<sect1 id="bookman">
  <title>BookMan: Organize your Bookmarks</title>
  <para>BookMan is &krusader;'s Bookmark tool for
  bookmarking folders, local- and 
  <link linkend="remote-connections">remote URL's</link>, and later
  returning to them in a click of a button. The Bookman menu is
  divided into four sections: 
      <para>Your personal bookmarks</para>
      <para>Popular &URL;'s</para>
      <para>Permanent bookmarks</para>
      <para>Manage bookmarks</para>
    <para>You can bookmark inside a remote file system
    (&FTP; or SAMBA) and later use the bookmark to
    quickly connect to the remote machine, but you cannot bookmark
    inside an archive.</para>
  <!-- OLD
  <screeninfo>Bookmark menu</screeninfo>
  <imageobject><imagedata fileref="bookmanadd.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
  <imageobject><imagedata fileref="bookmanadd.png" format="EPS"/></imageobject>
  <textobject><phrase>BookMan: the Bookmark menu</phrase></textobject>
  <caption><para>Bookmark menu</para></caption>
  <figure id="screenshot-bookmanadd" float="1">
    <title>Bookmark menu</title>
        <imagedata fileref="bookmanadd.png"></imagedata>
        <phrase>Bookmark menu</phrase>
  <sect2 id="using_bookmarks">
    <title>Using Bookmarks</title>
    <para>Usually, you click on the 
    <guibutton>Bookmark</guibutton> button when you are in the target
    folder. For example, to bookmark 
    <filename class="directory">/usr/tmp</filename>, navigate
    &krusader; there and click the 
    <guibutton>Bookmark</guibutton> button and select 
    <guimenuitem>Bookmark Current</guimenuitem>. When the 
    <guilabel>Bookmark Current</guilabel> dialog box appears, the
    &URL; line will say 
    <filename class="directory">/usr/tmp</filename>. 
    <guilabel>Name</guilabel> is for the name you would like to give
    to the bookmark (e.g.: temporary folder). Hotkeys are supported
    by adding 
    <literal>&amp;</literal> to the bookmark name
    <literal>&amp;sourceforge, &amp;home,
    down&amp;loads</literal> &etc;, so you can
    quickly call the bookmark name with 
    <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;
    <keycap>foo</keycap></keycombo>. If you add the bookmark
    without entering a name, the bookmarks name will be the same as
    its target. 
    <!-- Openjade does not like an acronym element for "URL" here -->
    is where the bookmark points to. 
    <guilabel>Create in</guilabel> creates bookmark folders for
    organizing your bookmarks.</para>
    <para>To use your bookmarks, click the 
    <guibutton>Bookmark</guibutton> button and choose a bookmark.
    You may also use the &keybindigs-lnk; : 
    <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;
    <keycap>d</keycap></keycombo> to bookmark the current item, 
    <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;
    <keycap>right/left arrow</keycap></keycombo> to 
    <keycap>open right/left panel bookmarks list</keycap> and 
    <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
    <keycap>d</keycap></keycombo> to open the bookmarks of the
    active panel. A &MMB; click on bookmarks opens them
    in a new 
    <link linkend="folder-tabs">Folder tab</link>.</para>
    <para>Navigation in bookmarks: 
        <para>Start typing letters</para>
        <para>&eg; when you type 
        <literal>'h'</literal> and only one bookmark starts with 
        <literal>'h'</literal>, it is executed immediately - no
        enter needed</para>
        <para>If more than one bookmarks begins with 
        <literal>'h'</literal>, you will have to continue adding
        letters, until you have specified enough and again, the
        bookmark is executed.</para>
  <sect2 id="password_handling">
    <title>Password handling</title>
    <para>One of the benefits of the 
    <link linkend="bookman">bookmark manager</link> is that the
    passwords are saved using &kde;'s services - where
    &eg; your &konqueror;/&kmail;
    password are saved. If you have a wallet, &kde; will
    save the passwords there. By clicking the bookmarks, a dialog
    will open and ask for your username and password. Supply them
    and click 'save password'. The passwords and usernames will be
    saved securely by &kde;'s wallet (make sure it is
    enabled by your distro). The downside here is that if you
    reinstall and do not backup your passwords from the wallet as
    well as &krusader;'s bookmark file, something will
    be lost.</para>
  <sect2 id="popular-urls">
    <title>Popular URL's</title>
      <primary>Popular URL's</primary>
    <para>The submenu 
    <guilabel>Popular URL's</guilabel>
    <!-- Openjade does not like an acronym element for "URL" here -->
    holds persistent the most popular visited &URL;'s
    (local or remote). This submenu displays the top 15 popular
    URLs, sorted by ranking, so that the top &URL; is
    the most popular. This is easy for when you need to visit
    &URL;s often, but do not want to create
    &bookmarks-lnk;, it serves as a temporary bookmark
    list for the most visited links. 
    <guilabel>Quicksearch Popular URL's</guilabel> is a fast way to
    browse/select the popular &URL;s: 
        <para>Open the 
        <guilabel>Popular URL's</guilabel>
        <!-- Openjade does not like an acronym element for "URL" here -->
        or use 
        <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
        <para>Type a few letters to narrow the search</para>
        <para>Press enter (you will go to the &URL;
        <para>Press enter again and the panel is refreshed</para>
  <sect2 id="permanent_bookmarks">
    <title>Permanent bookmarks</title>
    <para>These are hardcoded bookmarks to the top bookmark menu;
    there is no need for them to be saved to the file. With the
    &context-menu-lnk; you can enable/disable these
    permanent bookmarks. The following permanent bookmarks are
        <guilabel>Media</guilabel> uses &kde;'s 
        <link linkend="konfig-advanced">Media protocol</link> 
        <guilabel>Local Network</guilabel> uses &kde;'s 
        <filename>lan:/</filename> protocol.</para>
        <guilabel>Virtual Filesystem</guilabel> &vfs-lnk;
        <filename>virt:/</filename> is not a virtual folder, but a
        container for &URL;'s from different file
        systems. It is used for &eg; the 
        <guilabel>Feed to Listbox</guilabel> feature of the search
        module and the synchronizer. The location toolbar will
        display &eg; 
        <filename>virt:/Search results 1</filename> or 
        <filename>virt:/Synchronise results 1</filename>.</para>
      <listitem id="jump_back">
        <guilabel>Jump back</guilabel> or 
        <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
        <keycap>J</keycap></keycombo> brings you back to your
        starting position when you did create a new tab in the
        panel window. This feature is very handy if you go deep
        into a directory tree, than you can return with one action
        to the starting point. With 
        <guilabel>Set jump back point here</guilabel> or 
        <keycombo action="simul">
        <keycap>J</keycap></keycombo> sets the current directory as
        a jump back point.</para>
  <sect2 id="manage_bookmarks">
    <title>Manage bookmarks</title>
    <para>To edit and organize your bookmarks, by clicking the 
    <guibutton>Bookmark</guibutton> button and selecting the 
    <guimenuitem>Manage Bookmarks</guimenuitem>,
    &keditbookmarks; will be displayed. This is where
    you can edit/remove and rearrange the bookmarks.
    &keditbookmarks; (part of the tdebase package) is a
    bookmark editor for &konqueror;,
    &krusader; and other applications, which use the
    &xbel-url; standard for the bookmark format. The
    bookmarks are stored in 
    <para>You can import bookmarks from 
    <application>Galeon</application>, &kde;, 
    <application>Mozilla</application>, &Netscape;.
    &keditbookmarks; is easy to use, however, if you
    need more information, please read the
    &keditbookmarks; or the &konqueror;
    <!-- OLD
  <screeninfo>&keditbookmarks; Bookmark Manager</screeninfo>
  <imageobject><imagedata fileref="bookmanedit.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
  <imageobject><imagedata fileref="bookmanedit.png" format="EPS"/></imageobject>
  <textobject><phrase>&keditbookmarks; edit and organize your Bookmarks</phrase></textobject>
  <caption><para>&keditbookmarks;: Bookmark Manager.</para></caption>
    <figure id="screenshot-bookmanedit" float="1">
      <title>&keditbookmarks; Bookmark Manager</title>
          <imagedata fileref="bookmanedit.png"></imagedata>
          <phrase>&keditbookmarks; Bookmark
  <sect2 id="bookmark_buttons">
    <title>Bookmarks as action buttons on the Toolbar</title>
    <para>Bookmarks can be placed as buttons on the
    &main-toolbar-lnk; or the
    &actions-toolbar-lnk;. You can even make a
    key-binding for them: 
        <para>Create your &bookmarks-lnk;.</para>
        <para>If you want, create keybindings for the bookmarks in
        <guilabel>Key-bindings</guilabel> section of the
        <para>Add your bookmarks as action buttons on the
        &main-toolbar-lnk; or the
        &actions-toolbar-lnk; with the 
        <guilabel>Toolbar</guilabel> section of the