path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6a020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scripts/ktshell b/scripts/ktshell
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3971b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ktshell
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+declare -a filenames priorities torinfo filecounts ints info tors usernms ktorrents dcops
+filemenu () {
+ local IFS='
+ filenames=( `$ktorrent getFileNames $tornum` )
+ unset IFS
+ while true; do
+ local IFS='
+ priorities=( `$ktorrent getFilePriorities $tornum` )
+ unset IFS
+ clear
+ echo $torname;
+ for ((B=0; B < filecounts[$i]; B++)); do
+ echo -n "$B. ${filenames[$B]:0:60} - "
+ case "${priorities[$B]}" in
+ "0")
+ echo "Excluded"
+ ;;
+ "1")
+ echo "Download Last"
+ ;;
+ "3")
+ echo "Download First"
+ ;;
+ "2")
+ echo "Download Normally"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo
+ echo "Enter a list of file numbers you want to set to the same priority"
+ echo -n "separated by spaces, or enter to go back to this torrent's menu: "
+ read filenums
+ if [ "x$filenums" = "x" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo "0 = Do Not Download, 1 = Download Last, 2 = Download Normally, 3 = Download First"
+ echo -n "Enter the priority you want to set the files to: "
+ read priority
+ for A in $filenums; do
+ echo $A
+ done|$ktorrentp setFilePriority $tornum %1 $priority
+ done
+tormenu () {
+ i=${tors[$tornum]}
+ torname=${torinfo[$i*10]}
+ while true; do
+ clear
+ echo $torname
+ select name in 'Stop Torrent' 'Start Torrent' 'Remove Torrent' \
+ 'Manual Announce' 'File Names & Priorities' 'Back to Torrent List' \
+ 'Back to Main Menu' 'Quit'; do
+ echo
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ "1")
+ $ktorrent stop $tornum 0
+ echo "Torrent Stopped"
+ ;;
+ "2")
+ echo "Torrent Started"
+ $ktorrent start $tornum
+ ;;
+ "3")
+ echo -n "Enter 1 to delete any incomplete data "
+ echo "or enter 0 to keep it: "
+ read deldata
+ $ktorrent remove $tornum $deldata
+ if (( $deldata == 1 )); then
+ echo "Torrent and Any Incomplete Data Removed"
+ else
+ echo "Torrent Removed"
+ fi
+ return
+ ;;
+ "4")
+ $ktorrent announce $tornum
+ echo "Manual Announce Completed"
+ ;;
+ "5")
+ if ((${filecounts[$i]} == 0)); then
+ echo "Single File Torrent"
+ continue
+ fi
+ filemenu
+ break
+ ;;
+ "6")
+ return
+ ;;
+ "7")
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ "8")
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ done
+torlist () {
+ while true; do
+ local IFS='
+ tornums=`$ktorrent getTorrentNumbers $1`
+ unset IFS
+ if [ "x$tornums" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "No Torrents of the Selected Type Are Loaded"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ clear
+ if (( $1 == 1 )); then
+ echo "Downloads:"
+ fi
+ if (( $1 == 2 )); then
+ echo "Seeds:"
+ fi
+ if (( $1 == 3 )); then
+ echo "All Torrents:"
+ fi
+ unset torns
+ for A in $tornums; do
+ torns="$torns
+ done
+ local IFS='
+ torinfo=( `for A in $torns; do
+ echo $A
+ done|$ktorrentp getTorrentInfo %1|sed s/^$/-/` )
+ filecounts=( `for A in $torns; do
+ echo $A
+ done|$ktorrentp getFileCount %1` )
+ unset IFS
+ i=0
+ for A in $tornums; do
+ let tors[$A]=$i/13
+ echo "$A. ${torinfo[$i]:0:40} (${torinfo[$i+1]:0:32})"
+ echo -n "Size:${torinfo[$i+3]} (Have ${torinfo[$i+9]}) "
+ echo -n "Time Left:${torinfo[$i+7]} "
+ echo "Peers: ${torinfo[$i+8]}"
+ echo -n "Seeders: ${torinfo[$i+11]} Leechers: ${torinfo[$i+12]} "
+ echo "Share Ratio: ${torinfo[$i+10]} "
+ echo -n "DL:${torinfo[$i+2]} DL Rate:${torinfo[$i+5]} "
+ echo "UL:${torinfo[$i+4]} UL Rate:${torinfo[$i+6]} "
+ echo
+ let i=$i+13
+ done
+ echo -n "Type a torrent's number or press enter to go back to the main menu:"
+ read -p " " command
+ unset tornum
+ if [ "x$command" = "x" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ for A in $tornums; do
+ if [ "x$command" = "x$A" ]; then
+ tornum=$A
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "x$tornum" != "x" ]; then
+ tormenu
+ if [ "x$?" = "x1" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+settings () {
+ while true; do
+ local IFS='
+ ints=( `$ktorrent intSettings` );
+ ints[7]=`$ktorrent dataDir`
+ unset IFS
+ clear
+ echo "Current Settings: "
+ echo "Max Downloads: ${ints[0]}"
+ echo "Max Seeds: ${ints[1]}"
+ echo "Max Connections Per Download: ${ints[2]}"
+ echo "Max Upload Speed: ${ints[3]}"
+ echo "Max Download Speed: ${ints[4]}"
+ echo "Keep Seeding When Complete: ${ints[5]}"
+ echo "Show System Tray Icon: ${ints[6]}"
+ echo "Temporary Data Dir: ${ints[7]}"
+ echo
+ echo "Change Settings"
+ select name in 'Set Max Downloads' 'Set Max Seeds' \
+ 'Set Keep Seeding When Complete' 'Set Max Upload Speed' 'Set Max Download Speed' \
+ 'Set Max Connections Per Download' 'Set Show System Tray Icon' \
+ 'Change Temporary Data Dir' 'Back to Main Menu' 'Quit'; do
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ "1")
+ read -p "How many downloads? " maxdown
+ $ktorrent setMaxDownloads $maxdown
+ break
+ ;;
+ "2")
+ read -p "How many seeds? " maxseeds
+ $ktorrent setMaxSeeds $maxseeds
+ break
+ ;;
+ "3")
+ read -p "Keep Seeding After downloading? 0 for no, 1 for yes: " ks
+ $ktorrent setKeepSeeding $ks
+ break
+ ;;
+ "4")
+ read -p "Max Upload Speed in K/s: " ulspeed
+ $ktorrent setMaxUploadSpeed $ulspeed
+ break
+ ;;
+ "5")
+ read -p "Max Download Speed in K/s: " dlspeed
+ $ktorrent setMaxDownloadSpeed $dlspeed
+ break
+ ;;
+ "6")
+ read -p "Max Connections Per Download: " conn
+ $ktorrent setMaxConnectionsPerDownload $conn
+ break
+ ;;
+ "7")
+ read -p "Show the System Tray Icon? 0 for no, 1 for yes: " st
+ $ktorrent setShowSysTray $st
+ break
+ ;;
+ "8")
+ read -p "Enter full path to new temp data directory: " ddpath
+ $ktorrent changeDataDir "$ddpath"
+ break
+ ;;
+ "9")
+ return
+ ;;
+ "10")
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ done
+about () {
+ clear
+echo "This script uses KDE's DCOP interface to control a running instance of KTorrent."
+echo "It uses the console DCOP client, dcop, to connect. It organizes the features of and"
+echo "simplifies the use of this interface. It is intended to be used as a replacement for"
+echo "a true console BitTorrent client for KTorrent users. It was written by Adam Forsyth."
+echo "Hint: pressing enter at most menus will redisplay the menu choices."
+echo "Press enter to go back to the main menu."
+mainmenu () {
+ local IFS='
+ info=( `$ktorrent getInfo` )
+ unset IFS
+ clear
+ echo "Totals:"
+ echo "${info[0]}"
+ echo "${info[1]}"
+ echo "${info[2]}"
+ select name in 'List All Torrents' 'List Seeds' 'List Downloads' 'Start All' 'Stop All' \
+ 'Load a Torrent' 'Change Settings' 'Redisplay Totals & Menu' 'About this Script' 'Quit'; do
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ "1"|"2"|"3")
+ let A=4-$REPLY
+ torlist $A
+ if (( $? == 1 )); then
+ continue
+ fi
+ return
+ ;;
+ "4")
+ echo "Enter 1 to start downloads, 2 to start seeds, 3 to start all: "
+ read starttype
+ $ktorrent startAll $starttype
+ echo "Torrents of type $starttype Started"
+ ;;
+ "5")
+ echo "Enter 1 to stop downloads, 2 to stop seeds, 3 to stop all: "
+ read stoptype
+ $ktorrent stopAll $stoptype
+ echo "Torrents of type $stoptype Stopped"
+ ;;
+ "6")
+ read -p "Enter full path to the torrent: " tpath
+ $ktorrent openTorrentSilently "$tpath"
+ echo "$tpath added"
+ ;;
+ "7")
+ settings
+ return
+ ;;
+ "8")
+ return
+ ;;
+ "9")
+ about
+ return
+ ;;
+ "10")
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+init () {
+ if ! which dcop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+ echo "The dcop command line client cannot be found"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ dcop="dcop"
+ ktorrents=( `$dcop 2>/dev/null` )
+ if (( $? != 0 )); then
+ echo "Looking for DCOP servers..."
+ local IFS='
+ usernms=( `ps -C dcopserver --no-heading -o user` )
+ unset IFS
+ if (( ${#usernms[*]} == 0 )); then
+ echo "There is no DCOP server running."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Found a DCOP server."
+ usernm=${usernms[0]}
+ if (( ${#usernms[*]} > 1 )); then
+ echo "Which user's DCOP server do you wish to connect to?"
+ select usernm in ${usernms[*]}; do
+ break
+ done
+ fi
+ local IFS='
+ '
+ sessnms=( `dcop --user $usernm --list-sessions | tail -n +2 | head -n -1` )
+ unset IFS
+ if (( ${#sessnms[*]} == 0 )); then
+ echo "Found no session."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Found a DCOP session."
+ sessnm=${sessnms[0]}
+ if (( ${#sessnms[*]} > 1 )); then
+ echo "Which session of the user's DCOP server do you wish to connect to?"
+ select sessnm in ${sessnms[*]}; do
+ break
+ done
+ fi
+ dcop="dcop --user $usernm --session $sessnm"
+ ktorrents=( `$dcop 2>/dev/null` )
+ if (( $? != 0 )); then
+ echo "Cannot connect to the DCOP server."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "Connected to a DCOP server."
+ unset ktorrentid
+ for A in ${ktorrents[*]}; do
+ if [ "x${A:0:8}" = "xktorrent" ]; then
+ ktorrentid=$A
+ echo "Found KTorrent."
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "x$ktorrentid" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "KTorrent is not running in the KDE session for this DCOP server."
+ echo "You can start KTorrent with something like \"ktorrent --display :0\""
+ echo "while logged in as a user who has KDE running."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ dcops=( $dcop )
+ dcop=${dcops[0]}
+ for A in ${dcops[*]:1}; do
+ dcop="$dcop
+ done
+ ktorrent="$dcop
+ ktorrentp="$dcop
+while true; do
+ mainmenu