*** KVIrc Style Tips ***

[Dialog Windows]
- Title should be like "Choose a Script File", not "Choose a script file".
- For any non-modal dialogs (config ones, etc.), the name should have " - KVIrc"
  at the end. This also applies to wizards and file selection dialogs.

- Menus have specific locations in menubars, see KDE style guide.

- Menu item text be like "An Item", not "An item"
- Common items are:
  "Cu&t" "&Copy" "&Paste" "Clear" "&Open..." "&Save As..."
- Items that open a dialog or otherwise require confirmation or additional
  information should have "..." immediately following their text (no spaces).

[Selector Widgets]
- bool selector labels should be like "Enable debug output"
- string/file path/integer selectors should have labels with a colon ":" at the   end, e.g. "Comment:"
- QGroupBox text should be like "Use Filtering For".
- Config selector tooltips should have "<center></center>", and end each
  sentence with a fullstop (period). There should be few <br> except for
  separating sections.

- Button text should be like "A Button", not "A button".
- Common labels are:
  "&OK" "&Apply" "Cancel" "&New" "&Add..." "Re&move" "&Close" "&Browse..."
- Button QToolTips should be a description of its function, and
ending with a fullstop (period):
  "Accept all changes, and close this dialog."
  "Kill the current user." ("Kill", not "Kills")
- OR if the button has no text, the tooltip should be the *label text*.
- Buttons are best in a QHBox.
- Try to keep names short.

* For further reference, see the KDE Style Guide (google for it).