Building kpicosim from source:
  Extract the sources and change directory
     $ tar zxvf kpicosim-0.6.tar.gz
     $ cd kpicosim-0.6

  Then run configure
     $ ./configure

  After that, compile the source:
     $ make

  And as last install the program (make sure you are root)
     # make install

  Now the program kpicosim is installed on your system. Just run
     $ kpicosim

Building under Debian:
   Extract the sources and change into the new directory
      $ tar xvzf kpicosim-0.6.tar.gz
      $ cd kpicosim-0.6

   Build the package:
      $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -b
   Run 'dpkg -i ../kpicosim*.deb' as root.