/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by * * Unai Garro (ugarro@users.sourceforge.net) * * Cyril Bosselut (bosselut@b1project.com) * * Jason Kivlighn (jkivlighn@gmail.com) * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "krecipesview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "recipeactionshandler.h" #include "setupwizard.h" #include "kstartuplogo.h" #include "dialogs/recipeinputdialog.h" #include "dialogs/recipeviewdialog.h" #include "dialogs/selectrecipedialog.h" #include "dialogs/ingredientsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/propertiesdialog.h" #include "dialogs/shoppinglistdialog.h" #include "dialogs/dietwizarddialog.h" #include "dialogs/categorieseditordialog.h" #include "dialogs/authorsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/unitsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/prepmethodsdialog.h" #include "dialogs/ingredientmatcherdialog.h" #include "widgets/kremenu.h" #include "widgets/paneldeco.h" #include "backends/progressinterface.h" #include "profiling.h" KrecipesView::KrecipesView( TQWidget *parent ) : DCOPObject( "KrecipesInterface" ), TQVBox( parent ) { #ifndef NDEBUG TQTime dbg_total_timer; dbg_total_timer.start(); #endif tdeApp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() ); // Init the setup wizard if necessary kdDebug() << "Beginning wizard" << endl; wizard(); kdDebug() << "Wizard finished correctly" << endl; // Show Splash Screen TDEStartupLogo* start_logo = 0L; start_logo = new TDEStartupLogo(); start_logo -> setHideEnabled( true ); start_logo->show(); start_logo->raise(); // Initialize Database // Read the database setup TDEConfig *config; config = tdeApp->config(); config->sync(); // Check if the database type is among those supported // and initialize the database in each case START_TIMER("Initializing database") initDatabase( config ); END_TIMER() // Design the GUI splitter = new TQHBox( this ); // Create Left and Right Panels (splitter) TDEIconLoader il; leftPanel = new KreMenu( splitter, "leftPanel" ); rightPanel = new PanelDeco( splitter, "rightPanel", i18n( "Find/Edit Recipes" ), "filefind" ); // Design Left Panel START_TIMER("Setting up buttons") // Buttons buttonsList = new TQPtrList(); buttonsList->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); button0 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, SelectP ); button0->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "filefind", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button0 ); button1 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, ShoppingP ); button1->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "trolley", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button1 ); button7 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, DietP ); button7->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "diet", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button7 ); button8 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, MatcherP ); button8->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "categories", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button8 ); // Submenus dataMenu = leftPanel->createSubMenu( i18n( "Data" ), "2rightarrow" ); button2 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, IngredientsP, dataMenu ); button2->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "ingredients", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); //buttonsList->append(button2); button3 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, PropertiesP, dataMenu ); button3->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "properties", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button3 ); button4 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, UnitsP, dataMenu ); button4->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "units", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button4 ); button9 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, PrepMethodsP, dataMenu ); button9->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "ICON PLEASE", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button9 ); button5 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, CategoriesP, dataMenu ); button5->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "categories", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button5 ); button6 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, AuthorsP, dataMenu ); button6->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "preferences-desktop-personal", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); buttonsList->append( button6 ); contextButton = new TQPushButton( leftPanel, "contextButton" ); contextButton->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "krectip", TDEIcon::Panel, 32 ) ); contextButton->setGeometry( leftPanel->width() - 42, leftPanel->height() - 42, 32, 32 ); contextButton->setPaletteBackgroundColor( contextButton->paletteBackgroundColor().light( 140 ) ); contextButton->setFlat( true ); END_TIMER() config->setGroup( "Performance" ); int limit = config->readNumEntry( "CategoryLimit", -1 ); database->updateCategoryCache(limit); // Right Panel Widgets START_TIMER("Creating input dialog") inputPanel = new RecipeInputDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating recipe view") viewPanel = new RecipeViewDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating recipe selection dialog") selectPanel = new SelectRecipeDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating ingredients component") ingredientsPanel = new IngredientsDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating properties component") propertiesPanel = new PropertiesDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating units component") unitsPanel = new UnitsDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating shopping list dialog") shoppingListPanel = new ShoppingListDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating diet wizard dialog") dietPanel = new DietWizardDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating categories component") categoriesPanel = new CategoriesEditorDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating authors component") authorsPanel = new AuthorsDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating prep methods component") prepMethodsPanel = new PrepMethodsDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() START_TIMER("Creating ingredients matcher dialog") ingredientMatcherPanel = new IngredientMatcherDialog( rightPanel, database ); END_TIMER() database->clearCategoryCache(); // Use to keep track of the panels panelMap.insert( inputPanel, RecipeEdit ); panelMap.insert( viewPanel, RecipeView ); panelMap.insert( selectPanel, SelectP ); panelMap.insert( ingredientsPanel, IngredientsP ); panelMap.insert( propertiesPanel, PropertiesP ); panelMap.insert( unitsPanel, UnitsP ); panelMap.insert( shoppingListPanel, ShoppingP ); panelMap.insert( dietPanel, DietP ); panelMap.insert( categoriesPanel, CategoriesP ); panelMap.insert( authorsPanel, AuthorsP ); panelMap.insert( prepMethodsPanel, PrepMethodsP ); panelMap.insert( ingredientMatcherPanel, MatcherP ); m_activePanel = RecipeEdit; // i18n translate(); // Initialize Variables recipeButton = 0; // Connect Signals from Left Panel to slotSetPanel() connect( leftPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked( KrePanel ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotSetPanel( KrePanel ) ) ); connect( contextButton, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQ_SLOT( activateContextHelp() ) ); connect( leftPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( resized( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( resizeRightPane( int, int ) ) ); // Retransmit signal to parent to Enable/Disable the Save Button connect ( inputPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( enableSaveOption( bool ) ), this, TQ_SIGNAL( enableSaveOption( bool ) ) ); // Create a new button when a recipe is unsaved connect ( inputPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( createButton( TQWidget*, const TQString & ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( addRecipeButton( TQWidget*, const TQString & ) ) ); // Connect Signals from selectPanel (SelectRecipeDialog) connect ( selectPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( recipeSelected( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( actionRecipe( int, int ) ) ); connect ( selectPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( recipesSelected( const TQValueList&, int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( actionRecipes( const TQValueList&, int ) ) ); // Connect Signals from ingredientMatcherPanel (IngredientMatcherDialog) connect ( ingredientMatcherPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( recipeSelected( int, int ) ), TQ_SLOT( actionRecipe( int, int ) ) ); // Close a recipe when requested (just switch panels) connect( inputPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( closeRecipe() ), this, TQ_SLOT( closeRecipe() ) ); // Show a recipe when requested (just switch panels) connect( inputPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( showRecipe( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( showRecipe( int ) ) ); // Create a new shopping list when a new diet is generated and accepted connect( dietPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( dietReady() ), this, TQ_SLOT( createShoppingListFromDiet() ) ); // Place the Tip Button in correct position when the left pane is resized connect( leftPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( resized( int, int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( moveTipButton( int, int ) ) ); connect( rightPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( panelRaised( TQWidget*, TQWidget* ) ), TQ_SLOT( panelRaised( TQWidget*, TQWidget* ) ) ); connect( selectPanel, TQ_SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ), TQ_SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ) ); // Close Splash Screen delete start_logo; #ifndef NDEBUG kdDebug()<<"Total time elapsed: "<exit( 1 ); exit ( 1 ); //FIXME: why doesn't tdeApp->exit(1) do anything? return false; } return true; } void KrecipesView::translate() { button0->setTitle( i18n( "Find/Edit Recipes" ) ); button1->setTitle( i18n( "Shopping List" ) ); button2->setTitle( i18n( "Ingredients" ) ); button3->setTitle( i18n( "Properties" ) ); button4->setTitle( i18n( "Units" ) ); button9->setTitle( i18n( "Preparation Methods" ) ); button5->setTitle( i18n( "Categories" ) ); button6->setTitle( i18n( "Authors" ) ); button7->setTitle( i18n( "Diet Helper" ) ); button8->setTitle( i18n( "Ingredient Matcher" ) ); } void KrecipesView::print() { viewPanel->print(); } void KrecipesView::slotSetTitle( const TQString& title ) { emit signalChangeCaption( title ); } // Function to switch panels void KrecipesView::slotSetPanel( KrePanel p ) { m_activePanel = p; switch ( m_activePanel ) { case SelectP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Find/Edit Recipes" ), "filefind" ); rightPanel->raise( selectPanel ); break; case ShoppingP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Shopping List" ), "trolley" ); rightPanel->raise( shoppingListPanel ); shoppingListPanel->reload( Load ); break; case DietP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Diet Helper" ), "diet" ); rightPanel->raise( dietPanel ); dietPanel->reload( Load ); break; case MatcherP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Ingredient Matcher" ), "categories" ); rightPanel->raise( ingredientMatcherPanel ); ingredientMatcherPanel->reload( Load ); break; case IngredientsP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Ingredients" ), "ingredients" ); rightPanel->raise( ingredientsPanel ); ingredientsPanel->reload( Load ); break; case PropertiesP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Properties" ), "properties" ); rightPanel->raise( propertiesPanel ); //propertiesPanel->reload(); break; case UnitsP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Units" ), "units" ); rightPanel->raise( unitsPanel ); unitsPanel->reload( Load ); break; case PrepMethodsP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Preparation Methods" ), "GIVE ME AN ICON :p" ); rightPanel->raise( prepMethodsPanel ); prepMethodsPanel->reload( Load ); break; case CategoriesP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Categories" ), "categories" ); rightPanel->raise( categoriesPanel ); categoriesPanel->reload( Load ); break; case AuthorsP: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Authors" ), "preferences-desktop-personal" ); rightPanel->raise( authorsPanel ); authorsPanel->reload( Load ); break; case RecipeEdit: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "Edit Recipe" ), "edit" ); rightPanel->raise( inputPanel ); break; case RecipeView: rightPanel->setHeader( i18n( "View Recipe" ), "filefind" ); rightPanel->raise( viewPanel ); break; } } bool KrecipesView::save( void ) { return inputPanel->save(); } /*! \fn KrecipesView::exportRecipe() */ void KrecipesView::exportRecipe() { TQWidget * vis_panel = rightPanel->visiblePanel(); if ( vis_panel == viewPanel && viewPanel->recipesLoaded() > 0 ) { exportRecipes( viewPanel->currentRecipes() ); } else if ( vis_panel == selectPanel ) { selectPanel->getActionsHandler()->recipeExport(); } } void KrecipesView::exportToClipboard() { TQWidget * vis_panel = rightPanel->visiblePanel(); if ( vis_panel == viewPanel && viewPanel->recipesLoaded() > 0 ) { TQValueList ids = viewPanel->currentRecipes(); RecipeActionsHandler::recipesToClipboard( ids, database ); } else if ( vis_panel == selectPanel ) { selectPanel->getActionsHandler()->recipesToClipboard(); } } void KrecipesView::exportRecipes( const TQValueList &ids ) { if ( ids.count() == 1 ) RecipeActionsHandler::exportRecipes( ids, i18n( "Export Recipe" ), database->recipeTitle( ids[ 0 ] ), database ); else RecipeActionsHandler::exportRecipes( ids, i18n( "Export Recipe" ), i18n( "Recipes" ), database ); } void KrecipesView::actionRecipe( int recipeID, int action ) { switch ( action ) { case 0: //Show { showRecipe( recipeID ); break; } case 1: // Edit { if ( !inputPanel->everythingSaved() ) { switch ( KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( this, TQString( i18n( "A recipe contains unsaved changes.\n" "Do you want to save changes made to this recipe before editing another recipe?" ) ), i18n( "Unsaved changes" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: inputPanel->save(); break; case KMessageBox::No: break; case KMessageBox::Cancel: return ; } } inputPanel->loadRecipe( recipeID ); slotSetPanel( RecipeEdit ); break; } case 2: //Remove { switch ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, TQString( i18n( "Are you sure you want to permanently remove the recipe, %1?" ) ).arg(database->recipeTitle(recipeID)), i18n( "Confirm remove" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: database->removeRecipe( recipeID ); break; case KMessageBox::No: break; } break; } case 3: //Add to shopping list { shoppingListPanel->addRecipeToShoppingList( recipeID ); break; } } } void KrecipesView::actionRecipes( const TQValueList &ids, int action ) { if ( action == 0 ) //show { showRecipes( ids ); } } void KrecipesView::createNewRecipe( void ) { if ( !inputPanel->everythingSaved() ) { switch ( KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( this, TQString( i18n( "A recipe contains unsaved changes.\n" "Do you want to save changes made to this recipe before creating a new recipe?" ) ), i18n( "Unsaved changes" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: inputPanel->save(); break; case KMessageBox::No: break; case KMessageBox::Cancel: return ; } } inputPanel->newRecipe(); slotSetPanel( RecipeEdit ); } void KrecipesView::createNewElement( void ) { //this is inconstant as the program stands... /*if (rightPanel->visiblePanel())==4) //Properties Panel is the active one { propertiesPanel->createNewProperty(); } else*/{ createNewRecipe(); } } void KrecipesView::wizard( bool force ) { TDEConfig * config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup( "Wizard" ); bool setupDone = config->readBoolEntry( "SystemSetup", false ); TQString setupVersion = config->readEntry( "Version", "0.3" ); // By default assume it's 0.3. This parameter didn't exist in that version yet. if ( !setupDone || ( setupVersion.toDouble() < 0.5 ) || force ) // The config structure changed in version 0.4 to have DBType and Config Structure version { bool setupUser, initData, doUSDAImport, adminEnabled; TQString adminUser, adminPass, user, pass, host, client, dbName; int port; bool isRemote; SetupWizard *setupWizard = new SetupWizard( this ); if ( setupWizard->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { TDEConfig * config; config = tdeApp->config(); config->sync(); config->setGroup( "DBType" ); dbType = config->readEntry( "Type", "SQLite" ); kdDebug() << "Setting up" << endl; setupWizard->getOptions( setupUser, initData, doUSDAImport ); // Setup user if necessary if ( ( dbType == "MySQL" || dbType == "PostgreSQL" ) && setupUser ) // Don't setup user if checkbox of existing user... was set { kdDebug() << "Setting up user\n"; setupWizard->getAdminInfo( adminEnabled, adminUser, adminPass, dbType ); setupWizard->getServerInfo( isRemote, host, client, dbName, user, pass, port ); if ( !adminEnabled ) // Use root without password { kdDebug() << "Using default admin\n"; if ( dbType == "MySQL" ) adminUser = "root"; else if ( dbType == "PostgreSQL" ) adminUser = "postgres"; adminPass = TQString::null; } if ( !isRemote ) // Use localhost { kdDebug() << "Using localhost\n"; host = "localhost"; client = "localhost"; } setupUserPermissions( host, client, dbName, user, pass, adminUser, adminPass, port ); } // Initialize database with data if requested if ( initData ) { setupWizard->getServerInfo( isRemote, host, client, dbName, user, pass, port ); initializeData( host, dbName, user, pass, port ); // Populate data as normal user } if ( doUSDAImport ) { // Open the DB first setupWizard->getServerInfo( isRemote, host, client, dbName, user, pass, port ); //only used if needed by backend RecipeDB *db = RecipeDB::createDatabase( dbType, host, user, pass, dbName, port, dbName ); // Import the data if ( db ) { db->connect(); if ( db->ok() ) { ProgressInterface pi(this); pi.listenOn(db); db->importUSDADatabase(); } //close the database whether ok() or not delete db; } } //we can do a faster usda import if this is done after it if ( initData ) { RecipeDB *db = RecipeDB::createDatabase( dbType, host, user, pass, dbName, port, dbName ); if ( db ) { db->connect(); if ( db->ok() ) { db->importSamples(); } //close the database whether ok() or not delete db; } } } delete setupWizard; } } void KrecipesView::setupUserPermissions( const TQString &host, const TQString &client, const TQString &dbName, const TQString &newUser, const TQString &newPass, const TQString &adminUser, const TQString &adminPass, int port ) { TQString user = adminUser; TQString pass = adminPass; if ( user.isNull() ) { pass = TQString::null; if ( dbType == "PostgreSQL" ) user = "postgres"; else if ( dbType == "MySQL" ) user = "root"; kdDebug() << "Open db as " << user << ", with no password\n"; } else kdDebug() << "Open db as:" << user << ",*** with password ****\n"; RecipeDB *db = RecipeDB::createDatabase( dbType, host, user, pass, dbName, port, dbName ); if ( db ) { db->connect(true,false);//create the database, but no tables (do that when connected as the user) if ( db->ok() ) db->givePermissions( dbName, newUser, newPass, client ); // give permissions to the user else questionRerunWizard( db->err(), i18n( "Unable to setup database" ) ); } delete db; //it closes the db automatically } void KrecipesView::initializeData( const TQString &host, const TQString &dbName, const TQString &user, const TQString &pass, int port ) { RecipeDB * db = RecipeDB::createDatabase( dbType, host, user, pass, dbName, port, dbName ); if ( !db ) { kdError() << i18n( "Code error. No DB support has been included. Exiting" ) << endl; tdeApp->exit( 1 ); } db->connect(); if ( db->ok() ) { db->emptyData(); db->initializeData(); } delete db; } void KrecipesView::addRecipeButton( TQWidget *w, const TQString &title ) { recipeWidget = w; TDEIconLoader il; if ( !recipeButton ) { recipeButton = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, RecipeEdit ); recipeButton->setIconSet( il.loadIconSet( "document-save", TDEIcon::Small ) ); TQString short_title = title.left( 20 ); if ( title.length() > 20 ) short_title.append( "..." ); recipeButton->setTitle( short_title ); buttonsList->append( recipeButton ); leftPanel->highlightButton( recipeButton ); connect( recipeButton, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( switchToRecipe() ) ); connect( ( RecipeInputDialog * ) w, TQ_SIGNAL( titleChanged( const TQString& ) ), recipeButton, TQ_SLOT( setTitle( const TQString& ) ) ); } } void KrecipesView::switchToRecipe( void ) { slotSetPanel( RecipeEdit ); } void KrecipesView::closeRecipe( void ) { slotSetPanel( SelectP ); buttonsList->removeLast(); recipeButton = 0; } //Needed to make sure that the raise() is done after the construction of all the widgets, otherwise childEvent in the PanelDeco is called only _after_ the raise(), and can't be shown. void KrecipesView::show ( void ) { slotSetPanel( SelectP ); TQWidget::show(); } void KrecipesView::showRecipe( int recipeID ) { TQValueList ids; ids << recipeID; showRecipes( ids ); } void KrecipesView::showRecipes( const TQValueList &recipeIDs ) { if ( viewPanel->loadRecipes( recipeIDs ) ) slotSetPanel( RecipeView ); } void KrecipesView::activateContextHelp() { switch ( m_activePanel ) { case RecipeView: //tdeApp->invokeHelp(""); break; case SelectP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("find-edit"); break; case ShoppingP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("shopping-list"); break; case DietP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("diet-helper"); break; case MatcherP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("ingredient-matcher"); break; case RecipeEdit: tdeApp->invokeHelp("enter-edit-recipes"); break; case IngredientsP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("ingredients-component"); break; case PropertiesP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("properties-component"); break; case UnitsP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("units-component"); break; case PrepMethodsP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("prep-methods"); break; case CategoriesP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("categories-component"); break; case AuthorsP: tdeApp->invokeHelp("authors-component"); break; } } void KrecipesView::panelRaised( TQWidget *w, TQWidget *old_w ) { emit panelShown( panelMap[ old_w ], false ); emit panelShown( panelMap[ w ], true ); } void KrecipesView::createShoppingListFromDiet( void ) { shoppingListPanel->createShopping( dietPanel->dietList() ); slotSetPanel( ShoppingP ); } void KrecipesView::moveTipButton( int, int ) { contextButton->setGeometry( leftPanel->width() - 42, leftPanel->height() - 42, 32, 32 ); } void KrecipesView::resizeRightPane( int lpw, int ) { TQSize rpsize = rightPanel->size(); TQPoint rpplace = rightPanel->pos(); rpsize.setWidth( width() - lpw ); rpplace.setX( lpw ); rightPanel->move( rpplace ); rightPanel->resize( rpsize ); } void KrecipesView::initDatabase( TDEConfig *config ) { // Read the database type config->sync(); config->setGroup( "DBType" ); dbType = checkCorrectDBType( config ); // Open the database database = RecipeDB::createDatabase( dbType ); if ( !database ) { // No DB type has been enabled(should not happen at all, but just in case) kdError() << i18n( "Code error. No DB support was built in. Exiting" ) << endl; tdeApp->exit( 1 ); } database->connect(); while ( !database->ok() ) { // Ask the user if he wants to rerun the wizard bool rerun = questionRerunWizard( database->err(), i18n( "Unable to open database" ) ); if ( !rerun ) break; // Reread the configuration file. // The user may have changed the data and/or DB type config->sync(); config->setGroup( "DBType" ); dbType = checkCorrectDBType( config ); delete database; database = RecipeDB::createDatabase( dbType ); if ( database ) database->connect(); else { // No DB type has been enabled (should not happen at all, but just in case) kdError() << i18n( "Code error. No DB support was built in. Exiting" ) << endl; tdeApp->exit( 1 ); break; } } kdDebug() << i18n( "DB started correctly\n" ).latin1(); } TQString KrecipesView::checkCorrectDBType( TDEConfig *config ) { dbType = config->readEntry( "Type", "SQLite" ); while ( ( dbType != "SQLite" ) && ( dbType != "MySQL" ) && ( dbType != "PostgreSQL" ) ) { questionRerunWizard( i18n( "The configured database type (%1) is unsupported." ).arg( dbType ), i18n( "Unsupported database type. Database must be either MySQL, SQLite, or PostgreSQL." ) ); // Read the database setup again config = tdeApp->config(); config->sync(); config->setGroup( "DBType" ); dbType = config->readEntry( "Type", "SQLite" ); } return ( dbType ); } void KrecipesView::reloadDisplay() { viewPanel->reload(); } void KrecipesView::editRecipe() { KrePanel vis_panel = panelMap[ rightPanel->visiblePanel() ]; switch ( vis_panel ) { case RecipeView: actionRecipe( viewPanel->currentRecipes() [ 0 ], 1 ); break; case SelectP: selectPanel->getActionsHandler()->edit(); break; default: break; } } void KrecipesView::reload() { viewPanel->reload(); selectPanel->reload( ForceReload ); shoppingListPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); ingredientsPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); propertiesPanel->reload(); unitsPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); dietPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); authorsPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); categoriesPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); ingredientMatcherPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); prepMethodsPanel->reload( ReloadIfPopulated ); } DCOPRef KrecipesView::currentDatabase() const { return DCOPRef(database); } #include "krecipesview.moc"