 *   Copyright (C) 2005 by David Saxton                                    *
 *   david@bluehaze.org                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *

#include "gplink.h"
#include "languagemanager.h"
#include "logview.h"

#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kprocess.h>

Gplink::Gplink( ProcessChain *processChain, KTechlab * parent )
	: ExternalLanguage( processChain, parent, "Gpasm" )
	m_successfulMessage = i18n("*** Linking successful ***");
	m_failedMessage = i18n("*** Linking failed ***");


void Gplink::processInput( ProcessOptions options )
	m_processOptions = options;
	*m_languageProcess << ("gplink");
	if ( !options.m_hexFormat.isEmpty() )
		*m_languageProcess << ("--hex-format");
		*m_languageProcess << (options.m_hexFormat);
	if ( options.m_bOutputMapFile )
		*m_languageProcess << ("--map");
	if ( !options.m_libraryDir.isEmpty() )
		*m_languageProcess << ("--include");
		*m_languageProcess << ( options.m_libraryDir );
	if ( !options.m_linkerScript.isEmpty() )
		*m_languageProcess << ("--script");
		*m_languageProcess << ( options.m_linkerScript );
	if ( !options.m_linkOther.isEmpty() )
		*m_languageProcess << (options.m_linkOther);
	// Output hex file
	*m_languageProcess << ("--output");
	*m_languageProcess << ( options.intermediaryOutput() );
	// Input object file
	const TQStringList inputFiles = options.inputFiles();
	TQStringList::const_iterator end = inputFiles.end();
	for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = inputFiles.begin(); it != end; ++it )
		*m_languageProcess << ( *it );
	// Other libraries
	end = options.m_linkLibraries.end();
	for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = options.m_linkLibraries.begin(); it != end; ++it )
		*m_languageProcess << ( *it );
	if ( !start() )
		KMessageBox::sorry( LanguageManager::self()->logView(), i18n("Linking failed. Please check you have gputils installed.") );

bool Gplink::isError( const TQString &message ) const
	return message.contains( "Error", false );

bool Gplink::isWarning( const TQString &message ) const
	return message.contains( "Warning", false );

MessageInfo Gplink::extractMessageInfo( const TQString &text )
#if 0
	if ( text.length()<5 || !text.startsWith("/") )
		return MessageInfo();
	const int index = text.find( ".asm", 0, false )+4;
	if ( index == -1+4 )
		return MessageInfo();
	const TQString fileName = text.left(index);
	// Extra line number
	const TQString message = text.right(text.length()-index);
	const int linePos = message.find( TQRegExp(":[\\d]+") );
	int line = -1;
	if ( linePos != -1 )
		const int linePosEnd = message.find( ':', linePos+1 );
		if ( linePosEnd != -1 )
			const TQString number = message.mid( linePos+1, linePosEnd-linePos-1 ).stripWhiteSpace();
			bool ok;
			line = number.toInt(&ok)-1;
			if (!ok) line = -1;
	return MessageInfo( fileName, line );
	return MessageInfo();

ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Path Gplink::outputPath( ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Path inputPath ) const
	switch (inputPath)
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Object_PIC:
			return ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Program_PIC;
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Object_Program:
			return ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::None;
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyAbsolute_PIC:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyAbsolute_Program:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable_Library:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable_Object:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable_PIC:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::AssemblyRelocatable_Program:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C_AssemblyRelocatable:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C_Library:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C_Object:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C_PIC:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::C_Program:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode_AssemblyAbsolute:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode_Microbe:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode_PIC:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::FlowCode_Program:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Microbe_AssemblyAbsolute:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Microbe_PIC:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Microbe_Program:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Object_Disassembly:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Object_Library:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::PIC_AssemblyAbsolute:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Program_Disassembly:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Program_PIC:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Invalid:
		case ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::None:
			return ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Invalid;
	return ProcessOptions::ProcessPath::Invalid;