/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>
   Copyright 2002, 2003 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
   Copyright 2003 Nicolas GOUTTE <goutte@kde.org>
   Copyright 2005 Jason Kivlighn <jkivlighn@gmail.com>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "krepagelayout.h"

#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kprinter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>

#include <tqdom.h>

#include "kreunit.h"

// paper formats ( mm )
#define PG_A3_WIDTH		297.0
#define PG_A3_HEIGHT		420.0
#define PG_A4_WIDTH		210.0
#define PG_A4_HEIGHT		297.0
#define PG_A5_WIDTH		148.0
#define PG_A5_HEIGHT		210.0
#define PG_B5_WIDTH		182.0
#define PG_B5_HEIGHT		257.0
#define PG_US_LETTER_WIDTH	216.0
#define PG_US_LETTER_HEIGHT	279.0
#define PG_US_LEGAL_WIDTH	216.0
#define PG_US_LEGAL_HEIGHT	356.0

TQDomElement KoPageLayout::saveKreFormat( TQDomDocument &doc ) const
    TQDomElement style = doc.createElement( "page-layout-properties" );
    style.setAttribute("page-width", ptWidth);
    style.setAttribute("page-height", ptHeight);
    style.setAttribute("margin-left", ptLeft);
    style.setAttribute("margin-right", ptRight);
    style.setAttribute("margin-top", ptTop);
    style.setAttribute("margin-bottom", ptBottom);
    style.setAttribute("print-orientation", (orientation == PG_LANDSCAPE ? "landscape" : "portrait"));kdDebug()<<"margin-left: "<<ptLeft<<endl;
    return style;

void KoPageLayout::loadKreFormat(const TQDomElement &style)
    if ( !style.isNull() )
        ptWidth = KoUnit::parseValue(style.attribute("page-width", TQString::null ) );
        ptHeight = KoUnit::parseValue(style.attribute( "page-height", TQString::null ) );
        if (style.attribute( "print-orientation", TQString::null)=="portrait")
        ptRight = KoUnit::parseValue( style.attribute( "margin-right", TQString::null ) );
        ptBottom = KoUnit::parseValue( style.attribute( "margin-bottom", TQString::null ) );
        ptLeft = KoUnit::parseValue( style.attribute( "margin-left", TQString::null ) );
        ptTop = KoUnit::parseValue( style.attribute( "margin-top", TQString::null ) );
        // guessFormat takes millimeters
        if ( orientation == PG_LANDSCAPE )
            format = KoPageFormat::guessFormat( POINT_TO_MM(ptHeight), POINT_TO_MM(ptWidth) );
            format = KoPageFormat::guessFormat( POINT_TO_MM(ptWidth), POINT_TO_MM(ptHeight) );

KoPageLayout KoPageLayout::standardLayout()
    KoPageLayout layout;
    layout.format = KoPageFormat::defaultFormat();
    layout.orientation = PG_PORTRAIT;
    layout.ptWidth = MM_TO_POINT( KoPageFormat::width( layout.format, layout.orientation ) );
    layout.ptHeight = MM_TO_POINT( KoPageFormat::height( layout.format, layout.orientation ) );
    layout.ptLeft = MM_TO_POINT( 20.0 );
    layout.ptRight = MM_TO_POINT( 20.0 );
    layout.ptTop = MM_TO_POINT( 20.0 );
    layout.ptBottom = MM_TO_POINT( 20.0 ); 
    return layout;

struct PageFormatInfo
    KoFormat format;
    KPrinter::PageSize kprinter;
    const char* shortName; // Short name
    const char* descriptiveName; // Full name, which will be translated
    double width; // in mm
    double height; // in mm

// - the width and height of non-ISO formats are rounded
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size can help
// - the comments "should be..." indicates the exact values if the inch sizes would be multiplied by 25.4 mm/inch

const PageFormatInfo pageFormatInfo[]=
    { PG_DIN_A3,        KPrinter::A3,           "A3",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A3"),       297.0,  420.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A4,        KPrinter::A4,           "A4",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A4"),       210.0,  297.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A5,        KPrinter::A5,           "A5",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A5"),       148.0,  210.0 },
    { PG_US_LETTER,     KPrinter::Letter,       "Letter",       I18N_NOOP("US Letter"),    215.9,  279.4 },
    { PG_US_LEGAL,      KPrinter::Legal,        "Legal",        I18N_NOOP("US Legal"),     215.9,  355.6 },
    { PG_SCREEN,        KPrinter::A4,           "Screen",       I18N_NOOP("Screen"), PG_A4_HEIGHT, PG_A4_WIDTH }, // Custom, so fall back to A4
    { PG_CUSTOM,        KPrinter::A4,           "Custom",       I18N_NOOP("Custom"), PG_A4_WIDTH, PG_A4_HEIGHT }, // Custom, so fall back to A4
    { PG_DIN_B5,        KPrinter::B5,           "B5",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B5"),       182.0,  257.0 },
    // Hmm, wikipedia says 184.15 * 266.7 for executive !
    { PG_US_EXECUTIVE,  KPrinter::Executive,    "Executive",    I18N_NOOP("US Executive"), 191.0,  254.0 }, // should be 190.5 mm x 254.0 mm
    { PG_DIN_A0,        KPrinter::A0,           "A0",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A0"),       841.0, 1189.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A1,        KPrinter::A1,           "A1",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A1"),       594.0,  841.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A2,        KPrinter::A2,           "A2",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A2"),       420.0,  594.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A6,        KPrinter::A6,           "A6",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A6"),       105.0,  148.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A7,        KPrinter::A7,           "A7",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A7"),        74.0,  105.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A8,        KPrinter::A8,           "A8",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A8"),        52.0,   74.0 },
    { PG_DIN_A9,        KPrinter::A9,           "A9",           I18N_NOOP("ISO A9"),        37.0,   52.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B0,        KPrinter::B0,           "B0",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B0"),      1030.0, 1456.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B1,        KPrinter::B1,           "B1",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B1"),       728.0, 1030.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B10,       KPrinter::B10,          "B10",          I18N_NOOP("ISO B10"),       32.0,   45.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B2,        KPrinter::B2,           "B2",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B2"),       515.0,  728.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B3,        KPrinter::B3,           "B3",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B3"),       364.0,  515.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B4,        KPrinter::B4,           "B4",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B4"),       257.0,  364.0 },
    { PG_DIN_B6,        KPrinter::B6,           "B6",           I18N_NOOP("ISO B6"),       128.0,  182.0 },
    { PG_ISO_C5,        KPrinter::C5E,          "C5",           I18N_NOOP("ISO C5"),       163.0,  229.0 }, // Some sources tells: 162 mm x 228 mm
    { PG_US_COMM10,     KPrinter::Comm10E,      "Comm10",       I18N_NOOP("US Common 10"), 105.0,  241.0 }, // should be 104.775 mm x 241.3 mm
    { PG_ISO_DL,        KPrinter::DLE,          "DL",           I18N_NOOP("ISO DL"),       110.0,  220.0 },
    { PG_US_FOLIO,      KPrinter::Folio,        "Folio",        I18N_NOOP("US Folio"),     210.0,  330.0 }, // should be 209.54 mm x 330.2 mm
    { PG_US_LEDGER,     KPrinter::Ledger,       "Ledger",       I18N_NOOP("US Ledger"),    432.0,  279.0 }, // should be 431.8 mm x 297.4 mm
    { PG_US_TABLOID,    KPrinter::Tabloid,      "Tabloid",      I18N_NOOP("US Tabloid"),   279.0,  432.0 }  // should be 297.4 mm x 431.8 mm

int KoPageFormat::printerPageSize( KoFormat format )
    if ( format == PG_SCREEN )
            kdWarning() << "You use the page layout SCREEN. Printing in DIN A4 LANDSCAPE." << endl;
            return KPrinter::A4;
    else if ( format == PG_CUSTOM )
            kdWarning() << "The used page layout (CUSTOM) is not supported by KPrinter. Printing in A4." << endl;
            return KPrinter::A4;
    else if ( format <= PG_LAST_FORMAT )
        return pageFormatInfo[ format ].kprinter;
        return KPrinter::A4;

double KoPageFormat::width( KoFormat format, KoOrientation orientation )
    if ( orientation == PG_LANDSCAPE )
        return height( format, PG_PORTRAIT );
    if ( format <= PG_LAST_FORMAT )
        return pageFormatInfo[ format ].width;
    return PG_A4_WIDTH;   // should never happen

double KoPageFormat::height( KoFormat format, KoOrientation orientation )
    if ( orientation == PG_LANDSCAPE )
        return width( format, PG_PORTRAIT );
    if ( format <= PG_LAST_FORMAT )
        return pageFormatInfo[ format ].height;
    return PG_A4_HEIGHT;

KoFormat KoPageFormat::guessFormat( double width, double height )
    for ( int i = 0 ; i <= PG_LAST_FORMAT ; ++i )
        // We have some tolerance. 1pt is a third of a mm, this is
        // barely noticeable for a page size.
        if ( i != PG_CUSTOM
             && kAbs( width - pageFormatInfo[i].width ) < 1.0
             && kAbs( height - pageFormatInfo[i].height ) < 1.0 )
            return static_cast<KoFormat>(i);
    return PG_CUSTOM;

TQString KoPageFormat::formatString( KoFormat format )
    if ( format <= PG_LAST_FORMAT )
        return TQString::fromLatin1( pageFormatInfo[ format ].shortName );
    return TQString::fromLatin1( "A4" );

KoFormat KoPageFormat::formatFromString( const TQString & string )
    for ( int i = 0 ; i <= PG_LAST_FORMAT ; ++i )
        if (string == TQString::fromLatin1( pageFormatInfo[ i ].shortName ))
            return pageFormatInfo[ i ].format;
    // We do not know the format name, so we have a custom format
    return PG_CUSTOM;

KoFormat KoPageFormat::defaultFormat()
    int kprinter = TDEGlobal::locale()->pageSize();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i <= PG_LAST_FORMAT ; ++i )
        if ( pageFormatInfo[ i ].kprinter == kprinter )
            return static_cast<KoFormat>(i);
    return PG_DIN_A4;

TQString KoPageFormat::name( KoFormat format )
    if ( format <= PG_LAST_FORMAT )
        return i18n( pageFormatInfo[ format ].descriptiveName );
    return i18n( pageFormatInfo[ PG_DIN_A4 ].descriptiveName );

TQStringList KoPageFormat::allFormats()
    TQStringList lst;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i <= PG_LAST_FORMAT ; ++i )
        lst << i18n( pageFormatInfo[ i ].descriptiveName );
    return lst;