/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2001 Andrea Rizzi <rizzi@kde.org>
	              Ulrich Kuettler <ulrich.kuettler@mailbox.tu-dresden.de>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqevent.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kprinter.h>

#include "KoGlobal.h"
#include "bracketelement.h"
#include "contextstyle.h"
#include "formulacursor.h"
#include "formulaelement.h"
#include "fractionelement.h"
#include "indexelement.h"
#include "kformulacommand.h"
#include "kformulacompatibility.h"
#include "kformulacontainer.h"
#include "kformuladocument.h"
#include "kformulamathmlread.h"
#include "kformulamimesource.h"
#include "matrixelement.h"
#include "rootelement.h"
#include "sequenceelement.h"
#include "symbolelement.h"
#include "symboltable.h"
#include "spaceelement.h"
#include "textelement.h"

#include <assert.h>

using namespace std;

struct Container::Container_Impl {

    Container_Impl( Document* doc )
            : dirty( true ), cursorMoved( false ), document( doc )

        delete internCursor;
        delete rootElement;
        document = 0;

     * If true we need to recalc the formula.
    bool dirty;

     * Tells whether a request caused the cursor to move.
    bool cursorMoved;

     * The element tree's root.
    FormulaElement* rootElement;

     * The active cursor is the one that triggered the last command.
    FormulaCursor* activeCursor;

     * The cursor that is used if there is no view.
    FormulaCursor* internCursor;

     * The document we belong to.
    Document* document;

FormulaElement* Container::rootElement() const { return impl->rootElement; }
Document* Container::document() const { return impl->document; }

Container::Container( Document* doc, int pos, bool registerMe )
    impl = new Container_Impl( doc );
    impl->rootElement = 0;
    if ( registerMe ) {
        registerFormula( pos );

    delete impl;
    impl = 0;

void Container::initialize()
    assert( impl->rootElement == 0 );
    impl->rootElement = createMainSequence();
    impl->activeCursor = impl->internCursor = createCursor();

FormulaElement* Container::createMainSequence()
    return new FormulaElement( this );

FormulaCursor* Container::createCursor()
    return new FormulaCursor(rootElement());

KoCommandHistory* Container::getHistory() const
    return document()->getHistory();

 * Gets called just before the child is removed from
 * the element tree.
void Container::elementRemoval(BasicElement* child)
    emit elementWillVanish(child);

 * Gets called whenever something changes and we need to
 * recalc.
void Container::changed()
    impl->dirty = true;

void Container::cursorHasMoved( FormulaCursor* )
    impl->cursorMoved = true;

void Container::moveOutLeft( FormulaCursor* cursor )
    emit leaveFormula( this, cursor, EXIT_LEFT );

void Container::moveOutRight( FormulaCursor* cursor )
    emit leaveFormula( this, cursor, EXIT_RIGHT );

void Container::moveOutAbove( FormulaCursor* cursor )
    emit leaveFormula( this, cursor, EXIT_ABOVE );

void Container::moveOutBelow( FormulaCursor* cursor )
    emit leaveFormula( this, cursor, EXIT_BELOW );

void Container::tell( const TQString& msg )
    emit statusMsg( msg );

void Container::removeFormula( FormulaCursor* cursor )
    emit leaveFormula( this, cursor, REMOVE_FORMULA );

void Container::registerFormula( int pos )
    document()->registerFormula( this, pos );

void Container::unregisterFormula()
    document()->unregisterFormula( this );

void Container::baseSizeChanged( int size, bool owned )
    if ( owned ) {
        emit baseSizeChanged( size );
    else {
        const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
        emit baseSizeChanged( context.baseSize() );

FormulaCursor* Container::activeCursor()
    return impl->activeCursor;

const FormulaCursor* Container::activeCursor() const
    return impl->activeCursor;

 * Tells the formula that a view got the focus and might want to
 * edit the formula.
void Container::setActiveCursor(FormulaCursor* cursor)
    if (cursor != 0) {
        impl->activeCursor = cursor;
    else {
        *(impl->internCursor) = *(impl->activeCursor);
        impl->activeCursor = impl->internCursor;

bool Container::hasValidCursor() const
    return (impl->activeCursor != 0) && !impl->activeCursor->isReadOnly();

void Container::testDirty()
    if (impl->dirty) {

void Container::recalc()
    impl->dirty = false;
    ContextStyle& context = impl->document->getContextStyle();
    rootElement()->calcSizes( context );

    emit formulaChanged( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( rootElement()->getWidth() ),
                         context.layoutUnitToPixelY( rootElement()->getHeight() ) );
    emit formulaChanged( context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.pixelXToPt( rootElement()->getWidth() ) ),
                         context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.pixelYToPt( rootElement()->getHeight() ) ) );
    emit cursorMoved( activeCursor() );

bool Container::isEmpty()
    return rootElement()->countChildren() == 0;

const SymbolTable& Container::getSymbolTable() const
    return document()->getSymbolTable();

void Container::draw( TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& r, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool edit )
    painter.fillRect( r, cg.base() );
    draw( painter, r, edit );

void Container::draw( TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& r, bool edit )
    //ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle( painter.device()->devType() == TQInternal::Printer );
    ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle( edit );
    rootElement()->draw( painter, context.pixelToLayoutUnit( r ), context );

void Container::checkCursor()
    if ( impl->cursorMoved ) {
        impl->cursorMoved = false;
        emit cursorMoved( activeCursor() );

void Container::input( TQKeyEvent* event )
    //if ( !hasValidCursor() )
    if ( impl->activeCursor == 0 ) {
    execute( activeCursor()->getElement()->input( this, event ) );

void Container::performRequest( Request* request )
    if ( !hasValidCursor() )
    execute( activeCursor()->getElement()->buildCommand( this, request ) );

void Container::paste()
    if (!hasValidCursor())
    TQClipboard* clipboard = TQApplication::clipboard();
    const TQMimeSource* source = clipboard->data();
    if (source->provides( MimeSource::selectionMimeType() )) {
        TQByteArray data = source->encodedData( MimeSource::selectionMimeType() );
        TQDomDocument formula;
        paste( formula, i18n("Paste") );

void Container::paste( const TQDomDocument& document, TQString desc )
    FormulaCursor* cursor = activeCursor();
    TQPtrList<BasicElement> list;
    list.setAutoDelete( true );
    if ( cursor->buildElementsFromMathMLDom( document.documentElement(), list ) ) {
        uint count = list.count();
        // You must not execute an add command that adds nothing.
        if (count > 0) {
            KFCReplace* command = new KFCReplace( desc, this );
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {

void Container::copy()
    // read-only cursors are fine for copying.
    FormulaCursor* cursor = activeCursor();
    if (cursor != 0) {
        TQDomDocument formula = document()->createMathMLDomDocument();
        cursor->copy( formula );
        TQClipboard* clipboard = TQApplication::clipboard();
        clipboard->setData(new MimeSource(document(), formula));

void Container::cut()
    if (!hasValidCursor())
    FormulaCursor* cursor = activeCursor();
    if (cursor->isSelection()) {
        DirectedRemove r( req_remove, beforeCursor );
        performRequest( &r );

void Container::emitErrorMsg( const TQString& msg )
    emit errorMsg( msg );

void Container::execute(KCommand* command)
    if ( command != 0 ) {

TQRect Container::boundingRect() const
    const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
    return TQRect( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( rootElement()->getX() ),
                  context.layoutUnitToPixelY( rootElement()->getY() ),
                  context.layoutUnitToPixelX( rootElement()->getWidth() ),
                  context.layoutUnitToPixelY( rootElement()->getHeight() ) );

TQRect Container::coveredRect()
    if ( impl->activeCursor != 0 ) {
        const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
        const LuPixelRect& cursorRect = impl->activeCursor->getCursorSize();
        return TQRect( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( rootElement()->getX() ),
                      context.layoutUnitToPixelY( rootElement()->getY() ),
                      context.layoutUnitToPixelX( rootElement()->getWidth() ),
                      context.layoutUnitToPixelY( rootElement()->getHeight() ) ) |
            TQRect( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( cursorRect.x() ),
                   context.layoutUnitToPixelY( cursorRect.y() ),
                   context.layoutUnitToPixelX( cursorRect.width() ),
                   context.layoutUnitToPixelY( cursorRect.height() ) );
    return boundingRect();

double Container::width() const
    const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
    return context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.pixelXToPt( rootElement()->getWidth() ) );

double Container::height() const
    const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
    return context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.pixelYToPt( rootElement()->getHeight() ) );

double Container::baseline() const
    const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
    //return context.layoutUnitToPixelY( rootElement()->getBaseline() );
    return context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.pixelYToPt( rootElement()->getBaseline() ) );

void Container::moveTo( int x, int y )
    const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
    rootElement()->setX( context.pixelToLayoutUnitX( x ) );
    rootElement()->setY( context.pixelToLayoutUnitY( y ) );

int Container::fontSize() const
    if ( rootElement()->hasOwnBaseSize() ) {
        return rootElement()->getBaseSize();
    else {
        const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
        return tqRound( context.baseSize() );

void Container::setFontSize( int pointSize, bool /*forPrint*/ )
    if ( rootElement()->getBaseSize() != pointSize ) {
        execute( new KFCChangeBaseSize( i18n( "Base Size Change" ), this, rootElement(), pointSize ) );

void Container::setFontSizeDirect( int pointSize )
    rootElement()->setBaseSize( pointSize );

void Container::updateMatrixActions()
    BasicElement *currentElement = activeCursor()->getElement();
    if ( ( currentElement = currentElement->getParent() ) != 0 )
        document()->wrapper()->enableMatrixActions( dynamic_cast<MatrixElement*>(currentElement) );
        document()->wrapper()->enableMatrixActions( false );

void Container::save( TQDomElement &root )
    TQDomDocument ownerDoc = root.ownerDocument();

 * Loads a formula from the document.
bool Container::load( const TQDomElement &fe )
    if (!fe.isNull()) {
        FormulaElement* root = createMainSequence();
        if (root->buildFromDom(fe)) {
            delete impl->rootElement;
            impl->rootElement = root;
            emit formulaLoaded(rootElement());

            return true;
        else {
            delete root;
            kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Error constructing element tree." << endl;
    else {
        kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Empty element." << endl;
    return false;

void Container::saveMathML( TQTextStream& stream, bool oasisFormat )
    TQDomDocument doc;
    if ( !oasisFormat ) {
        doc = document()->createMathMLDomDocument(); 
    rootElement()->writeMathML( doc, doc, oasisFormat );
    stream << doc;

bool Container::loadMathML( const TQDomDocument &doc, bool oasisFormat )
    return loadMathML( doc.documentElement(), oasisFormat );

bool Container::loadMathML( const TQDomElement &element, bool oasisFormat )
    const ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle();
    MathML2KFormula filter( element, context, oasisFormat );
    if (filter.m_error) {
        return false;

    if ( load( filter.getKFormulaDom().documentElement() ) ) {
        return true;
    return false;

bool Container::loadMathML( const TQDomElement &fe, bool /*oasisFormat*/ )
    kdDebug( DEBUGID ) << "loadMathML" << endl;
    if (!fe.isNull()) {
        FormulaElement* root = createMainSequence();
        if ( root->buildFromMathMLDom( fe ) != - 1) {
            delete impl->rootElement;
            impl->rootElement = root;
            emit formulaLoaded(rootElement());

            return true;
        else {
            delete root;
            kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Error constructing element tree." << endl;
    else {
        kdWarning( DEBUGID ) << "Empty element." << endl;
    return false;

void Container::print(KPrinter& printer)
    TQPainter painter;
    if (painter.begin(&printer)) {
        rootElement()->draw( painter, LuPixelRect( rootElement()->getX(),
                                                   rootElement()->getHeight() ),
                             document()->getContextStyle( false ) );

TQImage Container::drawImage( int width, int height )
    ContextStyle& context = document()->getContextStyle( false );
    TQRect rect(impl->rootElement->getX(), impl->rootElement->getY(),
               impl->rootElement->getWidth(), impl->rootElement->getHeight());

    int realWidth = context.layoutUnitToPixelX( impl->rootElement->getWidth() );
    int realHeight = context.layoutUnitToPixelY( impl->rootElement->getHeight() );

    double f = TQMAX( static_cast<double>( width )/static_cast<double>( realWidth ),
                     static_cast<double>( height )/static_cast<double>( realHeight ) );

    int oldZoom = context.zoom();
    context.setZoomAndResolution( tqRound( oldZoom*f ), KoGlobal::dpiX(), KoGlobal::dpiY() );

    kdDebug( DEBUGID ) << "Container::drawImage "
                       << "(" << width << " " << height << ")"
                       << "(" << context.layoutUnitToPixelX( impl->rootElement->getWidth() )
                       << " " << context.layoutUnitToPixelY( impl->rootElement->getHeight() ) << ")"
                       << endl;

    TQPixmap pm( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( impl->rootElement->getWidth() ),
                context.layoutUnitToPixelY( impl->rootElement->getHeight() ) );
    TQPainter paint(&pm);
    impl->rootElement->draw(paint, rect, context);
    context.setZoomAndResolution( oldZoom, KoGlobal::dpiX(), KoGlobal::dpiY() );
    //return pm.convertToImage().smoothScale( width, height );
    return pm.convertToImage();

TQString Container::texString()
    return rootElement()->toLatex();

TQString Container::formulaString()
    return rootElement()->formulaString();


using namespace KFormula;
#include "kformulacontainer.moc"