/* * Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ /* * vncviewer.c - the Xt-based VNC viewer. */ #ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__ #define _BSD_SOURCE #define _POSIX_SOURCE #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <rfb/rfbclient.h> #include "tls.h" static void Dummy(rfbClient* client) { } static rfbBool DummyPoint(rfbClient* client, int x, int y) { return TRUE; } static void DummyRect(rfbClient* client, int x, int y, int w, int h) { } #ifdef __MINGW32__ static char* NoPassword(rfbClient* client) { return strdup(""); } #undef SOCKET #include <winsock2.h> #define close closesocket #else #include <stdio.h> #include <termios.h> #endif static char* ReadPassword(rfbClient* client) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ /* FIXME */ rfbClientErr("ReadPassword on MinGW32 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n"); return NoPassword(client); #else int i; char* p=malloc(9); struct termios save,noecho; p[0]=0; if(tcgetattr(fileno(stdin),&save)!=0) return p; noecho=save; noecho.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; if(tcsetattr(fileno(stdin),TCSAFLUSH,&noecho)!=0) return p; fprintf(stderr,"Password: "); i=0; while(1) { int c=fgetc(stdin); if(c=='\n') break; if(i<8) { p[i]=c; i++; p[i]=0; } } tcsetattr(fileno(stdin),TCSAFLUSH,&save); return p; #endif } static rfbBool MallocFrameBuffer(rfbClient* client) { if(client->frameBuffer) free(client->frameBuffer); client->frameBuffer=malloc(client->width*client->height*client->format.bitsPerPixel/8); return client->frameBuffer?TRUE:FALSE; } static void initAppData(AppData* data) { data->shareDesktop=TRUE; data->viewOnly=FALSE; data->encodingsString="tight zrle ultra copyrect hextile zlib corre rre raw"; data->useBGR233=FALSE; data->nColours=0; data->forceOwnCmap=FALSE; data->forceTrueColour=FALSE; data->requestedDepth=0; data->compressLevel=3; data->qualityLevel=5; #ifdef LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBJPEG data->enableJPEG=TRUE; #else data->enableJPEG=FALSE; #endif data->useRemoteCursor=FALSE; } rfbClient* rfbGetClient(int bitsPerSample,int samplesPerPixel, int bytesPerPixel) { rfbClient* client=(rfbClient*)calloc(sizeof(rfbClient),1); if(!client) { rfbClientErr("Couldn't allocate client structure!\n"); return NULL; } initAppData(&client->appData); client->endianTest = 1; client->programName=""; client->serverHost=strdup(""); client->serverPort=5900; client->CurrentKeyboardLedState = 0; client->HandleKeyboardLedState = (HandleKeyboardLedStateProc)DummyPoint; /* default: use complete frame buffer */ client->updateRect.x = -1; client->format.bitsPerPixel = bytesPerPixel*8; client->format.depth = bitsPerSample*samplesPerPixel; client->appData.requestedDepth=client->format.depth; client->format.bigEndian = *(char *)&client->endianTest?FALSE:TRUE; client->format.trueColour = TRUE; if (client->format.bitsPerPixel == 8) { client->format.redMax = 7; client->format.greenMax = 7; client->format.blueMax = 3; client->format.redShift = 0; client->format.greenShift = 3; client->format.blueShift = 6; } else { client->format.redMax = (1 << bitsPerSample) - 1; client->format.greenMax = (1 << bitsPerSample) - 1; client->format.blueMax = (1 << bitsPerSample) - 1; if(!client->format.bigEndian) { client->format.redShift = 0; client->format.greenShift = bitsPerSample; client->format.blueShift = bitsPerSample * 2; } else { if(client->format.bitsPerPixel==8*3) { client->format.redShift = bitsPerSample*2; client->format.greenShift = bitsPerSample*1; client->format.blueShift = 0; } else { client->format.redShift = bitsPerSample*3; client->format.greenShift = bitsPerSample*2; client->format.blueShift = bitsPerSample; } } } client->bufoutptr=client->buf; client->buffered=0; #ifdef LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBZ client->raw_buffer_size = -1; client->decompStreamInited = FALSE; #ifdef LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBJPEG memset(client->zlibStreamActive,0,sizeof(rfbBool)*4); client->jpegSrcManager = NULL; #endif #endif client->HandleCursorPos = DummyPoint; client->SoftCursorLockArea = DummyRect; client->SoftCursorUnlockScreen = Dummy; client->GotFrameBufferUpdate = DummyRect; client->FinishedFrameBufferUpdate = NULL; client->GetPassword = ReadPassword; client->MallocFrameBuffer = MallocFrameBuffer; client->Bell = Dummy; client->CurrentKeyboardLedState = 0; client->HandleKeyboardLedState = (HandleKeyboardLedStateProc)DummyPoint; client->authScheme = 0; client->subAuthScheme = 0; client->GetCredential = NULL; #ifdef LIBVNCSERVER_WITH_CLIENT_TLS client->tlsSession = NULL; #endif client->sock = -1; client->listenSock = -1; return client; } static rfbBool rfbInitConnection(rfbClient* client) { /* Unless we accepted an incoming connection, make a TCP connection to the given VNC server */ if (!client->listenSpecified) { if (!client->serverHost || !ConnectToRFBServer(client,client->serverHost,client->serverPort)) return FALSE; } /* Initialise the VNC connection, including reading the password */ if (!InitialiseRFBConnection(client)) return FALSE; if (!SetFormatAndEncodings(client)) return FALSE; client->width=client->si.framebufferWidth; client->height=client->si.framebufferHeight; client->MallocFrameBuffer(client); if (client->updateRect.x < 0) { client->updateRect.x = client->updateRect.y = 0; client->updateRect.w = client->width; client->updateRect.h = client->height; } if (client->appData.scaleSetting>1) { if (!SendScaleSetting(client, client->appData.scaleSetting)) return FALSE; if (!SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(client, client->updateRect.x / client->appData.scaleSetting, client->updateRect.y / client->appData.scaleSetting, client->updateRect.w / client->appData.scaleSetting, client->updateRect.h / client->appData.scaleSetting, FALSE)) return FALSE; } else { if (!SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(client, client->updateRect.x, client->updateRect.y, client->updateRect.w, client->updateRect.h, FALSE)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } rfbBool rfbInitClient(rfbClient* client,int* argc,char** argv) { int i,j; if(argv && argc && *argc) { if(client->programName==0) client->programName=argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < *argc; i++) { j = i; if (strcmp(argv[i], "-listen") == 0) { listenForIncomingConnections(client); break; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-listennofork") == 0) { listenForIncomingConnectionsNoFork(client, -1); break; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-play") == 0) { client->serverPort = -1; j++; } else if (i+1<*argc && strcmp(argv[i], "-encodings") == 0) { client->appData.encodingsString = argv[i+1]; j+=2; } else if (i+1<*argc && strcmp(argv[i], "-compress") == 0) { client->appData.compressLevel = atoi(argv[i+1]); j+=2; } else if (i+1<*argc && strcmp(argv[i], "-quality") == 0) { client->appData.qualityLevel = atoi(argv[i+1]); j+=2; } else if (i+1<*argc && strcmp(argv[i], "-scale") == 0) { client->appData.scaleSetting = atoi(argv[i+1]); j+=2; } else { char* colon=strchr(argv[i],':'); if(client->serverHost) free(client->serverHost); if(colon) { client->serverHost=strdup(argv[i]); client->serverHost[(int)(colon-argv[i])]='\0'; client->serverPort=atoi(colon+1); } else { client->serverHost=strdup(argv[i]); } if(client->serverPort>=0 && client->serverPort<5900) client->serverPort+=5900; } /* purge arguments */ if (j>i) { *argc-=j-i; memmove(argv+i,argv+j,(*argc-i)*sizeof(char*)); i--; } } } if(!rfbInitConnection(client)) { rfbClientCleanup(client); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void rfbClientCleanup(rfbClient* client) { #ifdef LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBZ #ifdef LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBJPEG int i; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if (client->zlibStreamActive[i] == TRUE ) { if (inflateEnd (&client->zlibStream[i]) != Z_OK && client->zlibStream[i].msg != NULL) rfbClientLog("inflateEnd: %s\n", client->zlibStream[i].msg); } } if ( client->decompStreamInited == TRUE ) { if (inflateEnd (&client->decompStream) != Z_OK && client->decompStream.msg != NULL) rfbClientLog("inflateEnd: %s\n", client->decompStream.msg ); } if (client->jpegSrcManager) free(client->jpegSrcManager); #endif #endif FreeTLS(client); if (client->sock >= 0) close(client->sock); if (client->listenSock >= 0) close(client->listenSock); free(client->desktopName); free(client->serverHost); free(client); }