooter: 0...the document has no footers 1...the document has footers unit: Basic unit for positioning, ruler,... This has no influence on the units in this document, only on what the user sees. mm... pt... inch... hasTOC: 0...the document has no TOC 1...the document has TOC tabStopValue: tabstop value in pt activeFrameset: the name of the frameset that was edited when saving the document cursorParagraph:if activeFrameset is a text frameset, the paragraph ID of the cursor cursorIndex: if activeFrameset is a text frameset, the character index of the cursor --> <!ELEMENT ATTRIBUTES EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ATTRIBUTES processing CDATA #REQUIRED standardpage CDATA #IMPLIED hasHeader CDATA #IMPLIED hasFooter CDATA #IMPLIED unit CDATA #IMPLIED hasTOC CDATA #IMPLIED tabStopValue CDATA #IMPLIED activeFrameset CDATA #IMPLIED cursorParagraph CDATA #IMPLIED cursorIndex CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Contains general attributes variables. Has no children. Attributes: startingPageNumber: the starting page number. displaylink ### TODO: document! underlinelink: Underline links by default (true/false) displaycomment: Display comment (true/false) displayfieldcode: Display the name of the variables if true (instead of their value) lastPrintingDate: Last printing date, in ISO-8601 format creationDate: Creation date of the document, in ISO-8601 format modificationDate: Modification date of the document, in ISO-8601 format --> <!ELEMENT VARIABLESETTINGS EMPTY> <!ATTLIST VARIABLESETTINGS startingPageNumber CDATA #IMPLIED displaylink CDATA #IMPLIED underlinelink CDATA #IMPLIED displaycomment CDATA #IMPLIED displayfieldcode CDATA #IMPLIED lastPrintingDate CDATA #IMPLIED creationDate CDATA #IMPLIED modificationDate CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Contains general attributes for footnote. Attributes: see counter ! Ignore bullet, restart and depth. --> <!ELEMENT FOOTNOTESETTING EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FOOTNOTESETTING type CDATA #REQUIRED depth CDATA #REQUIRED bullet CDATA #IMPLIED start CDATA #IMPLIED numberingtype CDATA #IMPLIED lefttext CDATA #IMPLIED righttext CDATA #IMPLIED bulletfont CDATA #IMPLIED customdef CDATA #IMPLIED restart CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Contains general attributes for endnote. Attributes: see counter ! Ignore bullet, restart and depth. --> <!ELEMENT ENDNOTESETTING EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ENDNOTESETTING type CDATA #REQUIRED depth CDATA #REQUIRED bullet CDATA #IMPLIED start CDATA #IMPLIED numberingtype CDATA #IMPLIED lefttext CDATA #IMPLIED righttext CDATA #IMPLIED bulletfont CDATA #IMPLIED customdef CDATA #IMPLIED restart CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Container that has a number of FRAMESET children. --> <!ELEMENT FRAMESETS (FRAMESET+)> <!-- A frameset that bundles a number of FRAME elements (at least one). In addition it can have a more specific element, depending on frameType. Attributes: frameType: 0...Base frame (for internal use only!!!) 1...Text frame (contains PARAGRAPH tags) 2...Picture frame (contains a PICTURE tag, or an IMAGE tag for KWord 1.1) 3...Part frame (defined in EMBEDDED at the doc level) ### FIXME: does not happen in a FRAMESET but only in SETTINGS 4...Formula frame (contains a FORMULA tag) 5...Clipart frame (contains a CLIPART tag, only for KWord 1.1) 6...Horizontal line frame (contains a PICTURE tag) 10..reserved (internally for tables) frameInfo: 0...normal text (or non-text frame) 1...header for first page 2...header for even pages (user-wise, i.e. with pages starting at 1) 3...header for odd pages (user-wise, i.e. with pages starting at 1) 4...footer for first page 5...footer for even pages (user-wise, i.e. with pages starting at 1) 6...footer for odd pages (user-wise, i.e. with pages starting at 1) 7...footnote When the document uses the same headers on even and odd pages (hType=0,2), the header being used is the one for odd pages (frameInfo=3). removable: Whether the header-frame is removable or not: Used in tables where header cells on new pages are auto created with this set to 1. 0...no (default) 1...yes visible: Whether the frame is visible or not: 0...no 1...yes (default) grpMgr: If present, indicates that this frameset is a cell in a table. The value is the name of the group manager for this table. (i.e. If this frameset "belongs" to a table the position and the size are contolled by a group manager (one for each table)). row: Position in the table (only for tables). Index starts at 0. The index for the next row must equal the index for the current row, plus the value of "rows" for the current row. col: Ditto for columns. rows: Size of this cell in rows (only for tables). can be 1 or greater. cols: Ditto for columns. protectContent: Protect content of text object protectSize: Prevent user from changing size and position of the frames in this frameset. 0...no (default) 1...yes --> <!ELEMENT FRAMESET (FRAME|PARAGRAPH|PICTURE|IMAGE|CLIPART|FORMULA)*> <!-- ### missing: defining FORMULA --> <!ATTLIST FRAMESET name CDATA #REQUIRED frameType CDATA #REQUIRED frameInfo CDATA #REQUIRED removable CDATA #IMPLIED visible CDATA #IMPLIED grpMgr CDATA #IMPLIED row CDATA #IMPLIED col CDATA #IMPLIED rows CDATA #IMPLIED cols CDATA #IMPLIED protectContent CDATA #IMPLIED protectSize CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT FRAME EMPTY> <!-- Describes a frame of a frameset. Attributes: right, left, top, bottom: absolute coordinates in pt. min-height: If set (and >0), this is the minimum height. Applies to AutoExtendFrame. runaround: 0...No run around, the text runs through the frame 1...Frame repels text in overlapping frames 2...Text in overlapping frames will avoid the complete horizontal space of this frame. runaroundSide: when runaround is 1 specify here the side of the frame on which the text should flow. Values: "left", "right" or "biggest". Default is biggest. runaroundGap: when runaround is 1 specify here the distance (in pt) between overlapping frames and runaround text autoCreateNewFrame: What to do if the text is bigger than the frame: 0...AutoExtendFrame (use this for headers/footers) Make frame bigger to fit text. 1...AutoCreateNewFrame (use this for the normal text body) Place a new frame on next page. 2...Ignore extra text newFrameBehaviour: DEPRECATED use newFrameBehavior instead. newFrameBehavior: 0...On creating a new page, reconnect frame to current frameset (use this for the normal text body). 1...Don't create a followup frame on the new page. 2...This frame will be shown on the new page as well (with the same content) copy: 0...Not a copy 1...This frame is a copy of the previous frame in this frameset (default is 1 for headers and footers and 0 for the others) sheetSide: 0...AnySide 1...this frame will only be shown on odd pages 2...this frame will only be shown on even pages lWidth, rWidth, tWidth, bWidth: width (in pt) of a frame border (left, right, top, bottom) lRed, lGreen, lBlue: color (rgb) of the left frame border rRed, rGreen, rBlue: color (rgb) of the right frame border tRed, tGreen, tBlue: color (rgb) of the top frame border bRed, bGreen, bBlue: color (rgb) of the bottom frame border lStyle, rStyle, tStyle, bStyle: style of a frame border (left, right, top, bottom) Solid = 0, Dash = 1, Dot = 2, Dash_dot = 3, Dash_dot_dot = 4 bkRed, bkGreen, bkBlue: color (rgb) used as the frame's background color bkStyle : style of a frame background color None = 0, SolidPattern = 1, Dense1Pattern = 2, Dense2Pattern = 3, Dense3Pattern = 4, Dense4Pattern = 5 etc... (look at in qbrush documentation) bleftpt, brightpt, btoppt, bbottompt: frame margins (internal to the frame) z-index: z index (signed int). Relative to the other frame in the same page. The frame with the biggest z index in a given page, is on top. --> <!ATTLIST FRAME left CDATA #REQUIRED right CDATA #REQUIRED top CDATA #REQUIRED bottom CDATA #REQUIRED min-height CDATA #IMPLIED runaround CDATA #IMPLIED runaroundSide CDATA #IMPLIED runaroundGap CDATA #IMPLIED autoCreateNewFrame CDATA #IMPLIED newFrameBehavior CDATA #REQUIRED copy CDATA #IMPLIED sheetSide CDATA #IMPLIED lWidth CDATA #IMPLIED rWidth CDATA #IMPLIED tWidth CDATA #IMPLIED bWidth CDATA #IMPLIED lRed CDATA #IMPLIED lGreen CDATA #IMPLIED lBlue CDATA #IMPLIED rRed CDATA #IMPLIED rGreen CDATA #IMPLIED rBlue CDATA #IMPLIED tRed CDATA #IMPLIED tGreen CDATA #IMPLIED tBlue CDATA #IMPLIED bRed CDATA #IMPLIED bGreen CDATA #IMPLIED bBlue CDATA #IMPLIED lStyle CDATA #IMPLIED rStyle CDATA #IMPLIED tStyle CDATA #IMPLIED bStyle CDATA #IMPLIED bkRed CDATA #IMPLIED bkGreen CDATA #IMPLIED bkBlue CDATA #IMPLIED bkStyle CDATA #IMPLIED bleftpt CDATA #IMPLIED brightpt CDATA #IMPLIED btoppt CDATA #IMPLIED bbottompt CDATA #IMPLIED z-index CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT PARAGRAPH (TEXT|FORMATS|LAYOUT)*> <!-- Just guess :) The text is stored as UTF-8 coded Unicode glyphs. Note: the format-tags navigate in the text using an index which starts at 0 and runs up till it reaches length-1. Some special character codes map to special features: 0xad is a soft hyphen 0xa0 is a non-breaking space 0x2011 is a non-breaking hyphen \n is a linebreak (within the paragraph) \t is a tabulator Attributes: xml:space: "preserve" tells parsers to keep white spaces --> <!ELEMENT TEXT (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST TEXT xml:space (preserve) #FIXED "preserve"> <!-- List of formats that apply to a given paragraph --> <!ELEMENT FORMATS (FORMAT*)> <!-- A format tag describes the format of one or more characters in the text. Attributes: id: type of format information: 0...none (mustn't be in a file) 1..."normal" text 2...a picture - in that case, only IMAGE is specified. This is DEPRECATED, use a floating frame instead. 3...tabulator - Not supported anymore. Use a '\t' in the text instead. 4...a variable - in that case, VARIABLE is also specified 5...a footnote - DEPRECATED (KOffice-1.0) 6...an anchor for a floating frame - in that case, only ANCHOR is specified. pos: position where the format starts. This is a zero-based index into the text of the paragraph. len: number of characters after pos for which the format is used. 1 for all ids except "normal text". When FORMAT is used to specify the format of a style, pos and len are omitted. --> <!ELEMENT FORMAT (COLOR|FONT|SIZE|WEIGHT|ITALIC|UNDERLINE|STRIKEOUT|VERTALIGN|SHADOW|FONTATTRIBUTE|LANGUAGE|ANCHOR|IMAGE|PICTURE|VARIABLE|TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR|OFFSETFROMBASELINE)*> <!ATTLIST FORMAT id CDATA #REQUIRED pos CDATA #IMPLIED len CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- LAYOUT A layout holds all the attributes related to a paragraph, other than its text and formatting. Each of the child elements can be present only once, except TABULATOR which can be repeated. The FORMAT tag here is the 'default format' for the paragraph. --> <!ENTITY % layout "NAME|FLOW|INDENTS|OFFSETS|LINESPACING|PAGEBREAKING| LEFTBORDER|RIGHTBORDER|TOPBORDER|BOTTOMBORDER|COUNTER|FORMAT| TABULATOR*"> <!ELEMENT LAYOUT (%layout;)*> <!-- A style is a global setting that is used for all paragraphs which use that style. As the markup is stored in one place (the style) changing the markup throughout the document is simply a task of changing one or two styles. Highly recommended for structured documents. A style element contains the same child elements as the LAYOUT tag: all the paragraph properties, as well as a text format. It also contains the name of the following style, i.e. the one used when the user presses Enter in a paragraph using this style. Attributes: outline if "true", this style is part of the Table Of Contents. (by default it is not). --> <!ELEMENT STYLES (STYLE*)> <!ELEMENT STYLE (%layout;|FOLLOWING)*> <!ATTLIST STYLE outline CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Defines the color of the text, using RGB. (-1,-1,-1) means "default color", i.e. the base color from the color scheme (usually black). --> <!ELEMENT COLOR EMPTY> <!ATTLIST COLOR red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Defines the background color of the text (aka "highlight"), using RGB. (-1,-1,-1) means "default color", i.e. the base color from the color scheme (usually white). --> <!ELEMENT TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- A framestyle holds properties for borders, background and can be identified with a name. --> <!ELEMENT FRAMESTYLES (FRAMESTYLE*)> <!ELEMENT FRAMESTYLE (NAME|LEFTBORDER|RIGHTBORDER|TOPBORDER|BOTTOMBORDER)> <!ATTLIST FRAMESTYLE red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- A tablestyle holds properties for borders, background and (text)style. A tablestyle is identified via its name. The properties are reach via the names corresponding to the framestyle and style. --> <!ELEMENT TABLESTYLES (TABLESTYLE*)> <!ELEMENT TABLESTYLE (NAME|PSTYLE|PFRAMESTYLE)> <!ELEMENT PFRAMESTYLE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PFRAMESTYLE name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT PSTYLE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PSTYLE name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- name is the family name. Don't include fontsizes or bold, that is put in another tag. --> <!ELEMENT FONT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FONT name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- SIZE When size is used in a format the size is in points. --> <!ELEMENT SIZE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST SIZE value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- WEIGHT Weight of a font is it's Boldness. Look at the QFont weight description for precise numbers. Use normal=50, bold=75. --> <!ELEMENT WEIGHT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST WEIGHT value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- ITALIC Value is either 0 or 1 with 1=true and 0=false --> <!ELEMENT ITALIC EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ITALIC value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- UNDERLINE Value is either 0 or 1 or single or double or single-bold 0 = no underline 1 or single = single underline double = double-underline. single-bold = thick underline wave = wave underline styleline type of underline : solid, dash, dot, dashdot, dashdotdot underlinecolor : color of underline line. wordbyword: 0 or 1. If 1, spaces are not underlined. Opposite of fo:score-spaces. --> <!ELEMENT UNDERLINE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST UNDERLINE value CDATA #REQUIRED styleline CDATA #REQUIRED underlinecolor CDATA #REQUIRED wordbyword CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- STRIKEOUT value: 0, 1 (or single), double, single-bold (see UNDERLINE) styleline: style of strikeout line solid, dash, dot, dashdot, dashdotdot wordbyword: 0 or 1. If 1, spaces are not striked out. Opposite of fo:score-spaces. --> <!ELEMENT STRIKEOUT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST STRIKEOUT value CDATA #REQUIRED styleline CDATA #REQUIRED wordbyword CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- VERTALIGN Super/sub script. value: 0 = Normal 1 = Subscript 2 = Superscript relativetextsize: 0.75 means 3/4 of the normal font size. --> <!ELEMENT VERTALIGN EMPTY> <!ATTLIST VERTALIGN value CDATA #REQUIRED relativetextsize CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- SHADOW The value is the CSS specification for text-shadow (also used by XSL-FO). http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/text.html#text-shadow-props KWord only supports a single shadow, and no blur radius, so it amounts to either "none" or "color length length". --> <!ELEMENT SHADOW EMPTY> <!ATTLIST SHADOW text-shadow CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- OFFSETFROMBASELINE Value is define in pt --> <!ELEMENT OFFSETFROMBASELINE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST OFFSETFROMBASELINE value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- FONTATTRIBUTE Value is either "none", "smallcaps", "uppercase", or "lowercase" --> <!ELEMENT FONTATTRIBUTE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FONTATTRIBUTE value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- LANGUAGE The name of the language used by this text span. This is usually a two letters code, or ll_CC where a country is specified. --> <!ELEMENT LANGUAGE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LANGUAGE value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- NAME The name of a style. If inside a <STYLE> tag, this defines the name of the style. If inside a <LAYOUT> tag, this refers to an existing style, to be used for this paragraph. --> <!ELEMENT NAME EMPTY> <!ATTLIST NAME value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- FOLLOWING The FOLLOWING tag is a styles tag. You can only embed it in a style. With this tag you can tell kword to switch to the style 'name' after enter was pressed and the current style was used. Example: Style H1 has the <following name="body"> tag. When the user is finished typing the header tag and presses enter kword switches to the style 'body' The style-name given should be available. --> <!ELEMENT FOLLOWING EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FOLLOWING name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- FLOW FLOW is a paragraph and style tag, that determines the alignment of the text. align's value is one of: 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify' It can also be 'auto' for styles, meaning right for RTL text, left otherwise. dir: Indicates the direction of the paragraph. 'L' or 'R' for left-to-right and right-to-left. Automatic direction (dependent on first character) is the default. --> <!ELEMENT FLOW EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FLOW align (left|right|center|justify|auto) #REQUIRED dir (L|R) #IMPLIED> <!-- INDENTS left: indent (pt) that is used for the other lines in a paragraph. right: indent (pt) on the right of all lines in the paragraph first: indent (pt) from the left border (of the frame) of the first line of a paragraph. This indent is added from the left indent (or to the right indent in a right-to-left paragraph). If not specified, the default value is 0. --> <!ELEMENT INDENTS EMPTY> <!ATTLIST INDENTS first CDATA #IMPLIED left CDATA #IMPLIED right CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- OFFSETS before: space before the paragraph, or "head offset" (KWord-0.8), aka "top margin" (KWord-1.0) (pt) after: space after the paragraph, or "foot offset" (KWord-0.8), aka "bottom margin" (KWord-1.0) (pt) If not specified, the default value is 0. --> <!ELEMENT OFFSETS EMPTY> <!ATTLIST OFFSETS before CDATA #IMPLIED after CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- A paragraph and a style can have counter data. The document will do the counting of the paragraphs that use this. type: 0 = None 1 = Numeral 2 = Alphabetical 3 = Alphabetical uppercase 4 = Roman numbering 5 = Roman numbering uppercase 6 = Custom bullet (one char, set by the 'bullet' attribute) 7 = Custom (complex string, see kword's dialog) 8 = Circle bullet (empty circle) 9 = Square bullet (full square) 10 = Disc bullet (full circle) 11 = Box bullet (empty square) depth The level of the numbering. Depth of 0 means the major numbering. (1, 2, 3...) Depth of 1 is 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc. start The first used number in the numbering (usually 1). List numbering starts at <start> initially, or when restart is set to true. numberingtype 0 = list numbering, 1 = chapter numbering. Chapter numbering is used throughout the whole document (in future throughout books) lefttext The text that is printed left of the first numeral righttext The text that is printed right of the last numeral A usual value for this one is "." (dot). bullet The unicode character code that is the custom bullet (for type=6) bulletfont The font to use for the custom bullet can be found in (use "symbol" if in doubt) customdef Definition of a custom counter - not supported yet restart If "true" or "1", this paragraph is numbered as specified by start. Otherwise (default) it will extend the current list (with equal type and depth). text The text shown by the counter in the document when it was saved. This is redundant information, unused by KWord upon loading, but useful for export filters. display-levels Number of levels to display (e.g. 3 means "1.2.1") align Counter alignment. Possible values include: int(Qt::AlignAuto), //left for LTR text and right for RTL text int(Qt::AlignLeft), int(Qt::AlignRight). --> <!ELEMENT COUNTER EMPTY> <!ATTLIST COUNTER type CDATA #REQUIRED depth CDATA #REQUIRED bullet CDATA #IMPLIED start CDATA #IMPLIED numberingtype CDATA #REQUIRED lefttext CDATA #IMPLIED righttext CDATA #IMPLIED bulletfont CDATA #IMPLIED customdef CDATA #IMPLIED restart CDATA #IMPLIED text CDATA #IMPLIED display-levels CDATA #IMPLIED align CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Linespacing defines the height of a line in a paragraph. By default the line height is the height of the biggest character in the line. The "type" can be "oneandhalf" for 1.5 * line_height and "double" for 2 * line_height. More generally it can also be "multiple", where spacingvalue=3 means 3 * line_height. Other values for the type are "custom": spacingvalue is the distance between the lines in pt (added to the line height) "atleast": the total line height is at least spacingvalue (in pt) "fixed": spacingvalue is equal to the total line height (in pt). See koffice/lib/kotext/koparaglayout.h for more details. spacingvalue isn't used if type is "oneandhalf" or "double". Compatibility note: KWord-1.1 only had a "value" attribute, which could be set to a pt value (for custom), to "oneandhalf" or to "double". --> <!ELEMENT LINESPACING EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LINESPACING type (oneandhalf|double|custom|atleast|multiple|fixed) #IMPLIED spacingvalue CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Attributes relating to the way paragraphs are broken at the end of a frame/page. If this element isn't specified, the default is to break between lines of a parag. linesTogether: if "true", all the lines of a given paragraph remain together. hardFrameBreak: if "true", this paragraph is always at the beginning of a frame. hardFrameBreakAfter: if "true", this paragraph is always the last in the frame. Future extensions: keepWithPrevious, keepWithNext --> <!ELEMENT PAGEBREAKING EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PAGEBREAKING linesTogether (true|false) #IMPLIED hardFrameBreak (true|false) #IMPLIED hardFrameBreakAfter (true|false) #IMPLIED> <!-- The borders can be used on a frame and on a paragraph. the border has a color, displayed in the RGB value. The width is in points. Style 0 = solid 1 = dashes 2 = dots 3 = dash - dot patterns 4 = dash dot dot patterns 5 = double line --> <!ELEMENT LEFTBORDER EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LEFTBORDER red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED style CDATA #REQUIRED width CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT RIGHTBORDER EMPTY> <!ATTLIST RIGHTBORDER red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED style CDATA #REQUIRED width CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT TOPBORDER EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TOPBORDER red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED style CDATA #REQUIRED width CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT BOTTOMBORDER EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BOTTOMBORDER red CDATA #REQUIRED green CDATA #REQUIRED blue CDATA #REQUIRED style CDATA #REQUIRED width CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Defines the position of a tabulation Attributes: type: 0 .. left 1 .. center 2 .. right 3 .. alignment at specified character ptpos: Position of the tabulation, in pt filling: 0 .. blank 1 .. dots 2 .. line 3 .. dash 4 .. dash-dot 5 .. dash-dot-dot width: Width of the filling, in pt alignchar: character at which text will be aligned when type==3 (former "decimal point") is set --> <!ELEMENT TABULATOR EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TABULATOR type CDATA #REQUIRED ptpos CDATA #REQUIRED filling CDATA #IMPLIED width CDATA #IMPLIED alignchar CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- An anchor describes an object which is anchored. Attributes: type: What kind of object is being anchored? grpMgr: a table [deprecated] frameset: a frameset [default] instance: An identifier that uniquely names the particular instance of the type of object being anchored. For framesets, this is the frameset name. --> <!ELEMENT ANCHOR EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ANCHOR type CDATA #REQUIRED instance CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Definition of a picture - contains only one element, the key to the picture. --> <!ELEMENT PICTURE (KEY)> <!ATTLIST PICTURE keepAspectRatio CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Definition of an image - contains only one element, the key to the image. Only for KWord 1.1. compatibility --> <!ELEMENT IMAGE (KEY)> <!ATTLIST IMAGE keepAspectRatio CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Definition of a clipart - contains only one element, the key to the clipart. Only for KWord 1.1. compatibility --> <!ELEMENT CLIPART (KEY)> <!-- Variable A variable has always two child elements: TYPE, and another one depending on the type. --> <!ELEMENT VARIABLE (TYPE,(DATE|TIME|PGNUM|CUSTOM|MAILMERGE|FIELD|LINK|NOTE|FOOTNOTE))> <!-- Variable type Attributes: type 0... Date (uses DATE to save it) 1... [currently unused] 2... Time fixed (uses TIME to save it) 3... [currently unused] 4... Page number / number of pages (uses PGNUM to save it) 5... [currently unused] 6... Custom (uses CUSTOM to save it) 7... Mail Merge variable (uses MAILMERGE to save it) 8... Field (uses FIELD to save it) 9... Link (uses LINK) 10... Note (uses NOTE) 11... Footnote (uses FOOTNOTE) 12... Statictic (uses STATISTIC) key the description of the variable format used to display this variable. The first 4 letters identify the class of format: DATE = a date TIME = a time NUMB = a number STRI = a string The rest (after the 4 letters) is quite internal, and depends on the type of variable. text the text shown by the variable in the document when it was saved. This is redundant information, unused by KWord upon loading, but useful for export filters. --> <!ELEMENT TYPE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TYPE type CDATA #REQUIRED key CDATA #IMPLIED text CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Date value contained in a date variable. day... the day number month.. the month number year... the year number fix.... 1 if the time is fixed, 0 if it's variable ("the current time") correct... adjustement subtype... 0 = fixed date, will never update itself automatically 1 = current date, updated as soon as the file is loaded The value in the file is the value that the var had when saving. 2 = date of last printing 3 = date of file creation 4 = date of last modification --> <!ELEMENT DATE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST DATE day CDATA #REQUIRED month CDATA #REQUIRED year CDATA #REQUIRED fix CDATA #REQUIRED correct CDATA #IMPLIED subtype CDATA #REQUIRED hour CDATA #IMPLIED minute CDATA #IMPLIED second CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Time value contained in a time variable. hour... the hour number minute.. the minute number second... the second number fix.... 1 if the time is fixed, 0 if it's variable ("the current time") A time that is not fixed (variable) will be updated as soon as the file is loaded. The value in the file is only the value that the var had when saving. correct... adjustement --> <!ELEMENT TIME EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TIME hour CDATA #REQUIRED minute CDATA #REQUIRED second CDATA #REQUIRED fix CDATA #REQUIRED correct CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Details for a page-related variable. subtype... Variable subtype: 0... number of current page. 1... total number of pages. 2... title of the current section value... The variable value, number for subtype=0/1, string for subtype=2 --> <!ELEMENT PGNUM EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PGNUM subtype CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Details for a custom variable. name... The variable name value... The variable value Both name and value are entered by the user, they can be anything. --> <!ELEMENT CUSTOM EMPTY> <!ATTLIST CUSTOM name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- <MAILMERGE> exists as two versions: - a mail-merge variable - the global mail merge settings The mail-merge variable has the attribute "name" (#REQUIRED in that case) and no children (EMPTY) The global seetings has no attributes but has children (PLUGIN and DATASOURCE) --> <!ELEMENT MAILMERGE (PLUGIN, DATASOURCE)?> <!ATTLIST MAILMERGE name CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- The plugin being used. library is the name of the lib, like "kwmailmerge_qtsqldb_power" --> <!ELEMENT PLUGIN EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PLUGIN library CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- The children of <DATASOURCE> depends on the plugin --> <!ELEMENT DATASOURCE ANY> <!-- For the QtSQL-power-plugin, the contents of DATASOURCE is (DEFINITION,SAMPLERECORD) DEFINITION is (DATABASE,QUERY) DATABASE has port, driver, username, databasename, hostname attributes. QUERY has a value attribute (containing the SQL query) SAMPLERECORD is (FIELD*) FIELD has a name attribute. --> <!-- A "field" variable (property of the document) subtype... Field subtype: 0... Filename 1... Directory name 2... Author (as saved in documentinfo.xml) 3... Email (as saved in documentinfo.xml) 4... Company Name (as saved in documentinfo.xml) 5... Path filename 6... Filename without extension 7... Telephone 8... Fax 9... Country 10.. Document Title (as saved in documentinfo.xml) 11.. Document Abstract (as saved in documentinfo.xml) 12.. Postal Code 13.. City 14.. Street 15.. AuthorTitle 16.. Initials value... the value of the field (text) --> <!ELEMENT FIELD EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FIELD subtype CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- A variable containing an hyperlink. linkName... The text that appears in the document. hrefName... The URL that this link points to. --> <!ELEMENT LINK EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LINK linkName CDATA #REQUIRED hrefName CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- A comment embedded into the text. note... The text of the comment --> <!ELEMENT NOTE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST NOTE note CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- A footnote variable. value... The text of the variable (e.g. "1", "2") notetype... "footnote" or "endnote" numberingtype... "auto" or "manual" frameset... The name of the text frameset that contains the text associated with this footnote. The frameset must be defined, and must have frameInfo = 7. --> <!ELEMENT FOOTNOTE EMPTY> <!ATTLIST FOOTNOTE value CDATA #REQUIRED notetype CDATA #REQUIRED numberingtype CDATA #REQUIRED frameset CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- A statistic variable. value... A number (e.g. "1", "2") type... A type of statistic variable "0" Number of word "1" Number of sentence "2" Number of lines "3" Number of characters "4" Number of characters without space "5" Number of syllable "6" Number of frame "7" Number of embedded object "8" Number of picture "9" Number of table --> <!ELEMENT STATISTIC EMPTY> <!ATTLIST STATISTIC value CDATA #REQUIRED type CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Picture collection. This list holds the keys of all the picture used by this document (by picture framesets), in the order in which they are stored in the store (under pictures/). --> <!ELEMENT PICTURES (KEY)*> <!-- Pixmap collection. This list holds the keys of all the pixmaps used by this document (by picture framesets), in the order in which they are stored in the store (under pictures/). Only for KWord 1.1 compatibility. --> <!ELEMENT PIXMAPS (KEY)*> <!-- Only for KWord 1.1 compatibility. --> <!ELEMENT CLIPARTS (KEY)*> <!-- TODO: document! --> <!ELEMENT SERIALL EMPTY> <!ELEMENT SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST ( SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD+ )> <!ATTLIST SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST > <!ELEMENT SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD EMPTY> <!ATTLIST SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD word NMTOKEN #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT BOOKMARKS ( BOOKMARKITEM+ )> <!ATTLIST BOOKMARKS > <!ELEMENT BOOKMARKITEM EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BOOKMARKITEM name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED cursorIndexStart NMTOKEN #REQUIRED cursorIndexEnd NMTOKEN #REQUIRED frameset NMTOKEN #REQUIRED startparag NMTOKEN #REQUIRED endparag NMTOKEN #REQUIRED> <!-- The key mapping to one picture name: the relative path to the picture in the store (e.g. picture/picture1.ext) (only if <KEY> is a child of <PICTURES>, otherwise the attribute name does not exist.) filename: the original path of the picture year...: the date/time stamp (suggestions: - use UTC if you have the choice - use the *NIX epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC) if no date is available otherwise) --> <!ELEMENT KEY EMPTY> <!ATTLIST KEY filename CDATA #REQUIRED year CDATA #REQUIRED month CDATA #REQUIRED day CDATA #REQUIRED hour CDATA #REQUIRED minute CDATA #REQUIRED second CDATA #REQUIRED msec CDATA #REQUIRED name CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Embedded object --> <!ELEMENT EMBEDDED (OBJECT,SETTINGS)> <!-- Standard part of the embedded object (part, url and position) mime the mimetype, e.x. application/x-presenter url the url, either external or internal (tar:/N for partN/maindoc.xml) --> <!ELEMENT OBJECT (RECT)> <!ATTLIST OBJECT mime CDATA #REQUIRED url CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Position of the embedded object --> <!ELEMENT RECT EMPTY> <!ATTLIST RECT x CDATA #REQUIRED y CDATA #REQUIRED w CDATA #REQUIRED h CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Additionnal attributes of the embedded object. In KWord's case, it's the definition of the frame around the object, and the name of the part-frameset. ### FIXME: the attribute list is the same as FRAMESET --> <!ELEMENT SETTINGS (FRAME)> <!ATTLIST SETTINGS name CDATA #REQUIRED>