/* Generic functions for reading XCF files * * Copyright (C) 2006 Henning Makholm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "xcftools.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ICONV # include #endif uint8_t *xcf_file = 0 ; size_t xcf_length ; int use_utf8 = 0 ; uint32_t xcfOffset(uint32_t addr,int spaceafter) { uint32_t apparent ; xcfCheckspace(addr,4,"(xcfOffset)"); apparent = xcfL(addr); xcfCheckspace(apparent,spaceafter, "Too large offset (%" PRIX32 ") at position %" PRIX32, apparent,addr); return apparent ; } int xcfNextprop(uint32_t *master,uint32_t *body) { uint32_t ptr, length, total, minlength ; PropType type ; ptr = *master ; xcfCheckspace(ptr,8,"(property header)"); type = xcfL(ptr); length = xcfL(ptr+4); *body = ptr+8 ; switch(type) { case PROP_COLORMAP: { uint32_t ncolors ; xcfCheckspace(ptr+8,4,"(colormap length)"); ncolors = xcfL(ptr+8) ; if( ncolors > 256 ) FatalBadXCF("Colormap has %" PRIu32 " entries",ncolors); /* Surprise! Some older verion of the Gimp computed the wrong length * word, and the _reader_ always just reads three bytes per color * and ignores the length tag! Duplicate this so we too can read * the buggy XCF files. */ length = minlength = 4+3*ncolors; break; } case PROP_COMPRESSION: minlength = 1; break; case PROP_OPACITY: minlength = 4; break; case PROP_APPLY_MASK: minlength = 4; break; case PROP_OFFSETS: minlength = 8; break; case PROP_MODE: minlength = 4; break; default: minlength = 0; break; } if( length < minlength ) FatalBadXCF("Short %s property at %" PRIX32 " (%" PRIu32 "<%" PRIu32 ")", showPropType(type),ptr,length,minlength); *master = ptr+8+length ; total = 8 + length + (type != PROP_END ? 8 : 0) ; if( total < length ) /* Check overwrap */ FatalBadXCF("Overlong property at %" PRIX32, ptr); xcfCheckspace(ptr,total,"Overlong property at %" PRIX32,ptr) ; return type ; } const char* xcfString(uint32_t ptr,uint32_t *after) { uint32_t length ; unsigned i ; const char *utf8master ; xcfCheckspace(ptr,4,"(string length)"); length = xcfL(ptr) ; ptr += 4 ; xcfCheckspace(ptr,length,"(string)"); utf8master = (const char*)(xcf_file+ptr) ; if( after ) *after = ptr + length ; if( length == 0 || utf8master[length-1] != 0 ) FatalBadXCF("String at %" PRIX32 " not zero-terminated",ptr-4); length-- ; if( use_utf8 ) return utf8master ; /* We assume that the local character set includes ASCII... * Check if conversion is needed at all */ for( i=0 ; ; i++ ) { if( i == length ) return utf8master ; /* Only ASCII after all */ if( utf8master[i] == 0 ) FatalBadXCF("String at %" PRIX32 " has embedded zeroes",ptr-4); if( (int8_t) utf8master[i] < 0 ) break ; } #ifdef HAVE_ICONV { size_t targetsize = length+1 ; int sloppy_translation = 0 ; iconv_t cd = iconv_open("//TRANSLIT","UTF-8"); if( cd == (iconv_t) -1 ) { cd = iconv_open("","UTF-8"); sloppy_translation = 1 ; } if( cd == (iconv_t) -1 ) iconv_close(cd) ; /* Give up; perhaps iconv doesn't know UTF-8 */ else while(1) { char *buffer = xcfmalloc(targetsize) ; const char *inbuf = utf8master ; char *outbuf = buffer ; size_t incount = length ; size_t outcount = targetsize ; while(1) { /* Loop for systems without //ICONV support */ size_t result = iconv(cd,&inbuf,&incount,&outbuf,&outcount) ; if( result == (size_t)-1 && errno == EILSEQ && sloppy_translation && outcount > 0 ) { *outbuf++ = '?' ; outcount-- ; while( (int8_t)*inbuf < 0 ) inbuf++, incount-- ; continue ; } if( result != (size_t)-1 ) { if( outcount == 0 ) errno = E2BIG ; else { *outbuf = 0 ; iconv_close(cd) ; return buffer ; } } break ; } if( errno == EILSEQ || errno == EINVAL ) FatalBadXCF("Bad UTF-8 encoding '%s' at %" PRIXPTR, inbuf,(uintptr_t)((inbuf-utf8master)+ptr)); if( errno == E2BIG ) { targetsize += 1+incount ; xcffree(buffer) ; continue ; } FatalUnexpected("!iconv on layer name at %"PRIX32,ptr); } } #endif { static int warned = 0 ; if( !warned ) { fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: one or more layer names could not be\n" " translated to the local character set.\n")); warned = 1 ; } } return utf8master ; } /* ****************************************************************** */ void computeDimensions(struct tileDimensions *d) { d->c.r = d->c.l + d->width ; d->c.b = d->c.t + d->height ; d->tilesx = (d->width+TILE_WIDTH-1)/TILE_WIDTH ; d->tilesy = (d->height+TILE_HEIGHT-1)/TILE_HEIGHT ; d->ntiles = d->tilesx * d->tilesy ; } struct xcfImage XCF ; void getBasicXcfInfo(void) { uint32_t ptr, data, layerfile ; PropType type ; int i ; xcfCheckspace(0,14+7*4,"(very short)"); if( strcmp((char*)xcf_file,"gimp xcf file") == 0 ) XCF.version = 0 ; else if( xcf_file[13] == 0 && sscanf((char*)xcf_file,"gimp xcf v%d",&XCF.version) == 1 ) ; else FatalBadXCF(_("Not an XCF file at all (magic not recognized)")); if( XCF.version < 0 || XCF.version > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: XCF version %d not supported (trying anyway...)\n"), XCF.version); } XCF.compression = COMPRESS_NONE ; XCF.colormapptr = 0 ; ptr = 14 ; XCF.width = xcfL(ptr); ptr += 4 ; XCF.height = xcfL(ptr); ptr += 4 ; XCF.type = xcfL(ptr); ptr += 4 ; while( (type = xcfNextprop(&ptr,&data)) != PROP_END ) { switch(type) { case PROP_COLORMAP: XCF.colormapptr = data ; break ; case PROP_COMPRESSION: XCF.compression = xcf_file[data] ; break ; default: /* Ignore unknown properties */ break ; } } layerfile = ptr ; for( XCF.numLayers = 0 ; xcfOffset(ptr,8*4) ; XCF.numLayers++, ptr+=4 ) ; XCF.layers = xcfmalloc(XCF.numLayers * sizeof(struct xcfLayer)) ; for( i = 0 ; i < XCF.numLayers ; i++ ) { struct xcfLayer *L = XCF.layers + i ; ptr = xcfL(layerfile+4*(XCF.numLayers-1-i)) ; L->mode = GIMP_NORMAL_MODE ; L->opacity = 255 ; L->isVisible = 1 ; L->hasMask = 0 ; L->dim.width = xcfL(ptr); ptr+=4 ; L->dim.height = xcfL(ptr); ptr+=4 ; L->type = xcfL(ptr); ptr+=4 ; L->name = xcfString(ptr,&ptr); L->propptr = ptr ; while( (type = xcfNextprop(&ptr,&data)) != PROP_END ) { switch(type) { case PROP_OPACITY: L->opacity = xcfL(data); if( L->opacity > 255 ) L->opacity = 255 ; break ; case PROP_VISIBLE: L->isVisible = xcfL(data) != 0 ; break ; case PROP_APPLY_MASK: L->hasMask = xcfL(data) != 0 ; break ; case PROP_OFFSETS: L->dim.c.l = (int32_t)(xcfL(data )) ; L->dim.c.t = (int32_t)(xcfL(data+4)) ; break ; case PROP_MODE: L->mode = xcfL(data); break ; default: /* Ignore unknown properties */ break ; } } xcfCheckspace(ptr,8,"(end of layer %s)",L->name); L->pixels.tileptrs = 0 ; L->pixels.hierarchy = xcfOffset(ptr ,4*4); L->mask.tileptrs = 0 ; L->mask.hierarchy = xcfOffset(ptr+4,4*4); computeDimensions(&L->dim); } }