# KFormula font mapping.
# Unicode mapping for the esstixeight font. You can find it at
# ftp://ftp.elsevier.nl/pub/styles/esstix/esstix.zip
# Each line consist of a char position and its tqunicode value.
33, 0xE201
37, 0xE205
99, 0x2321
97, 0x2320
93, 0xF8F6
94, 0xF8F7
80, 0xF8F4
98, 0xF8F5
81, 0xF8F2
82, 0xF8F3
75, 0xF8F0
79, 0xF8F1
95, 0xF8F8
76, 0xF8F9
84, 0xF8FD
85, 0xF8FE
78, 0xF8FB
83, 0xF8FC
77, 0xF8FA
74, 0xF8EF
73, 0xF8EE
92, 0xF8ED
91, 0xF8EC
90, 0xF8EB