/* * rre.c * * Routines to implement Rise-and-Run-length Encoding (RRE). This * code is based on krw's original javatel rfbserver. */ /* * OSXvnc Copyright (C) 2001 Dan McGuirk <mcguirk@incompleteness.net>. * Original Xvnc code Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. * All Rights Reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include <rfb/rfb.h> /* * cl->beforeEncBuf contains pixel data in the client's format. * cl->afterEncBuf contains the RRE encoded version. If the RRE encoded version is * larger than the raw data or if it exceeds cl->afterEncBufSize then * raw encoding is used instead. */ static int subrectEncode8(rfbClientPtr cl, uint8_t *data, int w, int h); static int subrectEncode16(rfbClientPtr cl, uint16_t *data, int w, int h); static int subrectEncode32(rfbClientPtr cl, uint32_t *data, int w, int h); static uint32_t getBgColour(char *data, int size, int bpp); /* * rfbSendRectEncodingRRE - send a given rectangle using RRE encoding. */ rfbBool rfbSendRectEncodingRRE(rfbClientPtr cl, int x, int y, int w, int h) { rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader rect; rfbRREHeader hdr; int nSubrects; int i; char *fbptr = (cl->scaledScreen->frameBuffer + (cl->scaledScreen->paddedWidthInBytes * y) + (x * (cl->scaledScreen->bitsPerPixel / 8))); int maxRawSize = (cl->scaledScreen->width * cl->scaledScreen->height * (cl->format.bitsPerPixel / 8)); if (cl->beforeEncBufSize < maxRawSize) { cl->beforeEncBufSize = maxRawSize; if (cl->beforeEncBuf == NULL) cl->beforeEncBuf = (char *)malloc(cl->beforeEncBufSize); else cl->beforeEncBuf = (char *)realloc(cl->beforeEncBuf, cl->beforeEncBufSize); } if (cl->afterEncBufSize < maxRawSize) { cl->afterEncBufSize = maxRawSize; if (cl->afterEncBuf == NULL) cl->afterEncBuf = (char *)malloc(cl->afterEncBufSize); else cl->afterEncBuf = (char *)realloc(cl->afterEncBuf, cl->afterEncBufSize); } (*cl->translateFn)(cl->translateLookupTable, &(cl->screen->serverFormat), &cl->format, fbptr, cl->beforeEncBuf, cl->scaledScreen->paddedWidthInBytes, w, h); switch (cl->format.bitsPerPixel) { case 8: nSubrects = subrectEncode8(cl, (uint8_t *)cl->beforeEncBuf, w, h); break; case 16: nSubrects = subrectEncode16(cl, (uint16_t *)cl->beforeEncBuf, w, h); break; case 32: nSubrects = subrectEncode32(cl, (uint32_t *)cl->beforeEncBuf, w, h); break; default: rfbLog("getBgColour: bpp %d?\n",cl->format.bitsPerPixel); return FALSE; } if (nSubrects < 0) { /* RRE encoding was too large, use raw */ return rfbSendRectEncodingRaw(cl, x, y, w, h); } rfbStatRecordEncodingSent(cl, rfbEncodingRRE, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader + sz_rfbRREHeader + cl->afterEncBufLen, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader + w * h * (cl->format.bitsPerPixel / 8)); if (cl->ublen + sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader + sz_rfbRREHeader > UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) { if (!rfbSendUpdateBuf(cl)) return FALSE; } rect.r.x = Swap16IfLE(x); rect.r.y = Swap16IfLE(y); rect.r.w = Swap16IfLE(w); rect.r.h = Swap16IfLE(h); rect.encoding = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRRE); memcpy(&cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen], (char *)&rect, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader); cl->ublen += sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader; hdr.nSubrects = Swap32IfLE(nSubrects); memcpy(&cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen], (char *)&hdr, sz_rfbRREHeader); cl->ublen += sz_rfbRREHeader; for (i = 0; i < cl->afterEncBufLen;) { int bytesToCopy = UPDATE_BUF_SIZE - cl->ublen; if (i + bytesToCopy > cl->afterEncBufLen) { bytesToCopy = cl->afterEncBufLen - i; } memcpy(&cl->updateBuf[cl->ublen], &cl->afterEncBuf[i], bytesToCopy); cl->ublen += bytesToCopy; i += bytesToCopy; if (cl->ublen == UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) { if (!rfbSendUpdateBuf(cl)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* * subrectEncode() encodes the given multicoloured rectangle as a background * colour overwritten by single-coloured rectangles. It returns the number * of subrectangles in the encoded buffer, or -1 if subrect encoding won't * fit in the buffer. It puts the encoded rectangles in cl->afterEncBuf. The * single-colour rectangle partition is not optimal, but does find the biggest * horizontal or vertical rectangle top-left anchored to each consecutive * coordinate position. * * The coding scheme is simply [<bgcolour><subrect><subrect>...] where each * <subrect> is [<colour><x><y><w><h>]. */ #define DEFINE_SUBRECT_ENCODE(bpp) \ static int \ subrectEncode##bpp(rfbClientPtr client, uint##bpp##_t *data, int w, int h) { \ uint##bpp##_t cl; \ rfbRectangle subrect; \ int x,y; \ int i,j; \ int hx=0,hy,vx=0,vy; \ int hyflag; \ uint##bpp##_t *seg; \ uint##bpp##_t *line; \ int hw,hh,vw,vh; \ int thex,they,thew,theh; \ int numsubs = 0; \ int newLen; \ uint##bpp##_t bg = (uint##bpp##_t)getBgColour((char*)data,w*h,bpp); \ \ *((uint##bpp##_t*)client->afterEncBuf) = bg; \ \ client->afterEncBufLen = (bpp/8); \ \ for (y=0; y<h; y++) { \ line = data+(y*w); \ for (x=0; x<w; x++) { \ if (line[x] != bg) { \ cl = line[x]; \ hy = y-1; \ hyflag = 1; \ for (j=y; j<h; j++) { \ seg = data+(j*w); \ if (seg[x] != cl) {break;} \ i = x; \ while ((seg[i] == cl) && (i < w)) i += 1; \ i -= 1; \ if (j == y) vx = hx = i; \ if (i < vx) vx = i; \ if ((hyflag > 0) && (i >= hx)) {hy += 1;} else {hyflag = 0;} \ } \ vy = j-1; \ \ /* We now have two possible subrects: (x,y,hx,hy) and (x,y,vx,vy) \ * We'll choose the bigger of the two. \ */ \ hw = hx-x+1; \ hh = hy-y+1; \ vw = vx-x+1; \ vh = vy-y+1; \ \ thex = x; \ they = y; \ \ if ((hw*hh) > (vw*vh)) { \ thew = hw; \ theh = hh; \ } else { \ thew = vw; \ theh = vh; \ } \ \ subrect.x = Swap16IfLE(thex); \ subrect.y = Swap16IfLE(they); \ subrect.w = Swap16IfLE(thew); \ subrect.h = Swap16IfLE(theh); \ \ newLen = client->afterEncBufLen + (bpp/8) + sz_rfbRectangle; \ if ((newLen > (w * h * (bpp/8))) || (newLen > client->afterEncBufSize)) \ return -1; \ \ numsubs += 1; \ *((uint##bpp##_t*)(client->afterEncBuf + client->afterEncBufLen)) = cl; \ client->afterEncBufLen += (bpp/8); \ memcpy(&client->afterEncBuf[client->afterEncBufLen],&subrect,sz_rfbRectangle); \ client->afterEncBufLen += sz_rfbRectangle; \ \ /* \ * Now mark the subrect as done. \ */ \ for (j=they; j < (they+theh); j++) { \ for (i=thex; i < (thex+thew); i++) { \ data[j*w+i] = bg; \ } \ } \ } \ } \ } \ \ return numsubs; \ } DEFINE_SUBRECT_ENCODE(8) DEFINE_SUBRECT_ENCODE(16) DEFINE_SUBRECT_ENCODE(32) /* * getBgColour() gets the most prevalent colour in a byte array. */ static uint32_t getBgColour(char *data, int size, int bpp) { #define NUMCLRS 256 static int counts[NUMCLRS]; int i,j,k; int maxcount = 0; uint8_t maxclr = 0; if (bpp != 8) { if (bpp == 16) { return ((uint16_t *)data)[0]; } else if (bpp == 32) { return ((uint32_t *)data)[0]; } else { rfbLog("getBgColour: bpp %d?\n",bpp); return 0; } } for (i=0; i<NUMCLRS; i++) { counts[i] = 0; } for (j=0; j<size; j++) { k = (int)(((uint8_t *)data)[j]); if (k >= NUMCLRS) { rfbErr("getBgColour: unusual colour = %d\n", k); return 0; } counts[k] += 1; if (counts[k] > maxcount) { maxcount = counts[k]; maxclr = ((uint8_t *)data)[j]; } } return maxclr; }