#ifndef _KVI_CONFIG_H_INCLUDED_ #define _KVI_CONFIG_H_INCLUDED_ //============================================================================= // // File : kvi_config.h (/usr/build/NEW_kvirc/kvirc/kvilib/kvi_config.h) // Last major modification : Thu Jan 14 1999 18:01:22 by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //============================================================================= #include "kvi_string.h" #include "kvi_settings.h" #include "kvi_heapobject.h" #include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h" #include "kvi_valuelist.h" #include <tqcolor.h> #include <tqfont.h> #include <tqrect.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #define KVI_CONFIG_DEFAULT_GROUP "KVIrc" class KviPixmap; class KviMsgType; typedef KviPointerHashTable<TQString,TQString> KviConfigGroup; typedef KviPointerHashTableIterator<TQString,TQString> KviConfigGroupIterator; typedef KviPointerHashTableIterator<TQString,KviConfigGroup> KviConfigIterator; class KVILIB_API KviConfig : public KviHeapObject { public: enum FileMode { Read = 1 , Write = 2 , ReadWrite = 3 }; public: KviConfig(const TQString &filename,FileMode f/* = ReadWrite*/,bool bLocal8Bit = false); KviConfig(const char *filename,FileMode f/* = ReadWrite*/,bool bLocal8Bit = false); ~KviConfig(); private: bool m_bLocal8Bit; KviPointerHashTable<TQString,KviConfigGroup> * m_pDict; TQString m_szFileName; bool m_bDirty; TQString m_szStrBuffer; TQString m_szGroup; bool m_bPreserveEmptyGroups; bool m_bReadOnly; private: bool load(); bool save(); KviConfigGroup * getCurrentGroup(); public: // // Useful when saving... // Normally this class does not save empty groups // and setGroup() is never a config modification. // If the group is not existing it will be effectively // created only at the first attempt to read from it or write to it. // With this flag set to true the KviConfig class will // write down also the empty groups , and calls to setGroup() // will create the groups if not existing yet (and set the config data // as modified). // void preserveEmptyGroups(bool bPreserve){ m_bPreserveEmptyGroups = bPreserve; }; const TQString & fileName(){ return m_szFileName; }; bool readOnly(){ return m_bReadOnly; }; void setReadOnly(bool bReadOnly){ m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; }; bool dirty(){ return m_bDirty; }; // // This sets the save path for the config file // In this way you can load a system-wide read-only config file // as default configuration, alter its settings and save it to the // user local configuration directory void setSavePath(const TQString & savePath){ m_szFileName = savePath; }; KviPointerHashTable<TQString,KviConfigGroup> *dict(){ return m_pDict; }; void clearDirtyFlag(){ m_bDirty = false; }; void clear(); void clearGroup(const TQString & szGroup); void clearKey(const TQString & szKey); unsigned int groupsCount(){ return m_pDict->count(); }; bool sync(){ return save(); }; bool hasKey(const TQString & szKey); bool hasGroup(const TQString & szGroup); void setGroup(const TQString & szGroup); //void getContentsString(KviStr &buffer); const TQString & group(){ return m_szGroup; }; void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQString & szValue); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const char * szValue) { writeEntry(szKey,TQString::fromUtf8(szValue)); }; TQString readEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQString & szDefault = TQString()); // HACK for KviOptions.. (FIXME) TQString readKviStrEntry(const TQString &szKey,const KviStr &szDefault) { return readEntry(szKey,szDefault.ptr()); }; //void writeEntry(const char *szKey,KviStr &szValue); //const char * readEntry(const char *szKey,KviStr &szDefault); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const KviPixmap &pixmap); KviPixmap readPixmapEntry(const TQString & szKey,const KviPixmap &pixDef); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const KviMsgType &msg); KviMsgType readMsgTypeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const KviMsgType &msgDef); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQColor &clr); TQColor readColorEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQColor &clr); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,TQFont &fnt); TQFont readFontEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQFont &fnt); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,bool bTrue); bool readBoolEntry(const TQString & szKey,bool bTrue); TQRect readRectEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQRect &rct); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQRect &rct); TQStringList readStringListEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQStringList &list); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQStringList &list); KviValueList<int> readIntListEntry(const TQString & ,const KviValueList<int> &list); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const KviValueList<int> &list); TQString readTQStringEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQString &szDefault = TQString()) { return readEntry(szKey,szDefault); }; //void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,const TQString &szValue); //void writeEntry(const char *szKey,unsigned long lValue); //unsigned long readULongEntry(const char *szKey,unsigned long lDefault); //void writeEntry(const char *szKey,long lValue); //long readLongEntry(const char *szKey,long lDefault); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,int iValue); int readIntEntry(const TQString & szKey,int iDefault); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,unsigned short int usValue); unsigned short int readUShortEntry(const TQString & szKey,unsigned short int usDefault); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,unsigned int iValue); unsigned int readUIntEntry(const TQString & szKey,unsigned int iDefault); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,char iValue); char readCharEntry(const TQString & szKey,char iDefault); void writeEntry(const TQString & szKey,unsigned char iValue); unsigned char readUCharEntry(const TQString & szKey,unsigned char iDefault); static void getFontProperties(KviStr & buffer,TQFont *fnt); static void setFontProperties(KviStr & str,TQFont *fnt); #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS // On windows we need to override new and delete operators // to ensure that always the right new/delete pair is called for an object instance // This bug is present in all the classes exported by a module that // can be instantiated/destroyed from external modules. // (this is a well known bug described in Q122675 of MSDN) void * operator new(size_t tSize); void operator delete(void * p); #endif }; #endif //!_KVI_CONFIG_H_INCLUDED_