/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004-2006 David Faure <faure@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoOasisContext.h" #include <KoOasisStyles.h> #include <KoOasisStore.h> #include <KoXmlNS.h> #include <KoXmlWriter.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <KoDom.h> KoOasisContext::KoOasisContext( KoDocument* doc, KoVariableCollection& varColl, KoOasisStyles& styles, KoStore* store ) : KoOasisLoadingContext( doc, styles, store ), m_varColl( varColl ), m_cursorTextParagraph( 0 ) { } static TQDomElement findListLevelStyle( const TQDomElement& fullListStyle, int level ) { for ( TQDomNode n = fullListStyle.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) { const TQDomElement listLevelItem = n.toElement(); if ( listLevelItem.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "level", TQString() ).toInt() == level ) return listLevelItem; } return TQDomElement(); } bool KoOasisContext::pushListLevelStyle( const TQString& listStyleName, int level ) { TQDomElement* fullListStyle = oasisStyles().listStyles()[listStyleName]; if ( !fullListStyle ) { kdWarning(32500) << "List style " << listStyleName << " not found!" << endl; return false; } else return pushListLevelStyle( listStyleName, *fullListStyle, level ); } bool KoOasisContext::pushOutlineListLevelStyle( int level ) { TQDomElement outlineStyle = KoDom::namedItemNS( oasisStyles().officeStyle(), KoXmlNS::text, "outline-style" ); return pushListLevelStyle( "<outline-style>", outlineStyle, level ); } bool KoOasisContext::pushListLevelStyle( const TQString& listStyleName, // for debug only const TQDomElement& fullListStyle, int level ) { // Find applicable list-level-style for level int i = level; TQDomElement listLevelStyle; while ( i > 0 && listLevelStyle.isNull() ) { listLevelStyle = findListLevelStyle( fullListStyle, i ); --i; } if ( listLevelStyle.isNull() ) { kdWarning(32500) << "List level style for level " << level << " in list style " << listStyleName << " not found!" << endl; return false; } //kdDebug(32500) << "Pushing list-level-style from list-style " << listStyleName << " level " << level << endl; m_listStyleStack.push( listLevelStyle ); return true; } void KoOasisContext::setCursorPosition( KoTextParag* cursorTextParagraph, int cursorTextIndex ) { m_cursorTextParagraph = cursorTextParagraph; m_cursorTextIndex = cursorTextIndex; } KoOasisContext::~KoOasisContext() { } //// KoSavingContext::KoSavingContext( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, KoVariableSettings* settings, bool hasColumns, SavingMode savingMode ) : m_mainStyles( mainStyles ), m_savingMode( savingMode ), m_cursorTextParagraph( 0 ), m_variableSettings( settings ), m_hasColumns( hasColumns ) { } KoSavingContext::~KoSavingContext() { } void KoSavingContext::setCursorPosition( KoTextParag* cursorTextParagraph, int cursorTextIndex ) { m_cursorTextParagraph = cursorTextParagraph; m_cursorTextIndex = cursorTextIndex; } void KoSavingContext::addFontFace( const TQString& fontName ) { m_fontFaces[fontName] = true; } void KoSavingContext::writeFontFaces( KoXmlWriter& writer ) { writer.startElement( "office:font-face-decls" ); const TQStringList fontFaces = m_fontFaces.keys(); for ( TQStringList::const_iterator ffit = fontFaces.begin(), ffend = fontFaces.end() ; ffit != ffend ; ++ffit ) { writer.startElement( "style:font-face" ); writer.addAttribute( "style:name", *ffit ); writer.addAttribute( "svg:font-family", *ffit ); // TODO style:font-family-generic // TODO style:font-pitch writer.endElement(); // style:font-face } writer.endElement(); // office:font-face-decls }