KruSearcher: find what you are looking forSearchWelcome to &krusader;'s powerful search module -
nicknamed KruSearcher. It is the most able tool (that we know of)
for &Linux;, since it allows so many different ways to
quickly find the file you are looking for. The search function is
also available on remote file systems. It is divided into two
levels, the general and the advanced. Let's take a look at the
general page.General SearchGeneral SearchThe page is divided into four parts: top (search for) part,
bottom part - titled 'containing text', left part - titled
'search in' and right part which is called 'don't search in'.
Obviously, each part handles different aspects of the search.
Let's look at them closely.Top Part:Search for: here you enter the main
search criteria. You can enter a file name, a wildcard (
*.c &etc;) or
both - separated by a space. If you type
'text' the results is the same as
'*text*'. You can exclude files from the
search with '|' (⪚
'*.cpp *.h |
*.moc.cpp') . You can use quotation marks for names
that contain spaces. Filter "Program Files" searches
out those files/directories the name of which is Program
Files.Case sensitive: unchecking it will allow
lower and upper case search (&ie;:
*.c interprets as
*.c AND
*.C).Of type: this box lets you search for a
file not only by its name, but also by its mime type. For
example, you can search for all the audio files whose name
begins with B. Usually this option defaults to 'all files',
but you can choose to search for archives, directories,
images, text files, videos and audio files.Left and Right Part:Search in and
Don't search in: Using those two parts,
you can specify a search exactly the way you want it. For
example, you might want to search for a file in the whole
file system (beginning with
/), but do not want to search inside
/mnt. All you need to do is write
/ in the
search in box, and write
/mnt in the
dont search in box. If you want to enter
more than one directory in one of the boxes, just type the
first name and press &Enter;. The directory name
will be copied to the bigger box and youwill be able to enter
another name.
The input line has an auto-completion feature,
corresponding to &kde; global settings. If you
wish, you can click on the
folder icon, and browse to the directory
you wish to add.Bottom Part:Text: entering text here makes
&krusader; search for it inside the files (
grep). This way you can search for all
header files (
*.h) which include the
'testing 123'.Match whole word onlyCase sensitive: refers to your text
being searched for in upper and lower case or the exact
phrase you entered.Search in subdirectories: perform a
recursive search and dive into every directory on the
way.Search in archives:
&krusader; will search for your files inside every
supported archive. This, however, takes longer to perform.
If you check this checkbox, youwill notice you cannot
grep inside files anymore. This is done,
since looking inside archived files forces
&krusader; to extract them, which results in an
extremely time-consuming search.Follow links: if checked,
&krusader; will follow soft-links during the
search.Profiles: if you have to regularly
perform the same search operation, you can save the search
settings ⪚ include files, exclude files,
etc.... Press the 'profile' button, and you can
add/load/save/remove search profiles.The above screen shot shows a search for all the files which
end with
c, cpp or
h and include the string
'testing 123'. &krusader; will
search in
/root, /opt, /bin and
/usr, but not in
/usr/lib and
/usr/share.Clicking the
Search button starts the search and
displays the results page. During the search, you may press the
Stop button to stop the search. The
Close button is not operational during a
search, so you must first stop the search and then
Close the window. When a result is found,
double-clicking on it will take &krusader;'s active
panel point to the found files - but will not close the search
window, so you will be able to click on a different result.Sometimes, you need to narrow your search even more.
Krusearcher allows a much finer search, and for that, let's look
at the
Advanced Page...Advanced SearchAdvanced SearchThis screen shot shows a search for files whose size is
between 10KB and 150KB, which were modified between October 10th
and November 1st, which belong to any user in the 'users' group,
and are readable and writable by anyone in the 'users' group, but
only readable to the rest of the world.The advanced page is divided into three parts: size, date
and ownership.SizeAllows you to choose the size range of the file you are
looking for. By checking the check boxes, you can search for a
file which is bigger than XXX bytes (or KB, MB), smaller than XXX
bytes or, by checking both search for a file which size is bigger
than XXX but smaller than YYY.DateThis part offers three different ways of defining a date
Modified between: allows you to enter
two dates. &krusader; will search for files with a
modification date between the first date and the second one,
inclusive. If you only enter a date in the left box, you will
be searching for files older than that date. If you only
enter a date in the right box, you will be searching for files
newer than that date.
You can click on the date icon (near the input boxes)
to open a standard date window - which allows you to easily
browse through the calendar and search for the desired
date. Clicking on a date will close the window and the date
will appear in the input box.Not modified after: choosing this option
makes &krusader; search for files that were NOT
modified after a given date, which is the same as searching
for files older than that date.Modified in the last/not modified in the
last: in these input boxes, you do not enter a date
but a number. This number represents days/weeks/months (as
chosen in the near drop box). Entering the number 5 in the
upper input box, makes &krusader; search for files
that were modified in the last 5 days. Entering the number 2
in the lower input box makes &krusader; search for
files that did NOT change in the last 2 days. The combination
of both results in a search for files that were changed in
the last 5 days, but NOT in the last 2 days.OwnershipBelongs to user/group: by checking each
of the corresponding check boxes, you can search for files
which belong to a certain user and/or group. The drop box
lists all the user names and group names in the system, just
choose one and go ahead.Permissions: divided into owner, group
and all - it allows you to choose certain permissions for the
file. You can choose to specify permissions for the owner,
group, all or any combination. The question mark (?) is a
wildcard - which means that any permission is valid.To clarify, the screen shot above (the permissions part)
describes a search for files that belong to any user in group
'users', are readable, writable but not executable to any user
in the group, are readable but not writable or executable to
the rest of the world and have unknown permissions to its
owner.ResultsClicking on the
Search button to start the search and open
the Results window. Here you can see the progress and the the
results of the search action. If you want you can stop the
current search action with the
Stopbutton. In the result list select the
file and use
F4 to view/edit or use the right-click menu. When
you click on a found item, the directory of the active panel will
change if the selected item is not in the current panel
directory. The results window supports dragging items to other windows
and copy to clipboard (&Ctrl;c).
When you close the Krusearcher window, the selected
item is selected in the active panel.Feed to listboxWhen you click the
Feed to listbox button after the results
are displayed, then &krusader; ask for a Query Name,
this name will be used in the Results-Tab in the List Panel that
holds the search results. You can do whatever you want on the
files in the new tab. The location toolbar will display
virt:/Search results 1.The files in the Results-Tab are actually the original
files. if you delete a file - it is removed!