/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Joris Guisson * * joris.guisson@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <math.h> #include <util/log.h> #include <util/functions.h> #include <net/address.h> #include <mse/streamsocket.h> #include "peer.h" #include "chunk.h" #include "piece.h" #include "request.h" #include "packetreader.h" #include "packetwriter.h" #include "peerdownloader.h" #include "peeruploader.h" #include "bdecoder.h" #include "bnode.h" #include "utpex.h" #include "server.h" using namespace net; namespace bt { static Uint32 peer_id_counter = 1; Peer::Peer(mse::StreamSocket* sock,const PeerID & peer_id, Uint32 num_chunks,Uint32 chunk_size,Uint32 support,bool local) : sock(sock),pieces(num_chunks),peer_id(peer_id) { id = peer_id_counter; peer_id_counter++; ut_pex = 0; preader = new PacketReader(this); choked = am_choked = true; interested = am_interested = false; killed = false; downloader = new PeerDownloader(this,chunk_size); uploader = new PeerUploader(this); pwriter = new PacketWriter(this); time_choked = GetCurrentTime(); time_unchoked = 0; connect_time = QTime::currentTime(); //sock->attachPeer(this); stats.client = peer_id.identifyClient(); stats.ip_address = getIPAddresss(); stats.choked = true; stats.download_rate = 0; stats.upload_rate = 0; stats.perc_of_file = 0; stats.snubbed = false; stats.dht_support = support & DHT_SUPPORT; stats.fast_extensions = support & FAST_EXT_SUPPORT; stats.extension_protocol = support & EXT_PROT_SUPPORT; stats.bytes_downloaded = stats.bytes_uploaded = 0; stats.aca_score = 0.0; stats.evil = false; stats.has_upload_slot = false; stats.num_up_requests = stats.num_down_requests = 0; stats.encrypted = sock->encrypted(); stats.local = local; if (stats.ip_address == "") { Out(SYS_CON|LOG_DEBUG) << "No more" << endl; kill(); } else { sock->startMonitoring(preader,pwriter); } pex_allowed = stats.extension_protocol; utorrent_pex_id = 0; } Peer::~Peer() { delete ut_pex; delete uploader; delete downloader; delete sock; delete pwriter; delete preader; } void Peer::closeConnection() { sock->close(); } void Peer::kill() { sock->close(); killed = true; } void Peer::packetReady(const Uint8* packet,Uint32 len) { if (killed) return; if (len == 0) return; const Uint8* tmp_buf = packet; //Out() << "Got packet : " << len << " type = " << type << endl; Uint8 type = tmp_buf[0]; switch (type) { case CHOKE: if (len != 1) { Out() << "len err CHOKE" << endl; kill(); return; } if (!choked) { time_choked = GetCurrentTime(); } choked = true; downloader->choked(); break; case UNCHOKE: if (len != 1) { Out() << "len err UNCHOKE" << endl; kill(); return; } if (choked) time_unchoked = GetCurrentTime(); choked = false; break; case INTERESTED: if (len != 1) { Out() << "len err INTERESTED" << endl; kill(); return; } if (!interested) { interested = true; rerunChoker(); } break; case NOT_INTERESTED: if (len != 1) { Out() << "len err NOT_INTERESTED" << endl; kill(); return; } if (interested) { interested = false; rerunChoker(); } break; case HAVE: if (len != 5) { Out() << "len err HAVE" << endl; kill(); } else { Uint32 ch = ReadUint32(tmp_buf,1); if (ch < pieces.getNumBits()) { haveChunk(this,ch); pieces.set(ch,true); } else { Out(SYS_CON|LOG_NOTICE) << "Received invalid have value, kicking peer" << endl; kill(); } } break; case BITFIELD: if (len != 1 + pieces.getNumBytes()) { Out() << "len err BITFIELD" << endl; kill(); return; } pieces = BitSet(tmp_buf+1,pieces.getNumBits()); bitSetRecieved(pieces); break; case REQUEST: if (len != 13) { Out() << "len err REQUEST" << endl; kill(); return; } { Request r( ReadUint32(tmp_buf,1), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,5), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,9), id); if (!am_choked) uploader->addRequest(r); else if (stats.fast_extensions) pwriter->sendReject(r); // Out() << "REQUEST " << r.getIndex() << " " << r.getOffset() << endl; } break; case PIECE: if (len < 9) { Out() << "len err PIECE" << endl; kill(); return; } snub_timer.update(); { stats.bytes_downloaded += (len - 9); // turn on evil bit if (stats.evil) stats.evil = false; Piece p(ReadUint32(tmp_buf,1), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,5), len - 9,id,tmp_buf+9); piece(p); } break; case CANCEL: if (len != 13) { Out() << "len err CANCEL" << endl; kill(); return; } { Request r(ReadUint32(tmp_buf,1), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,5), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,9), id); uploader->removeRequest(r); } break; case REJECT_REQUEST: if (len != 13) { Out() << "len err REJECT_REQUEST" << endl; kill(); return; } { Request r(ReadUint32(tmp_buf,1), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,5), ReadUint32(tmp_buf,9), id); downloader->onRejected(r); } break; case PORT: if (len != 3) { Out() << "len err PORT" << endl; kill(); return; } { Uint16 port = ReadUint16(tmp_buf,1); // Out() << "Got PORT packet : " << port << endl; gotPortPacket(getIPAddresss(),port); } break; case HAVE_ALL: if (len != 1) { Out() << "len err HAVE_ALL" << endl; kill(); return; } pieces.setAll(true); bitSetRecieved(pieces); break; case HAVE_NONE: if (len != 1) { Out() << "len err HAVE_NONE" << endl; kill(); return; } pieces.setAll(false); bitSetRecieved(pieces); break; case SUGGEST_PIECE: // ignore suggestions for the moment break; case ALLOWED_FAST: // we no longer support this, so do nothing break; case EXTENDED: handleExtendedPacket(packet,len); break; } } void Peer::handleExtendedPacket(const Uint8* packet,Uint32 size) { if (size <= 2 || packet[1] > 1) return; if (packet[1] == 1) { if (ut_pex) ut_pex->handlePexPacket(packet,size); return; } QByteArray tmp; tmp.setRawData((const char*)packet,size); BNode* node = 0; try { BDecoder dec(tmp,false,2); node = dec.decode(); if (node && node->getType() == BNode::DICT) { BDictNode* dict = (BDictNode*)node; // handshake packet, so just check if the peer supports ut_pex dict = dict->getDict("m"); BValueNode* val = 0; if (dict && (val = dict->getValue("ut_pex"))) { utorrent_pex_id = val->data().toInt(); if (ut_pex) { if (utorrent_pex_id > 0) ut_pex->changeID(utorrent_pex_id); else { // id 0 means disabled delete ut_pex; ut_pex = 0; } } else if (!ut_pex && utorrent_pex_id != 0 && pex_allowed) { // Don't create it when the id is 0 ut_pex = new UTPex(this,utorrent_pex_id); } } } } catch (...) { // just ignore invalid packets Out(SYS_CON|LOG_DEBUG) << "Invalid extended packet" << endl; } delete node; tmp.resetRawData((const char*)packet,size); } Uint32 Peer::sendData(const Uint8* data,Uint32 len) { if (killed) return 0; Uint32 ret = sock->sendData(data,len); if (!sock->ok()) kill(); return ret; } Uint32 Peer::readData(Uint8* buf,Uint32 len) { if (killed) return 0; Uint32 ret = sock->readData(buf,len); if (!sock->ok()) kill(); return ret; } Uint32 Peer::bytesAvailable() const { return sock->bytesAvailable(); } void Peer::dataWritten(int ) { // Out() << "dataWritten " << bytes << endl; } Uint32 Peer::getUploadRate() const { if (sock) return (Uint32)ceil(sock->getUploadRate()); else return 0; } Uint32 Peer::getDownloadRate() const { if (sock) return (Uint32)ceil(sock->getDownloadRate()); else return 0; } bool Peer::readyToSend() const { return true; } void Peer::update(PeerManager* pman) { if (killed) return; if (!sock->ok() || !preader->ok()) { Out(SYS_CON|LOG_DEBUG) << "Connection closed" << endl; kill(); return; } preader->update(); Uint32 data_bytes = pwriter->getUploadedDataBytes(); if (data_bytes > 0) { stats.bytes_uploaded += data_bytes; uploader->addUploadedBytes(data_bytes); } if (ut_pex && ut_pex->needsUpdate()) ut_pex->update(pman); } bool Peer::isSnubbed() const { // 4 minutes return snub_timer.getElapsedSinceUpdate() >= 2*60*1000 && stats.num_down_requests > 0; } bool Peer::isSeeder() const { return pieces.allOn(); } QString Peer::getIPAddresss() const { if (sock) return sock->getRemoteIPAddress(); else return QString::null; } Uint16 Peer::getPort() const { if (!sock) return 0; else return sock->getRemotePort(); } net::Address Peer::getAddress() const { if (!sock) return net::Address(); else return sock->getRemoteAddress(); } Uint32 Peer::getTimeSinceLastPiece() const { return snub_timer.getElapsedSinceUpdate(); } float Peer::percentAvailable() const { return (float)pieces.numOnBits() / (float)pieces.getNumBits() * 100.0; } const kt::PeerInterface::Stats & Peer::getStats() const { stats.choked = this->isChoked(); stats.download_rate = this->getDownloadRate(); stats.upload_rate = this->getUploadRate(); stats.perc_of_file = this->percentAvailable(); stats.snubbed = this->isSnubbed(); stats.num_up_requests = uploader->getNumRequests(); stats.num_down_requests = downloader->getNumRequests(); return stats; } void Peer::setACAScore(double s) { stats.aca_score = s; } void Peer::choke() { if (am_choked) return; pwriter->sendChoke(); uploader->clearAllRequests(); } void Peer::emitPortPacket() { gotPortPacket(sock->getRemoteIPAddress(),sock->getRemotePort()); } void Peer::emitPex(const QByteArray & data) { pex(data); } void Peer::setPexEnabled(bool on) { if (!stats.extension_protocol) return; // send extension protocol handshake bt::Uint16 port = Globals::instance().getServer().getPortInUse(); if (ut_pex && !on) { delete ut_pex; ut_pex = 0; } else if (!ut_pex && on && utorrent_pex_id > 0) { // if the other side has enabled it to, create a new UTPex object ut_pex = new UTPex(this,utorrent_pex_id); } pwriter->sendExtProtHandshake(port,on); pex_allowed = on; } void Peer::setGroupIDs(Uint32 up_gid,Uint32 down_gid) { sock->setGroupIDs(up_gid,down_gid); } } #include "peer.moc"