#ifndef _doc_CONDUIT_H #define _doc_CONDUIT_H /* doc-conduit.h KPilot ** ** Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Reinhold Kainhofer ** */ /* ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* ** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-pim@kde.org */ #include <plugin.h> class docSyncInfo; typedef TQValueList<docSyncInfo> syncInfoList; typedef enum eSyncDirectionEnum { eSyncNone, // eSyncAll, eSyncPDAToPC, eSyncPCToPDA, eSyncDelete, eSyncConflict }; typedef enum eTextqStatus { eStatNone=0, eStatNew=1, eStatChanged=2, eStatBookmarksChanged=4, eStatDeleted=8, eStatDoesntExist=16 }; TQString dirToString(eSyncDirectionEnum dir); class DOCConduit:public ConduitAction { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: eSyncDirectionEnum eSyncDirection; public: DOCConduit(KPilotLink * o, const char *n = 0L, const TQStringList & a = TQStringList()); virtual ~ DOCConduit(); bool encode(TQStringList fileName, PilotDatabase * db); bool decode(PilotDatabase * db, TQString fileName); virtual bool exec(); protected: virtual bool isCorrectDBTypeCreator(DBInfo dbinfo); virtual const unsigned long dbtype(); virtual const unsigned long dbcreator(); public slots: /** syncNextDB walks through all PalmDoc databases on the handheld and decides if they are supposed to be synced to the PC. * syncNextDB and syncNextDOC fist build the list of all PalmDoc texts, and then the method syncDatabases does the actual sync. */ void syncNextDB(); void syncNextTXT(); void checkPDBFiles(); void checkDeletedDocs(); void resolve(); void syncDatabases(); void cleanup(); private: /** * Read the global KPilot config file for settings * particular to the docConduit conduit. */ void readConfig(); /** * Check if the database needs to be synced at all. */ bool needsSync(docSyncInfo &sinfo); /** * If necessary, copy the database from the palm to a local dir. * Also initialize the docDBInfo that will be passed to the docconverter */ PilotDatabase *preSyncAction(docSyncInfo &sinfo) const; bool doSync(docSyncInfo &sinfo); /** * Clean up after the sync. The bool parameter res tells * the function if the conversion was successful or not */ bool postSyncAction(PilotDatabase * dbinfo, docSyncInfo &sinfo, bool res = true); bool pcTextChanged(TQString txtfn); bool hhTextChanged(PilotDatabase*docdb); /** Opens the database with name dbname. For a local sync, this will be a * PilotLocalDatabase, otherwise it will be a database on the serial device * (i.e. an object of class PilotSerialDatabase) */ PilotDatabase *openDOCDatabase(const TQString &dbname); TQString constructPDBFileName(TQString name); TQString constructTXTFileName(TQString name); eSyncDirectionEnum eConflictResolution; int fTXTBookmarks, fPDBBookmarks; TQStringList fDBListSynced; TQStringList fDBNames; syncInfoList fSyncInfoList; syncInfoList::Iterator fSyncInfoListIterator; long int dbnr; TQStringList docnames; TQStringList::Iterator dociterator; }; class docSyncInfo { public: docSyncInfo(TQString hhDB=TQString(), TQString txtfn=TQString(), TQString pdbfn=TQString(), eSyncDirectionEnum dir=eSyncNone) { handheldDB=hhDB; txtfilename=txtfn; pdbfilename=pdbfn; direction=dir; fPCtqStatus=eStatNone; fPalmtqStatus=eStatNone; }; ~docSyncInfo(){}; TQString handheldDB, txtfilename, pdbfilename; DBInfo dbinfo; eSyncDirectionEnum direction; eTextqStatus fPCtqStatus, fPalmtqStatus; }; #endif