#include <stdio.h> #include "rfb.h" #include "keysym.h" #ifndef ALLOW24BPP #error "I need the ALLOW24BPP flag to work" #endif void HandleKey(Bool down,KeySym key,rfbClientPtr cl) { if(down && (key==XK_Escape || key=='q' || key=='Q')) rfbCloseClient(cl); } int main(int argc,char** argv) { FILE* in=stdin; int j,width,height,paddedWidth; char buffer[1024]; rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen; if(argc>1) { in=fopen(argv[1],"rb"); if(!in) { printf("Couldn't find file %s.\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } } fgets(buffer,1024,in); if(strncmp(buffer,"P6",2)) { printf("Not a ppm.\n"); exit(2); } /* skip comments */ do { fgets(buffer,1024,in); } while(buffer[0]=='#'); /* get width & height */ sscanf(buffer,"%d %d",&width,&height); fprintf(stderr,"Got width %d and height %d.\n",width,height); fgets(buffer,1024,in); /* vncviewers have problems with widths which are no multiple of 4. */ paddedWidth = width; /* if your vncviewer doesn't have problems with a width which is not a multiple of 4, you can comment this. */ if(width&3) paddedWidth+=4-(width&3); /* initialize data for vnc server */ rfbScreen = rfbGetScreen(&argc,argv,paddedWidth,height,8,3,3); if(argc>1) rfbScreen->desktopName = argv[1]; else rfbScreen->desktopName = "Picture"; rfbScreen->rfbAlwaysShared = TRUE; rfbScreen->kbdAddEvent = HandleKey; /* enable http */ rfbScreen->httpDir = "./classes"; /* allocate picture and read it */ rfbScreen->frameBuffer = (char*)malloc(paddedWidth*3*height); fread(rfbScreen->frameBuffer,width*3,height,in); fclose(in); /* pad to paddedWidth */ if(width != paddedWidth) { int padCount = 3*(paddedWidth - width); for(j=height-1;j>=0;j--) { memmove(rfbScreen->frameBuffer+3*paddedWidth*j, rfbScreen->frameBuffer+3*width*j, 3*width); memset(rfbScreen->frameBuffer+3*paddedWidth*(j+1)-padCount, 0,padCount); } } /* initialize server */ rfbInitServer(rfbScreen); /* run event loop */ rfbRunEventLoop(rfbScreen,40000,FALSE); return(0); }