path: root/konversation/src/channeloptionsdialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'konversation/src/channeloptionsdialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/konversation/src/channeloptionsdialog.cpp b/konversation/src/channeloptionsdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e10f950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/konversation/src/channeloptionsdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Peter Simonsson <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2006 Dario Abatianni <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eike Hein <[email protected]>
+#include "channeloptionsdialog.h"
+#include "konversationapplication.h"
+#include "channeloptionsui.h"
+#include "channel.h"
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <ktextedit.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <knuminput.h>
+#include <klistviewsearchline.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+namespace Konversation
+ ChannelOptionsDialog::ChannelOptionsDialog(Channel *channel)
+ : KDialogBase(channel, "channelOptions", false, i18n("Channel Settings for %1").arg(channel->getName()), Ok|Cancel, Ok)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(channel);
+ m_widget = new ChannelOptionsUI(this);
+ setMainWidget(m_widget);
+ m_widget->otherModesList->setRenameable(0, false);
+ m_widget->otherModesList->setRenameable(1, true);
+ m_widget->otherModesList->hide();
+ // don't allow sorting. most recent topic is always first
+ m_widget->topicHistoryList->setSortColumn(-1);
+ m_widget->clearButton->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("locationbar_erase"));
+ m_widget->banList->setDefaultRenameAction(QListView::Accept);
+ m_widget->banListSearchLine->setListView(m_widget->banList);
+ // hide column where the complete topic will be put in for convenience
+ m_widget->topicHistoryList->hideColumn(2);
+ // do not allow the user to resize the hidden column back into view
+ m_widget->topicHistoryList->header()->setResizeEnabled(false,2);
+ m_channel = channel;
+ m_editingTopic = false;
+ connect(m_widget->topicHistoryList, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT(topicHistoryItemClicked(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(m_widget->topicHistoryList, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT(topicHistoryItemClicked(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(m_widget->toggleAdvancedModes, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleAdvancedModes()));
+ connect(m_widget->topicEdit, SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(topicBeingEdited(bool)));
+ connect(m_channel, SIGNAL(topicHistoryChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshTopicHistory()));
+ connect(m_channel, SIGNAL(modesChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshModes()));
+ connect(m_channel->getOwnChannelNick(), SIGNAL(channelNickChanged()), this, SLOT(refreshEnableModes()));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), this, SLOT(cancelClicked()));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(changeOptions()));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(okClicked()));
+ connect(m_channel, SIGNAL(banAdded(const QString&)), this, SLOT(addBan(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_channel, SIGNAL(banRemoved(const QString&)), this, SLOT(removeBan(const QString&)));
+ connect(m_channel, SIGNAL(banListCleared()), m_widget->banList, SLOT(clear()));
+ connect(m_widget->addBan, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addBanClicked()));
+ connect(m_widget->removeBan, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeBanClicked()));
+ connect(m_widget->banList, SIGNAL(itemRenamed (QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT(banEdited(QListViewItem*)));
+ connect(m_widget->banList, SIGNAL(itemRenamed (QListViewItem*, int, const QString&)), this, SLOT(banEdited(QListViewItem*)));
+ refreshTopicHistory();
+ refreshBanList();
+ refreshAllowedChannelModes();
+ refreshModes();
+ }
+ ChannelOptionsDialog::~ChannelOptionsDialog()
+ {
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::changeOptions()
+ {
+ QString newTopic = topic(), oldTopic=m_channel->getTopicHistory().first().section(' ', 2);
+ if(newTopic != oldTopic)
+ {
+ // Pass a ^A so we can determine if we want to clear the channel topic.
+ if (newTopic.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (!oldTopic.isEmpty())
+ m_channel->sendChannelText(Preferences::commandChar() + "TOPIC " + m_channel->getName() + " \x01");
+ }
+ else
+ m_channel->sendChannelText(Preferences::commandChar() + "TOPIC " + m_channel->getName() + ' ' + newTopic);
+ }
+ QStringList newModeList = modes();
+ QStringList currentModeList = m_channel->getModeList();
+ QStringList rmModes;
+ QStringList addModes;
+ QStringList tmp;
+ QString modeString;
+ bool plus;
+ QString command("MODE %1 %2%3 %4");
+ for(QStringList::iterator it = newModeList.begin(); it != newModeList.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ modeString = (*it).mid(1);
+ plus = ((*it)[0] == '+');
+ tmp = currentModeList.grep(QRegExp('^' + modeString));
+ if(tmp.isEmpty() && plus)
+ {
+ m_channel->getServer()->queue(command.arg(m_channel->getName()).arg("+").arg(modeString[0]).arg(modeString.mid(1)));
+ }
+ else if(!tmp.isEmpty() && !plus)
+ {
+ //FIXME: Bahamuth requires the key parameter for -k, but ircd breaks on -l with limit number.
+ //Hence two versions of this.
+ if (modeString[0] == 'k')
+ m_channel->getServer()->queue(command.arg(m_channel->getName()).arg("-").arg(modeString[0]).arg(modeString.mid(1)));
+ else
+ m_channel->getServer()->queue(command.arg(m_channel->getName()).arg("-").arg(modeString[0]).arg(""));
+ }
+ }
+ hide();
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::toggleAdvancedModes()
+ {
+ bool ison = m_widget->toggleAdvancedModes->isOn();
+ m_widget->otherModesList->setShown(ison);
+ if(ison)
+ {
+ m_widget->toggleAdvancedModes->setText(i18n("&Hide Advanced Modes <<"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_widget->toggleAdvancedModes->setText(i18n("&Show Advanced Modes >>"));
+ }
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::topicBeingEdited(bool state)
+ {
+ m_editingTopic = state;
+ }
+ QString ChannelOptionsDialog::topic()
+ {
+ return m_widget->topicEdit->text().replace("\n"," ");
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::refreshTopicHistory()
+ {
+ QStringList history = m_channel->getTopicHistory();
+ m_widget->topicHistoryList->clear();
+ for(QStringList::const_iterator it = history.fromLast(); it != history.end(); --it)
+ {
+ QDateTime date;
+ date.setTime_t((*it).section(' ', 0 ,0).toUInt());
+ new KListViewItem(m_widget->topicHistoryList, (*it).section(' ', 1, 1), date.toString(Qt::LocalDate), (*it).section(' ', 2));
+ }
+ // update topic preview
+ topicHistoryItemClicked(m_widget->topicHistoryList->selectedItem());
+ // don't destroy the user's edit box if they started editing
+ if(!m_editingTopic)
+ m_widget->topicEdit->setText(history.first().section(' ', 2));
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::topicHistoryItemClicked(QListViewItem* item)
+ {
+ // if they didn't click on anything, item is null
+ if(item)
+ // update topic preview
+ m_widget->topicPreview->setText(item->text(2));
+ else
+ // clear topic preview
+ m_widget->topicPreview->setText("");
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::refreshEnableModes()
+ {
+ bool enable = m_channel->getOwnChannelNick()->isAnyTypeOfOp();
+ m_widget->otherModesList->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->topicEdit->setReadOnly(!enable && m_widget->topicModeChBox->isChecked());
+ m_widget->topicModeChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->messageModeChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->userLimitChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->userLimitEdit->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->inviteModeChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->moderatedModeChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->secretModeChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->keyModeChBox->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->keyModeEdit->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->banList->setItemsRenameable(enable);
+ m_widget->addBan->setEnabled(enable);
+ m_widget->removeBan->setEnabled(enable);
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::refreshAllowedChannelModes()
+ {
+ QString modeString = m_channel->getServer()->allowedChannelModes();
+ // These modes are handled in a special way: ntimslkbeI
+ modeString.remove('t');
+ modeString.remove('n');
+ modeString.remove('l');
+ modeString.remove('i');
+ modeString.remove('m');
+ modeString.remove('s');
+ modeString.remove('k');
+ modeString.remove('b');
+ modeString.remove('e');
+ modeString.remove('I');
+ modeString.remove('O');
+ modeString.remove('o');
+ modeString.remove('v');
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < modeString.length(); i++)
+ {
+ new QCheckListItem(m_widget->otherModesList, QString(modeString[i]), QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
+ }
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::refreshModes()
+ {
+ QStringList modes = m_channel->getModeList();
+ m_widget->topicModeChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->messageModeChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->userLimitChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->userLimitEdit->setValue(0);
+ m_widget->inviteModeChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->moderatedModeChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->secretModeChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->keyModeChBox->setChecked(false);
+ m_widget->keyModeEdit->setText("");
+ QListViewItem* item = m_widget->otherModesList->firstChild();
+ while(item)
+ {
+ static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(item)->setOn(false);
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ char mode;
+ for(QStringList::const_iterator it = modes.begin(); it != modes.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ mode = (*it)[0];
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ case 't':
+ m_widget->topicModeChBox->setChecked(true);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ m_widget->messageModeChBox->setChecked(true);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ m_widget->userLimitChBox->setChecked(true);
+ m_widget->userLimitEdit->setValue((*it).mid(1).toInt());
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ m_widget->inviteModeChBox->setChecked(true);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ m_widget->moderatedModeChBox->setChecked(true);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ m_widget->secretModeChBox->setChecked(true);
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ m_widget->keyModeChBox->setChecked(true);
+ m_widget->keyModeEdit->setText((*it).mid(1));
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ item = m_widget->otherModesList->firstChild();
+ QString modeString;
+ modeString = mode;
+ while(item && !found)
+ {
+ if(item->text(0) == modeString)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(item)->setOn(true);
+ item->setText(1, (*it).mid(1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ refreshEnableModes();
+ }
+ QStringList ChannelOptionsDialog::modes()
+ {
+ QStringList modes;
+ QString mode;
+ mode = (m_widget->topicModeChBox->isChecked() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += 't';
+ modes.append(mode);
+ mode = (m_widget->messageModeChBox->isChecked() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += 'n';
+ modes.append(mode);
+ mode = (m_widget->userLimitChBox->isChecked() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += 'l' + QString::number( m_widget->userLimitEdit->value() );
+ modes.append(mode);
+ mode = (m_widget->inviteModeChBox->isChecked() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += 'i';
+ modes.append(mode);
+ mode = (m_widget->moderatedModeChBox->isChecked() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += 'm';
+ modes.append(mode);
+ mode = (m_widget->secretModeChBox->isChecked() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += 's';
+ modes.append(mode);
+ if (m_widget->keyModeChBox->isChecked() && !m_widget->keyModeEdit->text().isEmpty())
+ {
+ mode = '+';
+ mode += 'k' + m_widget->keyModeEdit->text();
+ modes.append(mode);
+ }
+ else if (!m_widget->keyModeChBox->isChecked())
+ {
+ mode = '-';
+ mode += 'k' + m_widget->keyModeEdit->text();
+ modes.append(mode);
+ }
+ QListViewItem* item = m_widget->otherModesList->firstChild();
+ while(item)
+ {
+ mode = (static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(item)->isOn() ? "+" : "-");
+ mode += item->text(0) + item->text(1);
+ modes.append(mode);
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ return modes;
+ }
+ // Ban List tab related functions
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::refreshBanList()
+ {
+ QStringList banlist = m_channel->getBanList();
+ m_widget->banList->clear();
+ for (QStringList::const_iterator it = banlist.fromLast(); it != banlist.end(); --it)
+ addBan((*it));
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::addBan(const QString& newban)
+ {
+ new BanListViewItem(m_widget->banList, newban.section(' ', 0, 0), newban.section(' ', 1, 1).section('!', 0, 0), newban.section(' ', 2 ,2).toUInt());
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::removeBan(const QString& ban)
+ {
+ delete m_widget->banList->findItem(ban, 0);
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::banEdited(QListViewItem *edited)
+ {
+ if (edited == m_NewBan)
+ {
+ if (!m_NewBan->text(0).isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_channel->getServer()->requestBan(QStringList(m_NewBan->text(0)), m_channel->getName(), QString());
+ }
+ // We will delete the item and let the addBan slot handle
+ // readding the item because for some odd reason using
+ // startRename causes further attempts to rename the item
+ // using 2 mouse clicks to fail in odd ways.
+ delete edited;
+ return;
+ }
+ BanListViewItem *new_edited = dynamic_cast <BanListViewItem*> (edited);
+ if (new_edited == NULL) return; // Should not happen.
+ if (new_edited->getOldValue() != new_edited->text(0))
+ {
+ m_channel->getServer()->requestUnban(new_edited->getOldValue(), m_channel->getName());
+ if (!new_edited->text(0).isEmpty())
+ {
+ m_channel->getServer()->requestBan(QStringList(new_edited->text(0)), m_channel->getName(), QString());
+ }
+ // We delete the existing item because it's possible the server may
+ // Modify the ban causing us not to catch it. If that happens we'll be
+ // stuck with a stale item and a new item with the modified hostmask.
+ delete new_edited;
+ }
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::addBanClicked()
+ {
+ m_NewBan = new BanListViewItem(m_widget->banList, true);
+ m_NewBan->setRenameEnabled(0,true);
+ m_NewBan->startRename(0);
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::removeBanClicked()
+ {
+ if (m_widget->banList->currentItem())
+ m_channel->getServer()->requestUnban(m_widget->banList->currentItem()->text(0), m_channel->getName());
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::cancelClicked()
+ {
+ if (m_widget->banList->renameLineEdit()->isShown())
+ {
+ QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Escape, 27, Qt::NoButton);
+ KApplication::sendEvent(m_widget->banList->renameLineEdit(), &e);
+ }
+ topicBeingEdited(false);
+ hide();
+ }
+ void ChannelOptionsDialog::okClicked()
+ {
+ if (m_widget->banList->renameLineEdit()->isShown())
+ {
+ QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Return, 13, Qt::NoButton);
+ KApplication::sendEvent(m_widget->banList->renameLineEdit(), &e);
+ }
+ }
+ // This is our implementation of BanListViewItem
+ BanListViewItem::BanListViewItem(QListView *parent)
+ : KListViewItem(parent)
+ {
+ m_isNewBan = 0;
+ }
+ BanListViewItem::BanListViewItem(QListView *parent, bool isNew)
+ : KListViewItem(parent)
+ {
+ m_isNewBan = isNew;
+ }
+ BanListViewItem::BanListViewItem (QListView *parent, const QString& label1, const QString& label2,
+ uint timestamp) : KListViewItem(parent, label1, label2)
+ {
+ m_isNewBan = 0;
+ m_timestamp.setTime_t(timestamp);
+ }
+ BanListViewItem::BanListViewItem (QListView *parent, bool isNew, const QString& label1, const QString& label2,
+ uint timestamp) : KListViewItem(parent, label1, label2)
+ {
+ m_isNewBan = isNew;
+ m_timestamp.setTime_t(timestamp);
+ }
+ QString BanListViewItem::text(int column) const
+ {
+ if (column == 2)
+ return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(m_timestamp, true, true);
+ return KListViewItem::text(column);
+ }
+ int BanListViewItem::compare(QListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending) const
+ {
+ if (col == 2)
+ {
+ BanListViewItem* item = static_cast<BanListViewItem*>(i);
+ if (m_timestamp == item->timestamp())
+ return 0;
+ else if (m_timestamp < item->timestamp())
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return KListViewItem::compare(i, col, ascending);
+ }
+ void BanListViewItem::startRename( int col )
+ {
+ m_oldValue = text(col);
+ KListViewItem::startRename(col);
+ }
+ void BanListViewItem::cancelRename( int col )
+ {
+ if (text(col).isEmpty() && m_isNewBan)
+ delete this;
+ else
+ KListViewItem::cancelRename(col);
+ }
+#include "channeloptionsdialog.moc"