/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __koView_h__
#define __koView_h__

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>

#include <tdeparts/part.h>

#include <KoChild.h>
#include <koffice_export.h>

class TDEAction;
class TDEActionCollection;
class TQCustomEvent;
class KoDocument;
class KoMainWindow;
class TDEMainWindow;
class KoViewPrivate;
class KoViewChild;
class KoFrame;
class KStatusBar;
class TDEInstance;
class KPrinter;
class KoDocumentChild;
class DCOPObject;

namespace KParts
  class PartManager;
  class PartActivateEvent;
  class PartSelectEvent;

 * This class is used to display a @ref KoDocument.
 * Multiple views can be attached to one document at a time.
class KOFFICECORE_EXPORT KoView : public TQWidget, public KParts::PartBase
   * Creates a new view for the document. Usually you don't create views yourself
   * since the KOffice components come with their own view classes which inherit
   * KoView.
   * The standard way to retrieve a KoView is to call @ref KoDocument::createView.
   * @param document is the document which should be displayed in this view. This pointer
   *                 must not be zero.
   * @param parent   parent widget for this view.
   * @param name     Name of the view. The name is used in DCOP, so the name should
   *                 match the pattern [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*.
  KoView( KoDocument *document, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
   * Destroys the view and unregisters at the document.
  virtual ~KoView();

   *  Retrieves the document object of this view.
  KoDocument *koDocument() const;

   * Tells this view that its document has got deleted (called internally)
  void setDocumentDeleted();
   * @return true if the document has already got deleted.
   * This can be useful for the view destructor to know if it can
   * access the document or not.
  bool documentDeleted() const;

  virtual void setPartManager( KParts::PartManager *manager );
  virtual KParts::PartManager *partManager() const;

   * Returns the action described action object. In fact only the "name" attribute
   * of @p element is of interest here. The method searches in the
   * TDEActionCollection of this view.
   * Please notice that KoView indirectly inherits KXMLGUIClient.
   * @see KXMLGUIClient
   * @see KXMLGUIClient::actionCollection
   * @see KoDocument::action
  virtual TDEAction *action( const TQDomElement &element ) const;

   *  Retrieves the document that is hit. This can be an embedded document.
   *  The default implementation asks @ref KoDocument::hitTest. This
   *  will iterate over all child documents to detect a hit.
   *  If your koffice component has multiple pages, like for example KSpread, then the hittest
   *  may not succeed for a child that is not on the visible page. In those
   *  cases you need to reimplement this method.
  virtual KoDocument *hitTest( const TQPoint &pos );

   * Retrieves the left border width that is displayed around the content if
   * the view is active.
   * In a spread sheet this border is for example used to display the
   * rows, while a top border is used to display the names of the cells
   * and a right and bottom border is used to display scrollbars. If the view
   * becomes inactive, then this stuff is not displayed anymore.
   * @ref KoFrame uses this border information. If an embedded document becomes active
   * then it is resized so that it has enough space to display the borders and to
   * display the same content as before the activation.
   * So if for example all of your borders are 20 pixels, then activating the embedded
   * document causes the KoView to move 20 pixels up/left and the size and width increases
   * by 20+20 pixels each.
   * The default border is 0.
  virtual int leftBorder() const;
   * @see #leftBorder
  virtual int rightBorder() const;
   * @see #leftBorder
  virtual int topBorder() const;
   * @see #leftBorder
  virtual int bottomBorder() const;

   * Scales the view on the content. This does not affect the contents
   * data structures. You can use this mechanism to implement a zoom
   * for example.
   * The method calls TQWidget::update so that the scaled content
   * is automatically displayed.
   * The default scaling is 1.0 in both orientations.
  virtual void setZoom( double zoom );
   * @return the current scaling factor (zoom level)
   * @see #setZoom
  virtual double zoom() const;

   * Overload this function if the content will be displayed
   * on some child widget instead of the view directly.
   * By default this function returns a pointer to the view.
  virtual TQWidget *canvas() const;

   * Overload this function if the content will be displayed
   * with an offset relative to the upper left corner
   * of the canvas widget.
   * By default this function returns 0.
  virtual int canvasXOffset() const;

   * Overload this function if the content will be displayed
   * with an offset relative to the upper left corner
   * of the canvas widget.
   * By default this function returns 0.
  virtual int canvasYOffset() const;

   * Overload this function if you need to perform some actions
   * after KoView (the part widget) is inserted into canvas.
   * You should call for example addChild(TQWidget*) method
   * of TQScrollView here, if canvas is a viewport of TQScrollView.
   * By default this function does nothing.
  virtual void canvasAddChild( KoViewChild *child );

   * @return the selected child. The function returns 0 if
   *         no direct child is currently selected.
   virtual KoDocumentChild *selectedChild();

   * @return the active child. The function returns 0 if
   *         no direct child is currently active.
  virtual KoDocumentChild *activeChild();

   * Sets up so that autoScroll signals are emitted when the mouse pointer is outside the view
  void enableAutoScroll();

   * Stops the emitting of autoScroll signals
  void disableAutoScroll();

   * calls KoDocument::paintEverything()
  virtual void paintEverything( TQPainter &painter, const TQRect &rect, bool transparent = false );

   * @return TRUE if the document @p doc is represented in this view by
   *         some KoViewChild.
   * This is just a convenience function for @ref #child.
  bool hasDocumentInWindow( KoDocument *doc );

   * Returns the matrix which is used by the view to transform the content.
   * Currently only scaling is supported.
   * The matrix changes when calling @ref #setZoom.
   * @deprecated, use applyViewTransformations / reverseViewTransformations instead.
  virtual TQWMatrix matrix() const KDE_DEPRECATED;

   * Apply the transformations that the view makes to its contents.
   * This is used for embedded objects.
   * By default this simply applies the zoom().
   * Reimplement to add some translation if needed (e.g. to center the page)
  virtual TQPoint applyViewTransformations( const TQPoint& ) const;

   * Reverse the transformations that the view makes to its contents,
   * i.e. undo the transformations done by applyViewTransformations().
   * This is used for embedded objects.
   * By default this simply unzooms the point.
   * Reimplement to add some translation if needed (e.g. to center the page)
  virtual TQPoint reverseViewTransformations( const TQPoint& ) const;

   * Overload for TQRect, usually it's not needed to reimplement this one.
  virtual TQRect applyViewTransformations( const TQRect& ) const;

   * Overload for TQRect, usually it's not needed to reimplement this one.
  virtual TQRect reverseViewTransformations( const TQRect& ) const;

   * @return the KoViewChild which is responsible for the @p view or 0.
   * This method does no recursion.
  KoViewChild *child( KoView *view );
   * A convenience function which returns the KoViewChild which in turn holds the
   * @ref KoView that in turn holds the @p document.
  KoViewChild *child( KoDocument *document );

   * Return a DCOP interface for this view
   * KOffice Applications are strongly recommended to reimplement this method,
   * so that their dcop interface provides more functionality than the basic KoViewIface
  virtual DCOPObject * dcopObject();

   * Overload this method to setup KPrinter before the actual printing.
   * @see #print
  virtual void setupPrinter( KPrinter &printer );

  // BCI: make it return a bool, so that aborting doesn't still fire up the print preview afterwards
   * Overload this method with your own printing code.
  virtual void print( KPrinter &printer );

   * @return the KoMainWindow in which this view is currently.
   * WARNING: this could be 0L, if the main window isn't a koffice main window.
   * (e.g. it can be any KParts application).
  KoMainWindow * shell() const;

   * @return the TDEMainWindow in which this view is currently.
   * This one should never return 0L, in a KDE app.
  TDEMainWindow* mainWindow() const;

   * @return the statusbar of the KoMainWindow in which this view is currently.
   * WARNING: this could be 0L, if the main window isn't a koffice main window.
   * (e.g. it can be any KParts application).
  KStatusBar * statusBar() const;

   * This adds a widget to the statusbar for this view.
   * If you use this method instead of using statusBar() directly,
   * KoView will take care of removing the items when the view GUI is deactivated
   * and readding them when it is reactivated.
   * The parameters are the same as TQStatusBar::addWidget().
   * Note that you can't use KStatusBar methods (inserting text items by id).
   * But you can create a KStatusBarLabel with a dummy id instead, and use
   * it directly, to get the same look and feel.
  void addStatusBarItem( TQWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, bool permanent = false );

   * Remove a widget from the statusbar for this view.
  void removeStatusBarItem( TQWidget * widget );

   * Show or hide all statusbar items. Used by KoMainWindow during saving.
  void showAllStatusBarItems( bool show );

   * You have to implement this method and disable/enable certain functionality (actions for example) in
   * your view to allow/disallow editing of the document.
  virtual void updateReadWrite( bool readwrite ) = 0;

    * Check to see if the view is currently in the middle of an operation which means
    * that there will be no screen refreshes until a signal from the document hits
    * the @ref #endOperation slot
  bool isInOperation() const;

public slots:
     * Slot to create a new view around the contained @ref #koDocument.
    virtual void newView();

     * Slot to allow code to signal the beginning of an operation where the screen should
     * not update until it is done.
     * @see #endOperation
    virtual void beginOperation();

     * Slot to allow code to signal the end of an operation where the screen should
     * not have been updating. So now it will update.
     * @see #beginOperation
    virtual void endOperation();

     * Display a message in the status bar (calls TQStatusBar::message())
     * @todo rename to something more generic
    void slotActionStatusText( const TQString &text );

     * End of the message in the status bar (calls TQStatusBar::clear())
     * @todo rename to something more generic
    void slotClearStatusText();

   * This method handles three events: KParts::PartActivateEvent, KParts::PartSelectEvent
   * and KParts::GUIActivateEvent.
   * The respective handlers are called if such an event is found.
  virtual void customEvent( TQCustomEvent *ev );

   * Handles the event KParts::PartActivateEvent.
  virtual void partActivateEvent( KParts::PartActivateEvent *event );
   * Handles the event KParts::PartSelectEvent.
  virtual void partSelectEvent( KParts::PartSelectEvent *event );
   * Handles the event KParts::GUIActivateEvent.
  virtual void guiActivateEvent( KParts::GUIActivateEvent * );

  void activated( bool active );
  void selected( bool select );

  void autoScroll(const TQPoint &scrollDistance);

  void childSelected( KoDocumentChild *child );
  void childUnselected( KoDocumentChild *child );

  void childActivated( KoDocumentChild *child );
  void childDeactivated( KoDocumentChild *child );

  void regionInvalidated( const TQRegion &region, bool erase );

  void invalidated();

// KDE invents public signals :)
#undef signals
#define signals public

    * Make it possible for plugins to request
    * the embedding of an image into the current
    * document. Used e.g. by the scan-plugin
  void embeddImage(const TQString &filename);

#undef signals
#define signals protected

protected slots:
  virtual void slotChildActivated( bool a );
  virtual void slotChildChanged( KoDocumentChild *child );
  virtual void slotAutoScroll( );

  TDEAction *actionNewView;
  virtual void setupGlobalActions( void );
  KoViewPrivate *d;
  int autoScrollAcceleration( int offset ) const;

 * This class represents an active embedded document.
class KoViewChild : public KoChild
  KoViewChild( KoDocumentChild *child, KoView *_parentView );
  virtual ~KoViewChild();

  KoDocumentChild *documentChild() const { return m_child; }
  KoView *parentView() const { return m_parentView; }
  KoFrame *frame() const { return m_frame; }

  void setInitialFrameGeometry();

public slots:

  // Call this when the view transformations change
  void reposition() { slotDocGeometryChanged(); }

private slots:
  void slotFrameGeometryChanged();
  void slotDocGeometryChanged();

  TQGuardedPtr<KoDocumentChild> m_child;
  TQGuardedPtr<KoFrame> m_frame;
  TQGuardedPtr<KoView> m_parentView;
  class KoViewChildPrivate;
  KoViewChildPrivate *d;
