#ifndef _KVI_SOCKET_H_ #define _KVI_SOCKET_H_ //============================================================================= // // File : kvi_socket.h // Creation date : Thu Sep 20 03:50:22 2001 GMT by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution // Copyright (C) 2001 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // Socket stuff abstraction layer //============================================================================= #include "kvi_settings.h" #include "kvi_sockettype.h" // <--- this includes <winsock2.h> if needed #include <errno.h> #include "kvi_inttypes.h" //#ifndef _KVI_SOCKET_CPP_ extern KVILIB_API kvi_u64_t g_uOutgoingTraffic; extern KVILIB_API kvi_u64_t g_uIncomingTraffic; //#endif //!_KVI_SOCKET_CPP_ #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS #define KVI_INVALID_SOCKET INVALID_SOCKET #else #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #define KVI_INVALID_SOCKET (-1) #endif #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL // At least solaris seems to not have it #define MSG_NOTQT_SIGNAL 0 #endif //#include "kvi_socketcalls.h" //================================================================================================ // Constants for kvi_socket_create // #define KVI_SOCKET_PF_INET PF_INET #define KVI_SOCKET_PF_INET6 PF_INET6 #define KVI_SOCKET_PF_UNIX PF_UNIX #define KVI_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM SOCK_STREAM #define KVI_SOCKET_TYPE_DGRAM SOCK_DGRAM #define KVI_SOCKET_PROTO_TCP 0 //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_create // kvi_socket_open // // Open a socket of the specified protocol family , type and protocol // You should always use the KVI_SOCKET_* constants as parameters // Returns KVI_INVALID_SOCKET if the socket creation has failed. // The returned socket is in blocking mode! // #define kvi_socket_open kvi_socket_create inline kvi_socket_t kvi_socket_create(int pf,int type,int proto) { return (kvi_socket_t)socket(pf,type,proto); }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_isValid // // Check if a socket is valid or not // inline void kvi_socket_flushTrafficCounters() { g_uOutgoingTraffic = 0; g_uIncomingTraffic = 0; } inline bool kvi_socket_isValid(kvi_socket_t sock) { return (sock != ((kvi_socket_t)(KVI_INVALID_SOCKET))); } //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_destroy // kvi_socket_close // // Close a socket...that's all :) // #define kvi_socket_close kvi_socket_destroy inline void kvi_socket_destroy(kvi_socket_t sock) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS closesocket(sock); #else close(sock); #endif }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_setNonBlocking // // Sets the socket in nonBlocking mode. Obviously returns false in case of failure // inline bool kvi_socket_setNonBlocking(kvi_socket_t sock) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS unsigned long arg = 1; return (ioctlsocket(sock,FIONBIO,(unsigned long FAR *)&arg) == 0); #else return (fcntl(sock,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK) == 0); #endif }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_bind // // Standard bind() call on the socket. Returns false in case of failure // inline bool kvi_socket_bind(kvi_socket_t sock,const struct sockaddr * sa,int salen) { return (::bind(sock,sa,salen) == 0); }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_connect // // Starts a connection to the specified remote address // returns false if the connection can not be started. // You might take a look at kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline bool kvi_socket_connect(kvi_socket_t sock,const struct sockaddr *sa,int salen) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return (WSAConnect(sock,sa,salen,0,0,0,0) == 0); #else return (::connect(sock,sa,salen) == 0); #endif }; inline bool kvi_socket_recoverableConnectError(int err) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return ((err == WSAEINPROGRESS) || (err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)); #else return (err == EINPROGRESS); #endif }; inline bool kvi_socket_recoverableError(int err) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return ((err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) || (err == EINTR) || (err == EAGAIN)); #else return ((err == EINTR) || (err = EAGAIN)); #endif } //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_accept // // Standard accept() call. Returns KVI_INVALID_SOCKET in case of failure // You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline kvi_socket_t kvi_socket_accept(kvi_socket_t sock,struct sockaddr *sa,int * salen) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return (kvi_socket_t)::accept(sock,sa,salen); #else return (kvi_socket_t)::accept(sock,sa,(socklen_t *)salen); #endif }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_listen // // Standard listen() call. Returns false in case of failure // You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline bool kvi_socket_listen(kvi_socket_t sock,int backlog) { return (::listen(sock,backlog) == 0); }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_select // // Standard select() call. This is complex so here is a mini-reminder: // nhpo is the number of the highest file descriptor in the sets plus one! // Returns the number of sockets with data available (or space available) // or something that is less than 0 in case of error. You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline int kvi_socket_select(int nhpo,fd_set *r,fd_set *w,fd_set *e,struct timeval * t) { return ::select(nhpo,r,w,e,t); }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_send // kvi_socket_write // // Standard send() call. On UNIX ignores SIGPIPE. Returns the number of bytes sent or // -1 in case of failure. You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // #define kvi_socket_write kvi_socket_send inline int kvi_socket_send(kvi_socket_t sock,const void * buf,int size) { g_uOutgoingTraffic+=size; #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return ::send(sock,(const char *)buf,size,0); #else return ::send(sock,buf,size,MSG_NOSIGNAL | MSG_DONTWAIT); #endif }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_recv // kvi_socket_read // // Standard read() call. On UNIX ignores SIGPIPE. Returns the number of bytes readed or // -1 in case of failure. You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // #define kvi_socket_read kvi_socket_recv inline int kvi_socket_recv(kvi_socket_t sock,void * buf,int maxlen) { int iReceived; #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS iReceived = ::recv(sock,(char *)buf,maxlen,0); #else iReceived = ::recv(sock,buf,maxlen,MSG_NOSIGNAL); #endif g_uIncomingTraffic+=iReceived; return iReceived; }; //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_getsockopt // // Standard getsockopt() call. Returns false in case of failure. // You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline bool kvi_socket_getsockopt(kvi_socket_t sock,int level,int optname,void *optval,int *optlen) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return (::getsockopt(sock,level,optname,(char FAR *)optval,optlen) == 0); #else return (::getsockopt(sock,level,optname,optval,(socklen_t *)optlen) == 0); #endif } //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_setsockopt // // Standard setsockopt() call. Returns false in case of failure. // You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline bool kvi_socket_setsockopt(kvi_socket_t sock,int level,int optname,const void *optval,int optlen) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return (::setsockopt(sock,level,optname,(char FAR *)optval,optlen) == 0); #else return (::setsockopt(sock,level,optname,optval,optlen) == 0); #endif } //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_disableNagle // // Disables the nagle algorithm (sets TCP_NODELAY) // /* unused for now inline bool kvi_socket_disableNagle(kvi_socket_t sock) { int opt = 1; return kvi_socket_setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,&opt,sizeof(opt)); }; */ //================================================================================================ // kvi_socket_getsockname // // Standard getsockname() call. Returns false in case of failure. // You should check kvi_socket_errno() then. // inline bool kvi_socket_getsockname(kvi_socket_t sock,struct sockaddr * addr,int * addrlen) { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return (::getsockname(sock,addr,addrlen) == 0); #else return (::getsockname(sock,addr,(socklen_t *)addrlen) == 0); #endif } inline int kvi_socket_error() { #ifdef COMPILE_ON_WINDOWS return WSAGetLastError(); #else return errno; #endif } #endif //_KVI_SOCKET_H_