//================================================================================== // // File : libkvisharedfileswindow.cpp // Creation date : Mon Apr 21 2003 23:14:12 CEST by Szymon Stefanek // // Copyright (C) 2003 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //================================================================================== #include "kvi_module.h" #include "sharedfileswindow.h" #include "kvi_app.h" #include "kvi_frame.h" #include "kvi_window.h" #include "kvi_locale.h" #include "kvi_iconmanager.h" #include #define KVI_SHARED_FILES_WINDOW_EXTENSION_NAME "Shared files window extension" KviSharedFilesWindow * g_pSharedFilesWindow = 0; static KviModuleExtension * sharedfileswindow_extension_alloc(KviModuleExtensionAllocStruct * s) { bool bCreateMinimized = false; bool bNoRaise = false; if(!g_pSharedFilesWindow) { if(s->pParams) { if(TQVariant * v = s->pParams->tqfind("bCreateMinimized")) { if(v->isValid()) { if(v->type() == TQVariant::Bool) { bCreateMinimized = v->toBool(); } } } } g_pSharedFilesWindow = new KviSharedFilesWindow(s->pDescriptor,g_pFrame); g_pFrame->addWindow(g_pSharedFilesWindow,!bCreateMinimized); if(bCreateMinimized)g_pSharedFilesWindow->minimize(); return g_pSharedFilesWindow; } if(s->pParams) { if(TQVariant * v = s->pParams->tqfind("bNoRaise")) { if(v) { if(v->isValid() && v->type() == TQVariant::Bool) bNoRaise = v->toBool(); } } } if(!bNoRaise)g_pSharedFilesWindow->delayedAutoRaise(); return g_pSharedFilesWindow; } /* @doc: sharedfileswindow.open @type: command @title: sharedfileswindow.open @short: Opens the shared files window @syntax: sharedfileswindow.open [-m] [-n] @switches: !sw: -m Causes the window to be created as minimized !sw: -n Causes the window to be not raised if already open @description: Opens the shared files window */ static bool sharedfileswindow_kvs_cmd_open(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c) { KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * d = c->module()->findExtensionDescriptor("tool",KVI_SHARED_FILES_WINDOW_EXTENSION_NAME); if(d) { KviPointerHashTable dict(17,true); dict.setAutoDelete(true); dict.tqreplace("bCreateMinimized",new TQVariant(c->hasSwitch('m',"minimized"))); dict.tqreplace("bNoRaise",new TQVariant(c->hasSwitch('n',"noraise"))); d->allocate(c->window(),&dict,0); } else { c->warning("Ops.. internal error"); } return true; } static bool sharedfileswindow_module_init(KviModule * m) { KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * d = m->registerExtension("tool", KVI_SHARED_FILES_WINDOW_EXTENSION_NAME, __tr2qs_ctx("Manage S&hared Files","sharedfileswindow"), sharedfileswindow_extension_alloc); if(d)d->setIcon(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_SHAREDFILES))); KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m,"open",sharedfileswindow_kvs_cmd_open); return true; } static bool sharedfileswindow_module_cleanup(KviModule *m) { if(g_pSharedFilesWindow) { delete g_pSharedFilesWindow; g_pSharedFilesWindow = 0; } return true; } static bool sharedfileswindow_module_can_unload(KviModule *m) { return (!g_pSharedFilesWindow); } KVIRC_MODULE( "SharedFilesWindow", "1.0.0", "Copyright (C) 2003 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)", "Shared files window extension", sharedfileswindow_module_init, sharedfileswindow_module_can_unload, 0, sharedfileswindow_module_cleanup )