/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Alfredo Beaumont Sainz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "fontstyle.h" #include "glyphelement.h" KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN GlyphElement::GlyphElement( BasicElement* parent ) : TextElement( ' ', false, parent ) { } bool GlyphElement::readAttributesFromMathMLDom( const TQDomElement& element ) { if ( !BasicElement::readAttributesFromMathMLDom( element ) ) { return false; } // MathML Section m_fontFamily = element.attribute( "fontfamily" ); if ( m_fontFamily.isNull() ) { kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Required attribute fontfamily not found in glyph element\n"; return false; } TQString indexStr = element.attribute( "index" ); if ( indexStr.isNull() ) { kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Required attribute index not found in glyph element\n"; return false; } bool ok; ushort index = indexStr.toUShort( &ok ); if ( ! ok ) { kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Invalid index value in glyph element\n"; return false; } m_char = TQChar( index ); m_alt = element.attribute( "alt" ); if ( m_alt.isNull() ) { kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Required attribute alt not found in glyph element\n"; return false; } TQStringList missing; FontStyle::testFont( missing, m_fontFamily.lower() ); m_hasFont = missing.isEmpty(); return true; } /** * Calculates our width and height and * our children's parentPosition. */ void GlyphElement::calcSizes( const ContextStyle& context, ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle, ContextStyle::IndexStyle /*istyle*/, StyleAttributes& style ) { double factor = style.sizeFactor(); luPt mySize = context.getAdjustedSize( tstyle, factor ); TQRect bound; if ( m_hasFont ) { TQFont font( m_fontFamily ); font.setPointSizeFloat( context.layoutUnitPtToPt( mySize ) ); TQFontMetrics fm ( font ); bound = fm.boundingRect( m_char ); setWidth( context.ptToLayoutUnitPt( fm.width( m_char ) ) ); } else { TQFont font( context.getDefaultFont() ); font.setPointSizeFloat( context.layoutUnitPtToPt( mySize ) ); TQFontMetrics fm ( font ); bound = fm.boundingRect( m_alt ); setWidth( context.ptToLayoutUnitPt( fm.width( m_alt ) ) ); } setHeight( context.ptToLayoutUnitPt( bound.height() ) ); setBaseline( context.ptToLayoutUnitPt( -bound.top() ) ); // There are some glyphs in TeX that have // baseline==0. (\int, \sum, \prod) if ( getBaseline() == 0 ) { setBaseline( -1 ); } } /** * Draws the whole element including its children. * The `parentOrigin' is the point this element's parent starts. * We can use our parentPosition to get our own origin then. */ void GlyphElement::draw( TQPainter& painter, const LuPixelRect& /*r*/, const ContextStyle& context, ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle, ContextStyle::IndexStyle /*istyle*/, StyleAttributes& style, const LuPixelPoint& parentOrigin ) { LuPixelPoint myPos( parentOrigin.x()+getX(), parentOrigin.y()+getY() ); //if ( !LuPixelRect( myPos.x(), myPos.y(), getWidth(), getHeight() ).intersects( r ) ) // return; double factor = style.sizeFactor(); luPt mySize = context.getAdjustedSize( tstyle, factor ); TQFont font; TQString text; if ( m_hasFont ) { painter.setPen( style.color() ); setCharStyle( style.charStyle() ); setCharFamily( style.charFamily() ); font = TQFont( m_fontFamily ); text = m_char; painter.fillRect( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelX( getWidth() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( getHeight() ), style.background() ); } else { painter.setPen( context.getErrorColor() ); font = context.getDefaultFont(); text = m_alt; } font.setPointSizeFloat( context.layoutUnitToFontSize( mySize, false ) ); painter.setFont( font ); painter.drawText( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getBaseline() ), text ); } void GlyphElement::writeMathMLAttributes( TQDomElement& element ) const { element.setAttribute( "fontfamily", m_fontFamily ); element.setAttribute( "index", m_char.tqunicode() ); element.setAttribute( "alt", m_alt ); } KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_END