/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by * * Unai Garro (ugarro@users.sourceforge.net) * * * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by * * Jason Kivlighn (jkivlighn@gmail.com) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "pref.h" #include "krecipes.h" #include "krecipesview.h" #include "dialogs/recipeviewdialog.h" #include "dialogs/recipeinputdialog.h" #include "dialogs/selectrecipedialog.h" #include "dialogs/ingredientsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/propertiesdialog.h" #include "dialogs/shoppinglistdialog.h" #include "dialogs/categorieseditordialog.h" #include "dialogs/authorsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/unitsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/ingredientmatcherdialog.h" #include "dialogs/dbimportdialog.h" #include "dialogs/pagesetupdialog.h" #include "dialogs/recipeimportdialog.h" #include "dialogs/similarcategoriesdialog.h" #include "dialogs/conversiondialog.h" #include "importers/kreimporter.h" #include "importers/mmfimporter.h" #include "importers/mx2importer.h" #include "importers/mxpimporter.h" #include "importers/nycgenericimporter.h" #include "importers/recipemlimporter.h" #include "importers/rezkonvimporter.h" #include "importers/kredbimporter.h" #include "datablocks/recipe.h" #include "backends/recipedb.h" #include "backends/progressinterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Settings headers #include Krecipes::Krecipes() : TDEMainWindow( 0, "Krecipes" ), m_view( new KrecipesView( this ) ), m_printer( 0 ) { // accept dnd setAcceptDrops( true ); // tell the TDEMainWindow that this is indeed the main widget setCentralWidget( m_view ); // then, setup our actions setupActions(); // and a status bar statusBar() ->show(); // apply the saved mainwindow settings, if any, and ask the mainwindow // to automatically save settings if changed: window size, toolbar // position, icon size, etc. setAutoSaveSettings(); // allow the view to change the statusbar and caption connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL( signalChangeStatusbar( const TQString& ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( changeStatusbar( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL( signalChangeCaption( const TQString& ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( changeCaption( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL( panelShown( KrePanel, bool ) ), TQ_SLOT( updateActions( KrePanel, bool ) ) ); connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL( panelShown( KrePanel, bool ) ), TQ_SLOT( updateActions( KrePanel, bool ) ) ); connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ), TQ_SLOT( recipeSelected(bool) ) ); // Enable/Disable the Save Button (Initialize disabled, and connect signal) connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL( enableSaveOption( bool ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( enableSaveOption( bool ) ) ); enableSaveOption( false ); // Disables saving initially recipeSelected( false ); //nothing is selected initially parsing_file_dlg = new KDialog( this, "parsing_file_dlg", true, TQt::WX11BypassWM ); TQLabel *parsing_file_dlg_label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Gathering recipe data from file.\nPlease wait..." ), parsing_file_dlg ); parsing_file_dlg_label->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Raised ); ( new TQVBoxLayout( parsing_file_dlg ) ) ->addWidget( parsing_file_dlg_label ); parsing_file_dlg->adjustSize(); //parsing_file_dlg->setFixedSize(parsing_file_dlg->size()); convertDialog = new ConversionDialog(this,m_view->database); } Krecipes::~Krecipes() {} void Krecipes::updateActions( KrePanel panel, bool show ) { switch ( panel ) { case RecipeView: { exportAction->setEnabled( show ); printAction->setEnabled( show ); reloadAction->setEnabled( show ); copyToClipboardAction->setEnabled( show ); //can't edit when there are multiple recipes loaded if ( show && m_view->viewPanel->recipesLoaded() == 1 ) { editAction->setEnabled( true ); } else editAction->setEnabled( false ); break; } case SelectP: { exportAction->setEnabled( show ); editAction->setEnabled( show ); copyToClipboardAction->setEnabled( show ); break; } default: break; } } void Krecipes::recipeSelected( bool selected ) { copyToClipboardAction->setEnabled( selected ); editAction->setEnabled( selected ); } void Krecipes::setupActions() { printAction = KStdAction::print( this, TQ_SLOT( filePrint() ), actionCollection() ); reloadAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "Reloa&d" ), "reload", Key_F5, m_view, TQ_SLOT( reloadDisplay() ), actionCollection(), "reload_action" ); editAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Edit Recipe" ), "edit", CTRL + Key_E, m_view, TQ_SLOT( editRecipe() ), actionCollection(), "edit_action" ); (void) new TDEAction( i18n( "&Measurement Converter" ), "", CTRL + Key_M, this, TQ_SLOT( conversionToolSlot() ), actionCollection(), "converter_action" ); TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Advanced"); if ( config->readBoolEntry("UnhideMergeTools",false) ) { ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "&Merge Similar Categories..." ), "categories", CTRL + Key_M, this, TQ_SLOT( mergeSimilarCategories() ), actionCollection(), "merge_categories_action" ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "&Merge Similar Ingredients..." ), "ingredients", CTRL + Key_M, this, TQ_SLOT( mergeSimilarIngredients() ), actionCollection(), "merge_ingredients_action" ); } TDEAction *action = KStdAction::openNew( this, TQ_SLOT( fileNew() ), actionCollection() ); action->setText( i18n( "&New Recipe" ) ); saveAction = KStdAction::save( this, TQ_SLOT( fileSave() ), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::quit( tdeApp, TQ_SLOT( quit() ), actionCollection() ); m_toolbarAction = KStdAction::showToolbar( this, TQ_SLOT( optionsShowToolbar() ), actionCollection() ); m_statusbarAction = KStdAction::showStatusbar( this, TQ_SLOT( optionsShowStatusbar() ), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::keyBindings( this, TQ_SLOT( optionsConfigureKeys() ), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, TQ_SLOT( optionsConfigureToolbars() ), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::preferences( this, TQ_SLOT( optionsPreferences() ), actionCollection() ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "Import from File..." ), CTRL + Key_I, this, TQ_SLOT( import() ), actionCollection(), "import_action" ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "Import from Database..." ), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( kreDBImport() ), actionCollection(), "import_db_action" ); exportAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "Export..." ), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( fileExport() ), actionCollection(), "export_action" ); copyToClipboardAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Copy to Clipboard" ), "edit-copy", CTRL + Key_C, this, TQ_SLOT( fileToClipboard() ), actionCollection(), "copy_to_clipboard_action" ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "Page Setup..." ), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( pageSetupSlot() ), actionCollection(), "page_setup_action" ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "Print Setup..." ), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( printSetupSlot() ), actionCollection(), "print_setup_action" ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "Backup..." ), "krecipes_file", 0, this, TQ_SLOT( backupSlot() ), actionCollection(), "backup_action" ); ( void ) new TDEAction( i18n( "Restore..." ), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( restoreSlot() ), actionCollection(), "restore_action" ); updateActions( SelectP, true ); updateActions( RecipeView, false ); createGUI(); } void Krecipes::saveProperties( TDEConfig * ) { // the 'config' object points to the session managed // config file. anything you write here will be available // later when this app is restored //if (!m_view->currentURL().isNull()) // config->writeEntry("lastURL", m_view->currentURL()); } void Krecipes::readProperties( TDEConfig * ) { // the 'config' object points to the session managed // config file. this function is automatically called whenever // the app is being restored. read in here whatever you wrote // in 'saveProperties' //TQString url = config->readEntry("lastURL"); //if (!url.isNull()) // m_view->openURL(KURL(url)); } void Krecipes::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *event ) { // accept uri drops only event->accept( TQUriDrag::canDecode( event ) ); } void Krecipes::fileNew() { // Create a new element (Element depends on active panel. New recipe by default) m_view->createNewElement(); } void Krecipes::fileOpen() { // this slot is called whenever the File->Open menu is selected, // the Open shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+O) or the Open toolbar // button is clicked /* // this brings up the generic open dialog KURL url = KURLRequesterDlg::getURL(TQString::null, this, i18n("Open Location") ); */ // standard filedialog /*KURL url = KFileDialog::getOpenURL(TQString::null, TQString::null, this, i18n("Open Location")); if (!url.isEmpty()) m_view->openURL(url);*/ } void Krecipes::fileSave() { // this slot is called whenever the File->Save menu is selected, // the Save shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+S) or the Save toolbar // button is clicked m_view->save(); } void Krecipes::fileExport() { // this slot is called whenever the File->Export menu is selected, m_view->exportRecipe(); } void Krecipes::fileToClipboard() { m_view->exportToClipboard(); } void Krecipes::filePrint() { m_view->print(); } void Krecipes::import() { KFileDialog file_dialog( TQString::null, "*.kre *.kreml|Krecipes (*.kre, *.kreml)\n" "*.mx2|MasterCook (*.mx2)\n" "*.mxp *.txt|MasterCook Export (*.mxp, *.txt)\n" "*.mmf *.txt|Meal-Master (*.mmf, *.txt)\n" "*.txt|\"Now You're Cooking\" Generic Export (*.txt)\n" "*.xml *.recipeml|RecipeML (*.xml, *.recipeml)\n" "*.rk *.txt|Rezkonv (*.rk, *.txt)", this, "file_dialog", true ); file_dialog.setMode( KFile::Files ); if ( file_dialog.exec() == KFileDialog::Accepted ) { TQStringList warnings_list; TQString selected_filter = file_dialog.currentFilter(); BaseImporter *importer; if ( selected_filter == "*.mxp *.txt" ) importer = new MXPImporter(); else if ( selected_filter == "*.mmf *.txt" ) importer = new MMFImporter(); else if ( selected_filter == "*.txt" ) importer = new NYCGenericImporter(); else if ( selected_filter == "*.mx2" ) importer = new MX2Importer(); else if ( selected_filter == "*.kre *.kreml" ) importer = new KreImporter(); else if ( selected_filter == "*.xml *.recipeml" ) importer = new RecipeMLImporter(); else if ( selected_filter == "*.rk *.txt" ) importer = new RezkonvImporter(); else { KMessageBox::sorry( this, TQString( i18n( "Filter \"%1\" not recognized.\n" "Please select one of the provided filters." ) ).arg( selected_filter ), i18n( "Unrecognized Filter" ) ); import(); //let's try again :) return ; } parsing_file_dlg->show(); TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); importer->parseFiles( file_dialog.selectedFiles() ); parsing_file_dlg->hide(); TDEApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); TDEConfig * config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup( "Import" ); bool direct = config->readBoolEntry( "DirectImport", false ); if ( !direct ) { RecipeImportDialog import_dialog( importer->recipeList() ); if ( import_dialog.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted ) { delete importer; return; } else importer->setRecipeList( import_dialog.getSelectedRecipes() ); } importer->import(m_view->database); //m_view->database->import( importer ); //TODO TESTS: Do it this way if ( !importer->getMessages().isEmpty() ) { KTextEdit * warningEdit = new KTextEdit( this ); warningEdit->setTextFormat( TQt::RichText ); warningEdit->setText( TQString( i18n( "NOTE: We recommend that all recipes generating warnings be checked to ensure that they were properly imported, and no loss of recipe data has occurred.

" ) ) + importer->getMessages() ); warningEdit->setReadOnly( true ); KDialogBase showWarningsDlg( KDialogBase::Swallow, i18n( "Import Warnings" ), KDialogBase::Ok, KDialogBase::Default, this ); showWarningsDlg.setMainWidget( warningEdit ); //KDialogBase will delete warningEdit for us showWarningsDlg.resize( TQSize( 550, 250 ) ); showWarningsDlg.exec(); } delete importer; } } void Krecipes::kreDBImport() { DBImportDialog importOptions; if ( importOptions.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { //Get all params, even if we don't use them TQString host, user, pass, table; int port; importOptions.serverParams( host, user, pass, port, table ); KreDBImporter importer( importOptions.dbType(), host, user, pass, port ); //last 4 params may or may not be even used (depends on dbType) parsing_file_dlg->show(); TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); TQStringList tables; if ( importOptions.dbType() == "SQLite" ) tables << importOptions.dbFile(); else //MySQL or PostgreSQL tables << table; importer.parseFiles( tables ); parsing_file_dlg->hide(); TDEApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); TDEConfig * config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup( "Import" ); bool direct = config->readBoolEntry( "DirectImport", false ); if ( !direct ) { RecipeImportDialog import_dialog( importer.recipeList() ); if ( import_dialog.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted ) { return; } else importer.setRecipeList( import_dialog.getSelectedRecipes() ); } TQString error = importer.getErrorMsg(); if ( !error.isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, error ); } else importer.import(m_view->database); } } void Krecipes::pageSetupSlot() { Recipe recipe; m_view->selectPanel->getCurrentRecipe( &recipe ); TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Page Setup"); TQString layout = config->readEntry( "Layout", locate( "appdata", "layouts/Default.klo" ) ); TQString printLayout = config->readEntry( "PrintLayout", locate( "appdata", "layouts/Default.klo" ) ); if ( layout == printLayout ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("The recipe print and view layouts use the same file for their style, meaning changing one view's look changes them both. If this is not the behavior you desire, load one style and save it under a different name."), TQString::null, "sharedLayoutWarning" ); } PageSetupDialog page_setup( this, recipe ); page_setup.exec(); } void Krecipes::printSetupSlot() { Recipe recipe; m_view->selectPanel->getCurrentRecipe( &recipe ); TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Page Setup"); TQString layout = config->readEntry( "Layout", locate( "appdata", "layouts/Default.klo" ) ); TQString printLayout = config->readEntry( "PrintLayout", locate( "appdata", "layouts/Default.klo" ) ); if ( layout == printLayout ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("The recipe print and view layouts use the same file for their style, meaning changing one view's look changes them both. If this is not the behavior you desire, load one style and save it under a different name."), TQString::null, "sharedLayoutWarning" ); } PageSetupDialog pageSetup( this, recipe, "Print" ); pageSetup.exec(); } void Krecipes::conversionToolSlot() { convertDialog->show(); } void Krecipes::backupSlot() { TQString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(TQString::null, TQString("*.krecbk|%1 (*.krecbk)").arg("Krecipes Backup File"), this,i18n("Save Backup As...")); int overwrite = KMessageBox::Yes; if ( TQFile::exists(fileName) ) { overwrite = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, TQString( i18n( "File \"%1\" exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?" ) ).arg( fileName ) ); } if ( !fileName.isNull() && overwrite == KMessageBox::Yes ) { ProgressInterface pi(this); pi.listenOn(m_view->database); TQString errMsg; if ( !m_view->database->backup( fileName, &errMsg ) ) KMessageBox::error( this, errMsg, i18n("Backup Failed") ); } } void Krecipes::restoreSlot() { TQString filename = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(TQString::null, TQString("*.krecbk|%1 (*.krecbk)").arg(i18n("Krecipes Backup File")), this,i18n("Restore Backup")); if ( !filename.isNull() ) { switch ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,i18n("Restoring this file will erase ALL data currently in the database!

If you want to keep the recipes in your database, click \"Cancel\" and first export your recipes. These can then be imported once the restore is complete.

Are you sure you want to proceed?"),TQString::null,KStdGuiItem::cont(),"RestoreWarning") ) { case KMessageBox::Continue: { ProgressInterface pi(this); pi.listenOn(m_view->database); TQString errMsg; if ( m_view->database->restore( filename, &errMsg ) ) KMessageBox::information(this,i18n("Restore successful.")); else KMessageBox::error( this, errMsg, i18n("Restore Failed") ); pi.listenOn(0); m_view->reload(); } case KMessageBox::Cancel: default: break; } } } void Krecipes::mergeSimilarCategories() { ElementList categories; m_view->database->loadCategories(&categories); SimilarCategoriesDialog dlg(categories,this); if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { TQValueList ids = dlg.matches(); TQString name = dlg.element(); int id = m_view->database->findExistingCategoryByName(name); if ( id == -1 ) { m_view->database->createNewCategory(name); id = m_view->database->lastInsertID(); } for ( TQValueList::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it ) { if ( id != *it ) m_view->database->mergeCategories(id, *it); } } } void Krecipes::mergeSimilarIngredients() { ElementList ingredients; m_view->database->loadIngredients(&ingredients); SimilarCategoriesDialog dlg(ingredients,this); if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { TQValueList ids = dlg.matches(); TQString name = dlg.element(); if ( ids.isEmpty() || name.isEmpty() ) return; int id = m_view->database->findExistingIngredientByName(name); if ( id == -1 ) { m_view->database->createNewIngredient(name); id = m_view->database->lastInsertID(); } for ( TQValueList::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it ) { if ( id != *it ) m_view->database->mergeIngredients(id, *it); } } } //return true to close app bool Krecipes::queryClose() { if ( !m_view->inputPanel->everythingSaved() ) { switch ( KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( this, i18n( "A recipe contains unsaved changes.\n" "Do you want to save the changes before exiting?" ), i18n( "Unsaved Changes" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: return m_view->save(); case KMessageBox::No: return true; case KMessageBox::Cancel: return false; default: return true; } } else return true; } void Krecipes::optionsShowToolbar() { // this is all very cut and paste code for showing/hiding the // toolbar if ( m_toolbarAction->isChecked() ) toolBar() ->show(); else toolBar() ->hide(); } void Krecipes::optionsShowStatusbar() { // this is all very cut and paste code for showing/hiding the // statusbar if ( m_statusbarAction->isChecked() ) statusBar() ->show(); else statusBar() ->hide(); } void Krecipes::optionsConfigureKeys() { #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,92 ) // for KDE 3.2: KKeyDialog::configureKeys is deprecated KKeyDialog::configure( actionCollection(), this, true ); #else KKeyDialog::configureKeys( actionCollection(), "krecipesui.rc" ); #endif } void Krecipes::optionsConfigureToolbars() { // use the standard toolbar editor #if defined(TDE_MAKE_VERSION) # if TDE_VERSION >= TDE_MAKE_VERSION(3,1,0) saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(), autoSaveGroup() ); # else saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config() ); # endif #else saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config() ); #endif KEditToolbar dlg( actionCollection() ); connect( &dlg, TQ_SIGNAL( newToolbarConfig() ), this, TQ_SLOT( newToolbarConfig() ) ); dlg.exec(); } void Krecipes::newToolbarConfig() { // this slot is called when user clicks "Ok" or "Apply" in the toolbar editor. // recreate our GUI, and re-apply the settings (e.g. "text under icons", etc.) createGUI(); #if defined(TDE_MAKE_VERSION) # if TDE_VERSION >= TDE_MAKE_VERSION(3,1,0) applyMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(), autoSaveGroup() ); # else applyMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config() ); # endif #else applyMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config() ); #endif } void Krecipes::optionsPreferences() { // popup some sort of preference dialog, here KrecipesPreferences dlg( this ); if ( dlg.exec() ) {} } void Krecipes::changeStatusbar( const TQString& text ) { // display the text on the statusbar statusBar() ->message( text ); } void Krecipes::changeCaption( const TQString& text ) { // display the text on the caption setCaption( text ); } void Krecipes::enableSaveOption( bool en ) { saveAction->setEnabled( en ); } #include "krecipes.moc"