/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Alfredo Beaumont Sainz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef TOKENSTYLEELEMENT_H #define TOKENSTYLEELEMENT_H #include "kformuladefs.h" #include "sequenceelement.h" KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** * This class handles mathematical style attributes common to token elements, * as explained in MathML Spec, Section 3.2.2. * * It is in charge of reading and saving elements' attributes and setting * rendering information according to these attributes. */ class TokenStyleElement : public SequenceElement { typedef SequenceElement inherited; public: TokenStyleElement( BasicElement* tqparent = 0 ); virtual void calcSizes( const ContextStyle& context, ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle, ContextStyle::IndexStyle istyle, StyleAttributes& style ); virtual void draw( TQPainter& painter, const LuPixelRect& r, const ContextStyle& context, ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle, ContextStyle::IndexStyle istyle, StyleAttributes& style, const LuPixelPoint& parentOrigin ); protected: virtual bool readAttributesFromMathMLDom( const TQDomElement &element ); virtual void writeMathMLAttributes( TQDomElement& element ) const ; void setAbsoluteSize( double s, bool fontsize = false ); void setRelativeSize( double s, bool fontsize = false ); void setPixelSize( double s, bool fontsize = false ); void setCharStyle( CharStyle cs ) { m_charStyle = cs; m_customMathVariant = true; } CharStyle charStyle() const { return m_charStyle; } void setCharFamily( CharFamily cf ) { m_charFamily = cf; m_customMathVariant = true; } CharFamily charFamily() const { return m_charFamily; } void setMathColor( const TQColor& c ) { m_mathColor = c; m_customMathColor = true; } TQColor mathColor() const { return m_mathColor; } void setMathBackground( const TQColor& bg ) { m_mathBackground = bg; m_customMathBackground = true; } TQColor mathBackground() const { return m_mathBackground; } void setFontWeight( bool w ) { m_fontWeight = w; m_customFontWeight = true; } bool fontWeight() const { return m_fontWeight; } void setFontStyle( bool s ) { m_fontStyle = s; m_customFontStyle = true; } bool fontStyle() const { return m_fontStyle; } void setFontFamily( const TQString& s ) { m_fontFamily = s; m_customFontFamily = true; } TQString fontFamily() const { return m_fontFamily; } void setColor( const TQColor& c ) { m_color = c; m_customColor = true; } TQColor color() const { return m_color; } bool customMathVariant() const { return m_customMathVariant; } bool customMathColor() const { return m_customMathColor; } bool customMathBackground() const { return m_customMathBackground; } bool customFontWeight() const { return m_customFontWeight; } bool customFontStyle() const { return m_customFontStyle; } bool customFontFamily() const { return m_customFontFamily; } bool customColor() const { return m_customColor; } virtual void setStyleSize( const ContextStyle& context, StyleAttributes& style ); /** * Set the mathvariant related info in style stacks, including info for * deprecated attributes. It may be redefined by token elements whose * behaviour differs from default one (e.g. identifiers) */ virtual void setStyleVariant( StyleAttributes& style ); void setStyleColor( StyleAttributes& style ); virtual void setStyleBackground( StyleAttributes& style ); virtual void resetStyle( StyleAttributes& style ); /** * Return RGB string from HTML Colors. See HTML Spec, section 6.5 */ TQString getHtmlColor( const TQString& colorStr ); private: double sizeFactor( const ContextStyle& context, double factor ); // MathML 2.0 attributes SizeType m_mathSizeType; double m_mathSize; CharStyle m_charStyle; CharFamily m_charFamily; TQColor m_mathColor; TQColor m_mathBackground; // Deprecated MathML 1.01 attributes SizeType m_fontSizeType; double m_fontSize; TQString m_fontFamily; TQColor m_color; bool m_fontWeight; bool m_fontStyle; // MathML 2.0 attributes set ? bool m_customMathVariant; bool m_customMathColor; bool m_customMathBackground; // Deprecated MathML 1.01 attributes set ? bool m_customFontWeight; bool m_customFontStyle; bool m_customFontFamily; bool m_customColor; }; KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_END #endif // TOKENSTYLEELEMENT_H