/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Thomas Zander <zander@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoBorder.h" #include <tqdom.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "KoZoomHandler.h" #include "KoTextFormat.h" #include "KoRichText.h" // for KoTextFormat #include "KoTextParag.h" #include <float.h> static const struct BorderStyle { Qt::PenStyle penStyle; TQCString oasisName; TQCString uiStringStyle; } s_borderStyles[] = { { Qt::SolidLine, "solid", "_________" }, // SOLID { Qt::DashLine, "dashed", "___ ___ __" }, // DASH { Qt::DotLine, "dotted", "_ _ _ _ _ _" }, // DOT { Qt::DashDotLine, "dot-dash", "___ _ ___ _" }, // DASH_DOT { Qt::DashDotDotLine, "dot-dot-dash", "___ _ _ ___" }, // DASH_DOT_DOT { Qt::SolidLine, "double", "===========" } // DOUBLE_LINE }; KoBorder::KoBorder() : color(), m_style( SOLID ) { setPenWidth( 1 ); } KoBorder::KoBorder( const TQColor & c, BorderStyle s, double width ) : color( c ), m_style( s ) { setPenWidth( width ); } bool KoBorder::operator==( const KoBorder _brd ) const { return ( m_style == _brd.m_style && color == _brd.color && ptPenWidth == _brd.ptPenWidth ); } bool KoBorder::operator!=( const KoBorder _brd ) const { return ( m_style != _brd.m_style || color != _brd.color || ptPenWidth != _brd.ptPenWidth ); } void KoBorder::setStyle(BorderStyle _style) { m_style = _style; setPenWidth( ptPenWidth ); } void KoBorder::setPenWidth(double _w) { ptPenWidth = _w; if ( m_style == KoBorder::DOUBLE_LINE && _w > 0 ) ptWidth = 2 * ptPenWidth + 1; else ptWidth = _w; } TQPen KoBorder::borderPen( const KoBorder & _brd, int width, TQColor defaultColor ) { TQPen pen( _brd.color, width ); if ( !_brd.color.isValid() ) pen.setColor( defaultColor ); pen.setStyle( s_borderStyles[ _brd.m_style ].penStyle ); return pen; } // KOffice-1.3 file format (deprecated) KoBorder KoBorder::loadBorder( const TQDomElement & elem ) { KoBorder bd; if ( elem.hasAttribute("red") ) { int r = elem.attribute("red").toInt(); int g = elem.attribute("green").toInt(); int b = elem.attribute("blue").toInt(); bd.color.setRgb( r, g, b ); } bd.m_style = static_cast<BorderStyle>( elem.attribute("style").toInt() ); bd.setPenWidth( elem.attribute("width").toDouble() ); return bd; } void KoBorder::loadFoBorder( const TQString& border ) { //string like "0.088cm solid #800000" if (border.isEmpty() || border=="none" || border=="hidden") { // in fact no border setPenWidth( 0 ); return; } // ## isn't it faster to use TQStringList::split than parse it 3 times? TQString _width = border.section(' ', 0, 0); TQCString _style = border.section(' ', 1, 1).latin1(); TQString _color = border.section(' ', 2, 2); //TODO: let the user choose a more precise border width (in the current unit) double const penWidth = KoUnit::parseValue( _width, 1.0 ); //kdDebug() << "penWidth:" << penWidth << endl; if ( penWidth < 1.5 ) setPenWidth( 1.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 2.5 ) setPenWidth( 2.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 3.5 ) setPenWidth( 3.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 4.5 ) setPenWidth( 4.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 5.5 ) setPenWidth( 5.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 6.5 ) setPenWidth( 6.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 7.5 ) setPenWidth( 7.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 8.5 ) setPenWidth( 8.0 ); else if ( penWidth < 9.5 ) setPenWidth( 9.0 ); else setPenWidth( 10.0 ); m_style = SOLID; for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof( s_borderStyles ) / sizeof *s_borderStyles; ++i ) { if ( _style == s_borderStyles[i].oasisName ) m_style = static_cast<BorderStyle>( i ); } if ( _color.isEmpty() ) color = TQColor(); else color.setNamedColor( _color ); } TQString KoBorder::saveFoBorder() const { if ( TQABS( ptPenWidth ) < 1E-10 ) // i.e. ptPenWidth == 0 return "none"; //string like "2pt solid #800000" TQString str = TQString::number( ptPenWidth, 'g', DBL_DIG ); str += "pt "; str += s_borderStyles[ m_style ].oasisName; if ( color.isValid() ) { str += ' '; str += color.name(); } return str; } // KOffice-1.3 file format (deprecated) void KoBorder::save( TQDomElement & elem ) const { if (color.isValid()) { elem.setAttribute("red", color.red()); elem.setAttribute("green", color.green()); elem.setAttribute("blue", color.blue()); } elem.setAttribute("style", static_cast<int>( m_style )); elem.setAttribute("width", ptPenWidth); } KoBorder::BorderStyle KoBorder::getStyle( const TQString &style ) { for ( uint i = 0; i < sizeof( s_borderStyles ) / sizeof *s_borderStyles; ++i ) { if ( style == s_borderStyles[i].uiStringStyle.data() ) return static_cast<BorderStyle>( i ); } // default return KoBorder::SOLID; } TQString KoBorder::getStyle( const BorderStyle &style ) { return s_borderStyles[style].uiStringStyle; } int KoBorder::zoomWidthX( double ptWidth, KoZoomHandler * zoomHandler, int minborder ) { // If a border was set, then zoom it and apply a minimum of 1, so that it's always visible. // If no border was set, apply minborder ( 0 for paragraphs, 1 for frames ) return ptWidth > 0 ? TQMAX( 1, zoomHandler->zoomItX( ptWidth ) /*applies tqRound*/ ) : minborder; } int KoBorder::zoomWidthY( double ptWidth, KoZoomHandler * zoomHandler, int minborder ) { // If a border was set, then zoom it and apply a minimum of 1, so that it's always visible. // If no border was set, apply minborder ( 0 for paragraphs, 1 for frames ) return ptWidth > 0 ? TQMAX( 1, zoomHandler->zoomItY( ptWidth ) /*applies tqRound*/ ) : minborder; } void KoBorder::drawBorders( TQPainter& painter, KoZoomHandler * zoomHandler, const TQRect& rect, const KoBorder& leftBorder, const KoBorder& rightBorder, const KoBorder& topBorder, const KoBorder& bottomBorder, int minborder, const TQPen& defaultPen, bool drawTopBorder /* = true */, bool drawBottomBorder /* = true */) { int topBorderWidth = zoomWidthY( topBorder.width(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int bottomBorderWidth = zoomWidthY( bottomBorder.width(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int leftBorderWidth = zoomWidthX( leftBorder.width(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int rightBorderWidth = zoomWidthX( rightBorder.width(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int topBorderPenWidth = zoomWidthY( topBorder.penWidth(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int bottomBorderPenWidth = zoomWidthY( bottomBorder.penWidth(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int leftBorderPenWidth = zoomWidthX( leftBorder.penWidth(), zoomHandler, minborder ); int rightBorderPenWidth = zoomWidthX( rightBorder.penWidth(), zoomHandler, minborder ); // Wide pen don't draw the last pixel, so add one to the bottom and right coords int lastPixelAdj = 1; //kdDebug(32500) << "KoBorder::drawBorders widths: top=" << topBorderWidth << " bottom=" << bottomBorderWidth // << " left=" << leftBorderWidth << " right=" << rightBorderWidth << endl; //kdDebug(32500) << " penWidths: top=" << topBorderPenWidth << " bottom=" << bottomBorderPenWidth // << " left=" << leftBorderPenWidth << " right=" << rightBorderPenWidth << endl; TQColor defaultColor = KoTextFormat::defaultTextColor( &painter ); if ( topBorderWidth > 0 && drawTopBorder ) { if ( topBorder.penWidth() > 0 ) painter.setPen( KoBorder::borderPen( topBorder, topBorderPenWidth, defaultColor ) ); else painter.setPen( defaultPen ); int y = rect.top() - topBorderWidth + topBorderPenWidth/2; if ( topBorder.m_style==KoBorder::DOUBLE_LINE) { painter.drawLine( rect.left()-leftBorderWidth, y, rect.right()+2*(rightBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj), y ); y += topBorderPenWidth + 1; painter.drawLine( rect.left()-leftBorderPenWidth, y, rect.right()+rightBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj, y ); } else { painter.drawLine( rect.left()-leftBorderWidth, y, rect.right()+rightBorderWidth+lastPixelAdj, y ); } } if ( bottomBorderWidth > 0 && drawBottomBorder ) { if ( bottomBorder.penWidth() > 0 ) painter.setPen( KoBorder::borderPen( bottomBorder, bottomBorderPenWidth, defaultColor ) ); else painter.setPen( defaultPen ); //kdDebug(32500) << "bottomBorderWidth=" << bottomBorderWidth << " bottomBorderWidth/2=" << (int)bottomBorderWidth/2 << endl; int y = rect.bottom() + bottomBorderPenWidth/2 + 1; //kdDebug(32500) << " -> bottom=" << rect.bottom() << " y=" << y << endl; if ( bottomBorder.m_style==KoBorder::DOUBLE_LINE) { painter.drawLine( rect.left()-leftBorderPenWidth, y, rect.right()+rightBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj, y ); y += bottomBorderPenWidth + 1; painter.drawLine( rect.left()-leftBorderWidth, y, rect.right()+2*(rightBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj), y ); } else { painter.drawLine( rect.left()-leftBorderWidth, y, rect.right()+rightBorderWidth+lastPixelAdj, y ); } } if ( leftBorderWidth > 0 ) { if ( leftBorder.penWidth() > 0 ) painter.setPen( KoBorder::borderPen( leftBorder, leftBorderPenWidth, defaultColor ) ); else painter.setPen( defaultPen ); int x = rect.left() - leftBorderWidth + leftBorderPenWidth/2; if ( leftBorder.m_style==KoBorder::DOUBLE_LINE) { painter.drawLine( x, rect.top()-topBorderWidth, x, rect.bottom()+2*(bottomBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj) ); x += leftBorderPenWidth + 1; painter.drawLine( x, rect.top()-topBorderPenWidth, x, rect.bottom()+bottomBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj ); } else { int yTop = rect.top() - topBorderWidth; int yBottom = rect.bottom() + bottomBorderWidth; /*kdDebug(32500) << " pen=" << painter.pen() << " rect=" << rect << " topBorderWidth=" << topBorderWidth << " painting from " << x << "," << yTop << " to " << x << "," << yBottom << endl;*/ painter.drawLine( x, yTop, x, yBottom+lastPixelAdj ); } } if ( rightBorderWidth > 0 ) { if ( rightBorder.penWidth() > 0 ) painter.setPen( KoBorder::borderPen( rightBorder, rightBorderPenWidth, defaultColor ) ); else painter.setPen( defaultPen ); int x = rect.right() + rightBorderPenWidth/2 + 1; if ( rightBorder.m_style==KoBorder::DOUBLE_LINE) { painter.drawLine( x, rect.top()-topBorderPenWidth, x, rect.bottom()+bottomBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj ); x += rightBorderPenWidth + 1; painter.drawLine( x, rect.top()-topBorderWidth, x, rect.bottom()+2*(bottomBorderPenWidth+lastPixelAdj) ); } else { int yTop = rect.top()-topBorderWidth; int yBottom = rect.bottom()+bottomBorderWidth+lastPixelAdj; /*kdDebug(32500) << " pen=" << painter.pen() << " rect=" << rect << " topBorderWidth=" << topBorderWidth << " painting from " << x << "," << yTop << " to " << x << "," << yBottom << endl;*/ painter.drawLine( x, yTop, x, yBottom ); } } }