
	*Calendar for meal planning
	*Command-line interface
	*Improved printing support: I'd like to allow, for example, printing on recipe cards.
	*Handle "Cookbooks".  In MySQL/PostgreSQL a cookbook would be a table, and in SQLite it would be a file.
	*Recipe revisions (planned for 1.1)

	*Improved navigation - add a forward and back button
	*E-mail recipe(s) option (using kapp->invokeMailer())
	*Give option to import recipe formats by pasting the recipe text into a widget
	*Allow saving and loading diet info from a file (or just store it in the database?)
	*Database maintenance options (Empty database, Remove unused elements, etc.)
	*Configurable shopping list (Maybe allow the user to select a style sheet or add a section to settings dialog... or both)
	*Let the user know when nutrient info for a recipe is incomplete (due to missing info for one or more ingredients)
	*Web album export (a spiffed-up multiple-page website ;)

	*Disable delete when renaming an element (otherwise, it crashes)
	*Let user know when no layout file was found
	*Secure database access passwords??
	*The icons on the left menu at times will disappear... I can't seem to reproduce this, however
	*Make use of transactions in database backends where appropriate
	*Give a warning when deleting categories (such as when a recipe was a part of that category)
	*Delete the database table when deleting Krecipes
	*Give a message box when exporting recipes, letting the user know what they are exporting (Is it the whole database, just what is visible, or a specific recipe)... Make it a "Don't ask me again" dialog.

THOUGHTS (feel free to comment):
	*Recipe copy
	*Reference a recipe to a cookbook (title, page number, category, etc.)

(I don't claim ownership of these. If you do it, I'll be happy too :) )

planned for 0.8:
	*Step-by-Step recipe instructions with photos
	*Check ingredients from existing kitchen resource table? Check amounts in the ingredient matcher?
	*Add an option to popup for newly created ingredients, and include the USDA nutritional info at the same time