#!/usr/bin/env python """ This Python script demonstrates the usage of the Kross python-interface to access KexiDB functionality from within Python. """ # Class to test the KexiDB functionality. class KexiDBClass: # Constructor. def __init__(self): # The KexiDB module spends us access to the KexiDB functionality. #import KexiDB import krosskexidb self.kexidbmodule = krosskexidb print "KrossKexiDB version=%s" % self.kexidbmodule.version() # Create and remember the drivermanager. self.drivermanager = self.kexidbmodule.DriverManager() # Print informations about the KexiDB module. def printKexiDB(self): print "KexiDB = %s %s" % (str(self.kexidbmodule),dir(self.kexidbmodule)) # Each object has __name__ and __doc__ #print "KexiDB.__name__ = %s" % self.kexidbmodule.__name__ #print "KexiDB.__doc__ = %s" % self.kexidbmodule.__doc__ # Print some infos about the drivermanager. print "drivermanager = %s %s" % (self.drivermanager,dir(self.drivermanager)) # The drivermanager holds a list of drivers he supports. print "drivermanager.driverNames() = %s" % self.driverNames() # Print informations about a driver. def printDriverManger(self, driver): print "driver = %s %s" % (driver,dir(driver)) # Each driver has a version to be able to determinate with what release we are working. print "driver.versionMajor() = %s" % driver.versionMajor() print "driver.versionMinor() = %s" % driver.versionMinor() # Show us what connections are opened right now. print "driver.connectionsList() = %s" % str(driver.connectionsList()) # Print informations about a connection. def printConnection(self, connection): print "connection = %s %s" % (str(connection),dir(connection)) # Print a list of all avaible databasenames this connection has. print "connection.databaseNames() = %s" % connection.databaseNames() # Return a list of drivernames. def driverNames(self): return self.drivermanager.driverNames() # Return the to drivername matching KexiDBDriver object. def driver(self, drivername): return self.drivermanager.driver(drivername) # Return a new KexiDBConnectionData object. def getConnectionData(self): return self.drivermanager.createConnectionData() # Open a connection to a filebased driver. def connectWithFile(self, driver, filename): # First we need a new connectiondata object. connectiondata = self.getConnectionData() # Fill the new connectiondata object with what we need to connect. connectiondata.setCaption("myFileConnection") connectiondata.setFileName(filename) print "connectiondata.serverInfoString = %s" % connectiondata.serverInfoString() # Create the connection now. connection = driver.createConnection(connectiondata) # Establish the connection. if not connection.connect(): raise("ERROR in connectWithDatabase(): Failed to connect!") # Open database for usage. The filebased driver uses the filename as databasename. self.useDatabase(connection, filename) return connection # Open database for usage. def useDatabase(self, connection, dbname): if not connection.useDatabase(dbname): raise("ERROR in connectWithDatabase(): Failed to use database!") # Create a new database. def createDatabase(self, connection, dbname): #print "createDatabase dbname='%s' dbnames='%s'" % (dbname,connection.databaseNames()) connection.createDatabase(dbname) #print "createDatabase databaseExists(%s) = %s" % (dbname,connection.databaseExists(dbname)) #print "createDatabase dbname='%s' dbnames='%s'" % (dbname,connection.databaseNames()) # Drop an existing database. def dropDatabase(self, connection, dbname): #print "dropDatabase dbname='%s' dbnames='%s'" % (dbname,connection.databaseNames()) myfileconnection.dropDatabase(dbname) #print "dropDatabase databaseExists(%s) = %s" % (dbname,connection.databaseExists(dbname)) #print "dropDatabase dbname='%s' dbnames='%s'" % (dbname,connection.databaseNames()) # Test KexiDBParser used to parse SQL-statements. def testParser(self, connection, sqlstatement): parser = connection.parser() if not parser: raise "ERROR in testParser(): Failed to create parser!" print "parser.parse = %s" % parser.parse(sqlstatement) print "parser.statement = %s" % parser.statement() print "parser.operation = %s" % parser.operation() print "parser.table = %s" % parser.table() print "parser.query = %s" % parser.query() print "parser.connection = %s" % parser.connection() # Execute the sql query statement and print the single string result. def printQuerySingleString(self, connection, sqlstatement): query = myfileconnection.querySingleString("SELECT * FROM table1", 0) print "querySingleString = %s" % query # Execute the sql query statement and print the single stringlist result. def printQueryStringList(self, connection, sqlstatement): query = myfileconnection.queryStringList("SELECT * FROM table1", 0) print "queryStringList = %s" % query # Walk through the KexiDBCursor and print all item values. def printQueryCursor(self, cursor): if cursor == None: raise("ERROR: executeQuery failed!") #print "printCursor() cursor = %s %s" % (str(cursor), dir(cursor)) # Go to the first item of the table. if not cursor.moveFirst(): raise("ERROR in printCursor(): cursor.moveFirst() returned False!") # Walk through all items in the table. while(not cursor.eof()): # Print for each item some infos about the fields and there content. for i in range( cursor.fieldCount() ): print "Item='%s' Field='%s' Value='%s'" % (cursor.at(), i, cursor.value(i)) # Move to the next item cursor.moveNext() # Similar to printQueryCursor def printQuerySchema(self, connection, queryschema): return self.printQueryCursor(connection.executeQuerySchema(queryschema)) # Similar to printQueryCursor def printQueryString(self, connection, sqlstring): return self.printQueryCursor(connection.executeQueryString(sqlstring)) # Add a field to the tableschema. def addField(self, tableschema, name): field = self.drivermanager.field() field.setType("Text") field.setName(name) tableschema.fieldlist().addField(field) print "tableschema.fieldlist().fieldCount() = %s" % tableschema.fieldlist().fieldCount() return field # Create a table. def createTable(self, connection, tablename): # First we need a new tableschema. tableschema = self.drivermanager.tableSchema(tablename) self.addField(tableschema, "myfield") print "connection.createTable = %s" % connection.createTable(tableschema, True) return tableschema # Drop a table. def dropTable(self, connection, tablename): connection.dropTable(tablename) # Alter the name of a table. def alterTableName(self, connection, tablename, newtablename): tableschema = connection.tableSchema(tablename) print "alterTableName from=%s to=%s tableschema=%s" % (tablename, newtablename, tableschema) connection.alterTableName(tableschema, newtablename) def testKexiDB(): global KexiDBClass mykexidbclass = KexiDBClass() mykexidbclass.printKexiDB() mydriver = mykexidbclass.driver("SQLite3") mykexidbclass.printDriverManger(mydriver) myfileconnection = mykexidbclass.connectWithFile(mydriver, "/home/snoopy/test.kexi") mykexidbclass.printConnection(myfileconnection) #mykexidbclass.testParser(myfileconnection, "SELECT * from table1") #mykexidbclass.printQuerySingleString(myfileconnection, "SELECT * FROM dept") #mykexidbclass.printQueryStringList(myfileconnection, "SELECT * FROM dept") mykexidbclass.printQueryString(myfileconnection, "SELECT * FROM dept") #myqueryschema = mykexidbclass.drivermanager.querySchema() #myqueryschema.setName("myqueryname") #myqueryschema.setCaption("myquerycaption") #myqueryschema.setStatement("SELECT * FROM table2") #print "myqueryschema = %s" % myqueryschema.statement() #mykexidbclass.printQuerySchema(myfileconnection, myqueryschema) #mykexidbclass.createTable(myfileconnection, "mytable123") #mykexidbclass.dropTable(myfileconnection, "mytable123") #mykexidbclass.alterTableName(myfileconnection, "table1", "table111") #TODO: new table isn't usuable!!! #ts1 = myfileconnection.tableSchema("table2") #ts2 = mykexidbclass.drivermanager.tableSchema("table4") #mykexidbclass.addField(ts2, "MyField 111111111") #print "myfileconnection.alterTable = %s" % myfileconnection.alterTable(ts1, ts2) #TEST #bool Connection::insertRecord(TableSchema &tableSchema, TQValueList<TQVariant>& values) #myfileconnection.insertRecord(KexiDBField, ("field1", "field2")) #del(mycursor) #del(myfileconnection) #del(mydriver) #del(mykexidbclass) print "########## BEGIN TEST: KexiDB ##########" testKexiDB() print "########## END TEST: KexiDB ##########"