 *   Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton                               *
 *   david@bluehaze.org                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *


#include <tqcanvas.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>

class Cell;
class ConnectorData;
class ConnectorLine;
class ConRouter;
class CNItem;
class ICNDocument;
class Node;
class NodeGroup;
class Wire;

typedef TQValueList<ConnectorLine*> ConnectorLineList;
typedef TQValueList<TQPoint> TQPointList;
typedef TQValueVector<TQGuardedPtr<Wire> > WireVector;

@short Represents a connection between two Nodes on a ICNDocument
@author David Saxton
class Connector : public TQObject, public TQCanvasPolygon
	Connector( Node * startNode, Node * endNode, ICNDocument *_ICNDocument, TQString *id = 0L );
	virtual int rtti() const;
	 * Node at start of connector (which refers to this as the output connector)
	Node * startNode() const { return m_startNode; }
	 * Node at end of connector (which refers to this as the input connector)
	Node * endNode() const { return m_endNode; }
	 * @returns connector data describing this connector
	ConnectorData connectorData() const;
	 * Restore the state of the connector (route, etc) from the saved data
	void restoreFromConnectorData( const ConnectorData &connectorData );
	 * If selected, will be drawn in a different colour
	virtual void setSelected( bool yes );
	 * Connected id
	TQString id() const { return m_id; }
	 * Update the list of lines and connetion-points that the connector uses for
	 * drawing.
	void updateDrawList();
	 * Tells the connector that it is under the control of a NodeGroup. When
	 * the connector is under the control of a NodeGroup, all requests for
	 * connection rerouting will be passed onto that NodeGroup
	void setNodeGroup( NodeGroup *nodeGroup ) { p_nodeGroup = nodeGroup; }
	 * Returns the NodeGroup that the connector is under the control of (if any)
	NodeGroup *nodeGroup() const { return p_nodeGroup; }
	 * ICNDocument needs to know what 'cells' a connector is present in,
	 * so that connection mapping can be done to avoid connectors.
	 * This function will add the hit penalty to the cells pointed to
	 * by ICNDocument::cells()
	void updateConnectorPoints( bool add );
	 * Sets the canvas points that the connector should route itself along.
	 * This is used for manual routing. The cells points are absolute positions
	 * (unlike the points stored internally in this class, which are the cell poisition
	 * @param setManual if true then the connector will change to a manual route one
	 * @param checkEndPoints if true then will  check to see if the end points are at the nodes, and adds them if not
	void setRoutePoints( TQPointList pointList, bool setManual, bool checkEndPoints = false );
	 * Call this function (e.g. when moving a CNItem connected to the connector)
	 * to make the connector partially hidden - probably grayed out - if semiHidden
	 * is true.
	void setSemiHidden( bool semiHidden );
	 * Sets the container parent (i.e. the container of the parent item)
	void setParentContainer( const TQString &cnItemId );
	 * Returns a pointer to the parent item container
	CNItem *parentContainer() const { return p_parentContainer; }
	 * @returns whether the points have been set by the user manually defining them
	bool usesManualPoints() const { return b_manualPoints; }
	 * Returns two sets of points (in canvas-reference) that define the connector
	 * from start to finish, when it is split at the given point (in canvas-reference)
	TQValueList<TQPointList> splitConnectorPoints( const TQPoint &pos ) const;
	 * @returns pointer to ICNDocument that this connector is a member of
	ICNDocument *icnDocument() const { return p_icnDocument; }
	 * Looks at the set of canvas points and tries to determine whether they are
	 * in the reverse order from start to end node
	bool pointsAreReverse( const TQPointList &pointList ) const;
	 * Returns the points, given in canvas-reference, in order of start node to
	 * end node if reverse is false
	 * @param reverse whether or not to reverse the points from start node to end node
	TQPointList connectorPoints( bool reverse = false ) const;
	 * Reroute the connector. Note that if this connector is controlled by a
	 * NodeGroup, it will do nothing (other than print out a warning)
	void rerouteConnector();
	 * Translates the route by the given amoumt. No checking is done to see if
	 * the translation is useful, etc.
	void translateRoute( int dx, int dy );
	virtual void setVisible( bool yes );
	WireVector wires() const { return m_wires; }
	unsigned numWires() const { return m_wires.size(); }
	Wire * wire( unsigned num = 0 ) const { return (num < m_wires.size()) ? m_wires[num] : 0l; }
	void removed( Connector *connector );
	void selected( bool yes );
	void numWiresChanged( unsigned newNum );
public slots:
	void removeConnector( Node* = 0L );
	 * Takes the minimum pin count of the start and end nodes, and creates a
	 * connector for each pin up to that minimum.
	void syncWiresWithNodes();
	void updateConnectorLines();
	bool m_bIsSyncingWires;
	bool b_semiHidden;
	TQGuardedPtr<Node> m_startNode;
	TQGuardedPtr<Node> m_endNode;
	NodeGroup *p_nodeGroup;
	CNItem *p_parentContainer;
	ICNDocument *p_icnDocument;
	ConRouter *m_conRouter;
	TQString m_id;
	ConnectorLineList m_connectorLineList;
	TQRect m_oldBoundRect;
	WireVector m_wires;
	bool b_deleted;
	bool b_manualPoints;
	bool b_pointsAdded;
typedef TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<Connector> > ConnectorList;

//BEGIN ConnectorLine things
class ConnectorLine : public TQObject, public TQCanvasLine
		ConnectorLine( Connector *connector );
		Connector *parent() const { return p_connector; }
		virtual int rtti() const;
		Connector *p_connector;
//END ConnectorLine things
