path: root/PerlQt/tutorials/t14/
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-12-18 03:08:08 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-12-18 03:08:08 -0600
commitbcc95cd92ca12c1783464b8ada6816d430dc0e98 (patch)
tree4701c447365db5392df0174b4bb00b5b5c369da4 /PerlQt/tutorials/t14/
Initial import of libqt-perl (not yet TQt compatible)
Diffstat (limited to 'PerlQt/tutorials/t14/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PerlQt/tutorials/t14/ b/PerlQt/tutorials/t14/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05fdbce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PerlQt/tutorials/t14/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+package CannonField;
+use strict;
+use Qt;
+use Qt::isa qw(Qt::Widget);
+use Qt::signals
+ hit => [],
+ missed => [],
+ angleChanged => ['int'],
+ forceChanged => ['int'],
+ canShoot => ['bool'];
+use Qt::slots
+ setAngle => ['int'],
+ setForce => ['int'],
+ shoot => [],
+ moveShot => [],
+ newTarget => [],
+ setGameOver => [],
+ restartGame => [];
+use Qt::attributes qw(
+ ang
+ f
+ timerCount
+ autoShootTimer
+ shoot_ang
+ shoot_f
+ target
+ gameEnded
+ barrelPressed
+use POSIX qw(atan);
+sub angle () { ang }
+sub force () { f }
+sub gameOver () { gameEnded }
+sub NEW {
+ shift->SUPER::NEW(@_);
+ ang = 45;
+ f = 0;
+ timerCount = 0;
+ autoShootTimer = Qt::Timer(this, "movement handler");
+ this->connect(autoShootTimer, SIGNAL('timeout()'), SLOT('moveShot()'));
+ shoot_ang = 0;
+ shoot_f = 0;
+ target = Qt::Point(0, 0);
+ gameEnded = 0;
+ barrelPressed = 0;
+ setPalette(Qt::Palette(Qt::Color(250, 250, 200)));
+ newTarget();
+sub setAngle {
+ my $degrees = shift;
+ $degrees = 5 if $degrees < 5;
+ $degrees = 70 if $degrees > 70;
+ return if ang == $degrees;
+ ang = $degrees;
+ repaint(cannonRect(), 0);
+ emit angleChanged(ang);
+sub setForce {
+ my $newton = shift;
+ $newton = 0 if $newton < 0;
+ return if f == $newton;
+ f = $newton;
+ emit forceChanged(f);
+sub shoot {
+ return if isShooting();
+ timerCount = 0;
+ shoot_ang = ang;
+ shoot_f = f;
+ autoShootTimer->start(50);
+ emit canShoot(0);
+sub newTarget {
+ my $r = Qt::Region(targetRect());
+ target = Qt::Point(200 + int(rand(190)),
+ 10 + int(rand(255)));
+ repaint($r->unite(Qt::Region(targetRect())));
+sub setGameOver {
+ return if gameEnded;
+ autoShootTimer->stop if isShooting();
+ gameEnded = 1;
+ repaint();
+sub restartGame {
+ autoShootTimer->stop if isShooting();
+ gameEnded = 0;
+ repaint();
+ emit canShoot(1);
+sub moveShot {
+ my $r = Qt::Region(shotRect());
+ timerCount++;
+ my $shotR = shotRect();
+ if($shotR->intersects(targetRect())) {
+ autoShootTimer->stop;
+ emit hit();
+ emit canShoot(1);
+ } elsif($shotR->x > width() || $shotR->y > height() ||
+ $shotR->intersects(barrierRect())) {
+ autoShootTimer->stop;
+ emit missed();
+ emit canShoot(1);
+ } else {
+ $r = $r->unite(Qt::Region($shotR));
+ }
+ repaint($r);
+sub mousePressEvent {
+ my $e = shift;
+ return if $e->button != &LeftButton;
+ barrelPressed = 1 if barrelHit($e->pos);
+sub mouseMoveEvent {
+ my $e = shift;
+ return unless barrelPressed;
+ my $pnt = $e->pos;
+ $pnt->setX(1) if $pnt->x <= 0;
+ $pnt->setY(height() - 1) if $pnt->y >= height();
+ my $rad = atan((rect()->bottom - $pnt->y) / $pnt->x);
+ setAngle(int($rad*180/3.14159265));
+sub mouseReleaseEvent {
+ my $e = shift;
+ barrelPressed = 0 if $e->button == &LeftButton;
+sub paintEvent {
+ my $e = shift;
+ my $updateR = $e->rect;
+ my $p = Qt::Painter(this);
+ if(gameEnded) {
+ $p->setPen(&black);
+ $p->setFont(Qt::Font("Courier", 48, &Qt::Font::Bold));
+ $p->drawText(rect(), &AlignCenter, "Game Over");
+ }
+ paintCannon($p) if $updateR->intersects(cannonRect());
+ paintBarrier($p) if $updateR->intersects(barrierRect());
+ paintShot($p) if isShooting() and $updateR->intersects(shotRect());
+ paintTarget($p) if !gameEnded and $updateR->intersects(targetRect());
+sub paintShot {
+ my $p = shift;
+ $p->setBrush(&black);
+ $p->setPen(&NoPen);
+ $p->drawRect(shotRect());
+sub paintTarget {
+ my $p = shift;
+ $p->setBrush(&red);
+ $p->setPen(&black);
+ $p->drawRect(targetRect());
+sub paintBarrier {
+ my $p = shift;
+ $p->setBrush(&yellow);
+ $p->setPen(&black);
+ $p->drawRect(barrierRect());
+my $barrelRect = Qt::Rect(33, -4, 15, 8);
+sub paintCannon {
+ my $p = shift;
+ my $cr = cannonRect();
+ my $pix = Qt::Pixmap($cr->size);
+ $pix->fill(this, $cr->topLeft);
+ my $tmp = Qt::Painter($pix);
+ $tmp->setBrush(&blue);
+ $tmp->setPen(&NoPen);
+ $tmp->translate(0, $pix->height - 1);
+ $tmp->drawPie(Qt::Rect(-35, -35, 70, 70), 0, 90*16);
+ $tmp->rotate(- ang);
+ $tmp->drawRect($barrelRect);
+ $tmp->end;
+ $p->drawPixmap($cr->topLeft, $pix);
+sub cannonRect {
+ my $r = Qt::Rect(0, 0, 50, 50);
+ $r->moveBottomLeft(rect()->bottomLeft);
+ return $r;
+sub shotRect {
+ my $gravity = 4;
+ my $time = timerCount / 4.0;
+ my $velocity = shoot_f;
+ my $radians = shoot_ang*3.14159265/180;
+ my $velx = $velocity*cos($radians);
+ my $vely = $velocity*sin($radians);
+ my $x0 = ($barrelRect->right + 5)*cos($radians);
+ my $y0 = ($barrelRect->right + 5)*sin($radians);
+ my $x = $x0 + $velx*$time;
+ my $y = $y0 + $vely*$time - 0.5*$gravity*$time**2;
+ my $r = Qt::Rect(0, 0, 6, 6);
+ $r->moveCenter(Qt::Point(int($x), height() - 1 - int($y)));
+ return $r;
+sub targetRect {
+ my $r = Qt::Rect(0, 0, 20, 10);
+ $r->moveCenter(Qt::Point(target->x, height() - 1 - target->y));
+ return $r;
+sub barrierRect {
+ return Qt::Rect(145, height() - 100, 15, 100);
+sub barrelHit {
+ my $p = shift;
+ my $mtx = Qt::WMatrix;
+ $mtx->translate(0, height() - 1);
+ $mtx->rotate(- ang);
+ $mtx = $mtx->invert;
+ return $barrelRect->contains($mtx->map($p));
+sub isShooting { autoShootTimer->isActive }
+sub sizeHint { Qt::Size(400, 300) }
+sub sizePolicy {
+ Qt::SizePolicy(&Qt::SizePolicy::Expanding, &Qt::SizePolicy::Expanding);