KrViewer: &krusader;'s internal viewer-editor Viewer Editor Pressing &Enter; on a selected file opens the file with the associated application. The editor-viewer is tabbed, configure it on the &konfiggereral-lnk; Viewer To view a file as fast as possible according to its type, just put it under the cursor and press F3. &krusader;'s internal viewer is actually a part of &konqueror;, which can basically view every file type viewable by &konqueror; (⪚ display pictures, play music, show the content of an archive). This is called the 'Generic viewer', for which you need to configure the mime types. The viewer works as follows: It tries to view the file with the 'Generic viewer'. When the file type (mime type) cannot be determined or when a file (⪚ a binary) doesn't have an associated action, it disables the 'generic viewer'. The file is treated as a text file, which is the 'Text viewer'. The user can change in the KrViewer menu between: 'Generic viewer' (if available), 'Text viewer' and 'Hex viewer'. You can configure the default viewer mode on the &konfiggereral-lnk; . &Shift; F3views a &URL; on demand, ⪚: man:/ views the manpages. man:/ krusader views a manpage. info:/ views the infopages. http:// views a webpage. ftp:// views a ftp-server. sftp:// views a secure ftp-server. file:/ home/frank views the homedirectory of Frank. /home/frank/archive.tar.gz views a tar.gz archive. KrViewer can have the following menus: File, Edit, View, Settings and Krviewer, depending on which file type is viewed. They will be discussed in the Editor section. The internal viewer can follow links on HTML pages. With &Ctrl; E the viewer can start &krusader;'s internal editor (which is basically the same application). The embedded viewer is not written by us, it is supplied via &kde; (libs) and &kioslaves1-url; We cannot and do not want to change it, usings these libraries reduces the amount of written code. So we do not have to reinvent the wheel ;-) Editor Editor &krusader;'s internal editor has almost everything that you can expect of an editor. Editing is similar to viewing but with the F4 key. The default editor is &krusader;'s internal editor. You can change the default editor in the &konfiggereral-lnk;, if you prefer to use an external editor. When you use &krusader;'s internal editor for the first time, it is recommended to look at each section of the Settingsmenu, and configure it the way you want it. Menu overview Most of the menus are quite self-explanatory. ;-) <guimenu>File</guimenu>menu &Ctrl; S File Save Save file. File Save As Save file with another name. F5 File Reload Reload file. File Export Export the file to HTML format. &Ctrl; P File Print Print the file. <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu &Ctrl; Z Edit Undo Undo last action. &Ctrl;&Shift; Z Edit Redo Redo last action. &Ctrl; X Edit Cut Cut selected text to clipboard. &Ctrl; C Edit Copy Copy selected text to clipboard. &Ctrl; V Edit Paste Paste clipboard content to the document. &Ctrl; A Edit Select All Select whole document. &Ctrl;&Shift; A Edit Deselect Deselect current selection. &Ctrl;&Shift; B Edit Block Selection Mode Toggle Block Selection, which will activate/deactivate the block selection possibility. Insert Edit Overwrite Mode Toggle Insert/Overwrite Mode. &Ctrl; F Edit Find Find text. F3 Edit Find Next Find next text. &Shift; F3 Edit Find Previous Find previous text. &Ctrl; R Edit Replace Replace text. &Ctrl; G Edit Go to line Go to given line number. <guimenu>View</guimenu>menu F7 View Switch to Command Line. Display Command Line. View Schema. Set Schema ⪚ &krusader; Normal, &krusader; Printing, &kate; Normal, &kwrite; Normal. F10 View Dynamic Word Wrap Go to the next line at the maximum number of characters per line (default 80). View Dynamic Word Wrap Indicators Off, Follow Line Numbers, Always On. View Shows Static Word Wrap marker F6 View Show Icon Border Shows Icon Border. F11 View Show Line Numbers Shows the line numbers. View Show Scrollbar Marks. F9 View Hide Folding Markers View Code Folding. View Set Encoding ⪚ ISO8859-1, utf8, utf16, tscii, ... . <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu>menu &Ctrl; B Bookmark Set Bookmark Bookmark Clear All Bookmarks <guimenu>Tools</guimenu>menu Tools Read Only Mode Tools Filetype Mode Tools Highlight mode Highlight mode for scripts, programming languages, markup file, &etc;: ⪚ HTML, Bash, C++, XML, Makefile, Diff, .... Tools End of Line Change the end of Line termination: &UNIX;, &Windows;/DOS, Macintosh. &Ctrl; I Tools Indent &Ctrl;&Shift; I Tools Unindent Tools Clean Indentation &Ctrl; D Tools Comment Add appropriate comment tags, if available. &Ctrl;&Shift; D Tools Uncomment Removes the comment tags on the left. &Ctrl; U Tools Uppercase &Ctrl;&Shift; U Tools Lowercase &Alt;&Ctrl; U Tools Capitalize &Ctrl; J Tools Join Lines Tools Word Wrap Document <guimenu>Settings -> Configure Editor</guimenu>menu Settings Configure Editor Colors Color configuration for the: Background, Selected text, Current line and Bracket highlighting. Settings Configure Editor Fonts Fonts configuration for display and printer: Font, font Style and Size, with a preview window. Settings Configure Editor Indentation Indentation configuration: Automatically indent, use Spaces to indent, Keys indent, &Backspace; key unindents, keep indent profile, keep extra spaces. Settings Configure Editor Selection Selection configuration: Persistent selections, Overwrite selected text. Settings Configure Editor Editing Editing configuration: Word Wrap config., Whitespace config, Auto brackets, Smart home, Wrap cursor, Maximum undo steps. Settings Configure Editor Shortcuts Shortcuts configuration. Settings Configure Editor Highlighting Highlighting configuration: Default styles and Highlight mode. Settings Configure Editor View defaults View defaults: Dynamic word wrap, show Line numbers, show Icon border, show Folder markers if available, sort Bookmarks menu method. Settings Configure Editor Plugins Plugins configuration: ⪚ kTexteditor incremental search plugin, kTexteditor insert file plugin, kTexteditor kdatatoolplugin... <guimenu>KrViewer</guimenu>menu &Ctrl;&Shift; G KrViewer Generic viewer &krusader;'s internal viewer is actually part of Konqueror, which can basically view every file type viewable by &konqueror; (⪚ display pictures, play music, show the content of an archive). &Ctrl; T KrViewer Text viewer View the file in text mode. &Ctrl;&Shift; H KrViewer Hex viewer View the file in hex mode. &Ctrl;&Shift; E KrViewer Text editor Edit the file in text mode. &Alt; Right KrViewer Next Tab Next browsing Tab. &Alt; Left KrViewer Previous Tab Previous browsing Tab. &Ctrl;&Shift; D KrViewer Detach Tab Detach browsing Tab and open in a new window. &Esc; KrViewer Close current Tab. Close current browsing Tab. &Ctrl; Q KrViewer Close Closes &krusader;'s viewer/editor window.