From b888c7edb54e483ec0e3c2e2ce0eafd73acdcc65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timothy Pearson Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:57:00 -0500 Subject: Initial import from kshowmail 3.3.1 sources --- doc/html/serverdialog_8cpp-source.html | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 279 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/html/serverdialog_8cpp-source.html (limited to 'doc/html/serverdialog_8cpp-source.html') diff --git a/doc/html/serverdialog_8cpp-source.html b/doc/html/serverdialog_8cpp-source.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2755b13 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/html/serverdialog_8cpp-source.html @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ + + +kshowmail: kshowmail/serverdialog.cpp Source File + + + + +
+ +


00001 /***************************************************************************
+00002                           serverdialog.cpp  -  description
+00003                              -------------------
+00004     begin                : Sun Oct 28 2001
+00005     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Eggert Ehmke
+00006     email                :
+00007  ***************************************************************************/
+00009 /***************************************************************************
+00010  *                                                                         *
+00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+00015  *                                                                         *
+00016  ***************************************************************************/
+00018 #include "serverdialog.h"
+00020 ServerDialog::ServerDialog( QWidget* parent, ConfigElem* item )
+00021   : KDialogBase( parent, "ServerDialog", true, QString::null, Ok|Cancel, Ok, true )
+00022 {
+00023   //save pointer to account and view
+00024   account = item;
+00026   //main widget
+00027   QWidget* page = new QWidget( this );
+00028   setMainWidget( page );
+00030   //layouts
+00031   QVBoxLayout* layMain = new QVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() );
+00032   QGridLayout* layTop = new QGridLayout( layMain, 5, 2 );
+00034   //upper items
+00035   QLabel* lblAccount = new QLabel( i18n( "Account:" ), page, "lblAccount" );
+00036   txtAccount = new KLineEdit( page, "txtAccount" );
+00037   txtAccount->setEnabled( false );
+00038   QToolTip::add( lblAccount, i18n( "Unique Account Name" ) );
+00039   QToolTip::add( txtAccount, i18n( "Unique Account Name" ) );
+00040   layTop->addWidget( lblAccount, 0, 0 );
+00041   layTop->addWidget( txtAccount, 0, 1 );
+00043   QLabel* lblServer = new QLabel( i18n( "Server:" ), page, "lblServer" );
+00044   txtServer = new KLineEdit( page, "txtServer" );
+00045   txtServer->setFocus();
+00046   QToolTip::add( lblServer, i18n( "Server Name" ) );
+00047   QToolTip::add( txtAccount, i18n( "Server Name" ) );
+00048   layTop->addWidget( lblServer, 1, 0 );
+00049   layTop->addWidget( txtServer, 1, 1 );
+00051   QLabel* lblProtocol = new QLabel( i18n( "Protocol:" ), page, "lblProtocol" );
+00052   cboProtocol = new KComboBox( page, "cboProtocol" );
+00053   cboProtocol->insertItem( "POP3" );  //currently KShowmail just supports POP3
+00054   QToolTip::add( lblProtocol, i18n( "Protocol, which shall be used to get the mails from the server. Currently KShowmail just supports POP3.") );
+00055   QToolTip::add( cboProtocol, i18n( "Protocol, which shall be used to get the mails from the server. Currently KShowmail just supports POP3.") );
+00056   layTop->addWidget( lblProtocol, 2, 0 );
+00057   layTop->addWidget( cboProtocol, 2, 1 );
+00059   QLabel* lblPort = new QLabel( i18n( "Port:" ), page, "lblPort" );
+00060   spbPort = new QSpinBox( 0, 65535, 1, page, "spbPort" );
+00061   spbPort->setValue( DEFAULT_PORT_POP3 );
+00062   QToolTip::add( lblPort, i18n( "Port Number. Normally POP3 uses port 110." ) );
+00063   QToolTip::add( spbPort, i18n( "Port Number. Normally POP3 uses port 110." ) );
+00064   layTop->addWidget( lblPort, 3, 0 );
+00065   layTop->addWidget( spbPort, 3, 1 );
+00067   QLabel* lblUser = new QLabel( i18n( "User:" ), page, "lblUser" );
+00068   txtUser = new KLineEdit( page, "txtUser" );
+00069   QToolTip::add( lblUser, i18n( "To authenticate to the mail server you need an user name." ) );
+00070   QToolTip::add( txtUser, i18n( "To authenticate to the mail server you need an user name." ) );
+00071   layTop->addWidget( lblUser, 4, 0 );
+00072   layTop->addWidget( txtUser, 4, 1 );
+00074   //password groupbox and layouts
+00075   QGroupBox* gboxPassword = new QGroupBox( 0, Qt::Horizontal, i18n( "Password" ), page, "gboxPassword" );
+00076   layMain->addWidget( gboxPassword );
+00078   QVBoxLayout* layPassword = new QVBoxLayout( gboxPassword->layout(), spacingHint() );
+00079   QGridLayout* layPasswordStorage = new QGridLayout( layPassword, 2, 2, spacingHint() );
+00082   //radio buttons to set storage of the password
+00083   grpPasswordStorage = new QButtonGroup( NULL, "grpPasswordStorage" );
+00084   connect( grpPasswordStorage, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotPasswordStorageChanged( int ) ) );
+00086   QRadioButton* btnPasswordDontSave = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Don't save" ), gboxPassword, "btnPasswordDontSave" );
+00087   QRadioButton* btnPasswordSaveFile = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Save password"), gboxPassword, "btnPasswordSaveFile" );
+00088   QRadioButton* btnPasswordSaveKWallet = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Use KWallet" ), gboxPassword, "btnPasswordSaveKWallet" );
+00089   grpPasswordStorage->insert( btnPasswordDontSave, ID_BUTTON_PASSWORD_DONT_SAVE );
+00090   grpPasswordStorage->insert( btnPasswordSaveFile, ID_BUTTON_PASSWORD_SAVE_FILE );
+00091   grpPasswordStorage->insert( btnPasswordSaveKWallet, ID_BUTTON_PASSWORD_SAVE_KWALLET );
+00092   QToolTip::add( btnPasswordDontSave, i18n( "Don't save password. KShowmail will ask you for it at first server connect." ) );
+00093   QToolTip::add( btnPasswordSaveFile, i18n( "Save password in the configuration file. Not recommended, because the password is just lightly encrypted" ) );
+00094   QToolTip::add( btnPasswordSaveKWallet, i18n( "Use KWallet to save the password. Maybe you have to type in the KWallet master password at first server connect." ) );
+00095   layPasswordStorage->addWidget( btnPasswordDontSave, 0, 0 );
+00096   layPasswordStorage->addWidget( btnPasswordSaveFile, 0, 1 );
+00097   layPasswordStorage->addWidget( btnPasswordSaveKWallet, 1, 0 );
+00099   //password edit line
+00100   txtPassword = new KPasswordEdit( gboxPassword, "txtUser" );
+00101   layPassword->addWidget( txtPassword );
+00103   //set password defaults
+00104   grpPasswordStorage->setButton( DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_STORAGE );
+00105   slotPasswordStorageChanged( DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_STORAGE );
+00107   //active check box
+00108   QGridLayout* layActive = new QGridLayout( layMain, 1, 1 );
+00109   layActive->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
+00110   chkActive = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Active"), page, "chkActive" );
+00111   QToolTip::add( chkActive, i18n( "Select it to activate this account." ) );
+00112   layActive->addWidget( chkActive, 0, 0 );
+00113   chkActive->setChecked( DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE );
+00115   //set caption
+00116   if( item == NULL )
+00117     setCaption( i18n( "New account" ) );
+00118   else
+00119     setCaption( i18n( "Edit account" ) );
+00121   //write values of the given account into the dialog items
+00122   if( account != NULL )
+00123     fillDialog();
+00126 }
+00129 ServerDialog::~ServerDialog()
+00130 {
+00131 }
+00133 void ServerDialog::slotPasswordStorageChanged( int id )
+00134 {
+00135   if( id == ID_BUTTON_PASSWORD_DONT_SAVE )
+00136   {
+00137     txtPassword->setEnabled( false );
+00138     txtPassword->clear();
+00139   }
+00140   else
+00141     txtPassword->setEnabled( true );
+00142 }
+00144 void ServerDialog::slotOk( )
+00145 {
+00146   //check for necessary values
+00147   if( account == NULL )
+00148   {
+00149     kdError() << "ServerDialog::slotOk: Given account pointer is Null." << endl;
+00150     return;
+00151   }
+00152   if( txtServer->text() == "" )
+00153   {
+00154     KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Please enter an server." ) );
+00155     return;
+00156   }
+00158   if( txtUser->text() == "" )
+00159   {
+00160     KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Please enter an user name." ) );
+00161     return;
+00162   }
+00164   //get application config object (kshowmailrc)
+00165   KConfig* config = KApplication::kApplication()->config();
+00167   config->setGroup( txtAccount->text() );
+00169   config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_SERVER, txtServer->text() );
+00170   config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PROTOCOL, cboProtocol->currentText().upper() );
+00171   config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PORT, spbPort->value() );
+00172   config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_USER, txtUser->text() );
+00174   //get the password
+00175   //the class KPasswordEdit doesn't have a method to set the password
+00176   //therefore we use setText(). But if we use this method, KPasswordEdit::password()
+00177   //will return an empty string. If the user has typed in a new password, KPasswordEdit::password()
+00178   //will return the correct password
+00179   QString pass;
+00180   if( txtPassword->password() == "" || txtPassword->password() == QString::null )
+00181     pass = txtPassword->text();
+00182   else
+00183     pass = txtPassword->password();
+00185   //used to encrypt password
+00186   KURL url;
+00187   url.setUser( txtUser->text() );
+00188   url.setHost( txtServer->text() );
+00189   url.setPass( pass );
+00191   //save password (or not)
+00192   switch( grpPasswordStorage->selectedId() )
+00193   {
+00195                                            config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, QString::null );
+00196                                            break;
+00198                                            config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, crypt( url ) );
+00199                                            break;
+00201                                            config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, QString::null );
+00202                                            KWalletAccess::savePassword( txtAccount->text(), pass );
+00203                                            break;
+00204     default                              : config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_STORAGE, CONFIG_VALUE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_DONT_SAVE );
+00205                                            config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, QString::null );
+00206   }
+00208   config->writeEntry( CONFIG_ENTRY_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE, chkActive->isChecked() );
+00210   //save config to file
+00211   config->sync();
+00213   //call slot of super class to close the dialog
+00214   KDialogBase::slotOk();
+00215 }
+00217 void ServerDialog::fillDialog( )
+00218 {
+00219   //check for valid account pointer
+00220   if( account == NULL )
+00221   {
+00222     kdError() << "ServerDialog::fillDialog: invalid pointer to account item." << endl;
+00223     return;
+00224   }
+00226   txtAccount->setText( account->getAccountName() );
+00227   txtServer->setText( account->getHost() );
+00228   cboProtocol->setCurrentText( account->getProtocol( true ) );
+00229   spbPort->setValue( account->getPort() );
+00230   txtUser->setText( account->getUser() );
+00232   int type = account->getPasswordStorage();
+00236   switch( type )
+00237   {
+00238     case CONFIG_VALUE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_DONT_SAVE    : grpPasswordStorage->setButton( ID_BUTTON_PASSWORD_DONT_SAVE );
+00239                                                       txtPassword->setEnabled( false );
+00240                                                       txtPassword->clear();
+00241                                                       break;
+00242     case CONFIG_VALUE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_SAVE_FILE    : grpPasswordStorage->setButton( ID_BUTTON_PASSWORD_SAVE_FILE );
+00243                                                       txtPassword->setEnabled( true );
+00244                                                       txtPassword->setText( account->getPassword() );
+00245                                                       break;
+00247                                                       txtPassword->setEnabled( true );
+00248                                                       txtPassword->setText( account->getPassword() );
+00249                                                       break;
+00250     default                                         : grpPasswordStorage->setButton( 1 );
+00251                                                       txtPassword->clear();
+00252   }
+00254   chkActive->setChecked( account->isActive() );
+00255 }
+00257 #include "serverdialog.moc"

Generated on Thu Jul 5 19:36:07 2007 for kshowmail by  + +doxygen 1.5.0
+ + -- cgit v1.2.1