KSquirrel is a new image viewer for KDE, simple and convenient in usage.

While all others use another's decoders, in KSquirrel image decoding is based on own decoders
(ksquirrel-libs) which format is very simple. If support of certain format FMT is necessary
for you, you can write the decoder for KSquirrel, compile and copy it in /usr/lib/ksquirrel-libs.
At desire you can use ksquirrel-libs in other image viewer. Since 0.6.0 ksquireel-libs has
documentation and simple examples.

Due to usage OpenGL show and a manipulation the image is characterized by extreme speed :).
Also in the program customized filters, external programs, tree, thumbnails,
extended thumbnails with the information on the image, flexible options, KIPI support,
archives support are available.

Here is some history :)
In November 2003, testing long time other programs on my collection of images,
I've found an awful thing - any of programs could not show ALL images.
There was no support 32-bit BMP, TGA, animated GIF, PSD, etc. Any of them does not use the
most advanced libraries for decoding images, and use either imlib, or QImage::load().
Having become dissapointed, I've decided to write the image viewer with the flexible
architecture. Birthday for KSquirrel - on December 10, 2003. 

KSquirrel is the first viewer for KDE widely supporting such a quantity of image formats,
including Photoshop PSD, X cursors, animated GIF, FLI Animation, WMF, SVG, TTF, APNG, MNG ...

The detailed information, format of libraries with examples and screenshots you can find
visiting page http://ksquirrel.sourceforge.net/



* OpenGL drivers are required to run KSquirrel successfully
* To let KSquirrel unpack RAR archives please install tdeio_rar
* To let KSquirrel unpack 7Z  archives please install tdeio_p7zip





Keyboard shortcuts

Image window understands many hotkeys. You can invoke help window with either pressing
"/" in image window, or selecting "Hotkeys" from context menu.



Use the following keys in slideshow:

     *  Return, Escape  = stop slideshow
     *  Pause, Space    = pause/unpause slideshow
     *  Page Up         = previous image
     *  Page Down       = next image
     *  M               = enable/disable onscreen messages


DCOP interface

Since 0.6.0-pre5 you can use DCOP interface to manipulate KSquirrel. Just run

# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel control <param>

Here is a list of avaliable parameters:


Parameter                     Action                    Comments
image_animation_toggle        toggle animation          wrapper for A
image_delete                  delete image              wrapper for Delete
image_first                   first image               wrapper for Home
image_last                    last image                wrapper for End
image_next                    next image                wrapper for PageDown
image_previous                previous image            wrapper for PageUp
image_information             image information         wrapper for I
image_page_first              first page                wrapper for F1
image_page_last               last page                 wrapper for F4
image_page_next               next page                 wrapper for F3
image_page_previous           previous page             wrapper for F2
image_reset                   reset                     wrapper for R
image_window_close            close image window        wrapper for X
image_window_fullscreen       toggle fullscreen mode    wrapper for F
image_window_help             help                      wrapper for /
image_window_quickbrowser     toggle quickbrowser       wrapper for Q
zoom_1                        zoom 100%                 wrapper for 1
zoom_2                        zoom 200%                 wrapper for 2
zoom_3                        zoom 300%                 wrapper for 3
zoom_4                        zoom 400%                 wrapper for 4
zoom_5                        zoom 500%                 wrapper for 5
zoom_6                        zoom 600%                 wrapper for 6
zoom_7                        zoom 700%                 wrapper for 7
zoom_8                        zoom 800%                 wrapper for 8
zoom_9                        zoom 900%                 wrapper for 9
zoom_10                       zoom 1000%                wrapper for 0
zoom_minus                    zoom minus                wrapper for -
zoom_plus                     zoom plus                 wrapper for +

New parameters since 0.6.0-pre8:

- load specified image/directory
# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel load <path_to_file_or_directory>

- activate window
# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel activate


New parameters since 0.7.0:

- go to the next file in file manager
# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel navigator next

- go to the previous file in file manager
# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel navigator previous

- execute current file in file manager (as if user pressed Enter)
# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel navigator execute

- activate image window
# dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel activate_image_window



* let's zoom currently loaded image:
[me@localhost /]$ dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel control zoom_plus

* let's load next image in current directory:
[me@localhost /]$ dcop ksquirrel ksquirrel control image_next


Since 0.6.0-pre1 KSquirrel has edit tools:
- convert tool

Since 0.6.0-pre7 KSquirrel has additional edit tools:
- filter tool with many filters


See ChangeLog for more