/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Shaheed Haque <srhaque@iee.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <tqstring.h> #include <koffice_export.h> class TQDomElement; class KoXmlWriter; class KoGenStyle; class KoTextParag; class KoTextFormat; class KoOasisContext; #ifndef koparagcounter_h #define koparagcounter_h /** * This is the structure associated with a paragraph (KoTextParag), * to define the bullet or numbering of the paragraph. */ class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoParagCounter { public: KoParagCounter(); /** Invalidate the internal cache. Use it whenever the number associated with this * counter may have changed. */ void invalidate(); /** Return the current value of the counter as a number. */ int number( const KoTextParag *paragraph ); /** Return the current value of the counter as a text. * This returns only the current level, e.g. "1." */ TQString levelText( const KoTextParag *paragraph ); /** Return the current value of the counter as a text. * This returns the full text, all levels included (if displayLevels>1), * e.g. "1.2.1." if displayLevels==3. */ TQString text( const KoTextParag *paragraph ); /** * Work out the width of the text required for this counter. * Unit : LU pixels */ int width( const KoTextParag *paragraph ); /** * X position of the bullet ( i.e. width of prefix ) * Unit : LU pixels */ int bulletX(); /// KOffice-1.3 loading code void load( TQDomElement & element ); /// KOffice-1.3 saving code void save( TQDomElement & element ); /** Load from OASIS XML * @param heading true if heading, false if normal list * @param level 1-based * @param loadingStyle true if loading a style, false if loading a paragraph * @param context the context * @param restartNumbering if -1 then don't restart numbering, use the style value * @param orderedList if true, make sure the parag will will be initialised as an ordered list * otherwise it may be initialised as a unordered list. */ void loadOasis( KoOasisContext& context, int restartNumbering, bool orderedList, bool heading, int level, bool loadingStyle = false ); /// Part of loadOasis that is shared with KWVariableSettings::loadOasis for footnotes/endnotes void loadOasisListStyle( const TQDomElement& listStyle, const TQDomElement& listStyleProperties, const TQDomElement& listStyleTextProperties, int restartNumbering, bool orderedList, bool heading, int level, bool loadingStyle ); /// Save as OASIS XML void saveOasis( KoGenStyle& listStyle, bool savingStyle = false ) const; /// Part of saveOasis that is shared with KoStyleCollection::saveOasisOutlineStyles /// and KWVariableSettings::saveOasis for footnotes/endnotes void saveOasisListLevel( KoXmlWriter& listLevelWriter, bool includeLevelAndProperties, bool savingStyle = false ) const; bool operator==( const KoParagCounter & c2 ) const; bool operator!=( const KoParagCounter & c2 ) const { return !(*this == c2); } enum Numbering { NUM_NONE = 2, // Unnumbered. Equivalent to there being // no counter structure associated with a // paragraph. NUM_LIST = 0, // Numbered as a list item. NUM_CHAPTER = 1, // Numbered as a heading. NUM_FOOTNOTE = 3 // Fixed text counter, set by the code. This is used by e.g. footnotes. }; enum Style // always add to the end, the numeric values are part of the DTD { STYLE_NONE = 0, STYLE_NUM = 1, STYLE_ALPHAB_L = 2, STYLE_ALPHAB_U = 3, STYLE_ROM_NUM_L = 4, STYLE_ROM_NUM_U = 5, STYLE_CUSTOMBULLET = 6, STYLE_CUSTOM = 7, STYLE_CIRCLEBULLET = 8, STYLE_SQUAREBULLET = 9, STYLE_DISCBULLET = 10, STYLE_BOXBULLET = 11 }; /** Numbering type and style. */ Numbering numbering() const; void setNumbering( Numbering n ); Style style() const; void setStyle( Style s ); /** * Should this counter start at "startNumber" (instead of * being the 'last counter of the same type + 1') */ bool restartCounter() const; void setRestartCounter( bool restart ); /** Does this counter have a bullet style? */ bool isBullet() const; /** * Helper function for finding out if a style is a bullet */ static bool isBullet( Style style ); /** The level of the numbering. * Depth of 0 means the major numbering. (1, 2, 3...) * Depth of 1 is 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc. */ unsigned int depth() const; void setDepth( unsigned int d ); /** Number of levels whose numbers are displayed at the current level. */ int displayLevels() const; void setDisplayLevels( int l ); /** Starting number. */ int startNumber() const; void setStartNumber( int s ); /** Prefix and suffix strings. */ TQString prefix() const; void setPrefix( TQString p ); TQString suffix() const; void setSuffix( TQString s ); /** The character and font for STYLE_CUSTOMBULLET. */ TQChar customBulletCharacter() const; void setCustomBulletCharacter( TQChar c ); TQString customBulletFont() const; void setCustomBulletFont( TQString f ); /** The string STYLE_CUSTOM. */ TQString custom() const; void setCustom( TQString c ); /** Counter alignment */ int alignment() const; void setAlignment( int a ); /** * Return the format to use for the counter. * This does no caching, it's merely to centralize code. */ static KoTextFormat* counterFormat( const KoTextParag *paragraph ); static TQString makeRomanNumber( int n ); static TQString makeAlphaUpperNumber( int n ); static TQString makeAlphaLowerNumber( int n ); static int fromRomanNumber( const TQString & ); static int fromAlphaUpperNumber( const TQString & ); static int fromAlphaLowerNumber( const TQString & ); #ifndef NDEBUG void printRTDebug( KoTextParag* parag ); #endif private: /** Return our parent paragraph, if there is such a thing. For a paragraph "1.1.", * the parent is the paragraph numbered "1.". */ KoTextParag *parent( const KoTextParag *paragraph ); Numbering m_numbering:3; // Numbering (maximum value: 8) bool m_restartCounter:1; bool unused:4; Style m_style:8; // Style char m_displayLevels; // Number of levels to display (e.g. 3 => 1.2.1) char m_depth; short int m_startNumber; TQChar m_customBulletChar; TQString m_customBulletFont; TQString m_custom; TQString m_prefix; TQString m_suffix; int m_align; class Private; Private *d; // define operator= and copy ctor when using this! /** The cached, calculated values for this counter: * * VALUE VALUE WHEN INVALID * number of this counter -1 * text of this counter TQString() * width of the label -1 * parent (KoTextParag *)-1 * the format that was used to calculate the width 0 */ struct { int number; TQString text; int width; KoTextParag *parent; KoTextFormat * counterFormat; } m_cache; }; #endif