/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <reggie@kde.org> 2000, 2001 Werner Trobin <trobin@kde.org> 2002, 2003 Thomas Nagy <tnagy@eleve.emn.fr> 2004 David Faure <faure@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Description: Template Choose Dialog /******************************************************************/ #include "KoTemplateChooseDia.h" #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeversion.h> #include <tdefiledialog.h> #include <kinstance.h> #include <KoFilterManager.h> #include <KoTemplates.h> #include <KoDocument.h> #include <tdemainwindow.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <kjanuswidget.h> #include <tdeglobalsettings.h> #include <ktextedit.h> #include <tdefileiconview.h> #include <tdefileitem.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <tdeaboutdata.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqtabwidget.h> #include <tqcombobox.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqpoint.h> #include <tqobjectlist.h> #include <tqvgroupbox.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> class MyFileDialog : public KFileDialog { public : MyFileDialog( const TQString& startDir=0, const TQString& filter =0, TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=0) : KFileDialog (startDir, filter, parent, name, modal), m_slotOkCalled( false ) {} KURL currentURL() { setResult( TQDialog::Accepted ); // selectedURL tests for it return KFileDialog::selectedURL(); } // Return true if the current URL exists, show msg box if not bool checkURL() { bool ok = true; KURL url = currentURL(); if ( url.isLocalFile() ) { ok = TQFile::exists( url.path() ); if ( !ok ) { // Maybe offer to create a new document with that name? (see alos KoDocument::openFile) KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "The file %1 does not exist." ).arg( url.path() ) ); } } return ok; } // Called directly by pressing Return in the location combo // (so we need to remember that it got called, to avoid calling it twice) // Called "by hand" when clicking on our OK button void slotOk() { m_slotOkCalled = true; KFileDialog::slotOk(); } bool slotOkCalled() const { return m_slotOkCalled; } protected: // Typing a file that doesn't exist closes the file dialog, we have to // handle this case better here. virtual void accept() { if ( checkURL() ) KFileDialog::accept(); } virtual void reject() { KFileDialog::reject(); emit cancelClicked(); } private: bool m_slotOkCalled; }; /*================================================================*/ /*================================================================*/ class KoTemplateChooseDiaPrivate { public: KoTemplateChooseDiaPrivate(const TQCString& templateType, TDEInstance* instance, const TQCString &format, const TQString &nativeName, const TQStringList& extraNativeMimeTypes, const KoTemplateChooseDia::DialogType &dialogType) : m_templateType(templateType), m_instance(instance), m_format(format), m_nativeName(nativeName), m_extraNativeMimeTypes( extraNativeMimeTypes ), m_dialogType(dialogType), tree(0), m_nostartupdlg( false ), m_mainwidget(0), m_nodiag( 0 ) { m_returnType = KoTemplateChooseDia::Empty; } ~KoTemplateChooseDiaPrivate() {} TQCString m_templateType; TDEInstance* m_instance; TQCString m_format; TQString m_nativeName; TQStringList m_extraNativeMimeTypes; KoTemplateChooseDia::DialogType m_dialogType; KoTemplateTree *tree; TQString m_templateName; TQString m_fullTemplateName; KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType m_returnType; bool m_nostartupdlg; // the main widget TQWidget *m_mainwidget; // do not show this dialog at startup TQCheckBox *m_nodiag; // choose a template KJanusWidget * m_jwidget; KFileIconView *m_recent; TQVGroupBox * boxdescription; KTextEdit * textedit; // choose a file MyFileDialog *m_filedialog; // for the layout TQTabWidget* tabWidget; TQWidget* newTab; TQWidget* existingTab; TQWidget* recentTab; }; /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KoTemplateChooseDia */ /******************************************************************/ /*================================================================*/ KoTemplateChooseDia::KoTemplateChooseDia(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, TDEInstance* instance, const TQCString &format, const TQString &nativeName, const TQStringList &extraNativeMimeTypes, const DialogType &dialogType, const TQCString& templateType) : KDialogBase(parent, name, true, i18n("Open Document"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok) { d = new KoTemplateChooseDiaPrivate( templateType, instance, format, nativeName, extraNativeMimeTypes, dialogType); TQPushButton* ok = actionButton( KDialogBase::Ok ); TQPushButton* cancel = actionButton( KDialogBase::Cancel ); cancel->setAutoDefault(false); ok->setDefault(true); //enableButtonOK(false); if (!templateType.isNull() && !templateType.isEmpty() && dialogType!=NoTemplates) d->tree = new KoTemplateTree(templateType, instance, true); d->m_mainwidget = makeMainWidget(); d->m_templateName = ""; d->m_fullTemplateName = ""; d->m_returnType = Cancel; setupDialog(); } KoTemplateChooseDia::~KoTemplateChooseDia() { delete d->tree; delete d; d=0L; } // Keep in sync with KoMainWindow::chooseNewDocument static bool cancelQuits() { bool onlyDoc = !KoDocument::documentList() || KoDocument::documentList()->count() <= 1; bool onlyMainWindow = !TDEMainWindow::memberList || TDEMainWindow::memberList->count() <= 1; return onlyDoc && onlyMainWindow && kapp->instanceName() != "koshell"; // hack for koshell } KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType KoTemplateChooseDia::choose(TDEInstance* instance, TQString &file, const KoTemplateChooseDia::DialogType &dialogType, const TQCString& templateType, TQWidget* parent) { const TQString nativeName = instance->aboutData()->programName(); const TQCString format = KoDocument::readNativeFormatMimeType( instance ); const TQStringList extraNativeMimeTypes = KoDocument::readExtraNativeMimeTypes( instance ); // Maybe the above two can be combined into one call, for speed: //KoDocument::getNativeMimeTypeInfo( instance, nativeName, extraNativeMimeTypes ); return choose( instance, file, format, nativeName, extraNativeMimeTypes, dialogType, templateType, parent ); } KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType KoTemplateChooseDia::choose(TDEInstance* instance, TQString &file, const TQCString &format, const TQString &nativeName, const TQStringList& extraNativeMimeTypes, const DialogType &dialogType, const TQCString& templateType, TQWidget* parent ) { KoTemplateChooseDia *dlg = new KoTemplateChooseDia( parent, "Choose", instance, format, nativeName, extraNativeMimeTypes, dialogType, templateType ); KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType rt = Cancel; if (dlg->noStartupDlg()) { // start with the default template file = dlg->getFullTemplate(); rt = dlg->getReturnType(); } else { dlg->resize( 700, 480 ); if ( dlg->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { file = dlg->getFullTemplate(); rt = dlg->getReturnType(); } } delete dlg; return rt; } bool KoTemplateChooseDia::noStartupDlg() const { return d->m_nostartupdlg; } TQString KoTemplateChooseDia::getTemplate() const{ return d->m_templateName; } TQString KoTemplateChooseDia::getFullTemplate() const{ return d->m_fullTemplateName; } KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType KoTemplateChooseDia::getReturnType() const { return d->m_returnType; } KoTemplateChooseDia::DialogType KoTemplateChooseDia::getDialogType() const { return d->m_dialogType; } /*================================================================*/ // private void KoTemplateChooseDia::setupRecentDialog(TQWidget * widgetbase, TQGridLayout * layout) { d->m_recent = new KoTCDRecentFilesIconView(widgetbase, "recent files"); // I prefer the icons to be in "most recent first" order (DF) d->m_recent->setSorting( static_cast<TQDir::SortSpec>( TQDir::Time | TQDir::Reversed ) ); layout->addWidget(d->m_recent,0,0); TQString oldGroup = d->m_instance->config()->group(); d->m_instance->config()->setGroup( "RecentFiles" ); int i = 0; TQString value; do { TQString key=TQString( "File%1" ).arg( i ); value=d->m_instance->config()->readPathEntry( key ); if ( !value.isEmpty() ) { // Support for tdelibs-3.5's new RecentFiles format: name[url] TQString s = value; if ( s.endsWith("]") ) { int pos = s.find("["); s = s.mid( pos + 1, s.length() - pos - 2); } KURL url(s); if(!url.isLocalFile() || TQFile::exists(url.path())) { KFileItem *item = new KFileItem( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, url ); d->m_recent->insertItem(item); } } i++; } while ( !value.isEmpty() || i<=10 ); d->m_instance->config()->setGroup( oldGroup ); d->m_recent->showPreviews(); connect(d->m_recent, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked ( TQIconViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( recentSelected( TQIconViewItem * ) ) ); } /*================================================================*/ // private void KoTemplateChooseDia::setupFileDialog(TQWidget * widgetbase, TQGridLayout * layout) { TQString dir = TQString(); TQPoint point( 0, 0 ); d->m_filedialog=new MyFileDialog(dir, TQString(), widgetbase, "file dialog", false); layout->addWidget(d->m_filedialog,0,0); d->m_filedialog->reparent( widgetbase , point ); //d->m_filedialog->setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Opening); TQObjectList *l = d->m_filedialog->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); TQObjectListIt childit( *l ); TQObject *obj; while ( (obj = childit.current()) != 0 ) { ++childit; ((TQPushButton*)obj)->hide(); } delete l; d->m_filedialog->setSizeGripEnabled ( FALSE ); TQStringList mimeFilter = KoFilterManager::mimeFilter( d->m_format, KoFilterManager::Import ); TQStringList::Iterator mimeFilterIt = mimeFilter.at( 1 ); for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = d->m_extraNativeMimeTypes.begin(); it != d->m_extraNativeMimeTypes.end(); ++it ) { mimeFilterIt = mimeFilter.insert( mimeFilterIt, *it ); ++mimeFilterIt; } d->m_filedialog->setMimeFilter( mimeFilter ); connect(d->m_filedialog, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotOk() )); connect(d->m_filedialog, TQT_SIGNAL( cancelClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotCancel() )); } /*================================================================*/ // private void KoTemplateChooseDia::setupTemplateDialog(TQWidget * widgetbase, TQGridLayout * layout) { d->m_jwidget = new KJanusWidget( widgetbase, "kjanuswidget", KJanusWidget::IconList); layout->addWidget(d->m_jwidget,0,0); d->boxdescription = new TQVGroupBox( i18n("Selected Template"), widgetbase, "boxdescription"); layout->addWidget(d->boxdescription, 1, 0 ); // config TDEConfigGroup grp( d->m_instance->config(), "TemplateChooserDialog" ); int templateNum = grp.readNumEntry( "TemplateTab", -1 ); TQString templateName = grp.readPathEntry( "TemplateName" ); if ( templateName.isEmpty() && d->tree->defaultTemplate() ) templateName = d->tree->defaultTemplate()->name(); //select the default template for the app // item which will be selected initially TQIconViewItem * itemtoselect = 0; // count the templates inserted int entriesnumber = 0; int defaultTemplateGroup = -1; for ( KoTemplateGroup *group = d->tree->first(); group!=0L; group=d->tree->next() ) { if (group->isHidden()) continue; if ( d->tree->defaultGroup() == group ) defaultTemplateGroup = entriesnumber; //select the default template group for the app TQFrame * frame = d->m_jwidget->addPage ( group->name(), group->name(), group->first()->loadPicture(d->m_instance)); TQGridLayout * layout = new TQGridLayout(frame); KoTCDIconCanvas *canvas = new KoTCDIconCanvas( frame ); layout->addWidget(canvas,0,0); canvas->setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() ); canvas->setResizeMode(TQIconView::Adjust); canvas->setWordWrapIconText( true ); canvas->show(); TQIconViewItem * tempitem = canvas->load(group, templateName, d->m_instance); if (tempitem) itemtoselect = tempitem; canvas->sort(); canvas->setSelectionMode(TQIconView::Single); connect( canvas, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked ( TQIconViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( currentChanged( TQIconViewItem * ) ) ); connect( canvas, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQIconViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( chosen(TQIconViewItem *) ) ); entriesnumber++; } d->boxdescription->setInsideMargin ( 3 ); d->boxdescription->setInsideSpacing ( 3 ); d->textedit = new KTextEdit( d->boxdescription ); d->textedit->setReadOnly(1); d->textedit->setText(descriptionText(i18n("Empty Document"), i18n("Creates an empty document"))); d->textedit->setLineWidth(0); d->textedit->setMaximumHeight(50); // Hide the widget if there is no template available. This should never happen ;-) if (!entriesnumber) d->m_jwidget->hide(); // Set the initially shown page, possibly from the last usage of the dialog if (entriesnumber >= templateNum && templateNum != -1 ) d->m_jwidget->showPage(templateNum); else if ( defaultTemplateGroup != -1) d->m_jwidget->showPage(defaultTemplateGroup); // Set the initially selected template, possibly from the last usage of the dialog currentChanged(itemtoselect); // setup the checkbox TQString translatedstring = i18n("Always start %1 with the selected template").arg(d->m_nativeName); d->m_nodiag = new TQCheckBox ( translatedstring , widgetbase); layout->addWidget(d->m_nodiag, 2, 0); TQString startwithoutdialog = grp.readEntry( "NoStartDlg" ); bool ischecked = startwithoutdialog == TQString("yes"); // When not starting up, display a tri-state button telling whether // the user actually choosed the template to start with next times (bug:77542) if (d->m_dialogType == Everything) { d->m_nodiag->setChecked( ischecked ); } else { d->m_nodiag->setTristate(); d->m_nodiag->setNoChange(); } } /*================================================================*/ // private void KoTemplateChooseDia::setupDialog() { TQGridLayout *maingrid=new TQGridLayout( d->m_mainwidget, 1, 1, 2, 6); TDEConfigGroup grp( d->m_instance->config(), "TemplateChooserDialog" ); if (d->m_dialogType == Everything) { // the user may want to start with his favorite template if (grp.readEntry( "NoStartDlg" ) == TQString("yes") ) { d->m_nostartupdlg = true; d->m_returnType = Empty; // no default template, just start with an empty document if (grp.readEntry("LastReturnType") == TQString("Empty") ) return; // start with the default template d->m_templateName = grp.readPathEntry( "TemplateName" ); d->m_fullTemplateName = grp.readPathEntry( "FullTemplateName" ); // be paranoid : invalid template means empty template if (!TQFile::exists(d->m_fullTemplateName)) return; if (d->m_fullTemplateName.length() < 2) return; d->m_returnType = Template; return; } if ( cancelQuits() ) setButtonCancel( KStdGuiItem::quit() ); d->tabWidget = new TQTabWidget( d->m_mainwidget, "tabWidget" ); maingrid->addWidget( d->tabWidget, 0, 0 ); // new document d->newTab = new TQWidget( d->tabWidget, "newTab" ); d->tabWidget->insertTab( d->newTab, i18n( "&Create Document" ) ); TQGridLayout * newTabLayout = new TQGridLayout( d->newTab, 1, 1, KDialogBase::marginHint(), KDialogBase::spacingHint()); // existing document d->existingTab = new TQWidget( d->tabWidget, "existingTab" ); d->tabWidget->insertTab( d->existingTab, i18n( "Open &Existing Document" ) ); TQGridLayout * existingTabLayout = new TQGridLayout( d->existingTab, 1, 1, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); // recent document d->recentTab = new TQWidget( d->tabWidget, "recentTab" ); d->tabWidget->insertTab( d->recentTab, i18n( "Open &Recent Document" ) ); TQGridLayout * recentTabLayout = new TQGridLayout( d->recentTab, 1, 1, KDialogBase::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); setupTemplateDialog(d->newTab, newTabLayout); setupFileDialog(d->existingTab, existingTabLayout); setupRecentDialog(d->recentTab, recentTabLayout); TQString tabhighlighted = grp.readEntry("LastReturnType"); if ( tabhighlighted == "Template" ) d->tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); // CreateDocument tab else if (tabhighlighted == "File" ) d->tabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); // RecentDocument tab else d->tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); // Default setting: CreateDocument tab } else { // open a file if (d->m_dialogType == NoTemplates) { setupFileDialog(d->m_mainwidget, maingrid); } // create a new document from a template if (d->m_dialogType == OnlyTemplates) { setCaption(i18n( "Create Document" )); setupTemplateDialog(d->m_mainwidget, maingrid); } } } /*================================================================*/ // private SLOT void KoTemplateChooseDia::currentChanged( TQIconViewItem * item) { if (item) { TQIconView* canvas = item->iconView(); // set text in the textarea d->textedit->setText( descriptionText( item->text(), ((KoTCDIconViewItem *) item)->getDescr() )); // set the icon in the canvas selected if (canvas) canvas->setSelected(item,1,0); // register the current template d->m_templateName = item->text(); d->m_fullTemplateName = ((KoTCDIconViewItem *) item)->getFName(); } } /*================================================================*/ // private SLOT void KoTemplateChooseDia::chosen(TQIconViewItem * item) { // the user double clicked on a template if (item) { currentChanged(item); slotOk(); } } /* */ // private SLOT void KoTemplateChooseDia::recentSelected( TQIconViewItem * item) { if (item) { slotOk(); } } /*================================================================*/ // protected SLOT void KoTemplateChooseDia::slotOk() { // Collect info from the dialog into d->m_returnType and d->m_templateName etc. if (collectInfo()) { // Save it for the next time TDEConfigGroup grp( d->m_instance->config(), "TemplateChooserDialog" ); static const char* const s_returnTypes[] = { 0 /*Cancel ;)*/, "Template", "File", "Empty" }; if ( d->m_returnType <= Empty ) { grp.writeEntry( "LastReturnType", TQString::fromLatin1(s_returnTypes[d->m_returnType]) ); if (d->m_returnType == Template) { grp.writeEntry( "TemplateTab", d->m_jwidget->activePageIndex() ); grp.writePathEntry( "TemplateName", d->m_templateName ); grp.writePathEntry( "FullTemplateName", d->m_fullTemplateName); } if (d->m_nodiag) { // The checkbox m_nodiag is in tri-state mode for new documents // fixes bug:77542 if (d->m_nodiag->state() == TQButton::On) { grp.writeEntry( "NoStartDlg", "yes"); } else if (d->m_nodiag->state() == TQButton::Off) { grp.writeEntry( "NoStartDlg", "no"); } } } else { kdWarning(30003) << "Unsupported template chooser result: " << d->m_returnType << endl; grp.writeEntry( "LastReturnType", TQString() ); } KDialogBase::slotOk(); } } /*================================================================*/ // private bool KoTemplateChooseDia::collectInfo() { // to determine what tab is selected in "Everything" mode bool newTabSelected = false; if ( d->m_dialogType == Everything) if ( d->tabWidget->currentPage() == d->newTab ) newTabSelected = true; // is it a template or a file ? if ( d->m_dialogType==OnlyTemplates || newTabSelected ) { // a template is chosen if (d->m_templateName.length() > 0) d->m_returnType = Template; else d->m_returnType=Empty; return true; } else if ( d->m_dialogType != OnlyTemplates ) { // a file is chosen if (d->m_dialogType == Everything && d->tabWidget->currentPage() == d->recentTab) { // Recent file KFileItem * item = d->m_recent->currentFileItem(); if (! item) return false; KURL url = item->url(); if(url.isLocalFile() && !TQFile::exists(url.path())) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "The file %1 does not exist." ).arg( url.path() ) ); return false; } d->m_fullTemplateName = url.url(); d->m_returnType = File; } else { // Existing file from file dialog if ( !d->m_filedialog->slotOkCalled() ) d->m_filedialog->slotOk(); KURL url = d->m_filedialog->currentURL(); d->m_fullTemplateName = url.url(); d->m_returnType = File; return d->m_filedialog->checkURL(); } return true; } d->m_returnType=Empty; return false; } /*================================================================*/ //private TQString KoTemplateChooseDia::descriptionText(const TQString &name, const TQString &description) { TQString descrText(i18n("Name:")); descrText += " " + name; descrText += "\n"; descrText += i18n("Description:"); if (description.isEmpty()) descrText += " " + i18n("No description available"); else descrText += " " + description; return descrText; } /*================================================================*/ TQIconViewItem * KoTCDIconCanvas::load( KoTemplateGroup *group, const TQString& name, TDEInstance* instance ) { TQIconViewItem * itemtoreturn = 0; for (KoTemplate *t=group->first(); t!=0L; t=group->next()) { if (t->isHidden()) continue; TQIconViewItem *item = new KoTCDIconViewItem( this, t->name(), t->loadPicture(instance), t->description(), t->file()); if (name == t->name()) { itemtoreturn = item; } item->setKey(t->name()); item->setDragEnabled(false); item->setDropEnabled(false); } return itemtoreturn; } /*================================================================*/ KoTCDRecentFilesIconView::~KoTCDRecentFilesIconView() { removeToolTip(); } void KoTCDRecentFilesIconView::showToolTip( TQIconViewItem* item ) { removeToolTip(); if ( !item ) return; // Mostly duplicated from KFileIconView, because it only shows tooltips // for truncated icon texts, and we want tooltips on all icons, // with the full path... // KFileIconView would need a virtual method for deciding if a tooltip should be shown, // and another one for deciding what's the text of the tooltip... const KFileItem *fi = ( (KFileIconViewItem*)item )->fileInfo(); TQString toolTipText = fi->url().prettyURL( 0, KURL::StripFileProtocol ); toolTip = new TQLabel( TQString::fromLatin1(" %1 ").arg(toolTipText), 0, "myToolTip", WStyle_StaysOnTop | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Tool | WX11BypassWM ); toolTip->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Plain | TQFrame::Box ); toolTip->setLineWidth( 1 ); toolTip->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignTop ); toolTip->move( TQCursor::pos() + TQPoint( 14, 14 ) ); toolTip->adjustSize(); TQRect screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(TQCursor::pos())); if (toolTip->x()+toolTip->width() > screen.right()) { toolTip->move(toolTip->x()+screen.right()-toolTip->x()-toolTip->width(), toolTip->y()); } if (toolTip->y()+toolTip->height() > screen.bottom()) { toolTip->move(toolTip->x(), screen.bottom()-toolTip->y()-toolTip->height()+toolTip->y()); } toolTip->setFont( TQToolTip::font() ); toolTip->setPalette( TQToolTip::palette(), TRUE ); toolTip->show(); } void KoTCDRecentFilesIconView::removeToolTip() { delete toolTip; toolTip = 0; } void KoTCDRecentFilesIconView::hideEvent( TQHideEvent *ev ) { removeToolTip(); KFileIconView::hideEvent( ev ); } #include "KoTemplateChooseDia.moc"