#!/bin/bash declare -a filenames priorities torinfo filecounts ints info tors usernms ktorrents dcops filemenu () { local IFS=' ' filenames=( `$ktorrent getFileNames $tornum` ) unset IFS while true; do local IFS=' ' priorities=( `$ktorrent getFilePriorities $tornum` ) unset IFS clear echo $torname; for ((B=0; B < filecounts[$i]; B++)); do echo -n "$B. ${filenames[$B]:0:60} - " case "${priorities[$B]}" in "0") echo "Excluded" ;; "1") echo "Download Last" ;; "3") echo "Download First" ;; "2") echo "Download Normally" ;; esac done echo echo "Enter a list of file numbers you want to set to the same priority" echo -n "separated by spaces, or enter to go back to this torrent's menu: " read filenums if [ "x$filenums" = "x" ]; then break fi echo "0 = Do Not Download, 1 = Download Last, 2 = Download Normally, 3 = Download First" echo -n "Enter the priority you want to set the files to: " read priority for A in $filenums; do echo $A done|$ktorrentp setFilePriority $tornum %1 $priority done } tormenu () { i=${tors[$tornum]} torname=${torinfo[$i*10]} while true; do clear echo $torname select name in 'Stop Torrent' 'Start Torrent' 'Remove Torrent' \ 'Manual Announce' 'File Names & Priorities' 'Back to Torrent List' \ 'Back to Main Menu' 'Quit'; do echo case "$REPLY" in "1") $ktorrent stop $tornum 0 echo "Torrent Stopped" ;; "2") echo "Torrent Started" $ktorrent start $tornum ;; "3") echo -n "Enter 1 to delete any incomplete data " echo "or enter 0 to keep it: " read deldata $ktorrent remove $tornum $deldata if (( $deldata == 1 )); then echo "Torrent and Any Incomplete Data Removed" else echo "Torrent Removed" fi return ;; "4") $ktorrent announce $tornum echo "Manual Announce Completed" ;; "5") if ((${filecounts[$i]} == 0)); then echo "Single File Torrent" continue fi filemenu break ;; "6") return ;; "7") return 1 ;; "8") exit 0 ;; esac done done } torlist () { while true; do local IFS=' ' tornums=`$ktorrent getTorrentNumbers $1` unset IFS if [ "x$tornums" = "x" ]; then echo "No Torrents of the Selected Type Are Loaded" return 1 fi clear if (( $1 == 1 )); then echo "Downloads:" fi if (( $1 == 2 )); then echo "Seeds:" fi if (( $1 == 3 )); then echo "All Torrents:" fi unset torns for A in $tornums; do torns="$torns $A" done local IFS=' ' torinfo=( `for A in $torns; do echo $A done|$ktorrentp getTorrentInfo %1|sed s/^$/-/` ) filecounts=( `for A in $torns; do echo $A done|$ktorrentp getFileCount %1` ) unset IFS i=0 for A in $tornums; do let tors[$A]=$i/13 echo "$A. ${torinfo[$i]:0:40} (${torinfo[$i+1]:0:32})" echo -n "Size:${torinfo[$i+3]} (Have ${torinfo[$i+9]}) " echo -n "Time Left:${torinfo[$i+7]} " echo "Peers: ${torinfo[$i+8]}" echo -n "Seeders: ${torinfo[$i+11]} Leechers: ${torinfo[$i+12]} " echo "Share Ratio: ${torinfo[$i+10]} " echo -n "DL:${torinfo[$i+2]} DL Rate:${torinfo[$i+5]} " echo "UL:${torinfo[$i+4]} UL Rate:${torinfo[$i+6]} " echo let i=$i+13 done echo -n "Type a torrent's number or press enter to go back to the main menu:" read -p " " command unset tornum if [ "x$command" = "x" ]; then return fi for A in $tornums; do if [ "x$command" = "x$A" ]; then tornum=$A break fi done if [ "x$tornum" != "x" ]; then tormenu if [ "x$?" = "x1" ]; then return fi fi done } settings () { while true; do local IFS=' ' ints=( `$ktorrent intSettings` ); ints[7]=`$ktorrent dataDir` unset IFS clear echo "Current Settings: " echo "Max Downloads: ${ints[0]}" echo "Max Seeds: ${ints[1]}" echo "Max Connections Per Download: ${ints[2]}" echo "Max Upload Speed: ${ints[3]}" echo "Max Download Speed: ${ints[4]}" echo "Keep Seeding When Complete: ${ints[5]}" echo "Show System Tray Icon: ${ints[6]}" echo "Temporary Data Dir: ${ints[7]}" echo echo "Change Settings" select name in 'Set Max Downloads' 'Set Max Seeds' \ 'Set Keep Seeding When Complete' 'Set Max Upload Speed' 'Set Max Download Speed' \ 'Set Max Connections Per Download' 'Set Show System Tray Icon' \ 'Change Temporary Data Dir' 'Back to Main Menu' 'Quit'; do case "$REPLY" in "1") read -p "How many downloads? " maxdown $ktorrent setMaxDownloads $maxdown break ;; "2") read -p "How many seeds? " maxseeds $ktorrent setMaxSeeds $maxseeds break ;; "3") read -p "Keep Seeding After downloading? 0 for no, 1 for yes: " ks $ktorrent setKeepSeeding $ks break ;; "4") read -p "Max Upload Speed in K/s: " ulspeed $ktorrent setMaxUploadSpeed $ulspeed break ;; "5") read -p "Max Download Speed in K/s: " dlspeed $ktorrent setMaxDownloadSpeed $dlspeed break ;; "6") read -p "Max Connections Per Download: " conn $ktorrent setMaxConnectionsPerDownload $conn break ;; "7") read -p "Show the System Tray Icon? 0 for no, 1 for yes: " st $ktorrent setShowSysTray $st break ;; "8") read -p "Enter full path to new temp data directory: " ddpath $ktorrent changeDataDir "$ddpath" break ;; "9") return ;; "10") exit 0 ;; esac done done } about () { clear echo "This script uses KDE's DCOP interface to control a running instance of KTorrent." echo "It uses the console DCOP client, dcop, to connect. It organizes the features of and" echo "simplifies the use of this interface. It is intended to be used as a replacement for" echo "a true console BitTorrent client for KTorrent users. It was written by Adam Forsyth." echo echo "Hint: pressing enter at most menus will redisplay the menu choices." echo "Press enter to go back to the main menu." read } mainmenu () { local IFS=' ' info=( `$ktorrent getInfo` ) unset IFS clear echo "Totals:" echo "${info[0]}" echo "${info[1]}" echo "${info[2]}" select name in 'List All Torrents' 'List Seeds' 'List Downloads' 'Start All' 'Stop All' \ 'Load a Torrent' 'Change Settings' 'Redisplay Totals & Menu' 'About this Script' 'Quit'; do case "$REPLY" in "1"|"2"|"3") let A=4-$REPLY torlist $A if (( $? == 1 )); then continue fi return ;; "4") echo "Enter 1 to start downloads, 2 to start seeds, 3 to start all: " read starttype $ktorrent startAll $starttype echo "Torrents of type $starttype Started" ;; "5") echo "Enter 1 to stop downloads, 2 to stop seeds, 3 to stop all: " read stoptype $ktorrent stopAll $stoptype echo "Torrents of type $stoptype Stopped" ;; "6") read -p "Enter full path to the torrent: " tpath $ktorrent openTorrentSilently "$tpath" echo "$tpath added" ;; "7") settings return ;; "8") return ;; "9") about return ;; "10") exit 0 ;; esac done } init () { if ! which dcop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then echo "The dcop command line client cannot be found" exit 1 fi dcop="dcop" ktorrents=( `$dcop 2>/dev/null` ) if (( $? != 0 )); then echo "Looking for DCOP servers..." local IFS=' ' usernms=( `ps -C dcopserver --no-heading -o user` ) unset IFS if (( ${#usernms[*]} == 0 )); then echo "There is no DCOP server running." exit 1 fi echo "Found a DCOP server." usernm=${usernms[0]} if (( ${#usernms[*]} > 1 )); then echo "Which user's DCOP server do you wish to connect to?" select usernm in ${usernms[*]}; do break done fi local IFS=' ' sessnms=( `dcop --user $usernm --list-sessions | tail -n +2 | head -n -1` ) unset IFS if (( ${#sessnms[*]} == 0 )); then echo "Found no session." exit 1 fi echo "Found a DCOP session." sessnm=${sessnms[0]} if (( ${#sessnms[*]} > 1 )); then echo "Which session of the user's DCOP server do you wish to connect to?" select sessnm in ${sessnms[*]}; do break done fi dcop="dcop --user $usernm --session $sessnm" ktorrents=( `$dcop 2>/dev/null` ) if (( $? != 0 )); then echo "Cannot connect to the DCOP server." exit 1 fi fi echo "Connected to a DCOP server." unset ktorrentid for A in ${ktorrents[*]}; do if [ "x${A:0:8}" = "xktorrent" ]; then ktorrentid=$A echo "Found KTorrent." break fi done if [ "x$ktorrentid" = "x" ]; then echo "KTorrent is not running in the KDE session for this DCOP server." echo "You can start KTorrent with something like \"ktorrent --display :0\"" echo "while logged in as a user who has KDE running." exit 1 fi dcops=( $dcop ) dcop=${dcops[0]} for A in ${dcops[*]:1}; do dcop="$dcop $A" done ktorrent="$dcop $ktorrentid KTorrent" ktorrentp="$dcop --pipe $ktorrentid KTorrent" } init while true; do mainmenu done