 *   Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by David Saxton                               *
 *   david@bluehaze.org                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *

#ifndef VARIANT_H
#define VARIANT_H

#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>

class TQColor;
class TQString;

For information:
TQVariant::type() returns an enum for the current data type
contained. e.g. returns TQVariant::Color or TQVariant::Rect
@author Daniel Clarke
@author David Saxton
class Variant : public TQObject
	class Type
			enum Value
				Int, // Integer
				Raw, // TQByteArray
				Double, // Real number
				String, // Editable string
				Multiline, // String that may contain linebreaks
				Select, // Selection of strings
				Combo, // Editable combination of strings
				FileName, // Filename
				Color, // Color
				Bool, // Boolean
				VarName, // Variable name
				Port, // Port name
				Pin, // Pin name
				PenStyle, // Pen Style
				PenCapStyle, // Pen Cap Style
				SevenSegment, // Pin Map for Seven Segment Display
				KeyPad // Pin Map for Keypad
	Variant( Type::Value type );
	virtual ~Variant();
	 * Returns the type of Variant (see Variant::Type::Value)
	Variant::Type::Value type() const { return m_type; }
	 * Sets the variant type
	void setType( Type::Value type );
	 * Returns the filter used for file dialogs (if this is of type Type::FileName)
	TQString filter() const { return m_filter; }
	void setFilter( const TQString & filter ) { m_filter = filter; }
	 * The selection of colours to be used in the combo box - e.g.
	 * ColorCombo::LED.
	 * @see ColorCombo::ColorScheme
	int colorScheme() const { return m_colorScheme; }
	void setColorScheme( int colorScheme ) { m_colorScheme = colorScheme; }
	 * This function is for convenience; it sets both the toolbar and editor
	 * caption.
	void setCaption( const TQString & caption ) { setToolbarCaption(caption); setEditorCaption(caption); }
	 * This text is displayed to the left of the entry widget in the toolbar
	TQString toolbarCaption() const { return m_toolbarCaption; }
	void setToolbarCaption( const TQString & caption ) { m_toolbarCaption = caption; }
	 * This text is displayed to the left of the entry widget in the item editor
	TQString editorCaption() const { return m_editorCaption; }
	void setEditorCaption( const TQString & caption ) { m_editorCaption = caption; }
	 * Unit of number, (e.g. V (volts) / F (farads))
	TQString unit() const { return m_unit; }
	void setUnit( const TQString & unit ) { m_unit = unit; }
	 * The smallest (as in negative, not absoluteness) value that the user can
	 * set this to.
	double minValue() const { return m_minValue; }
	void setMinValue( double value );
	 * The largest (as in positive, not absoluteness) value that the user can
	 * set this to.
	double maxValue() const { return m_maxValue; }
	void setMaxValue( double value );
	 * The smallest absolute value that the user can set this to, before the
	 * value is considered zero.
	double minAbsValue() const { return m_minAbsValue; }
	void setMinAbsValue( double val );
	TQVariant defaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue; }
	void setDefaultValue( TQVariant val );
	 * If this data is marked as advanced, it will only display in the item
	 * editor (and not in the toolbar)
	void setAdvanced( bool advanced ) { m_bAdvanced = advanced; }
	bool isAdvanced() const { return m_bAdvanced; }
	 * If this data is marked as hidden, it will not be editable from anywhere
	 * in the user interface
	void setHidden( bool hidden ) { m_bHidden = hidden; }
	bool isHidden() const { return m_bHidden; }
	 * Returns the best possible attempt at representing the data in a string
	 * for display. Used by the properties list view.
	TQString displayString() const;
	 * The list of values that the data is allowed to take (if it is string)
	TQStringList allowed() const { return m_allowed; }
	void setAllowed(TQStringList stringList);
	void appendAllowed(TQString string);
	TQVariant value() const { return m_value; }
	void setValue( const TQVariant& val );
	void resetToDefault();
	 * Emitted when the value changes.
	 * NOTE: The order of data given is the new value, and then the old value
	 * This is done so that slots that don't care about the old value don't
	 * have to accept it
	void valueChanged( TQVariant newValue, TQVariant oldValue );

	TQVariant m_value; // the actual data
	TQVariant m_defaultValue;
	TQString m_unit;
	double m_minAbsValue;
	double m_minValue;
	double m_maxValue;
	TQString m_toolbarCaption; // Short description shown in e.g. properties dialog
	TQString m_editorCaption; // Text displayed before the data entry widget in the toolbar
	bool m_bAdvanced; // If advanced, only display data in item editor
	bool m_bHidden; // If hidden, do not allow user to change data
	TQString m_filter; // If type() == Type::FileName this is the filter used in file dialogs.
	bool m_bSetDefault; // If false, then the default will be set to the first thing this variant is set to
	Type::Value m_type;
	TQStringList m_allowed;
	int m_colorScheme;
