/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by * * Joris Guisson <joris.guisson@gmail.com> * * Vincent Wagelaar <vincent@ricardis.tudelft.nl> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqpen.h> #include <tqbrush.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <math.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <tqmime.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <util/log.h> #include <interfaces/torrentinterface.h> #include <util/bitset.h> #include <torrent/globals.h> #include "chunkbar.h" using namespace bt; using namespace kt; namespace kt { struct Range { int first,last; int fac; }; static void FillAndFrameBlack(TQImage* image, uint color, int size) { image->fill(color); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { image->setPixel(0, i, 0); image->setPixel(size - 1, i, 0); image->setPixel(i, 0, 0); image->setPixel(i, size - 1, 0); } } static void InitializeToolTipImages(ChunkBar* bar) { static bool images_initialized = false; if (images_initialized) return; images_initialized = true; TQMimeSourceFactory* factory = TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory(); TQImage excluded(16, 16, 32); FillAndFrameBlack(&excluded, TQColor(bar->colorGroup().color(TQColorGroup::Mid)).pixel(), 16); factory->setImage("excluded_color", excluded); TQImage available(16, 16, 32); FillAndFrameBlack(&available, bar->colorGroup().highlight().pixel(), 16); factory->setImage("available_color", available); TQImage unavailable(16, 16, 32); FillAndFrameBlack(&unavailable, bar->colorGroup().base().pixel(), 16); factory->setImage("unavailable_color", unavailable); } ChunkBar::ChunkBar(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQFrame(parent, name),curr_tc(0) { setFrameShape(StyledPanel); setFrameShadow(Sunken); setLineWidth(3); setMidLineWidth(3); show_excluded = false; InitializeToolTipImages(this); TQToolTip::add(this, i18n("<img src=\"available_color\"> - Downloaded Chunks<br><img src=\"unavailable_color\"> - Chunks to Download<br><img src=\"excluded_color\"> - Excluded Chunks")); } ChunkBar::~ChunkBar() {} void ChunkBar::updateBar() { const BitSet & bs = getBitSet(); TQSize s = contentsRect().size(); bool changed = !(curr == bs); if (show_excluded && curr_tc) { BitSet ebs = curr_tc->excludedChunksBitSet(); ebs.orBitSet(curr_tc->onlySeedChunksBitSet()), changed = changed || !(curr_ebs == ebs); curr_ebs = ebs; } if (changed || pixmap.isNull() || pixmap.width() != s.width()) { // PROFILE("ChunkBar::updateBar"); // Out() << "Pixmap : " << s.width() << " " << s.height() << endl; pixmap.resize(s); pixmap.fill(colorGroup().color(TQColorGroup::Base)); TQPainter painter(&pixmap); drawBarContents(&painter); update(); } } void ChunkBar::drawContents(TQPainter *p) { // first draw background if (isEnabled()) p->setBrush(colorGroup().base()); else p->setBrush(colorGroup().background()); p->setPen(TQt::NoPen); p->drawRect(contentsRect()); if (isEnabled()) p->drawPixmap(contentsRect(),pixmap); } void ChunkBar::setTC(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { curr_tc = tc; TQSize s = contentsRect().size(); //Out() << "Pixmap : " << s.width() << " " << s.height() << endl; pixmap.resize(s); pixmap.fill(colorGroup().color(TQColorGroup::Base)); TQPainter painter(&pixmap); drawBarContents(&painter); update(); } void ChunkBar::drawBarContents(TQPainter *p) { p->saveWorldMatrix(); if (curr_tc) { const TorrentStats & s = curr_tc->getStats(); Uint32 w = contentsRect().width(); const BitSet & bs = getBitSet(); curr = bs; if (bs.allOn()) drawAllOn(p,colorGroup().highlight()); else if (s.total_chunks > w) drawMoreChunksThenPixels(p,bs,colorGroup().highlight()); else drawEqual(p,bs,colorGroup().highlight()); if (show_excluded && s.num_chunks_excluded > 0) { TQColor c = colorGroup().color(TQColorGroup::Mid); if (curr_ebs.allOn()) drawAllOn(p,c); else if (s.total_chunks > w) drawMoreChunksThenPixels(p,curr_ebs,c); else drawEqual(p,curr_ebs,c); } } p->restoreWorldMatrix(); } void ChunkBar::drawEqual(TQPainter *p,const BitSet & bs,const TQColor & color) { //p->setPen(TQPen(colorGroup().highlight(),1,TQt::SolidLine)); TQColor c = color; Uint32 w = contentsRect().width(); double scale = 1.0; Uint32 total_chunks = curr_tc->getStats().total_chunks; if (curr_tc->getStats().total_chunks != w) scale = (double)w / total_chunks; p->setPen(TQPen(c,1,TQt::SolidLine)); p->setBrush(c); TQValueList<Range> rs; for (Uint32 i = 0;i < bs.getNumBits();i++) { if (!bs.get(i)) continue; if (rs.empty()) { Range r = {i,i,0}; rs.append(r); } else { Range & l = rs.last(); if (l.last == int(i - 1)) { l.last = i; } else { Range r = {i,i,0}; rs.append(r); } } } TQRect r = contentsRect(); for (TQValueList<Range>::iterator i = rs.begin();i != rs.end();++i) { Range & ra = *i; int rw = ra.last - ra.first + 1; p->drawRect((int)(scale * ra.first),0,(int)(rw * scale),r.height()); } } void ChunkBar::drawMoreChunksThenPixels(TQPainter *p,const BitSet & bs,const TQColor & color) { Uint32 w = contentsRect().width(); double chunks_per_pixel = (double)bs.getNumBits() / w; TQValueList<Range> rs; for (Uint32 i = 0;i < w;i++) { Uint32 num_dl = 0; Uint32 jStart = (Uint32) (i*chunks_per_pixel); Uint32 jEnd = (Uint32) ((i+1)*chunks_per_pixel+0.5); for (Uint32 j = jStart;j < jEnd;j++) if (bs.get(j)) num_dl++; if (num_dl == 0) continue; int fac = int(100*((double)num_dl / (jEnd - jStart)) + 0.5); if (rs.empty()) { Range r = {i,i,fac}; rs.append(r); } else { Range & l = rs.last(); if (l.last == int(i - 1) && l.fac == fac) { l.last = i; } else { Range r = {i,i,fac}; rs.append(r); } } } TQRect r = contentsRect(); for (TQValueList<Range>::iterator i = rs.begin();i != rs.end();++i) { Range & ra = *i; int rw = ra.last - ra.first + 1; int fac = ra.fac; TQColor c = color; if (fac < 100) { // do some rounding off if (fac <= 25) fac = 25; else if (fac <= 50) fac = 45; else fac = 65; c = color.light(200-fac); } p->setPen(TQPen(c,1,TQt::SolidLine)); p->setBrush(c); p->drawRect(ra.first,0,rw,r.height()); } } void ChunkBar::drawAllOn(TQPainter *p,const TQColor & color) { p->setPen(TQPen(color,1,TQt::SolidLine)); p->setBrush(color); TQSize s = contentsRect().size(); p->drawRect(0,0,s.width(),s.height()); } } #include "chunkbar.moc"