#ifndef _CLASS_SOCKET_H_ #define _CLASS_SOCKET_H_ // // File : class_socket.h // Creation date : Sun Nov 11 03:13:46 2001 GMT by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution // Copyright (C) 2001 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // #include "kvi_socket.h" #include "kvi_pointerlist.h" #include <tqsocketnotifier.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #define KVI_SCRIPT_SOCKET_STATUS_DISCONNECTED 0 #define KVI_SCRIPT_SOCKET_STATUS_DNS 1 #define KVI_SCRIPT_SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTING 2 #define KVI_SCRIPT_SOCKET_STATUS_LISTENING 3 #define KVI_SCRIPT_SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTED 4 class KviDns; class KviDataBuffer; /* class KviScriptSocketObject : public KviScriptObject { Q_OBJECT public: KviScriptSocketObject(KviScriptObjectClass * cla,KviScriptObject * par,const char * nam); virtual ~KviScriptSocketObject(); protected: kvi_socket_t m_sock; int m_iStatus; KviStr m_szRemoteIp; unsigned short int m_uRemotePort; KviStr m_szLocalIp; unsigned short int m_uLocalPort; unsigned int m_uConnectTimeout; TQSocketNotifier * m_pSn; KviDns * m_pDns; TQTimer * m_pDelayTimer; char * m_pInBuffer; unsigned int m_uInBufferLen; unsigned int m_uInDataLen; bool m_bIpV6; unsigned int m_uConnectionId; KviDataBuffer * m_pOutBuffer; TQTimer * m_pFlushTimer; kvi_socket_t m_secondarySock; unsigned short int m_uSecondaryPort; KviStr m_szSecondaryIp; protected: bool functionStatus(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionRemotePort(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionRemoteIp(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionLocalPort(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionLocalIp(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionConnect(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionSetConnectTimeout(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionConnectTimeout(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionClose(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionRead(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionReadHex(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionWrite(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionWriteHex(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionListen(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); bool functionAccept(KviCommand *c,KviParameterList * params,KviStr &buffer); void delayedConnect(); void delayedLookupRemoteIp(); void delayedFlush(unsigned int uTimeout); void eatInData(unsigned int uLen); unsigned int readGetLength(KviParameterList * params); void acceptConnection(kvi_socket_t s,unsigned short int uPort,const char * szIp); void reset(); protected slots: void doConnect(); void lookupRemoteIp(); void lookupDone(KviDns * pDns); void connectTimeout(); void writeNotifierFired(int); void readNotifierFired(int); void tryFlush(); void incomingConnection(int); public: static void registerSelf(); static void unregisterSelf(); }; */ //=============================================================== #include "object_macros.h" class KviKvsObject_socket : public KviKvsObject { Q_OBJECT public: KVSO_DECLARE_OBJECT(KviKvsObject_socket) protected: bool m_bUdp; kvi_socket_t m_sock; int m_iStatus; TQString m_szRemoteIp; // unsigned short int m_uRemotePort; TQString m_szLocalIp; kvi_u32_t m_uLocalPort; unsigned int m_uConnectTimeout; TQSocketNotifier * m_pSn; KviDns * m_pDns; TQTimer * m_pDelayTimer; char * m_pInBuffer; unsigned int m_uInBufferLen; unsigned int m_uInDataLen; bool m_bIpV6; unsigned int m_uConnectionId; kvs_uint_t m_uRemotePort; KviDataBuffer * m_pOutBuffer; TQTimer * m_pFlushTimer; kvi_socket_t m_secondarySock; kvi_u32_t m_uSecondaryPort; TQString m_szSecondaryIp; protected: bool functionStatus(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionRemotePort(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionRemoteIp(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionLocalPort(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionLocalIp(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionConnect(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionSetConnectTimeout(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionConnectTimeout(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionClose(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionRead(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionReadHex(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionWrite(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionWriteHex(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionSetProtocol(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionListen(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); bool functionAccept(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c); void delayedConnect(); void delayedLookupRemoteIp(); void delayedFlush(unsigned int uTimeout); void eatInData(unsigned int uLen); unsigned int readGetLength(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall * params); void acceptConnection(kvi_socket_t s,kvi_u32_t uPort,const char * szIp); void reset(); protected slots: void doConnect(); void lookupRemoteIp(); void lookupDone(KviDns * pDns); void connectTimeout(); void writeNotifierFired(int); void readNotifierFired(int); void tryFlush(); void incomingConnection(int); }; #endif //_CLASS_SOCKET_H_