How to release kipi & co.
1. Release libkipi
2. Release kipi-plugins

1. Release libkipi
 a) Update release info

    To do that you can use the "prepare_libkipi.rb" script, change the 
    release version ("version" and "version_n" fields) and run it.
    Don't forget to commit your changes :)

 b) Update Changelog
    - to do that use the "" script libkipi oldest-revision-or-date new-release-version
    - edit Changelog and modify the wrong lines (if any)
    - Commit your changes

 c) Build the source tarball
    - use the "release_libkipi.rb"
      edit the script and change the "version" field
      if you're releasing an svn snapshot set "usesvnver" to "yes"
      run it and get libkipiXXX.tar.bz2

 d) Uncompress and test the tarball
    - check if all the files are right in
    - check if the file RELEASE.rev is in and with the right revision number
    - check if it builds correctly.

 e) Upload tarball for testing 
    Before an official release upload the tarball for testing used sites are or - depends 
    on who is releasing :)
    Send a mail to and to have a 
    feedback from pakagers before posting an offical release annoucement.

  f) Upload tarbal on SF and update kipi site
     official site for uploading the release is
     web page to be update is
     to update this last you have to get, change and commit it from
     Send a mail to announce the official release.

2. Release kipi-plugins
 a) Update release info

    To do that you can use the "prepare_kipiplugins.rb" script, change the 
    release version ("version" field) and run it.
    Don't forget to commit your changes.

 b) Update Changelog
    - to do that use the "" script kipi-plugins oldest-revision-or-date new-release-version
    - edit Changelog and modify the wrong lines (if any)
    - Commit your changes

 c) Build the source tarball
    - use the "release_kipi-plugins.rb"
      edit the script and change the "version" field and check the "addPo" one for po files
      if you're releasing an svn snapshot set "usesvnver" to "yes"
      run it and get kipi-pluginsXXX.tar.bz2

 d) Uncompress and test the tarball
    - check if all the files are right in
    - check if the file RELEASE.rev is in and with the right revision number
    - check if it builds correctly.

 e) Upload tarball for testing 
    Before an official release upload the tarball for testing used sites are or - depends 
    on who is releasing :)
    Send a mail to and to have a 
    feedback from pakagers before posting an offical release annoucement.

  f) Upload tarbal on SF and update kipi site
     official site for uploading the release is
     web page to be update is
     to update this last you have to get, change and commit it from
     Send a mail to announce the official release.